Getting a straight answer from Palm Coast Mayor David Alfin can sometimes be like an Outward Bound experience. It can be arduous and uncertain. But stick with it long enough and you’ll likely get there. So it is with learning whether Alfin is running for Paul Renner’s seat at the Florida State House in 2024.
It’s a definite maybe, with a more definite answer by the last day of January. What will decide it is whether there are other viable candidates in the running.
“My commitment was to be the mayor of Palm Coast for as many election cycles as the public would have me, which amounts to 11 and a half years,” Alfin said during an interview on a range of subjects this week. He was elected in a special election in July 2021, so his first three years don’t count against his term limit. He still gets to run for two full terms, assuming he wins again.
That if has gotten more pronounced over the past year, which saw Alfin battered by a public unhappy with his successful push to nearly triple council members’ salaries (or quadruple their compensation, when you include health and other benefits). He was sharply criticized, but from a narrower, and more politically motivated, group for not at least symbolically decreasing the tax rate this year. Alfin likes symbolism, but not when it’s pointless.
He was also ridiculed for using Garfield, the cartoon character and briefly a Palm Coast mascot, to illustrate his rationale on this year’s budget. And this month, he surprised some of his supporters by nominating Jill Woolbright, the hard-right reactionary, for the chairmanship of Flagler County’s Republican Executive Committee (she lost, and also lost a bid for vice chair). Alfin is aware of the hits he took, defending each decision in strategic terms.
Remarkably, he sees his nomination of Woolbright as setting a trap that did the community a favor, because he knew the outcome all along. It’s impossible to know whether he’s just rewriting history with the benefit of hindsight. But he insists that he knew what he was doing, even at the risk of sounding Machiavellian.
“So Jill Woolbright has now lost three times,” he said. “So from the party’s standpoint, and from the community’s standpoint, she is now branded as unelectable. It’s no longer an issue.” He added: “Because she will always and forever now be an outlier, which will never interfere with the election process again. That’s what I accomplished.”
He still argues that raising the salaries of council members and the mayor was a victory. It’s less than he sought in terms of base salary, but with benefits, an aspect of the initiative that drew little attention, it’s more than he sought. And he describes his hard stand on the budget in terms of ensuring growth in city administrative staff to handle what has become Alfin’s big pitch for a legacy: his push for development west of U.S. 1, what he loves to call the “frontier.” He keeps a map of it on an easel in his office at City Hall. He talks of it every chance he gets.
And he wraps his interest in running for Renner’s seat in the same terms: it’s for the sake of the frontier.
Renner, now the House speaker, is term-limited. He has his eyes set on something on the order of a cabinet post in a DeSantis administration in Washington. “I don’t think he’s going for attorney general. I think he’ll go, he’ll follow DeSantis,” Alfin said. That’ll create the first open election for the House seat since Renner won it in a special election when Travis Hutson successfully ran for the upper chamber eight years ago. (Hutson is also term-limited. He has no further designs. He says he’s getting out of politics to focus on family and business.)
The Renner seat since redistricting in 2021 is elected from Flagler and St. Johns–60 percent Flagler, 40 percent St. Johns. The votes are in Flagler. The money is in St. Johns, putting any Flagler-based candidate at a disadvantage from the start. Alfin knows of three St. Johns candidates likely in the running. So why would Alfin risk the mayorship of the city he loves, to say nothing of the turmoil his departure might invite? (Whatever else may be said about Alfin’s initiatives, his restoration of civility on the council, despite occasional eruptions from the wings, has been a singular achievement.)
Again, it may take a hike to follow Alfin’s reasoning on why he’s looking at Renner’s seat, but he invites you to follow along—and leaves unexplained another riddle: his other nomination that December night at the REC, of Darrell Boyer, for vice chair, which Boyer won.
Boyer is lining himself up for a run for Renner’s seat, too. So Alfin nominated his potential rival (or co-conspirator, given Alfin’s Machiavellian affinities).
“If I felt that we would lose the seat here and not have a voice from Flagler, I would sit or consider it very carefully and make a firm decision before the end of January. And only because to win that seat, it’s a two-year process. To win St. Johns, it’s a big deal,” Alfin said. “I love the city of Palm Coast without reservation, which is what would drive me to do that. Not because I have interest in that seat, but because that seat will influence the future Palm Coast.”
He speaks of the city’s expansion west, of the narrowest room for error in a process that can happen only once, and that will need state support to be pulled off successfully–such as the three “fly-over” connections to the west side he envisions, one at Matanzas Woods Parkway, one from Palm Coast Parkway, an d one from Whiteview Parkway. All of those would need substantial state funding, as would other infrastructure out west.
But what can a rookie House member do? Or even a House member with two or three terms in? “Sort of like a wannabe realtor that shows up and becomes mayor, Right? What kind of influence can he have? I don’t know,” Alfin says with his broad smile, to make a point. “Not until your second term would you really get much but I got a little juice up there from some some fairly important players. Could it make a big enough difference? I don’t know the answer. So I’m very hopeful that we get that right voice that’s electable from Flagler County.”
Does that set up Council member Ed Danko for mayor of Palm Coast? Alfin, after all, nominated Danko for vice mayor this year, too. “I don’t believe it will. I believe he sets his sights higher than than City Council, for a couple of reasons,” Alfin said. “I think there’s a money issue, which I’m sure you’ve heard about. And I think he actually sees himself going after, like, a Waltz seat.” Mike Waltz is the congressman representing Flagler and other counties. “Politics does weird stuff to some people. Don’t ask me, but yeah, I’ve heard that. I mean, personally, do you see him being satisfied in city council, even as mayor?I don’t see it.”
Would Renner give Alfin his support? “I haven’t asked him,” Alfin said. “Now, do I consider him a friend? The answer is yes, I do. But I do have to separate those two things. And I do separate those two things. But for the next two years he’s the best thing since sliced bread for Palm Coast, and we’ll never see it again. Not in my lifetime anyway.”
Alfin did not seem to have heard the answer to his own riddle: he does not see himself repeating Renner’s rise to the House leadership. But absent that sort of power on behalf of Palm Coast, what’s a mere rank and file House member–with neither Renner’s connections nor his ambition–to do?
One other subject keeps recurring in Alfin’s wrap-up of 2022–not his admission into the University of Florida’s Master of Urban and Regional Planning, a considerable step that also has a lot to do with his frontier fixation, but his fostering the sister-city relationship between Palm Coast and the Gerald R. Ford, the new aircraft carrier.
“I feel that adopting the CVN 78 Gerald R. Ford is an incredible feat. And I am so proud of it because there are five there were 5,200 sailors on board and with all air wings there, 6,100, that makes it twice the size of Flagler Beach,” he said. (Flagler Beach has over 5,000 residents.) “That ship alone will generate so many veterans who now will have some idea of where Palm Coast is, and perhaps come through here and maybe want to live here, work here settle here.”
Perhaps they could settle the frontier.
bob says
I question those that stick a toe in the water and then think they can swim across the ocean.
Charles says
Please tell us this is just a rumor. This guy isn’t qualified to be a Mayor let alone a Senator. He would have to cheat to win.
Nephew Of Uncle Sam says
For what he’s done to Palm Coast so far he might as well run for Renners RepubliCon seat.
Simon says
No Danko! No way!
JustBeNice says
What has he done to improve life for Palm Coasters? Nothing that I can see. I’m a Republican who didn’t vote for him to begin with. If anyone can tell me what positive things he has done please reply. As of right now I won’t be voting for him in ANY election.
James says
Alfin, Danko?… For higher offices beyond Palm Coast?!?
All I can say is those Republican “benches” must REALLY, REALLY be getting thin!
Geri says
Dennis C Rathsam says
Stuff Em in Alvin…. I give him credit, he,s got some big balls! What has he done for Palm Coast? New homes everywhere, traffic out his ass, Streets in need of repair, (big time). Everybody in town see,s how bad its gotten…. Stuff Em in dont care, he sells houses for a living. More people…more houses….more money in his pocket… And now he wants to be a senator???? He,s not qualified to run a Jack in the Box. He screwed us on garbage, he screwed us of our taxes!!!! Wake up Palm Coast, this is your community, this is where you live. Stop ellecting BOZO,S to run your circus… I ment city……..Ya’ll cant be happy with this mess?
bob: Ha, first good statement I heard from you! Bravo!
Alf is delusional with his pipe dreams, he wants this position because he works hand in hand with his developer buddies, he has destroyed Palm Coast in the short time he has been here with his irresponsible growth agenda. He calls West of US1 the frontier?What nerve as he intends to make that area another overdeveloped S@@thole, destroying our fauna and flora, green spaces, driving out whatever is left of our wildlife. This irresponsible walking catastrophe is all about the money, does not care about Palm Coast and our quality of life. Also he is not stupid, he sees a big change with the last couple of elections and he knows that he will not win another election nor will Danko, people are fed up with their nonsense as we were with Mullins nonsense. They need to go just like the rest who were voted out.
Greg says
He should not even be mayor with the Hugh conflict of interest he has. Build everywhere Alfin should resign bri g mayor or head of the realtors association.
David S. says
Thank you sir
Michael Cocchiola says
For a politician, there are always mountains to climb. I wouldn’t sell Mayor Alfin short. He’s had his missteps as do all politicians. But I think most Palm Coasters are satisfied with the overall direction of the city. We’re growing, as we must, yet we still have a small-ish town feel — with the exception of traffic, of course.
I imagine the mayor would be a viable candidate for higher office. But I would also question his sanity should he choose to run. It’s a jungle out there.
Sad says
Great, our idiot real estate Mayor, is shooting the moon, Lill Danko will make a power move, and Alan “I’ve lost 4 elections “ Lowe is going to run for office, again.
MJ says
Hello wake up and read the other above comments.
Alfin has a huge conflict of interest being a realtor and in bed with developer’s
Screwed residents on trash pu contract renewal increase.
Alfin awarded himself and other City Council staff an unheard of salary increase with their PT positions
And our utilities are spse to have a 15% increase too.
City of PC is so in bed with developer’s, none are concerned about existing owner property rights, esp when clearing vacant lots for a new build!
Alfin is not fit for Mayor & definitely not for a Senate seat!
Danko needs to go too.
Carvalho says
Just don’t vote for the clown !!!
Deborah Coffey says
He’s destroying Palm Coast. Republicans, who continually have been taught to vote against their own best interests, will likely support Alfin in taking a shot at destroying Florida. Why not? It’s what they do!
Luna2019 says
Well said!!
Thorny opinion says
Use to be the special interests selected candidates well in advance with a set agenda and defined allegiances. And then the republican committee would push that preordained person to the voters.
However, Ron Desantis is now an overriding power broker and can nominate whomever and that person would have the likely victory.
Considering the out of the way effort to punk Jill woolbright in her candidacy for republican executive committee, one could speculate that the special interests didn’t want woolbright to get in their way if desantis could possibly back her.
The dude says
An even sadder fact… in they actually have a fairly decent chance of succeeding.
Sam says
Voters finally got wise to Mullens they will eventually wise up to this fraud as wel!
Realist says
I certainly will not vote for him. He is an abject failure as mayor.
Charles says
I didn’t vote for him for Mayor, he wasn’t qualified then and isn’t now. He has done NOTHING TO IMPROVE PC.
Celia Pugliese says
With Mayor Alfin (I registered Rep voted for him) , 10 fold development all around us without the vital infrastructure in place first.
His distorted vision of the West of Rte 1 Frontier expansion when our existing roads need re pavement and traffic calming items to preserve the lives and health of their road front residents {Florida Park Drive 9000 vehicles a day clamor for 15 years} and also a much needed Cimarron sidewalk begged by just late Al Krieg without success so far. He approves and louds DeLorenzo the biggest conflict of interest community development and chief of staff when he should have been fired for his media disrespectful reference of Steven Carr our elderly military veteran enduring their worthless city council long meetings asking for traffic and toxic fumes calming solutions for all in FPD. He voted down the two traffic calming islands prior approved by Milissa Holland. He was instrumental with DeLorenzo to end the Green Lion beloved restaurant that helped to revive our PHGC. Both ended our excellent Waste Pro collection service to give the contract to a foreign owned contractor when 68% of the residents wanted them to stay by survey. He refuses to have traffic calming methods like speed humps and other types suggested to him by many affected residents because in his daily trips from his Sanctuary area horse acreage home to city hall probably does not want to be bothered by those. He decided to support and approve 150 ft tall 5G cell towers on small PSP parcels 160 feet from our homes for profit, violating our own city charter forcing us to hire and spend again on attorney to oppose it hopefully successfully like we, Protect Palm Coast did in 2021 one inside the PHGC. Under him our utility rates went thru the roof…and in our last hurricanes he decided other than Waste Pro contracted to have the city public works (with insufficient personnel and equipment) to collect the huge roads and yards debris that took over a month to complete damaging the sod in many homes lawns and right of ways…I still see two piles uncollected still in Club House Drive right of way in front of the Brookdale Nursing home…unthinkable! He manages our city like the Romans managed their empire expanding, expanding now west for developers profit and in our backs neglecting our existing residential areas and roads maintenance and crowding our decaying utilities currently bursting at the seems. The latest the approval of transfer of some public right of way feet to The Katz building parking and now for another gas station Wawa one block will be 3 adding more traffic to the misery of Florida Park Drive and taking away business from the historical Shell Station and Race Track. A Mayor together and lauding his community developer and planning chiefs for taking away our quality of life, safety and right to happiness in Palm Coast so far…and priding themselves while doing it totally ignoring residents pleads! I recognize when I make mistakes and try avoid it next time around.
jeffery c. seib says
The folks that comprise what is known as the general public, voters that really only pay attention to politics right before elections probably both Alfin and Danko can appear very successful in their elected positions. This is due to the fact that they will only be hyping in their ads all their accomplishments. The day-to-day mayor and city council agendas are very mundane, with few so called ‘hot button’ issues at hand. These easy votes for roadway improvement, repaving, repairing, all add up to about 80% of their time on the council. That’s what they will have in ads. But it is the controversial issues, elements, and votes that should be the determining factor for reelection or aspirations for higher office. The 80-20 rule. For both of these gentlemen that 20% is a nightmare. Both have essentially done nothing for Palm Coast that really stands out for any groups other than builders and real estate. We need more in all our elected officials.
Concerned Citizen says
Look at all this displeasure voiced on this forum.
Let’s remember all this outcry next election. We can and need to do better. Stop electing the same. And expecting different.