The Flagler County Sheriff’s Office is investigating the death in an alleged suicide of Alexis Marie Somerford, 27, Saturday night (May 25) at her home at 85 Farragut Drive in Palm Coast.
According to a sheriff’s incident report, deputies around 9 p.m. found Somerford, the mother of four young children, in a back bedroom with a gunshot to the head from a rifle. Flagler County Fire Rescue and Palm Coast Fire Department paramedics at the scene tended to Somerford. She was initially transported to AdventhHealth Palm Coast, from where she was flown out on Trauma One, the emergency helicopter, to Shands Hospital in Jacksonville, where she was pronounced dead.
The sheriff’s office then cordoned off the house and began its death investigation, as it routinely does even in cases of apparent suicide, with crime scene investigators and detectives taking over the scene. Authorities were still at the house this morning. None of the witnesses had been interviewed yet Saturday evening, according to the report.
“All deaths are investigated to ensure that nothing criminal may have occurred,” Sheriff Rick Staly said. “While there will continue to be law enforcement presence in the area for the investigation, I want the community to know that there is no threat or cause for concern.”
The family was struggling financially. In March, Somerford was court-ordered to pay a $2,900 credit card bill, payments on which had stopped in 2017. Last week, the property management company representing the Pennsylvania-based homeowners (Good As New Ventures LLC) filed an eviction notice against the Somerfords.
Somerford had four children with her husband Kristopher, 28–three girls and a boy, ages 1, 4, 5 and 6. The boy is the 5 year old. The Department of Children and Families was notified of the incident and responded to the scene as ” Kristopher was later placed under the Baker Act for suicidal statements he made on scene and transported to Halifax Hospital,” according to the report.
The incident had started false rumors on social media that it had been a home invasion, and that the victim was an older man.
Somerford was studying early childhood education at Ashford University. She called her 1 year old her “superhero” for having weathered serious challenges of her own over the past year.
The following resources are available for individuals in crisis:
In Flagler: The Crisis Triage and Treatment Unit (CTTU) is a crisis assessment and referral service for Flagler County residents experiencing behavioral health crisis. It is located at 301 Justice Lane in the Brown & Brown Outpatient building at the Vince Carter Sanctuary in Bunnell. This program is limited to individuals escorted to the program by law enforcement between the hours of noon and midnight daily. Law enforcement is able to transport individuals to SMA to assess and determine the appropriate clinical disposition. When required and appropriate, SMA then transports the individual to a receiving facility in Volusia County.
In Daytona Beach: Stewart-Marchman Act Corporation Crisis Center
1220 Willis Avenue
Daytona Beach, FL 32114
Crisis Line: (800) 539 – 4228
Available 24 hours.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, 800/273-8255 (TALK).
If you are concerned for someone else, read about warning signs here. For additional resources, see the Speaking of Suicide website.
Judy Delarosby says
This breaks my heart. My thoughts are with the family.
Eileen Araujo says
So sad for everyone. Prayers for all.
MRC says
Another tragic death in Flagler County, the #1 county for suicides in the state of Florida. To be a mother of 4 at such as young age, and then add serious economic pressures would create a state of total hopelessness. Suicide prevention committee, where are you in dire situations like this? This young lady may have been suffering from postpartum depression and probably they did not have a safety net or support system to reach out and help them. I pray for the family and hope the community will reach out and help her husband and kids make it through this tragedy.
Damien says
This is terrible tragedy especially with kids so young, this is 6 houses around the corner from us. its unbelievable what financial stress can drive someone to.
ASF says
How does one manage to shoot oneself in the head with a RIFLE?
JustMe Truth says
What a tragic story to read, it is sad it couldn’t have been prevented. Our community needs to help those in need and not wait until things like this happen. Start letting these people know there is help out there for them. Bring this community together.
Way too many suicides in Flagler County, why is that?
Concerned Citizen says
My condolences to the family.
As someone who has dealt with suicide in my immediate family it’s a hard thing to cope with. I hope the surviving family memors are able to get counseling to help deal with it.
This county desperatley needs more mental health services. And there is NEVER any shame in asking for help. Sometimes life gets a little tough and we all need a little help to push thru.
PeachesMcGee says
MRC, you stated;
“Flagler County, the #1 county for suicides in the state of Florida”,
please quote your source.
ASF says
A rifle??? Something about this story doesn’t add up.
Help is available says
I’m so sorry for this tragic loss. Just want to clarify that crisis services are not available at 1220 Willis ave in Daytona beach, that location is for outpatient services. 24 hour crisis services are at the 1150 Red John Road location in Daytona Beach. You wouldn’t be turned away at Willis ave, but Chet Bell Crisis Center is where to go for crisis stabilization and 24 hour a day help.. There IS help available for those suffering. May this young lady Rest In Peace:
girl says
Beyond sad…this family will hopefully recover…the children are the ones that will now suffer. Prayers to these small victums and her husband.
Annette says
So sad. Hoping she rests in peace. Hoping her children receive the emotional and financial support they deserve. I know what it is like to grow up without a mom. These kids need all the love and support possible. Judges force the poor to pay when they cannot pay. I understand the eviction, but that may have been the tipping point. Can someone (who knows about these types of things) please chime in on what people can do for housing when they’re being evicted? If there are organizations out there that people can turn to when they’re facing eviction, maybe a life or many lives can be saved? Oh those poor children, to suffer this kind of loss, just so so sad.
Born and Raised Here says
According to stats it takes approximately $ 250 K to raise a child. With this family having 4 children under 6 years old, that would definitely place a tremendous stress on a young family. I wish young people would do more planning on there situation before they start a family.
Mark101 says
With 31 suicides in 2017, Flagler County had 28.8 per 100,000 residents, which is the highest rate in the state, according to data from the Florida Department of Health. Could it be the amount of unemployed, the poor paying jobs, the lack of jobs and a persons mental health. There’s an inordinate amount of money being spent on other things in this country, like parks, roads that do not need re paving, sheriffs buildings but little spent on mental health. Maybe Flagler County can take the lead and be first in this state on mental health treatment and not on suicides
Mooseman says
Everyone is jumping to conclusion as usual. Still under investigating. That the FCSD do there job All is not always at it seems. Just pray for the family without opinions
Dave says
Our county leaders will continue to bury their heads in the sand pretending their perfect little County doesn’t have real world issues ,meanwhile thier constituents are being murdered, committing suicide and fighting addiction with no place to get help. Flagler County is in trouble and we need outside help.
Layla says
Now that they’ve shown us the statistics, I am hoping our local media will do some stories on what city, county and state services are available here. Many think there is none, and they are wrong. I think we can all do a better job of getting the word out. If you are in trouble, call all three. In the city and county, that would be the Administrators. In the State, that would be Travis Hutson and Paul Renner.
FlaglerBear says
It’s highly unusual for suicides to be reported in the local paper. In South Florida, suicides were never reported unless they involved a “notable person” or someone under investigation in a juicy story. I guess they weren’t interesting enough. But you know? It’s good that these events are being included in Flagler County. It keeps the subject at the forefront and lets us know that maybe things aren’t always as “peachy” as they seem with our neighbors. Just prior to retirement, I worked in law enforcement in a small town of 3000. Suicides weren’t reported in the paper there. If people knew how many suicides, attempts, and Baker Acts we handled on a daily basis, they’d be appalled. Life can be very hard.
JF says
Ok this is a perfect example of what I had mentioned in a previous post about a friend of mine who is a former Flagler Beach Police Officer. He threatened suicide and was later fired from his job, his fellow co- workers as well as the Flagler County Sheriffs Office did nothing, but y’all about what a bad person he was!. This is disgusting and yes I am speaking about this because he never did and was afraid of retaliation by his co-workers and the Sheriffs Office. And as far as the man in this scenario being baker acted. What did he say OMG I wish I were dead or something like that die to having this just happen to him. How many of us have said such words. Jesus lord wake up FLAGLER! Chief Doughney,Sheriff Staly, and basically all of the upper brass and let’s forget the Palm Coast Lanes deputies who do nothing but talk shit not only about their own,
But also the fallen. HEY SHERIFF, CHIEF AND ALL OF YOUR GOPHERS,WAKE UP! The problem isn’t the community it’s you! Please host a town hall meeting on this subject and I will be sure to bring a crowd with a million questions. Let’s see you do this! Make it happen, we’re ready to ask a bunch of questions. Don’t hide behind your support staff. TIA.
deb says
A person can’t get help unless they ask for help or someone gets them help.
James says
Suicide? Doubtful. A 22 rifle shot to the back of the head?
Recent arguments and talk of her taking her kids and leaving the husband, now this?
Jeff says
So many hopeless people in Flagler.
Layla says
This woman didn’t commit suicide. She never intended to and she didn’t. This had to have been an accidental death or murder.
John says
She had an abusive husband and he’s been arrested for domestic violence before. I don’t believe suicide for one minute especially with a headshot using a rifle. Is there any update on the investigation?
Outside Looking Out says
Where are you getting your information? How do you know this lady was shot in the back of the head? How do you know there were arguments? How do you know she was planning on leaving? If you know so much and have such doubts, perhaps you should be speaking to law enforcement. If you’re so knowledgeable of the incident, maybe they should be speaking with YOU. If you’re just running your mouth maybe you should just shut up.
This is a horribly tragic situation and rumors and innuendos only make things worse.
Concerned says
A simple search of Flagler County Inmate Search with the last name will show you what we might be dealing with
ASF says
@Outside Looking Out says–The article above mentioned the fact that the weapon used was a rifle.
Eugene Hartke says
She had a her 1 year old daughter that weathered serious challenges over the past year. I would think the only problems someone that young could have would be health problems. Seems to me that family was overwhelmed with medical bills and in America suicide is one of the only ways out.
Jim says
We haven’t heard the last of this story that’s for sure.
Deb Reilly says
The 2017 Health Department statistics report Flagler has the highest suicide rate in the state at 28.8 per 100,000. We need to do something about this terrible trend.
Sheila says
The high suicide rate is due to a gross lack of economic opportunity. The county and city leaders must attract business that provide good paying jobs not more stores providing entry-level pay! it is the fault of the leaders!
Lexys cousin says
I’m sorry but this is so untrue. In my house we called her Lexy so that’s how I’m going to refer to her. Lexy was my cousin and she was one of the most amazing people I have ever meet. I know it’s been a few mounts since her passing but this NEEDS to be clarified. Her death was not a suicide but an accidental gun fire. I hate that you sit here and make it seem like that’s what happened. Although she was struggling financially, she loved Kris and the kids so much that she would never leave them. I bet what you don’t know is that forensic scientists have confirmed that when the gun went off, it was 100% an accident. If anyone sees this, this whole comment is what actually happed yo Lexy so don’t believe everything you here.