You know it’s the brave cruel world of 2018 America when 1,000 faculty members are welcomed back to school, as Flagler district staff was today, with an intense two-hour presentation on “active killers”: what to look for in a potential assassin, what to do and what not to do when the rampage starts, how to cooperate when cops storm in pointing weapons, all illustrated with authentic footage of mass massacres that in other places and times would have been indistinguishable from snuff videos.In this case they were called training videos.
The training in one form or another is now required by law for all school personnel and all students, the consequence of the Parkland school massacre last Valentine’s Day in Broward County, when a former student murdered 14 students and three faculty members at Stoneman Douglas High School, the latest in a near-routine of school and mass shootings (there were 346 mass shootings, where four or more people were killed or injured, in 2017, according to the FBI).
“Where is this happening?” the Flagler County Sheriff’s Sgt. Mike Lutz told the audience from the stage in the voice of an ex-New York city cop speaking loud enough to overcome Times Square’s din. “Everywhere. That’s the point.” He flashed a huge map of the country on the auditorium’s back screen, red dots indicating where blood spilled in mass shootings in a single year. “Is it happening in Florida? Oh, hell, yeah it is,” he said, his humor rippling against the horror his map had elicited. And pointing to the midwest, as characteristically bland and red-splotch-free, he added: “I think when I retire I’m going to South Dakota.” The audience laughed, gratefully, but not for long.
So it went between bursts of scares and admonitions to one-liners that again and again broke the intended tension–and kept the audience paying attention.
For a two-hour presentation Lutz and Carman had their audience captive, not because there was no break, no let-up in the language of alarm and videos designed to shock (anyone could leave, anyone could take a break) but because the pair has honed its message and timing to a science. Lutz and Carman team-tagged each other the way they tagged their themes, going from grim warnings and revelations to light-hearted anecdotes, or by humanizing their warnings even through examples of depraved behavior: “Bill from finance,” the prototypical nut job everyone knows fits the profile of a mass murderer, was especially dragged through their theoretical worst-case-scenarios.
But Lutz and Carman threaded their disconcerting warnings through a message that somehow made its potential terrors more manageable, less abstract, and therefore more within the control of schoolteachers and employees: the message is that school shootings happen (if rarely: schools are still by far safer than, say, the road you’ll drive to drop off your child at school), but if they do, there are many things teachers and students can do to seek out safety, minimize danger or even confront it.
In a few words, no one needs to be a sitting duck even before law enforcement arrives (a response time in Palm Coast now below four minutes, or several minutes below the national average).
The applause Lutz and Carman got at the end was likely not just the polite version of a crowd’s thank you, but acknowledgement of having understood something to the point of empowerment, though it’s just as clear to what extent employees want law enforcement’s protection rather than to themselves be the protectors. Lutz and Carman were applauded only two other times during their presentation. The first was when Lutz said deputies, any deputy, are under orders from Sheriff Rick Staly to immediately rush a school during an incident. No more waiting for a SWAT team, no more strategizing outside while bullets fly inside. The other time they were applauded was when they mentioned the response time being under four minutes.
“There are a lot of supervisors here. Know your employees. Know who it is you work with, OK?” Lutz said. “You’re coming to work today and you hear on the news, the local news, that there’s someone in the Bunnell water tower and he’s shooting at cars of people driving by. And what’s the first thing that comes in your mind? ‘’Ha, I bet it’s Bill in Finance.’” Of course it got a huge laugh, but Lutz had a point: “You’ve got to pay attention to these people.” Lutz later did not hesitate to tell employees that if they have a chance to jam a pen in an assailant’s eye, they should not hesitate. They should commit. “Yes, it’s ikky,” he said.
Through it all, Staly sat in the front row after introducing his team, which also included Randy Stroud, director of the homeland security division at the Sheriff’s Office. (“Schools are just as safe a place as you can be,” Stroud said in a brief interview after the presentation, adding some context to caution.)
“The communities have changed dramatically since the days you and I went to school and you never had to worry about an active incident on a school campus,” Staly said. “They were extremely rare. But unfortunately today, across America and across the world, those days are gone.” He noted that the skills taught faculty and employees in the training can be used in their personal lives wherever they may be. “They’ll at least now know what to do to protect themselves, and some of the things to look for to try to prevent some of those things from happening.”
For the first time since the earlier part of the last decade, there will again be at least one school resource deputy in every Flagler County public school, and two each at FPC and Matanzas High School. That, too, is part of a new state requirement, though the state is paying for only half the cost. The Flagler district and the Sheriff’s Office, through County Commission funding, are splitting the local cost to taxpayers, which approaches $2 million. All the new school deputies are veterans of the agencies, they received specialized training from the Florida School Resource Association and from the Sheriff’s Office. There are also safes in every school containing AR-15 assault rifles, which deputies can access biometrically.
“We want to train and be prepared and pray that nothing happens,” Staly said.
For school officials, contending with these new realities is now the norm.
“It’s absolutely a new world, I never imagined it coming,” Superintendent Jim Tager said of the training. “But I think the fact that we are a town that cares about education, all the deputies were here this morning, the deputies we’ve chosen that were selected I think will be good with kids as mentors, too, so I look at it as a plus.” He sat through his first active-shooter training today, as did school board members.
“I don’t think anybody wants to be in this position,” School Board member Andy Dance said. “We don’t want to have to know how to protect the students in this type of capacity, but we do what we have to do to make sure that we’re prepared in case of an incident, so we do it.” Three weeks after the Parkland massacre Dance had a long discussion with high school students at Flagler Palm Coast High about the anxiety the shooting had triggered, “but I got the overall sense that they felt safe. But they all think there’s things that we can do, and it was helpful to bring that back to the board, listening to the students.”
Anonymous says
Blown out of proportion—/instilling fear in our kids. Let the resource officers worry about this.
Jason B says
I guess mass shootings are the new normal, welcome to Trump’s, and the NRA’s, America.
Agkistrodon says
It is far better to be prepared, than it is to simply “place you head in the sand”. As long as there are humans, there will be bad ones that want to commit heinous acts. @Jason B. Trump has nothing at all to do with mass shootings. There were many before him, there will be many after him, that is just unfortunate facts.. They happen in nearly every country, even those where guns are banned. And for the record the first school mass shooting in the US was in the late 1600’s, and it was committed with muskets, and committed by Native Americans..
Fredrick says
Sorry Jason this has been around much longer than the Trumpster. Look at Shitcago where children are being slaughtered and no one seem to give a damn. Blame Trump for things that he is guilty of, like not being “presidential”, a booming economy, tax cuts, … the list goes on.
atilla says
Bravo Fredrick. You were more polite then I would have been. If you have to blame anyone start with Obama. He’s the guy that turned them loose.
Pogo says
@A tiny hand for our first Russian Mafia potus
and the ‘Murican gun nuts’ calendar girl: https://www.google.com/search?q=Maria+Butina&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8
American racists and Russian mobsters – maga (make all guns Alt-right)
DoomedToRepeatAgain says
If we are going to make this political, then blame President Van Buren in 1840. Can’t trust those Whigs….That is when the first school shootIng happened….. or even President Harrison in 1891 for not doing enough to protect the lives in Liberty, MIssissippi when a mass school shooting wounded 14.
Complaining about a President/political party on FlaglerLive doesn’t change anything. If you want to make a difference, vote. Contact your Congressman or Senator… even if you can’t stand them. Write letters, call their offices. That is a start. But this goes beyond Obama , Trump or whomever the person in power that you think was great or not great in the day.
Sometimesiwonderwtf says
You cant really blame obama or trump. Kids get bullied and feel alienated and either strike back or kill themselves. Social media doesnt help, if anything, it exacerbates the problem. I was in the 8th grade when the columbine shooting occurred. I remember it well, and the conversations we had as a class about it. I remember most of my class saying” i cant believe it”. I was picked on absolute s**t tons through mid and high school. Mercilessly. I could believe it. I could see how itd get that bad and you just want to hit back. Harder than all the bastards who terrorize you. The difference is i didnt kill anyone . Lots of kids go through it, still go through it. Its a miserable existence. People i was close to in those years told me ” high school isnt the end all of life. You’re going to graduate and move timend things will be so much better”. It was hard to believe at that time, but it was the absolute truth. Took a long time to see it. In the grand scheme of our lives, high school is a drop in the bucket. I think if teenagers could be shown that, thered be alot less minors dying, by their own hand or someone elses. Food for thought.
Jason B says
Somehow I knew it wouldn’t be long before someone blamed Obama, the deplorables are anything if not predictable. So what’s the conman-in-chief’s brilliant solution to the problem? Oh, right …… more guns.
RealityCheck101 says
To the first comment.. It was a great training to attend. I feel not only as a teacher but as a community member. It was informative and goes well into how to stay safe in a variety of settings.
Anonymous says
How do you deal with a mass shooter? You shoot the S.O.B.! Arm as many sane people as you can, and when the bastard pulls his weapon everybody else pulls theirs and turns him into hamburger. Isn’t pretty, but it works. Sorry, but it has turned into a Dog Eat Dog world, might as well get used to it. Let the hide go with the hair.
Anonymous says
The sky may fall with all this global warming…..what’s being done for that “might”? We can not and should not prepare for every what if. This is all being orchestrated using people’s fears to carry out a well thought out plan.