It happened at 5:15 the afternoon of Election Day, on Whiteview Drive in Palm Coast, 30 feet from U.S. Route 1.
Kimberle Weeks, the supervisor of Elections, was driving a county-owned four-wheel drive Toyota, going west on Whiteview. She was in the left turn lane as she came to a stop near the intersection with U.S. 1 when, according to the Florida Highway Patrol, she “improperly changed lanes to her right in an attempt to make a right turn onto U.S. 1.”
Click On:
- Primary Turnout Is Worst in at Least 16 Years
- Supervisor of Elections Scans Boards Through Emergency Meeting and 11th Hour Theatrics
- No Conflicts Resolved as Elections Supervisor Weeks Blame-Blasts County Commission
- What’s Eating Kimberle Weeks?
Weeks, 49, struck a 2006 Chrysler driven by Andrew Byer, 40, of Palm Coast, on the Chrysler’s left-rear quarter panel. Week’s Toyota’s right-front side was damaged, ans the car had to be towed, requiring Weeks to secure other means of transportation at what was one of the most critical times of the day, on one of the year’s two most critical days of the year for her. Neither vehicles’ occupants were injured. The vehicle is now in a yard at John’s Towing in Bunnell.
Weeks, who did not return a call earlier today, was charged with improper lane change, according to the highway patrol. It’s not clear how much damage the Toyota or the Chrysler sustained.
Weeks, however, apparently did not let the incident interfere with what County Commission Chairman and canvassing board member George Hanns termed a “flawless” election.
The Toyota belongs to the Flagler County Property Appraiser. It’s one of about five vehicles in the appraiser’s fleet. “They needed top borrow a car,” Jay Gardner, the property appraiser, said, “we loaned them.” The wreck won’t interfere with the property appraiser’s work at the moment, however, as appraisers are working in their offices (tax notices have just been mailed to property owners). Gardner estimates the damage to the car at around $2,000.

BottomLine says
Was she putting on makeup, eating, on the phone, texting and driving, all the above?
over it says
starfyre says
i saw this accident–they spent more in county money paying 5 officers to go to this fender bender-then the damage to the car is gonna cost
Anonymous says
Stiffler’s mom crashed a car!!!
upset says
BottomLine, over it and anonymous, seems all you can do is criticize Kim Weeks. What is your problem with her? Do you think it could be her truthfulness? Watch out, when you open your closet door a skelton might hit you on the head….
over it says
Upset: I wasn’t criticizing Ms. Weeks. I was laughing at BottomLine’s post…….. I CAN if you want me too, but it’s almost too easy. It’s not that much fun anymore. Now, maybe if you and a few more of her supporters and/or relatives get all wound up and nutty here, maybe I’ll change my mind and crack a few jokes at her expense, but right now, its a bit boring…………… Sorry to disappoint you.
upset says
over it,, seems llike you enjoy what you do. To bad you are not on the other end of what you are doing. How would you like someone saying lame things about you as you do to Kim Weeks. Grow up and get a life. And I am not wound up or nutty, just hate people that pick on others. Get it?
Haw Creek Girl says
Was John’s Towing on rotation that day? I heard Jimmy Flynt was asking ;-)
Haw Creek Girl says
oh, and…..I really don’t think that Camry is a four wheel drive…..but if it is I bet they can fix it right up and resell it in Mondex!
over it says
upset: I’d love to be on the other end!! Make a joke about me. Be my guest. if it is funny, I’ll laugh right along with you. I can take it. I like to make fun of myself almost as much as anyone else. I was taught that if I am going to dish it out, i better be able to take it. I was also taught that HATE is a very strong word that I should NEVER ever use. Guess you were never taught the same two lessons…….. BAM! hahaha c’mon smile and laugh a little ya party pooper.
kmedley says
Not shocking in the least. She was probably talking on the phone and not using a hands free device. She had a wreck when she was first elected. She was on her way into work and rear-ended a vehicle stopped at a stop sign. I bet her driving record is quite interesting.
BigFatBullies says
She shouldn’t be allowed to have passengers in her car, she hs no regard for anyone but HERSELF!