Update: The Flagler County Commission today pulled from its agenda the item on the Troy DuBose appointment to the county planning board. “Clearly there are election code implications and the better action in that context was to continue it,” County Attorney Al Hadeed said. DuBose, who was at the meeting, was non-committal when asked about his plans–either for the county appointment or for continuing his run for a Palm Coast City Council seat. “Stay tune,” he said, declining to comment further. Last night’s story is below.
Troy DuBose, a candidate for the District 1 seat on the Palm Coast City Council, may be dropping out of the four-way race–depending on Monday’s outcome of a county commission appointment.
The legality of the maneuver is unclear. “This is the first time I’m made aware of it,” County Attorney Al Hadeed said when reached by phone Sunday evening. “I wasn’t aware he was a candidate for office in Palm Coast. I’ll bring it up to the administration’s attention in the morning.”
When the Flagler County Commission meets Monday morning, one of its many routine items include an appointment to the county’s Planning and Development Board. DuBose, 42, is the only applicant for the position. The recommendation from County Administrator Craig Coffey is that DuBose be appointed. His recommendation memo does not mention that DuBose is a candidate for office.
DuBose would not be appointed to a full term. Rather, he would be filling Pam Richardson’s term on the planning board, through November 2017. It’s an unpaid posting.
Richardson just resigned–because she is a candidate for the Palm Coast City Council: she is running in District 3, and was required to tender her resignation letter upon qualifying for the council seat as a candidate.
“Due to the fact that I am currently running for a seat on the City of Palm Coast Council,” Richardson wrote in her June 3 resignation letter, “at this time I must render my resignation immediately. I will truly miss the time spent watching this fine board work to serve the residents of the county with great compassion.”
DuBose is facing three candidates in the District 1 seat: Sims Jones, Art McGovern Jr. and Robert Cuff. Cuff was a member of the Palm Coast Planning Board. He tendered his resignation letter as well, because he qualified as a candidate to the council.
Asked about his twin candidacies, DuBose Sunday evening said, referring to the planning board appointment: “If I actually get that position, I’ll resign from running for council.” He said the indications he got from the county administration was that the approach was appropriate.
Only a few weeks ago, when Bill McGuire, the current District 1 councilman in Palm Coast, announced his resignation, opening the way for a possible appointment to fill out the remainder of his term until November, Cuff and Jones had said that they might consider applying, but DuBose said he would not, and did not think the appointment of a candidate running for the seat would be appropriate, a sentiment later echoed by City Manager Jim Landon: such an appointment is not likely.
All registered Palm Coast voters, regardless of party affiliation, may cast a ballot in the Aug. 30 primary that includes elections to all three council seats. If a candidate in the District 1 seat gets 50 percent or more of the vote, that candidate is elected to the seat outright, dispensing with a need for a run-off in November between the two top vote-getters, if neither gets past the 50 percent threshold. If that happens in this race, the city council has signaled that it may ask the winner to be seated soon after the election, sparing the council the need to go through an application process to fill the seat until November. Should DuBose choose to withdraw from the race, the chance of a 50-percent winner inevitably increases, but remains uncertain.
DuBose did not explain why he was no longer entirely committed to the Palm Coast council election. “If I get this position,” he said of the planning board appointment, “I’ll have a statement for you.”
DuBose’s activity on the campaign trail, however, appeared to have been sharply reduced in the past 10 days to two weeks. He had been appearing at candidate forums, but was not among the candidates at the Tea Party Meet-Your-Candidate evening Saturday, which drew most candidates for local and judicial offices, including eight of the candidates for council seats. (Unlike DuBose, McGovern has not appeared at any major campaign functions.) DuBose also did not respond to the FlaglerLive interview, which published on Thursday, and as of this evening, last updated his campaign Facebook page on July 21, with an image of himself taken three days earlier with his son at a European Village event in support of law enforcement.
The county’s advertisement for the planning board appointment was published in the News-Tribune on July 23.
DuBose’s application consists of one and a half pages of basic information, where he describes himself as a financial adviser and insurance agent. Where asked to describe his training or experience that would make him a good fit for the planning board, he wrote: “When I lived in Chicago I worked in development and construction.” A resume is not attached to the application, as is often the case with applicants to county and city advisory boards. He does not mention his candidacy to the Palm Coast council seat.

Robert Lewis says
This guy needs to make up his damn mind.
carol says
Do not vote for opportunist like Milissa Holland, and some other moochers. Please do your research carefully.
Anonymous says
Something smells fishy!! Is the county attempting to move this man away from an elected position to let Mr. Cuff get in as a council member? County attorney Hadeed should know the law, he’s paid nearly a quarter million dollars a year. From what my attorney friend told me it was not legal to run for two elected positions at one time, but in this case one is elected and the other is appointed. Maybe for the benefit of us citizens appointed position that is spoke of should be elected so the people have a voice.
Dennis McDonald says
Just heard about this very bad news ! I believeTroy is being cleared for Cuff, the former ITT lawyer who sits on the city planning board all while representing his clients before this same board ! Troy, stay away from the insider special interests that have anchored this City/County for the benefit of the few at the expense of all Taxpayers.
Example One, the new city hall Rejected by 82.7% of Voters at referendum. Who benefits ? Several of the Flagler insiders that operate from and own the ONLY building next door to the city hall. No matter what Mr Lusby spins Town Center proper is decades from any real arms length [no gov, $$] development.
Robert Lewis says
Dennis we’re sorry to disappoint you with Dubose withdrawal. Perhaps you could find another person to file a law suit against.
Anonymous says
If Troy gets out of the council race for this appointment he is a fool! He would be falling for the trap they have set for him. Cuff on the council would be a disaster!!!
Robert Lewis says
Stay tuned??
I’m sorry Troy Dubose you are playing games! The citizens deserve better than this!
I demand you withdraw right now! You putting your own selfish and self centered agenda above that of the people you wish to serve!
I call for your immediate resignation!
Layla says
I liked this man when I heard him speak, but now I am wondering what he is up to.
Layla says
2nd question: Will he be returning his campaign contributions?
Markingthedays says
Cutting losses, IMO. He was losing this race.
Jimmietwoshoes says
Mr Lewis: If I remember this right McDonald hired a lawyer recommended from the pages of the big O.The lawyer then went to rehab for months and screwed up the case. I read that he was responsible for paying half the costs for this lawyer that ran away to another state to hide. Only in Florida can you be required to pay half when your lawyer screws up. I hope my plumber does not have the same deal. Not to worry the plumbers are not legislators just lawyers. The big lesson is do not rely on the OBSERVER for anything except your bird cage liner.
Shawn says
I am curious. So many have opinions, so many just think the worst at every turn, yet not one of the above actually stands up to serve your community. One is anonymous, one says he needs to make up his damn mind, and none of you have any understanding of the facts, the situation, or what it takes to go through this process. If all of those who hate how things are done, get involved, and not from your couch on Facebook. Troy does more for his community in a month than you all do in a year, and some maybe even a decade. When his church needs a website built, he builds it. When his church needs a Sunday school teacher, he does it. When a local business or non profit needed a website built, he built. All for free. When a fundraiser or charity is in need, he steps up. I can tell you this as being involved in various community things, it is the same people over and over. Mostly none being those who seem to have opinions about everything under the sun. There was know making up his mind or being indecisive, and quite honestly, he was more concerned about those who did contribute to his campaign than anything having to do with politics. Now he applied to for a position again serving his community, for free, and that is not good enough. Ask yourselves this, how many of you got up and went out and knocked on doors, helped raise money, arranged meet and greets, and fought for the one you wanted to win????