Today: high in the mid-80s, low in low-70s. Details here.
Today’s fire danger is low. Flagler County’s Drought Index is at 103.
Today’s tides: at the beaches, at the Intracoastal Waterway.
Today’s document from the National Archives.
The OED’s Word of the Day: mouton enragé, n..
The Live Community Calendar
Today’s jail bookings.
Today’s Briefing: Quick Links
- In Flagler and Palm Coast
- Local News Recap
- In Court
- In State Government
- In Coming Days in Flagler and Palm Coast
- Police, Fire and Emergency Notes
- PR Releases
- In the Press, In the News
- Palm Coast Construction and Development Progress Reports
- Local Road and Interstate Construction
- Comment of the Day (From the Comment Section)
- Cultural Coda
Note: all government meetings noticed below are free and open to the public unless otherwise indicated. Many can be heard or seen live through each agency’s website.
Friday: Scenic A1A Pride committee meets at 9 a.m. at the Hammock Community Center. The agenda is here.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday: Godspell at City Repertory Theatre: the very popular Stephen Schwartz-John-Michael Tebelak musical from 1971, built around Biblical parables (mostly from the Gospel of St. Matthew) with hip hymnals, laughter, emotions and surprises as only City Rep can do. Directed by John Sobordone. Tickets are $25. Friday and Saturday at 7:30 p.m., Sunday at 2 p.m. at City Rep, City Market Place, 160 Cypress Point Parkway Suite B207, Palm Coast. Click here for tickets or call: (386) 586-9415 to reserve your tickets by phone.
Saturday, 4 p.m.: Swim meet, Matanzas High School v. Flagler Palm Coast High, Frieda Zamba pool.
Saturday and Sunday: Palm Coast Championship Golf Tournament at Palm Harbor Gpolf Course.
Saturday: Drug Take-Back Day in Palm Coast, No Questions Asked, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at four locations across the county. Click for details.
Saturday: 4th Annual CTK Invitational Golf Tournament to benefit Christ the King School, at the Conservatory Course at Hammock Beach. Registration at 12:30 p.m., start at 1 p.m. The K-8 school serves 250 students. Registration starts at $125 per single player, up to $1,000 for a gold sponsor. Click here for details.
Saturday: Walk to end Alzheimer’s at Veterans Park in Flagler Beach, 8 a.m.
Flagler Beach Shortlists 4 for City Manager’s Job, From Skimpy List of 23 Applicants: When Flagler Beach last put out word that it was looking for a city manager five years ago, 140 applicants replied. This time–whether because the economy has improved or the city’s reputation is preceding it–just 23 have applied, and few, judging from the commissioners’ shortlist, had the sort of experience they’re looking for.
Locals gather to celebrate the life of Mondo Henriques: Mondo Henriques died of lung cancer on Sept. 19. “The event was originally planned as a fundraiser to help offset the cost of cancer treatments, but instead became a celebration of his life,” the Observer reports. “Realizing his life coming to an end Henriques made one last request to his close friend Johnny DeLellis, owner of Johnny D’s Bar and Grill, ‘I am feeling so bad, I do not want to bring people down,” Mondo Henriques said. “I do not want tears at the celebration, I want everyone to just have fun.'”
Jaylin Tilton, 20, Killed in Single-Vehicle Wreck on Old Kings Road Near Princess Place: A Florida Highway Patrol homicide investigator at the scene said Tilton, who was driving a Mitsubishi Galant, was traveling north on the two-lane road, in a straight section, when, right at a point where a small driveway to the Pellicer Creek Conservation Area links to Old Kings, Tilton for unknown reasons swerved onto the grass on the east shoulder.
City managers at chambers’ breakfast: There were no surprises in a panel discussion featuring Bunnell City Manager Larry Williams, Flagler Beach City Manager Bruce Campbell and Palm Coast City Manager Jim Landon Thursday morning: they spoke of recent accomplishments–street improvements, businesses coming and not coming, Bunnell’s passing off its Plantation Bay water and sewer plant to the county, and so on.
The court docket is light, with County Judge Melissa Moore-Stens in various hearings and Circuit Judges J. David Walsh and Michael Orfinger not holding public court sessions.
Note: Most proceedings below can be followed live on the Florida Channel.
Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam, Department of Environmental Protection Secretary Jon Steverson and several state lawmakers take part in an Associated Industries of Florida forum on water issues. The lawmakers are expected to include Senate Environmental Preservation and Conservation Chairman Charlie Dean, R-Inverness; Senate Community Affairs Chairman Wilton Simpson, R-Trilby; Senate General Government Appropriations Chairman Alan Hays, R-Umatilla; House State Affairs Chairman Matt Caldwell, R-North Fort Myers; Rep. Jim Boyd, R-Bradenton; House Agriculture & Natural Resources Appropriations Chairman Ben Albritton, R-Wauchula; Rep. Halsey Beshears, R-Monticello; Rep. Ray Pilon, R-Sarasota; and Rep. Katie Edwards, D-Plantation. (9 a.m., Renaissance Orlando at Sea World, 6677 Sea Harbor Dr., Orlando.)
Medicaid drugs: The Agency for Health Care Administration’s Pharmaceutical & Therapeutics Committee will consider recommendations for the preferred-drug list in the Medicaid program. (1 p.m., Tampa Marriott Westshore, 1001 North Westshore Blvd., Tampa.)
–Compiled by the News Service of Florida and FlaglerLive
In Coming Days in Palm Coast and Flagler:
Click on the links for more details:
- Sept. 28: The Flagler County Free Clinic holds a fund-raiser at the Turtle Shack in Flagler Beach from 6 to 8 p.m. Enjoy drinks, the shack’s yummy signature appetizers, live music, a silent auction, and a “wine grab” with great values. The Turtle Shack will also be serving a special drink and dinner menu. The free clinic provides medical care to our Flagler County neighbors in need. It relies on community support. $15 at the door.
- Sept. 28: Bunnell’s State of the Art Water Treatment Facility Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting at 100 Utility Drive (directly across the street from the Flagler County Government Services Building), from 4 to 6 p.m.
- Sept. 30: The Heritage Crossroads: Miles of History CME will meet at 1:30 p.m. in the Flagler County Government Services Building, 1769 East Moody Boulevard, Building 2. Plans for the coming year’s activities will be discussed, and all are invited to participate. For information call 386-439-5003.
Oct. 3: The Bulow Parks Historic Alliance will have an extra Trail Maintenance Day to prepare for the October 30 Candlelight Trail Walk. Workers are asked to meet at the Trail head at 9 a.m. wearing gloves, hats, appropriate clothing and carrying bug spray. Water will be provided.For information call 386-437-5338.
- Oct. 5: Pink Army 5k Run/Walk for Breast Cancer, 7:45 am at Florida Hospital Flagler. Gather your family, friends, coworkers, neighbors and run or walk in honor of those who have battled and continue their battle against breast cancer. Proceeds from the Pink Army Run/Walk go to the Florida Hospital Flagler Foundation to educate and support women of Flagler County.
- Oct. 6: The Flagler County School Board holds a town hall meeting at the Government Services Building.
- USA Today’s Alan Gomez to discuss immigration and its role in 2016 presidential election at Flagler College Forum: USA Today immigration reporter Alan Gomez will discuss recent attempts to change the nation’s immigration laws, why they failed and how immigration has become a central issue in the 2016 presidential debate at the Flagler College Forum on Oct. 6. His presentation, titled “Immigration in the 2016 Elections and Beyond,” takes place at 7 p.m. in the Lewis Auditorium and is part of the Forum on Government and Public Policy’s “Road to the White House” theme leading up to next year’s presidential election.
- Oct. 10: Saturday Evening with the Artists at the Flagler County Art League: This is the League’s signature event, an open-themed art show where Flagler artists show off their best work, their newest work, their most recent forays into other mediums or their latest artistic exuberances. The exhibit’s popularity has a traditionally high rate of artist participation and creativity. Judge for the show is artist/sculptor Harry Messersmith. City Marketplace, 160 Cypress Point Parkway, Suite 207C, Palm Coast. 386-986-4668.
- Oct. 14: The Bulow Park Historic Alliance meets at 6 p.m. in the Annex of the Flagler County Historical Society, 204 East Moody Boulevard, Bunnell. Plans for the October 30 Candlelight Trail Walk and other events will be discussed. For information call 386-437-5338.
- Oct. 17: The Bulow Parks Historic Alliance’s monthly Trail Maintenance Day, to prepare for the October 30 Candlelight Trail Walk. Workers are asked to meet at the Trail head at 9 a.m. wearing gloves, hats, appropriate clothing and carrying bug spray. Water will be provided.For information call 386-437-5338.
Police, Fire and Emergency Notes:
From Flagler County Emergency Services: There may be some minor flooding at times of high tide along the intracoastal, salt water canals and beaches. Some overwash at beach approaches is also possible. This is expected to be very minor and is due to the position of the moon. See Intracoastal tides here, and beach tides here.
The Bulow Parks Historic Alliance, Inc. will have an extra Trail Maintenance Day on Saturday, October 3, to prepare for the October 30 Candlelight Trail Walk. Workers are asked to meet at the Trail head at 9 a.m. wearing gloves, hats, appropriate clothing and carrying bug spray. Water will be provided. The alliance’s monthly Trail Maintenance Day will be Saturday, October 17, again to prepare for the October 30 Candlelight Trail Walk. The Bulow Park Historic Alliance will meet on Wednesday, October 14, at 6 p.m. in the Annex of the Flagler County Historical Society, 204 East Moody Boulevard, Bunnell. Plans for the October 30 Candlelight Trail Walk and other events will be discussed. For information call 386-437-5338.
USA Today’s Alan Gomez to discuss immigration and its role in 2016 presidential election at Flagler College Forum: USA Today immigration reporter Alan Gomez will discuss recent attempts to change the nation’s immigration laws, why they failed and how immigration has become a central issue in the 2016 presidential debate at the Flagler College Forum on Oct. 6. His presentation, titled “Immigration in the 2016 Elections and Beyond,” takes place at 7 p.m. in the Lewis Auditorium and is part of the Forum on Government and Public Policy’s “Road to the White House” theme leading up to next year’s presidential election. The Miami-based reporter will explore the attempts by different states to pass anti-immigration laws starting in 2010, the 2012 presidential election that was decided in large part by Mitt Romney’s stance on immigration, President Obama’s decision later that year to unilaterally protect undocumented immigrants from deportation, the 2013 immigration battle in Congress that featured multiple presidential candidates and how those events serve as the backdrop for campaign trail activity today. “All this matters,” said Gomez, “because Hispanics remain the fastest-growing segment of the voting population, meaning they will only gain greater political strength in 2016 and beyond.” Based in Miami, he covers immigration, including federal and state efforts to fix the nation’s immigration system. He has reported from Iraq, Afghanistan, Haiti, Havana, Mexico and Guantanamo Bay. In recent years, he’s focused on congressional attempts to pass immigration reform, state efforts to deal with the nation’s 11 million undocumented immigrants and the politics surrounding those issues. To that end, he’s traveled most of the southwest border from California to Texas, and reported throughout Latin America. Prior to his work on immigration, he covered state and national politics, police, courts and the military. He’s also covered hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, forest fires, earthquakes and suicide squirrels. Prior to his work with USA Today, Gomez served as a news reporter for the Pensacola News Journal and The Palm Beach Post. The son of Cuban immigrants, he was born and raised in Miami.
Jeb Bush Says Hope, Not ‘Free Stuff,’ Will Draw Black Voters: “Jeb Bush said here Thursday night that Republicans can win more African American voters by emphasizing a positive message that does not involve promising “free stuff,” a remark that bore echoes of comments by Mitt Romney that drew criticism in 2012. […] “Our message is one of hope and aspiration,” he said at the East Cooper Republican Women’s Club annual Shrimp Dinner. “It isn’t one of division and get in line and we’ll take care of you with free stuff. Our message is one that is uplifting — that says you can achieve earned success.” According to a pool report, Romney, who struggled badly with minority voters in the 2012 election, said during a Montana fundraiser that year: “I want people to know what I stand for and if I don’t stand for what they want, go vote for someone else, that’s just fine. But I hope people understand this, your friends who like Obamacare, you remind them of this, if they want more stuff from government tell them to go vote for the other guy — more free stuff.” Romney was explaining his remarks that day at the NAACP’s national convention, where he was booed. Bush also expanded on his recent remark that “we should not have a multicultural society.” From the Washington Post.
Where did French intellectuals go wrong? The French way of thinking has been remarkably fertile. One of the striking measures of this success is the extent to which French ideas have shaped the values and ideals of other nations and peoples. […] Modern French literature, from Flaubert, Balzac and Hugo to Camus, has become an integral part of the Western cultural heritage. In the second half of the 20th century, Jean-Paul Sartre became a global symbol of the intellectual who dared speak truth to power in all its forms, while Simone de Beauvoir’s The Second Sex (1949) revolutionised our understanding of the feminine condition. A few decades later, ‘French theory’ reshaped the contours of US academia, and Michel Foucault, Jacques Derrida and Pierre Bourdieu remain to this day among the most cited thinkers in the social sciences. […] ince the late 20th century, the rich tradition of French thought has come under increasing strain. The symptoms of this crisis are numerous, beginning with a widespread belief in the decline of French artistic and intellectual creativity. In 2007, Time magazine’s cover article even announced ‘The Death of French Culture’, cruelly concluding: ‘All of these mighty oaks being felled in France’s cultural forest make barely a sound in the wider world.’ Even philosophical ideas about resisting tyranny and promoting revolutionary change, which were the hallmark of French thought since the Enlightenment, lost their universal resonance. It is instructive that neither the fall of Soviet-style communism in eastern Europe or the Arab spring took any direct intellectual inspiration from French thinking. The European project, the brainchild of French thinkers such as Jean Monnet, has likewise stalled, as European peoples have grown increasingly skeptical of an institution that appears too distant and technocratic, and insufficiently mindful of the continent’s democratic and patriotic heritages. Mirroring this retrenchment is a pervasive mood of pessimism that has spread across the French nation. In opinion polls since the early 21st century, the French have appeared consistently gloomy about their future prospects as a nation. French thinking has become increasingly inward-looking – a crisis that manifests itself in the rise of the xenophobic Front National, which has become one of the most dynamic political forces in contemporary France, and in the sense of despondency among the nation’s intellectual elites. It is no accident that two of the bestselling pamphlets of the recent past have been Alain Finkielkraut’s L’Identité malheureuse (2013) and Eric Zemmour’s Le suicide français (2014), and that Michel Houellebecq’s latest dystopian novel about the election of an Islamist candidate to the French presidency bears the resigned title of Soumission (‘submission’) (2015). […] The present Gallic intellectual crisis is in part an anguished collective reaction against France’s shrinking place in a world increasingly dominated by Anglo-American culture. Indeed, this penetration has now advanced deep into the French heartlands: Disneyland Paris is one of the most visited theme parks in Europe; translations of US and UK novels routinely feature on French bestseller lists; and to the dismay of many of the nation’s intellectual elites, the French government recently voted a law allowing French universities to teach certain courses in English. The global retreat of French cultural institutions is also apparent in the low ranking of the nation’s elite universities in the Shanghai league table, and the generally recognised impotence of official organisations such as Francophonia, the association of French-speaking countries, which does little except hold lavish annual summits of its heads of state.” From Aeon.
Palm Coast Construction and Development Progress Reports:
The following is an update of ongoing construction and development projects in Palm Coast, through Sept. 18:
Palm Coast Parkway Six-Laning is 92 percent done: Contractor has placed the new 6″ reuse main into service and has prepared the old line to grout filled. Work in median continues and landscape along project continues.
Holland Park, 30 percent done: Installation of conduits for future ball field lighting continues. Excavation continues for sidewalks in the ball field areas.
Palm Coast City Hall at Town Center, 90 percent done: Floor tile installation continues; ceiling tile installation continues; millwork installation continues; landscape work continues; carpet tile installation has begun.
Colechester Drive Bridge, 40 percent done: Seawall Caps being formed, work has begun on the bridge deck, South traffic barrier poured, North traffic barrier being formed, demolition of slope pavement continues.
County’s I-95 Interchange Matanzas Woods Reclaim Water, 25 percent done: Contractor has installed approximately 1,000 ft. of reclaim water main total installed 5,000 ft. to date.
Palm Harbor Parkway Roadway Extension, 6 percent done: The stormwater pipe installation at the intersection of Old Kings Road and Matanzas Parkway has started.
North Old Kings Road Extension to Matanzas Woods Parkway, 12 percent done: Site clearing continues at 85 percent.
Island Walk Shopping Center Phase 1, 93 percent done: A substantial inspection for the first stage was completed and a punch list was generated for contractor.
Shops at Pine Lakes Convenience Store, 99 percent done: As-builts for Utility have been approved.
Old Kings Road Force Main – Master Pump Station, 22 percent done: Jack and Bore casing has been placed under Old Kings Road at south entrance to spray field. The 16″ Force main piping installation has started.
Grand Haven Sales Center on Colbert Lane, 35 percent done: Water and Sewer services have been installed on site.
Road and Interstate Construction:
Flagler County Road 302 is Closed to all but local traffic as repaving began on June 7 and the roadway will be closed to all but local traffic. Others will be required to detour around County Road 302 using State Road 100. The roadway will be closed for 90 days, or until early September.
Palm Coast’s Colechester Lane bridge to be closed July 7 through Sept. 4: A detour will be established taking travelers over the Colorado Drive bridge instead. Signs will be posted directing motorists to the Colorado Drive bridge. The City of Palm Coast strives for safe construction zones. The City asks for the cooperation and patience of residents as this important bridge improvement project is completed. For more information, contact Palm Coast Customer Service at 386-986-2360.
Volusia: I-4 Widening from SR 44 to east of I-95, Monday and Friday, 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Eastbound/Westbound shoulder closing. Sunday through Thursday, Eastbound and Westbound lane closures as needed from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. Thursday, 9:00 p.m. – 5:30 a.m. EB road closure between Canal St./SR 44 and I-95 with detour at US 92 exit ramp.Motorists should be aware of traffic shifts near Canal St./SR 44.
- Palm Coast Parkway Project Website
- Florida Department of Transportation Road Project List
- County Road 304 Project Map and Description
Comment of the Day (From the Comment Section):

I left because, in “Sheriff Hires 13 Deputies, Underscoring Turnover of More Than 100 in Three Years“: I would like to share my experience…my story..as one deputy who left the FCSO after Manfre came into office. I was not fired. I was not under “investigation” for any reason. I have never had any disciplinary action taken against me. I served the FCSO many years. My family is here in Flagler. I love this county. I have a college degree. When Manfre came into office I personally watched him plan and execute a devastating attack on the career deputies in this agency. He first picked Staly. Staly backed Manfre in every executive firing the occurred. At every executive meeting for months they harassed deputies. Promotions….demotions…interviews…resumes…firings…threats…were all tactics used by Manfre and Staly in a sad attempt to “humble” faithful and dedicated employees into submission. Lives and careers, families and children, all affected with devastating results. You see my friends, law enforcement officers are able to exist because they become a family of sorts. They go through difficult times together. They understand the stress of seeing children abused, women abused, innocent people hurt simply because of their race, religion, sexual preference, and really sometimes for no reason whatsoever. Evil exists. Evil wants to destroy. Many different people help the innocent. Reporters, child protection officers, teachers, fire fighters, police officers, service men and women, and many many more… When I observed my brothers and sisters in law enforcement having their lives turned upside down by Manfre and Staly I was faced with a heart-wrenching decision. Defend them or leave. How can a brother or sister simply watch their friends be fired and destroyed for no reason other than political payback and gain? So I resigned. I left. Not for more pay. Not because the FCSO is a training ground. I somehow-someway-envy those who remain. Somehow they were able to look the other way..ignore their brothers and sisters in pain. I was not. I resigned. I quit after years of service. Sure, now I make more money. But my heart remains with the citizens of Flagler county. Hoffman simply does not understand. He retired, went to Bunnell and after an embarrassing affair that hurt many, he settled with Manfre and company. This is my story.” Reply to I left because here.
Schiff Plays Bach’s Italian Concerto
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