It is many parents’ nightmare: an older man using texts or Facebook or other electronic means to make sexual advances on their children.
Michael Lee King is a 30-year-old resident of Hickory Street in Bunnell. In July, he started sending Facebook messages to three teen-age girls—two sisters and their neighbor—age 15, 16 and 18.
“Hey, beautiful, add me and I would love to get to know you,” went one message.
“Do I know you?” the 15-year-old girl responded.
“No,” King, who went by the name “Jones,” allegedly replied, “but thought you were hot and wanted to get to know you.” He referred to the recipient’s “sexy ass,” asked about her status, and made other advances.
During the course of one conversation, “jones” asked the girl how old she was. She told him she was 15. She asked “Jones” how old he was. He told her he was 27. She then responded, telling him that since their age difference was what it was, they didn’t need to be “hanging” out, period.
“Age is only a #,” the alleged Jones responded, ‘your gonna miss out on something good.” He told her he knew the girl’s sister, and made other suggestions that he was not a stranger, which led the girl to add him to send a picture. He asked whether she wanted one of him dressed or not. Dressed, she replied.
“At one point,” according to a police report, “’Jones’ appeared to be begging [the girl] to come with him and stated that he would pay her five hundred dollars, let her ride in his car, and stated that he would have bought her whatever she wanted and would have taken care of her as well.”
The whole matter was brought to the attention to Flagler County Sheriff’s investigators when the girl’s mother referred the matter to them, after her daughter told her that a man was sending her harassing messages. The messages had begun in mid-June. The parent reported the matter to police in late July.
Investigators eventually identified “Jones” as Michael King, the Bunnell resident. Police advised the parent to file for an injunction against him. But subsequently the matter got more serious, with “simple” messages continuing to be sent back and forth–by which time investigators were posing as the girl–until, on Sept. 26, the matter of an in-person meeting was brought up, and a meeting date of Sept. 27, at 1 p.m.—last Friday—was set up.
The meeting place: PetSmart at Town Center.
King allegedly claimed he would turn up in an Old Navy shirt and a pair of plaid shorts, driving a black truck.
Police set up a sting. King showed up in the truck, wearing the clothes he said he’d be wearing. He was arrested in front of the PetSmart door and booked at the Flagler County jail on Sept. 30. The heavily redacted police report leaves unclear the progression of events, the lag between the Sept. 27 meeting and the Monday booking, or which of the girls he was intending to meet–the 15 year old or the 16 year old.
King was charged with two counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor. He was released on $6,000 bond Monday.
anonymous says
Was this a catch a predator type thing? Or was he baited? The communication should have ended with the Parents informing Mr. King he would be reported to the Police or it just should have been reported to the Police as soon as it was established the communication was unwanted or advances made. Don’t understand why all the back and fourth went on. Just block him end of story.
Anonymous: Blocking him solves one problem, but he’ll just move on to somebody else. The back and forth removes a potential predator from society and saves somebody down the road who might not tell her parents about it.
Anonymous says
My 10 year old step daughter is friends with his 10 year old daughter. She has been begging to go to there house but I wouldn’t let her. Justnever felt right about this family!! Now I know why my gut told me to not let her go.
A.S.F. says
It doesn’t seem likely that this would be the first time this guy has tried something like this. The police should be looking for other possible victims. I hope anyone reading this article who has had a run-in with this individual will come forward and contact the authorities.
Yea,, just block him so he can move on to do this to some other persons child. That is crazy. Just look the other way and maybe the boogie man will go away…i dont think so.
Sara richmond says
The parents shouldn’t have had to inform him of anything!! He is a 30 yr old man it only takes common since to know he shouldn’t be trying to talk or meet up with 14 and 15 yr old girls!! I’m sure you would feel diff if it was your child he offered $500 to come take a “ride” with him!!! He should still be in jail with no bond!!!
anonymous says
Parents stop using Facebook as your new babysitter and you just might be able to curb these things before they reach the next level. But then again you yourselves are probably to wrapped up in your own Facebook world. Obviously the guys thinking is not up to pare so why would it be okay for kid to keep conversing with a grown man? As soon as he contacted her she should have told her parents the parents tell the cops and they handle it. How about your gonna go to jail I’m telling the police. Judging from all your responses that’s why kids are all mixed up. On one hand your calling her a little girl on the other your giving them the freedom of an adult in a crazy virtual world.
B.B says
THE SCHOOL BUS STOP IS RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIS HOUSE , He could of just as easily stood at the end of his driveway and tried to make friends with the kids. THANK YOU Flagler County Sheriff Department for getting him . How many more kids was he watching ? We DO NOT need this kind of TRASH in our area. Oh ! and you need bait to catch a rat .
his daughter says
This really affected my life and still does..
Me. says
Try being the little 15 year old girl..
Me says
My life was ruined. I was humiliated. My first dance in high school I had every cop in Flagler county undercover watching me so I was safe. It effected me too..