Last Updated: 10:16 p.m.
A rush-hour crash between a Ford pick-up truck and a GMN minivan at State Road 100 and County Road 302, an intersection with a notorious history of wrecks, shut down traffic on the two roads in that area for almost an hour and a half This afternoon as paramedics worked to free two of the injured in the pick-up truck. The driver, 24-year-old Michele A. Brown of Bunnell, was flown by Flagler County’s Fire Flight to Halifax Hospital with serious injuries. She was driving with a juvenile girl, K.K. Black, 12, who was taken by ground to Florida Hospital Flagler.
The driver of the minivan, 47-year-old Joy Allen of Bunnell, had a few lacerations but appeared otherwise uninjured: she was walking and in full control of her capacities at the scene, where she also spoke with authorities.
The wreck left the minivan on its side in a ditch, and the Ford pick-up’s driver’s side sheared beyond recognition. The pick-up sat across SR100, facing north.
The wreck was witnessed by a volunteer fire chief from Putnam County, who was immediately behind one of the two vehicles, and was able to give a clear narrative description to Florida Highway Patrol investigators.
According to FHP investigators at the scene, Brown was traveling in her pick-up truck west on SR100. The Allen was traveling east on 100. “The pick-up truck entered the left turn lane, attempted to turn left onto County Road 302,” an investigator said, “in front of the approaching vehicle a left-front to left-front impact, driver’s front to driver’s front impact, ultimately resulting in the vehicle going in the ditch” and the rotation of the pick-up truck. “The driver of the pick-up truck was entrapped, was cut out by five members of Fire Rescue,” and flown to Halifax.
It’s not clear why Brown cut in front of Allen’s minivan minivan. The volunteer fire chief was behind the pick-up truck, and himself clearly saw the approaching minivan, telling an FHP investigator that neither visibility nor glare were a problem (it was bright, cloudless daylight). Speed was not an issue, and all occupants wore their seat belts, the investigator said.
Brown faces a moving violation charge of failing to yield while turning left in front of an approaching vehicle, according to an FHP report released this evening.
The wreck took place around 5:15 p.m. Fire Flight was able to land in the vast front yard of a large estate on the south side of SR100, at the intersection with 302. The helicopter took off at 6:07 p.m. At 6:15 p.m., crews from John’s Towing removed the pick-up truck from the middle of the road, and a few minutes later westbound traffic on SR100, which had backed up about a mile, began top crawl again. Eastbound traffic resumed at 6:21 p.m., also slowly, as crews continued to work the crash scene.
The van, a 2007 model Acadia, sustained $17,500 in damages. The pick-up truck, a 2004 Ford F-150, had $7,500 in damages.
Odom Family says
We pray for the families in the crash! may you all make it through.
PC tax payer says
What is going on here in Flagler County? It seems every day I read about a major event here on Flaglerlive, hats off to the great job these men & women are doing day after day.
speedyz says
So def like how bunnell fire was there but yet its not talked about at all its all county fire even tho bunnell was first on scence hats off to both crews they did an amazing job
Speedyz is slow says
Who cares what department got on scene first? Aren’t you all there to do the same job which is save people’s lives?
the truck was facing kinda south east and i just hope them girls are ok my prayers are with there families it a very sad day becouse the driver is a really nice young women and very well known here and glad other women is ok may god be with them all
kksign74 says
My sister-in-law was the 47-year-old. We are so thankful that God spared her life and the lives of the other two young women. Thanks go out to the Bunnell Fire Dept as first responders and to all who helped these women during this frightening event. So glad there were no fatalities. Sis, I love you and so glad you are only bruised and sore. Thank God for seatbelts!!
ol'sarge says
hit the brakes, speedyz…nowhere in the article does it differentiate between FCFR and Bunnell Fire. It is not about who gets where first and, frankly, that kind of attitude from the public is part of the reason there is such divisiveness between the multiple agencies in this area.
Prayers to all of those involved!
jennifer says
Actually Putnam County was first on scene according to the report. A volunteer fire chief witnessed all of it and probably rendered aid. It doesn’t matter who gets there first. It is not a race, maybe some volunteers need to realize that. No good comes from racing to a scene if the rescuers are involved in their own accident.
just me says
First on scene generally sets the scene up and stabilizes the patients so YEAH in my opinion IT MATTERS who gets the kudos,it’s kind of a moral booster if you will when you are recognized for a job that you do.MANY years ago I used to be a volunteer on an ambulance in NJ and with out that little bit of recognition for what you do is a downer.The volunteer Fire Chief from Putnam was there by accident but the guys and gals who raced to the scene to help did it BECAUSE THEY CARE and like what they do and if telling them GOOD JOB is all they want or need to hear the then should get it.
DP says
@ Just me,
First and foremost let me say I don’t know you, or have any personal issues with you, and I believe everyone has a right to speak or write what they say or think, “OPINIONS”. Your post is almost correct, first on scene generally sizes up the scene with the first “MAJOR” issue to address is the scene “SAFE”. For the lay person, this is where the first arriving unit either volunteers or career insures that there are no unforeseen hazards present to injury the very same first responders coming to render aid. What good is a dead or injured first responder?
I’ve seen firsthand the end result’s of what racing to the scene causes. No matter what and under no circumstances do you or anybody ever drive equipment or personal vehicles in a hazardous way IE: High speed, or carelessly. In the state of Florida the driver of an emergency vehicle or personal vehicle responding to an emergency can be charged criminally in the event of an accident that causes an injury to another person or worse death, it doesn’t differentiate between volunteer and career. I agree with ol”sarge that kind of attitude from the public is part of the reason there is such divisiveness between the multiple agencies in this area. In closing “GOOD JOB” to all involved regardless of who was their first it’s a team effort, NOT an “I” effort.
Most importantly,
Prayers to all of those involved!
JBc says
The volunteer Fire Chief from Putnam was there by accident….I am sorry to say but with God there are no accidents God had the him there for a purpose. And i am sorry but as long as some one was there to help and give the 911 the operators, the info they needed to get more help on the sene,
your friend in blue says
@ just me… as for me and im sure anyone else in law enforcement or fire, we didnt get into this job for compliments….. sorry… if your doing this so society will put you up on a high horse, your in the wrong field.. good day.