It’s been the longest interview in history this side of Kate Middleton: Bruce Campbell has been acting manager in Flagler Beach since January 2–nine months–serving seven commissioners and a mayor along the way (two of those commissioners have been replaced), and never getting the four-vote majority he’s needed to be appointed permanent city manager.
That may change Thursday.
Flagler Beach Commission Chairman John Feind, who’s opposed Campbell’s appointment until now, added an item to the Oct. 13 commission meeting: “Consider appointing Bruce Campbell as City Manager.”
The item suggests that Feind has made up his mind in favor of Campbell. If so, he didn’t say on Friday when contacted by a reporter. “Do I have an idea what I’m going to do? yeah, I do,” Feind said, but he wouldn’t let on what, exactly, that would be. He still wants to hear from the public, though whatever clamor had accompanied Campbell’s circus-like support a year ago has only increased since. “There’s a general consensus in the community that he’s done an outstanding job,” Commissioner Steve Settle said in April, during one of Settle’s many attempts to give Campbell the job. Feind himself conceded Friday that Campbell has done well as an acting manager–“generally so, yes,” in Feind’s words.
The chairman had set budget season as Campbell’s litmus test. Budget season is over. How did Campbell do? “He did a good a job at the budget.”
Barring a surprise road-to-Damascus moment by three commissioners–Marshal Shupe, Kim Carney and Settle–Campbell has those votes. He’s needed one more from either Feind or Jane Mealy, who opposed Campbell’s appointment the strongest when Campbell wended his way through the interviewing process. He did so more by elimination, favoritism, stalemate and supporters’ political maneuvering than conventional merit in the summer of 2010, surfacing on the short list from a stack of 140 applicants. His lack of public executive experience made Mealy nervous. (See his full resume below.) His political fan base made Mealy and Feind nervous. Both had voted against appointing Campbell acting manager when the commission did so, on a 3-2 vote almost a year ago (on Oct. 28).
Click On:
- Flagler Beach’s Steve Settle Will Again Attempt to Appoint Bruce Campbell Manager
- Stalemated Flagler Beach Opts for Bruce Campbell As Acting Manager Beginning Jan. 2
- And Then There Were One and a Half: Flagler Beach Manager Pick Slims to Default
- Softball League: Flagler Beach Interviews 3 Hometown Candidates for Manager, Gently
If Feind appears ready to move in Campbell’s favor, Mealy appears less inclined to do so. She, too, would not say how she would vote on Thursday. Her report card for Campbell was less glowing than Feind’s. “I was satisfied with the budget. I still have to think about how satisfied I was with how he did it,” Mealy said. More generally, she added: “There’s some things I’m happy about and some things I’m not happy about or less happy about and I have to decide whether—it’s still a hard decision for me.”
While Settle has been pushing for Campbell’s permanent appointment since last year, too much can be made of the fact that Feind, this time, is the one placing the matter on the agenda. In reality, Feind is merely, as chairman, fulfilling a promise he made last spring–when he resisted Settle’s latest push to appoint Campbell–to bring up the matter immediately after budget season.
But wording and circumstances matter, too: the agenda item was not neutral, and the pressure on the commission to appoint a manager one way or another has grown too intense for the panel to fall short once again. There is no other candidate in play, and no desire among a majority of commissioners to reopen the application process, let alone do a nationwide search. Campbell is it.
For Feind and Mealy, in sum, their hand is being forced. That leaves them with a stark choice, which isn’t much of a choice at all. Either they fold and give Campbell the fourth vote for the permanent appointment, or they’re seen as obstructionists with no constructive alternative to fall back on.
Feind’s and Mealy’s opposition would come down to obstinate principle. That may have been honorable 12 or six months ago. It’s more likely to look like prideful stubbornness now–as two commissioners placing their personal convictions, which are not in doubt, above what appears to be broad consensus that the city needs to move past this particular (and particularly embarrassing) hurdle. Feind may be moving toward changing his vote for the good of the city rather than out of personal conviction (the way former Commissioner Joy McGrew did last year to give Campbell the acting job). If Feind does so, he may save Mealy the trouble of changing hers, though a unanimous vote for a city manager is always the preferred vote of confidence for a government looking for fresh-start unity.
Thursday’s meeting (Sept. 13) begins at 5:30 p.m. at the Flagler Beach City Hall.
Charles Ericksen, Jr says
Many years ago, in my primary career, I was one of a group, that was involved in a lengthy “discussion”, with an agressive lawyer. She continued to reject offer after offer, wanting to “wait to see, what was going to happen” down the road. Then suddenly one day, she called up and said…..” We’ve wined and dined this subject long enough, let’s put it to bed”..That we did… Let’s look at the results, and not the technique, and decide one way or the other. Maybe we should do the same with elected officials? Put them on probation for 6 months after elected, and then vote again, whether to keep them!!!
elaygee says
He’s so highly qualified that they are lucky Mr. Campbell even considers working for them
carla c says
My first instinct is to write something that reflects all the poor decisions made in our small town but I will refrain and put as much positive energy into the hope that people will finally get it right. Otherwise I will feel it necessary to run through the streets pulling out my hair…fingers crossed :)
MJ says
elaygee said just what everyone is thinking.
PAM says
It’s been a long time coming but maybe now the FB commission will to do the right thing. All their doubts and questions have been answered by a competant city manager who lives in town and has no personal agenda except to do the best for our little city. I will be stunned if they continue their resistance with no good reason. I have to believe these commissioners will finally give the citizens what they have been wanting for so long.
FlaglerLive says
People hoping to pad comments by posting under different names, as one commenter here did, will not see those comments go up. Please refrain from that sort of deceit and don’t abuse the allowance of not writing under your own name. Thanks.
Terry says
It is so good to hear that our commission may be giving Flagler Beach an official city manager. I know that hundreds of citizens have been waiting patiently for this to be done. The citizenns are deserving and so is Bruce Campbell
Ron Vath says
I’ve waited patiently for what I felt confident of months ago to come to fruition. My only fear was that Bruce would quit before certain Commissioners were able to make up their mind regarding his competency. Should have known better. He’s not a quitter. In my opinion one of the best things that has happened to Flagler Beach in a long time. I hope all Commissioners have made up their minds to support him. Please make the vote unanimous to honor him with the City Manager title. He deserves it.
JoAnne Ricardi says
Ron has said it all and probably better than I would have, so—Ditto–Ditto–Ditto. Bruce has and will continue to serve the city. All he wants is the security that goes with the job. A unified vote would be very pleasing.