Last Updated: Aug. 29, 9:24 p.m.
Aug. 29 update: Kirt Smith, 15, was pronounced dead this afternoon at 5:37 p.m. at Halifax Hospital, where he had been taken Friday night after a pick-up truck collided with him while he was riding south on Seminole Woods Boulevard, 1.1 mile from State Road 100.
Flowers had already appeared at the site of the accident in early evening today, and flowers’ electronic equivalent–the Facebook memorials–were accumulating fast on a page created for Smith, a student at Flagler Palm Coast High School, late this afternoon. “Kirt,” wrote one friend, Danny Sarmiento, “we had a great childhood together, you were one of my best friends. you, me, and brad would always stick together. i know you’re in a better place, and i want you to know, that even though we never really talked recently, i will always remember you as the fun and awesome person you were, are, and always will be. i miss you bro.”
The Facebook page is here.
A homicide investigation will follow, according to Florida Highway Patrol practice, though no foul play–or drinking or speeding: the driver was going under the speed limit, according to a witness–is suspected on the part of the driver, though conclusive evidence won’t be available for several more weeks. (That proved not to be the case as the investigation revealed that the driver was drunk.)
The original Aug. 26 report: Kirt Smith, 15, was on his bicycle, riding south with a friend on darkened Seminole Woods Boulevard just before 9 p.m. Friday evening (Aug. 26) when he was violently struck by a Ford pick-up also going south. Smith was transported to Halifax Hospital by ambulance after Air One, the Volusia County helicopter, was requested for a trauma evacuation, but the helicopter had mechanical difficulties.
Click On:
- Light Up Palm Coast Petition
- See the FHP’s Accident Report
- Small Government’s Price: No Sidewalk Money, City Says in Wake of Boy’s Death on Seminole
Smith’s father was quickly notified. Smith had been unresponsive except for a heartbeat before being transported. As of 10:35 p.m., Smith remained in critical condition at Halifax, a nursing supervisor there said.
Flagler County’s Fire Flight helicopter, stationed very near the accident scene, could have been at the scene sooner, but the county, to save money by cutting out a pilot, has not operated the helicopter outside its 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. service time for more than two years. It had previously kept the helicopter in service from 8 a.m. to 4 a.m.
Smith’s friend was not hurt in the accident.
The Ford pick-up truck was driven by Gary Wright Jr., 31, of Palm Coast. Seminole Woods is a four-lane highway with a grassy divider. The boys were riding their bicycles in the left lane of the southbound lanes, with “no lights,” according to the trooper, when Wright struck Smith.
Smith’s bicycle shattered in several pieces, and debris was scattered along the left shoulder and into the grassy area over more than a dozen feet.
Both southbound lanes of Seminole Woods Boulevard were closed after 9 p.m., and reopened around 10 p.m. One of the two northbound lanes was also closed.
After the collision, Wright, turned around and drove the pick-up truck back up to the accident scene, where he stopped the truck on the left shoulder of the northbound lanes. The impact had been strong enough to smash the truck’s left headlight and buckle its hood.
Throughout, Wright sat at the edge of the bed of his truck, with authorities, including Flagler County Sheriff’s deputies, nearby. At 9:31 p.m., a Flagler County paramedic, with the trooper shining a flashlight on Wright’s left arm, took a blood sample from the driver, a procedure carried out usually to test for blood-alcohol levels.

Dee says
Hey Palm Coast, have you ever heard of sidewalks?
steve weaver says
I have been begging the city to do something out here in seminole woods for years. About 6 months ago i called the city begging them to lower the speed limits out here in this neighborhood. I told them we needed to do something befor one of our kids get hurt.
K says
This is heartbreaking. My prayers go out to the victim and the driver. What a horrible accident.
rickg says
Speed limits are not the issue here. What was the unfortunate kid doing riding his bike in the left hand lane? It is difficult to see on that road at night and hopefully those who ride their bikes have some kind of reflective gear on them or their bicycles. I hope the young man survives. My thoughts are with him and his family.
sami says
omg kirt i just saw u earlier on my way to work and said hey. i hope u will be okay. i’m going to try to keep updated from ur sis or who ever… love ya
sami says
omg kirt i just saw u earlier on my way to work and said hey. i hope u will be okay. i’m going to try to keep updated from ur sis or who ever… love ya
i’ll pray for u
Kyle k says
God hope he is doing alright he is like my brother.
kettman says
your in our prayers kirt!
unidentified black male says
mann how come buddy didnt see the lights coming. nd how fast was da car goin?
devante collins says
im soooo sad about thiis i got curt in my prayers:/ i hope hes okay i just saw him earlier… iim praying he makes it okay..
palmcoaster says
My prayers go out to the youngster, his family and also the driver as is almost impossible to see kids or adults on their bicycles at night in our semi rural roads in this county. At least in the C section I see youngsters riding on Club House Drive when they have the walkway along it by the Golf Course, they choose the pavement …Will be unaffordable to build sidewalks all over this county in our current economy and even with that our youngsters will be in danger at the crossings or while choosing to ride on the pavement, specially at night time and even worst , late at night. Parents have to properly instruct their children not to ride their bikes at night in these local, even if two lanes highway’s. Logically is very risky.
Ed says
I agree with those who don’t try to make the driver out to be some kind of “villain”. That road is too dark to ride a bike on at 9pm. Wasn’t there a similar accident on that road?
Gary says
When I moved here from California, I was shocked to see so many dark, unlighted roads in residential areas. AND NO SIDEWALKS! I have nearly hit bicyclists before myself at night, out in the Z section on Belle Terre, another dark road with NO shoulder and NO sidewalk. With no lights on the bike, and with the bike rider riding IN THE ROAD, it is a disaster waiting to happen. My prayers to the family of the rider, and the driver. What’s it going to take to get sidewalks and lighting on these dangerous roads??? This is ridiculous!
jake spicer says
God, please let Kirt be ok. i was just talking to him right after school. this is why palm coast needs side walks on all of the roads. but maybe this will make them put in sidewalks
Kat says
This is a terrible accident. My prayers go out to the young man and his family. I live in Seminole woods and I also believe the speed limits are to high. I do not understand how Belle Terre Parkway is 45 and Seminole woods is 55. Seminole woods is bad enough during the day but its a nightmare at night. The road has no streetlights at all, and people drive way over the posted 55 mph speed limit. Just maybe , if the speed limit was 45 on this road, the driver would have had enough time to react.
Gina says
My prayers go out to Kirt and his family, he is a great kid and was just trying to cross the road to go to my neice’s house…This is a horrible accident for all…and this is why the City of Palm Coast needs to STOP spending thousands of dollars on trees and plants for town center and other streets and they need to invest that money in MUCH NEEDED sidewalks on Seminole Woods Pky and Whiteview Pky..there are lots of teenagers and adults who ride bikes (day & night) and have nowhere to go on these parkways except for in the road..its horrible and we are praying that this young man will survive this horrible accident..I am sure the driver feels horrible too..and is also praying! A tradgedy for all involved..
Shae says
That is my brother kirt he is in critical condition. He loss lots of blood and lots of broken bones and a cracked skull
Ron Cook says
Bro, please pull through this.
farrah says
kirt, you’ve managed to do a lot of stuff in life and get through it. i know you got this! i prayed for you last night! i’m sure many others did too. c’mon kid, please be okay..
Gina says
Shae..we are praying for Kirt and all of you…stay stong!!
Sarah B says
please pray for kirt </3
Dede S. says
My thoughts and prayers go out to Kirt, and his father Brent, Aunt Shalen, and entire family. This is an absolute tragedy that I pray will have a favorable outcome on many levels. God be with Kirt, and family, as he endures the hours/days ahead.
Jennifer Marine says
Kirt, We are all praying for you and your family..Eric says ‘bro please come through this need ya here and so does everyone else. Stay strong you can get through this…yhats one thing you taught me not to give up!!! So don’t you!!”
OMG! My friend knows that guy and i know exactly were that is looking at the picture! I will be praying for Kirt as much as possible. Hopefully everyone will be ok! YOU HAVE MY FULL SUPPORT! : ) DONT WORRY MAN YOUR IN GOOD HANDS!
Jennifer says
I do not know this nor am I from Fl. I live in Ozark Mo. This boy is however someone my sister n niece knows in Fl. ! I am praying for Strength, patience, trust, hope, faith, courage, love and knowledge for this boy, his family and friends! I pray for his friend who unfortunately saw it! I pray in jesus name amen! I am so sorry this happened my heart is heavy! I sure wish there wasnt pictures to look at, because his parents should never see them! This is an image no should see! I would say however that there should ALWAYS BE EMERGENCY VEHICLES AND AIR TRANSPORTATION AVAILABLE! !! It means ALL the difference in LIFE or DEATH situations!!!!
CAP says
Town Center is LIT UP and full of EMPTY parking lots. Flagler County please listen: We need STREET LIGHTS in our RESIDENTIAL areas!!
I pray that Kirt makes it through this. My prayers for Kirt and his Family.
Erica says
Kirt we ALL NEED YOU!!! you DID NOT deserve this!!! please fight through this everyone is praying for you, BE STRONG! we love you…
Leona Fuler says
Kirt Aunt Leona loves you and thinking about you and praying for you. You are strong and young and can over come this i love you very much PLEASE BE STRONG FOR US…. I LOVE YOU
TW says
My prayers and thoughts go out to the Smith family, hoping Kurt will be okay. Now to the safety issue in Seminole Woods. It appear we, our neighborhood are still considered the Red-Headed stepchildren of Palm Coast. Have been here for 14 years and went through he 1998 fires, do you think that street lights and sidewalks should be put in? I agree with other posts that the Town Center is lit up and other sections on the northside of 100. it’s time to make some changes in our neighborhood for the safety our children.
Layla says
My prayers go out to the family and friends of both Kirt and Gary. This is an unnecessary tragedy. A reflecter is not enough to protect you at this time of night on the dark roads here. I have seen parents out walking with strollers not even wearing light clothing. Without lights, light clothing, you are taking your lives and those of your children and pets in your hands being out this late at night.
I will be praying for you, Smith and Wright families.
palmcoaster says
For what was reported in this news, seems that shamefully this county without informing the tax payers for their approval and unilaterally decided to cut the one pilot on call or on duty until 4 am daily for the one emergency helicopter to serve us, the people. Shame on all the county commissioners including Holland and Hanns serving four years ago when this awful decision was made. Now Holland had no qualms to support 150,000 at least for the private enterprise Marineland Marina benefiting a developer, neither no opposition for the 400,000 she pushes for a CEO and assistants for her ED BS and much more overspending for bogus projects around this county. But always cutting on the services that we pay up front and are denied to us, the taxpayers. Wonder how many other services have this county cut behind our backs to use those fiunds to favor the well connected elite instead.
No 400,000 to this bogus ED now and pay a another pilot for our emergency helicopter NOW, instead.
City also forced us to give 5 million at least, for the Town Center CRA were correctly the one complainer here points too, for a lavish infrastructure that rarely the residents use, but can’t be afforded 2 lights per block on the 4 lanes highway within city limits?
KP says
We are all praying for Kirt and his family. Palm Coast needs to have sidewalks next to the main roads and in the neighborhoods. I cannot even take my kids for a bike ride in this city, they are forced to ride their bikes in the driveway. I have never seen a city with so many neighborhoods and no sidewalks. Something needs to be done about this. Instead of spending tax dollars on things that are not important, how about putting some sidewalks in all the neighborhoods? This is a tragic accident and I hope and pray that Kirt makes it through this.
Anonymous says
Kirt you are in my thoughts and prayers. I love you. Be strong. Love aunt Jeannette. Brent if you need me call me.
Jeannette Silvia says
Kurt aunt Jeannette loves you. Brent if you are anyone needs anything give me a call. Be strong Kirt. Love you.
Cayla says
Prayers going out to you! T
Cayla says
Prayers going out to you! The Calvary fam is definitely praying!(:
Kerry says
Poor Kirt.. He’s a friend of mine and he’s in a couple of my classes at school. He’s such a good kid. You and your family are in my prayers, buddy. I hope you pull through.
steve wheeler says
I think Flagler County needs a lawsuit for not having their helicopter unavailable for two reasons. First cutting a pilots hours to something thats needed at any hour of the day or night ( thats why it’s there in the first place!) and for not having it flight ready. (not to mention having a “few” key street lights in needed areas..) I think Flagler County needs a good lesson here. I am ashamed to live in Flagler County and this once again shows the mentality of this county and area. “You Fail Flagler County”. Are you proud of yourself now?
mara says
No lawsuit for “not having a helicopter available” is going to happen. Know why? It’s not about “the law”–it’s about FUNDING.
Yes, that’s right–they cut back because of budgetary reasons. Talk to your circle of friends and family about this. THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU SHRINK GOVERNMENT. THIS WILL GET WORSE WITH MORE CUTS.
Talk to those insufferable fools that think “we don’t need such a big government”. That’s total BS and this is a perfect example of WHY. Some of you really need to wake up and start connecting the dots, the next time someone says “We Need Less Government”
Sha says
I was the next car after the car that hit that poor boy. (I didn’t see the actually accident occur) I feel for the driver. My prayers to both families.
I do have to agree that Palm Coast has spent alot of money and now they need to protect our children and other innocent citizens by putting in street lights in residential areas and also sidewalks. It should be mandatory! Safety first and I can say this has happened more frequently than you know. (Put yourself in the parents shoes and also the driver.
As for the helicopter situation I am appauled that this happened and you are right seconds & minutes can make a difference in LIFE and DEATH! Flagler County/Palm Coast you should be ashamed of yourselves. Stop planting the damn trees that just obstruct everyone’s view and do what you need to do!!
God Bless both Curt’s family and Gary!
Mike C says
When I moved down to Palm Coast 2 years ago I was shocked at all the residential streets that were DARK. I visit my daughter up in that area and am scared to drive that part of the road.
What’s missing here? 1) STREET LIGHTS 2) bike lane or sidewalks 3) mandatory lights on bikes after dark. My prayers are with this young boy and his family.
concerned says
I feel bad for kirt and his family and also the driver. I hope he makes a full recovery.
The issue with not having sidewalks and street lights will not be fixed overnight. I have come close a few times to hitting a bicycle or someone walking because I did not see them to the last minute. But here are some things you can do to prevent further tragedies. Limit your bike riding or walking to as little as possible after the sun goes down. Put reflectors on your bike, I know kids like to take them off for looks but they are one of the most important bicycle safety items. Wear light colored clothing. Ride on the same side of the road as traffic. And when you see a car get as close to the side of the road as you can. If the driver does not see you until the last minute he does not have to swerve as far to miss you.
Bri mcknight says
That was my brother he is still in the hospital and he is 3 times the size he was and in critical condition he’s doing better then last night he won’t respond right now but thank you for the prayers from everyone and yes they do need to put more lights and stop lights in there I wish he would have just stayed home ..I love you kirt AKA bubby we love you
Becky Cov says
I see now that Volusia Air had mechanical difficulties, and Flagler was off duty. My apologies for missing that! Praying for healing and total restoration for the young man.
Bob Davis says
Wow kirt i know you will pull through this i am praying for you and when i saw you today i didnt even recognize you when you come out of this your gonna better than ever i love you and i love that your one of my best friends im praying for you <3
Anonymous says
I was born and raised here in Flagler County and I have said all along that Seminole Woods and Quail Hollow are considered to be the lower side of Palm Coast. We never get anything on this side of Palm Coast. How many kids have to get injured before we get sidewalks on this side. For example: Palm Coast builds a park on Sesame with NO SIDEWALKS
Anonymous says
My wife was born and raised here in Flagler County and has said for years that Seminole Woods and Quail Hollow is not treated like the other side of Palm Coast. She says that Palm Coast considers this side the cesspool of Palm Coast. How many kids have to get injured before they put sidewalks on our side of Palm Coast. Was it not just a few months ago that another young boy was injured on Seminole Woods! They want our tax money but we get nothing. Jim Landon can make a six figure salary with our tax money but we get nothing towards the safety of our children. For example, they build a park on Sesame but NO SIDEWALKS. So the kids have to ride their bikes on the street. But Belltaire now has sidewalks on both sides of the road. This doesnt make any sense does it!!! We have a trail system in the new town center but we cant ride our bikes to it!! Well, I hope that all is ok with this young boy, this is such a tragic accident. As for the Palm Coast officials, they are just a bunch of retarded implants!!!!
Monique myers says
My heart goes out to the entire famil and kirt, the driver and and the poor friend who was with him and had to witness such a tragedy. My husband tough kirt in school a couple of years ago. My prayed are with all of you. God bless everyone involved
anonymous says
I agree with a lot of comments, the ”CITY OF PALM COAST” do worry about a lot of wrong things that don’t make since. My heart goes out to the family an I will keep you all lifted up in prayers.
Cut sown all these trees that BLOCKS OUR VIEW and put up street lights in all residential areas and put up street lights down SEMINOLE WOODS
C.B says
My prayers and thoughts to Kirt and his family. This city needs to start listening to the people. A very good young man is seriously hurt right now because you do not listen to the public. Stop spending our tax dollars on sprinkler systems and plants. Start spending it on side walks, firefighters, police officers…things that we need to SAVE LIVES!! My love to the Smith and Mcknight family!!
Amber Jones says
We are praying for the family and driver!
peddro says
hang in there…. pray night after night dont stop dont lose faith and keep hope..
Gary says
The city/county is asking for a lawsuit by allowing these dangerous and dark roads to exist within residential areas. So, we (taxpayers) can pay for sidewalks and decent lighting, or pay for the city/county to defend lawsuits that are surely forthcoming…which is it going to be??? How many lives must be damaged/lost???
John Smith says
Well Mara, I hate to have to admit it but you are RIGHT. Friday night this boy was hit and needed our helicopter which may not have made much of a difference in his condition but he would have been taken care of at the Trauma Center quicker. NOW here we are this SUNDAY morning 6 am and a accident on 11 and in need of the helicopter but guess what not ours. Friday night Air One was not availible, now this morning they have a problem about coming out to 11 to help someone but came eventually. The cost of having the other helicopters come to our county has to be more and alot more than it would be to have our own in service 24 hours. They argued that last year in Volusia county when there was talk in Volusia county of stopping service to outside county services. They talk then of there charge to cover there cost of operating it. We spent $1 million on FireFight and it has proved its worth to the citizens of this county many times over so it is totally uncalled for to NOT use it 24 hours to help with protecting our residents and help saving lives. Cutting the services of this is like saying that the fire and law enforcement men and women need to work 12 hours a day and hope nothing happens after 8 pm or before 8 am. CALL YOUR COMMISSIONERS this is uncalled for pay the money.
ally varol says
omg just saw u at mcdonads bout 3 weeks go nt hen saw u riding ur bike. when we went to school together u had a rele tough time in ur ife n ust to tell me everyting… i love u buddy n hope god brings u through <3
Kaitlyn says
Kirt, please pull through this! I seen you Friday before you left school. My prayers are with you and your family!
Diamond says
Kirt Palm Coast Is Prayin For Yhu We Love You And Hope U R Doin Better…<3
Minnesota Mike says
I don’t know Kirt but it is a tragedy to hear about such a preventable accident. There is so much wasteful spending on things not needed, and then I hear about something like this. Who can be held accountable, the state, perhaps the city or local officials? To the family and friends of Kirt, I pray for you and can not begin to imagine your pain. On the other hand I do know the driver Gary, he is the nicest and most caring person you would ever meet. He would do anything for anyone and never expect anything in return. He has always been the type of person with a big heart and positive attitude who could always make you smile. I know he is devastated right now and I pray for him also. I only hope that something so negative and tragic can open up somebodies eyes and create a change for the future so this will never happen again…Peace
Anonymous says
all residential neighborhoods should have street lights and sidewalks – end of subject. Fireflight should be available 24/7 for emergencies FIND THE MONEY – MAKE THIS HAPPEN. we dont need trees/flowers/lights in Town Center where it is hardly built up yet. Why does Mantanzas Parkway at the US 1 end have all those street lights when nothing is there???? my dad lives in seminole woods and has to pay FPL to have a street light on the electric pole on edge of his property???? what is wrong with that??!! Palm Coast needs to reassess where they are spending money and quickly – I’m just surprised more kids havent been hit especially when school is in session and having to walk to the bus stop early in the morning when it is still dark
kathy says
sidewalks and street lights are a must in all residential neighborhoods in Palm Coast! Firefight needs to be available 24/7. FIND THE MONEY AND MAKE THIS HAPPEN. My dad lives in seminole woods and has to pay FPL for a street light on the electric pole on his property – that is just wrong. Mantanzas Parkway at the US 1 end has tons of streetlights and there isnt anything there – so why the streetlights? Cutback on all the pretty trees/flowers in Town Center and in the road mediums – yes it makes our city look nicer but the safety of our residents is much more important. I’m surprised that there hasnt been more accidents like this esp. when school is in session and the kids are walking/riding their bikes to school in the morning when it is still dark out. My family is praying for Kirt to pull through this horrible accident and be well again. As a volunteer firefighter for the county and my husband a retired firefighter/paramedic and now also a volunteer for the county – we see way too much of this unfortunately and it needs to stop.
Val Jaffee says
“…the moral test of government is how that government treats those who are in the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the elderly; those who are in the shadows of life; the sick, the needy and the handicapped. ” ~ Hubert H. Humphrey
When our gov’t cuts back and denies essential services for its citizens so as to keep their padded and overflowing personal coffers, we can say with absolute certainity that we have a gov’t that has failed the people miserably.
@mara – the problem is not the size of gov’t but the kind of gov’t. Our top heavy bourgeois gov’t is only concerned with their own personal welfare and that of their cronies, but at the expense of the taxpayers.
My heartfelt condolences to all those affected by this unfortunate situation….
Anonymous says
Flagler county does not have the funding to pay another pilot. If one of you that think it should be available 24 hrs a day would like to get your pilots license and volunteer to work the 12 hr shift go on ahead. The only solution to this problem, is street lights, sidewalks, and “bike wear”. Every person that is going to ride a bike at night, should have a bright color shirt on or a reflective vest, and the bike should be lit up with a front light and a flashing red back light. Simple fix! I mean it is the “law” here in palm coast. My prayers go out to the family, and the kid for a speedy recovery! About the speed limit……you said it youself that people already speed, if they lower the speed limit from 55, you think they are really going to slow down if the speed limit is 45? doubtfully!
Val Jaffee says
To: Anonymous – who says
“Flagler county does not have the funding to pay another pilot. If one of you that think it should be available 24 hrs a day would like to get your pilots license and volunteer to work the 12 hr shift go on ahead.”
The citizens of Flagler county are a working class majority who cannot afford to the luxury of volunteering these services. However, the government of Flagler county can reduce their top heavy overpaid paper shuffling administrative staff and use that money to more than pay for the many, many, many necessities this county is seriously lacking.
Anonymous says
to Val Jaffee…yes like i said before, the necessities lacking are sidewalks and street lights. im not saying i disagree that the county spends money where it should not, what i am saying, is that it would be cheaper to put in street lights and sidewalks than to operate the helicopter for an additional 12 hours. besides, volusia and st johns counties have helicopters that we can use if needed, and only have to pay for what we use instead of an unneeded employee salary. About all the pretty trees and shrubs…overkill! Seriously! Waste of valuable funding!
michele a bmx mom says
trees and pretty flowers in our medians dont save lives bright street lights do!
victor says
I saw him before hi got hit, palm coast needs more side walks and stop using the money for trees and get some light because you did do this think a kid is know in the hospital and maybe never going to walk again. palm coast sucks
Scott says
Am praying for you Kirt haven’t seen u since u were a baby. God is with you.
County Worker says
Anonymous, They would not pay anything for out of county helicopters because they will respond in a mutual aid basis. Likewise the county helicopter responds to other counties. The problem is the nearest medical transport helicopter is Air One and it is based in Deland. Most of the time the ambulance can transport by ground quicker than air one can get here. St Johns does not have a medical transport helicopter. They use the jacksonville helicopters. Bottom line is it is so much quicker to use our own helicopter and those minutes save lives.
loren says
i just saw kirt earlier that day. i was comin home from church and i seen the accadent. so i prayed for who ever it was, come to find out it was u. :( god will be with him forever and always. love ya buddy hope u do better. miss u! god is with his family too.
Jules says
Praying for healing for everyone involved. The county is closing the fire station near Palm Harbor and laying off EMT and fire fighters…..not sure how this will affect response time for that part of the county? Prayers for this young man and a speedy full recovery!
[The city is NOT closing the Palm Harbor fire station, nor laying off EMTs and firefighters. That was discussed during the budget process, as were numerous other options, but never approved.–FlaglerLive]
Dotty says
thank u for all of your concerned with what going on you all r right how many times does it take for the city or whoever to do something about this this accident should not of happended to kirt there should of been sidewalks and light ask your self this whoever is responsible to get things done to that road what would u do or feel if it was your child fighting for there life i know this kirt personally and his family so thanks for your prauers they still need them
Dylan says
Has there been any change in update on how Kirt is?.. I work for his dad, so i knew him.
Dede S. says
I keep coming back to this article, and besided the fact that Kirt was critically injured and is fighting for his life, what disturbs me, is the fact that his biking companion, hovered over his bicycle, is getting NO comfort/support whatsoever, having just witnessed the most horrific accident he probably ever will in his life! I see three men standing in the background chatting, could not one of them tried to console this poor child? This is very disturbing to me. Kirt, we are all praying for you and your family. You’re a tough boy, and with all of the love, support and strength that is being sent your way, you will, I pray, pull through this. God bless you, dear child of God.
Eddie says
OMG! i really hope kirt makes it throught his. i am going to pray for you every night. i heard he is on life support and they might pull the plug is this true? So many people were talking about it at fpc today even the principle made an announcment. Listen people wear a helmet or u be in bad shape. Lets all pray for kirt please i want to see him in school again soon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Branam Family (Leslie's friends) says
God be with you angels hovering over you and keeping you safe in their arms. Please Lord keep the family strong and give them strength through this terrible time. We are so sorry Trish and Brent and family for what has happened. We will keep you in our prayers with all our love.
~ Debbie, Hunter, Carey
Anonymous says
Requiescat in pace
Anonymous says
May his soul and the souls of all the departed faithful by God’s mercy rest in peace.
Anonymous says
R.I.P. Kirt
Ron Cook says
R.I.P. Kirt. You will be missed.
Karen says
Just found out that he passed away this afternoon. Please keep his family and all involved in your thoughts and prayers!
Palm coast family says
May God be with all of the family at this time. May Jesus carry you all. May Angels hold you up. Palm Coast is praying for you all! Our deepest sympathies to the family and friends of Kirt. This beautiful boy is in God’s loving arms now.
steve wheeler says
This simply did not have to happen. We have lost him, Why Palm Coast? SEMINOLE WOODS is Not County!, it’s City Limits!. Take Care of Your Citizens and “Do The Right Thing” and work to make sure what happened here dosen’t happen again. Palm Coast you can make sure this wont happen again. The time is now. Start getting those street lights up. Don’t let this boys life seem meaningless, Do it in His Honor. Street Lights Now!. We cant afford to lose more. Please, for all the families you have in Palm Coast Please!
Dontwannatell says
R.I.P Kirt.
See Palm Coast if this is what it has to take to lower the stupid speed limit then I shall be blind! For a kid to lose his life is ridiculous! BUGDET CUT OR NOT WE NEED SIDE WALKS AND LIGHTS ON THE ROAD!!!!!! AND ALSO LOWER SPEED LIMIT’S IN RESIDENTAL AREAS!!! Now I have never known kirt but I know people who do and from the looks of it, he was a kind, gentle, caring boy… He and his family will be in my prayers tonight!
R.I.P Kirt Smith
sami says
I love you Kirt.. I saw you before the accident. I went to visit you saturday and today…I will forever love and miss you. You are walking with your Heavenly Father, God bless you.. my thoughts and prayers are with your family.. I hope the city will change their priorities from this tragic acciedent.
<3 you
<3 sami
Tim says
Really?? This could of not happened had the county would not have cut the budget of a helicopter pilot. Those few minutes of a ride in a ambulance could have saved this innocent childs life. We can spend thousands and thousands of dollars on beautify the city with trees and shrubs lease to say no telling what else waistful dollars is spent through county and city officials where actually the treasurer or city officials could have put this neccessary money to use with sidewalks, street lights, and what is really needed. Now city officials can you really lay your head down and sleep well at night? If I was in the shoes of these officials I dont know if I could sleep knowing I have or had a childs life loss to my negligance of a decision on such budget cuts. Is this really what it was worth a childs life? The citizens of this city needs to wake up and get out those that make such decisions. CURT, REST IN THE PALMS OF GODS HANDS UNTIL WE ALL MEET AGAIN!!
God Bless the family and give them peace. Blessed Be
fester says
We are going to miss you kirt.
Rebecca Wright says
Heey liisten Kiirt paasted Awaay Toniight ! It was a seriouse accident so stop talkiin crap ! It waas my sister boyfriiend & i good friiend off mine ! Many ppl are huurt because the inccident
Gary says
I know the driver of the vehicle, he is devastated. He will be changed forever. It is time for all citizens of Palm Coast to rise up and demand changes in priorities of this city “leadership.” Residential neighborhoods need STREET LIGHTS AND SIDEWALKS! FIND THE MONEY! If you can afford cute little bike trails, and lighting for the town center where nothing exists yet, you can afford safety measures. Would the city/county prefer a massive multi million dollar negligence lawsuit? Who pays for that?
heartbroken says
R.I. P. you will be missed <3
Jacqui says
Prayers for Kirt who is with God now, for his family to find peace again, and for comfort for the driver who has to live with this for life. May the city hear us, and do something so another young child does not have to be taken from us too soon.
StephanyK says
my heart goes out to the family of the child lost. this is such a tragedy. but i also want to thank everyone who did not blame or get overly angry with the driver. he is a very close and dear friend of mine and is simply beside himself over this. i pray that he can forgive himself and realize that this was an accident. people make mistakes. i hope we all learn something from this and view life differently.
flaglergal says
this is just horrible- i live right where this happened and i can’t even count how many kids and adults brave that street on their bikes all the time! we want our kids to be able to ride their bikes around their neighborhood to visit friends. this is what most of us grew up doing! but we need to make the streets safer for everyone!!! not only did a wonderful young man lose his life, but now the driver of the truck must live with this guilt and honestly- it is NOT HIS FAULT!!!! I drive on this road at all times of day and night and know how easily this tragedy could happen- all i can say is SIDEWALKS AND LIGHTS!!!
Kelli says
Love you Kirt(: you were the best in the world. Youll be better off in hevean ten in pain down here
Palm coast family says
Please pray as well for the driver and the friend with Kirt during the accident! They are the victims of a devastating accident that never should have happened! Wake up palm coast!!!!!! Many hearts are bleeding!
Mandy Dellafiore says
Im so sorry for this familys loss. Nothing in life is as bad as losing a child. My prayers are with the family of Kirt and the driver of the car. It is not his fault just a horrible accident. I myself rarely drive at night because of the streets being so dark. I live off Belle Terre Pkwy in the “k” section and that road is so dark also. I refuse to drive down seminole woods for the same reason. I recommend that the city put up more lights on these roads and lower the speed limit that would be a way to honor this child and the driver that is changed forever from this horrible accident. God Bless
Glen Marshall says
i wish i stopped to talk to you at 7:04 that night when i saw you.
JulissaOrtega says
RIP Kirt<3
you were a great friend and oyu will be greatly missed<3
i love you!
dee laster says
kirt u was a brother to me. we grew up together, we had fun together but your in a better place now love you bro
Billy Bob says
As others have said this is a tragedy that shouldn’t have happened.
I have driven on Seminole Woods for years, at night, as my route requires. It is a very dark road at night, and if you look at the pictures posted with the article you can see there is no shoulder on this road at all. There is no sidewalk, no dedicated bike lane, and not even a small shoulder area to ride on. If you ride a bicycle down Seminole Woods you’re going to be in the travel lanes no matter what.
Anytime there is an accident many people blame speed. But I think the facts will show that speed was not a contributing factor. I believe the facts will show that this tragedy happened because 1) there was nowhere else to ride a bike other than in the traffic lanes and 2) the road is completely dark at night.
Don’t let the city get away with changing a few speed limit signs and saying “it’s fixed.” I hope the City of Palm Coast does the right thing and adds street lights, then expands the lanes with a wider shoulder, a dedicated bike lane and/or a sidewalk all the way from SR100 to US1. That’s what’s truly needed. I hope the family can send a clear message to the city through the legal system for what needlessly happened to their child. I think the driver of the truck is also a victim of this tragedy and shouldn’t be the scapegoat.
Belle Terre (also south of 100) has the same problem. It seems like the south side of Palm Coast didn’t get the same improvements as the rest of the city. You can’t stop people from walking or riding bikes at night, so at least make it safe for them to do so.
I send my condolences to everyone affected by this tragedy.
Palm Coast Citizen says
This loss is a shame for anyone. My heart and prayers go out to the families and friends of all involved.
Too bad the City of Palm Coast just approved a $1.4 million contract for a multi-use trail along Palm Harbor Parkway…where there already is a sidewalk and bike lanes on each side of the road. That’s right, they are going to tear the old sidewalk up and add a 10 foot multi-use path in its’ place. Seems like there are other areas within Palm Coast that could use just one of the luxuries that Palm Harbor Parkway already has. Sounds like us taxpayers are getting fleeced by the City…again.
sami says
Kirt i’m still missing you and want you to know that when I see you again you”ll be getting numerous amounts of hugs.. And i’ll get to get a tour of Heaven from you right? and a tour of that wonderful mansion your living in, I just want to let you know that i love you and you’ll always be om my mind and in my heart… love you forever and always…. and “giggity” is gonna mean so much to me know that your up in heaven with the Heavenly father himself and will be eating up there wonderful meals or just ur simple ramen noodles… love u always and forever <3 sami "giggity"
Ali says
Palm Coast needs side walks and street lights. why did they cut the funding for the helicopter because Kirt could have lived.Human life is much more precious than money.
Jen/Eric Marine says
Kirt, you were a good friend to my son Eric..you helped him through a rough time in his life you were a true friend and will always be!!! Thank you for being there for him…you will be missed greatly…We all Love you and are greatful for all you have given us….You will NEVER be forgotten!!
Torn says
My heath bleeds for all affected. A needless loss of life has happened and we need to do something to prevent more of the same.
I believe we are dealing here with several issues, all equally important.
1. It is true that the south side of the city is kind of a stepchild with the city elders. In terms of lighting, walkways and, ultimately representation. I would think that elected representatives should represent their respective constituency and make sure the needs of the district they represent are met. If not, are we ready to draw consequences at the ballot?
2. It is also true that the sorry of an excuse about lack of funds does not hold water. Clearly, funds are misappropriated. For at least seven years, but possibly much longer the area south of US 100 has been completely neglected while areas north of US 100 are receiving constant and continuous make-over. I wonder why? Will anything change at the city hall? Can the approved project of $1.4 mil be changed to spend the same money for the same kind of project in a different location, namely south side?
3. The role of parents needs to be reinforced. Know where, when, why, doing what, under what conditions are our children. Make sure rules are being planted in the minds of our kids. Traffic or any other laws need to be followed. The role of community needs to be reinforced. If we see potential for a disaster we need to step in. I wonder how many other drivers passed the boys by and said nothing. Would there been a different outcome if one driver would have stopped to talk to the kids, or call the police to talk to them? Probably. So why are we so non-caring until a catastrophe hits?
Outsider says
This really is a shame; my thoughts and prayers go out to the family and friends of this young man. May God help them all get through this. It was not that long ago I was his age, and did some things that would be considered way more dangerous than riding a bike on a dark road at night. However, let this be a reminder to all young people who tend to believe they are immortal that the laws of physics can be cruel and do not discriminate between young and old, good or bad, right or wrong. Florida law requires a headlight and tail light while riding after dark, and a helmet.
Layla says
May God Bless both the Smith and Wright families to help them through this tragedy.
Early voting for the Mayor’s race started today. I spent two hours volunteering at the library, passing out literature.
In two hours, only about 20 people, less than 10 percent of those walking by, were there to vote. You can’t have good government if you aren’t willing to show up, and take responsibility for your community.
Most of them had no idea an election was even going on.
Floridagirl says
DO something so this doesn’t happen again.
Do not let your children ride/walk in the dark – most of them do NOT get out of the road for vehicles, I see it all the time. They are teenagers/ children – invicible and expect the car to move for them, but sometimes, the vehicle dont see them.
Go to the city council meetings and voice your opinions – the meetings are poorly attended unless it’s something that directly affects someone – dont whine after the fact – go and voice your opinion.
Realize that since property values have been lowered, the amount of tax revenue has been decreased substantially – GO VOICE your opinion if you want certain programs/ capital projects cut – OR allow for increases in taxes to pay for the same level of service – this is only going to continue unless people want to pay for it. There is no law that says what level of service has to be provided, so a decision to cut back helicopter hours is legal, but if we were more vocal about wanting certain levels of service instead of being so vocal about layoffs, lower taxes, smaller government, etc. things can be different.
Be involved and proactive before another tradgedy like this happens, it’s no one’s ‘fault’, so to point fingers at government or decision makers is futile, go make your voice heard and maybe their priorities will become yours,(they represent you) we can all point the fingers at ourselves because we dont take the time to let our voice be heard – it’s easier to sit back and point fingers after the fact.
I pray for Kirt’s family, I can only begin to imagine the pain they must be in. Dont let his death be in vein, be proactive, sidewalks is a bandaid to a bigger problem.
Dontwannatellzzzzzzzzzzzzzz says
My Concerns go to all the victums of Kirt and his family.
May they be blessed and he lives on forever and enternally happy :)
Anonymous says
It’s ashame what happen to this young man my heart goes out to his family. I hope Palm Coast realizes that they need to start spending there tax payers money more wisely. Then just to think that there will be more kids riding their bikes and walking as well due to the budget cuts. Safety should be the first thing on all Board of Officials mind, not trying to save money on our children’s safety.. More Sidewalks, More Lights.
concerned says
It is truly ashame that things like this have to happen and that government can still come up with excuses why they can’t do something. I think that both city and county officials need to find the “can do” energy and get things done, for the safety of the people in their city and county. This should be the last time this has to happen to make them realize that the people that live here are more important and should be taken care of with the basics, all across their districts, not just certain ones or areas. RIP Kirt, you will be missed!!!!
Anita says
I sat partway through a meeting last week, listening to candidates for office talk about making Flagler County “Friendlier” to businesses. This week I’m reading about the waste of a child’s life for lack of a bike path and street lights. What is the importance of life in this country? We used to regard other countries pityingly and say “Life is cheap” there. Is that what we’ve become? You folks who rightly complain about the bright lights and unused walkways in Town Center and other barren areas being groomed for future tenants in stead of living, breathing ones, get off your duffs and go to meetings where you can face and put a name to candidates. Ask questions. Demand answers. Don’t follow stupid rules forbidding you to ask questions that concern and affect you and your and your children’s very lives. That young man didn’t have to die and as far as I’m concerned was one death too many.
martha ortega says
I just wanted to say that our prayers are with The Smith family we knew Kirt for 8*years he will be very well missed and it has affected our family in a very,very sad way.We lift you Kirt and your family up in prayer we pray that the Lord will put peace and understanding in your loved ones heart. God Bless. The ortega Family/Re:Julissa Ortega’s parents and family.
Breann says
I have lived in Palm Coast for a little over 2 years and have seen Palm Coast plant new grass and palm trees at least 3 times! How about side walks or at the least street lights!!!
Breann says
Con’t down belle terre!!
Kendall says
I find it hard to believe we can pay a tennis pro, a golf pro, constantly repair a very long boardwalk on Belle Terre, install sidewalks on both sides of Belle Terre, tear up sidewalks and install new ones in Palm Harbor, relandscape the islands on Belle Terre, pay certain higher ups at the city exorbitant salaries, and even listen to some of those higher ups tell us we need to spend $10 million on a Taj Mahal City Hall but we have to listen to them tell us that there is no money for sidewalks and streetlights?
How about getting some of the money you gave to Palm Coast Data back since they didn’t come through with the jobs they promised? How about taking out some of the beautification bullschitt in the budget? How about rethinking some of the wasteful contracts in place that offer redundant services and putting those monies toward keeping our kids safe?
I have been told by the current Palm Coast Mayor Jon Netts personally that we cannot have a Side Walk or Walk Way on the Roadway on Cimmaron Drive anywhere due to the configuration of the roadway and culverts . The speed limit there is 30 mph and the roadway is always being used by pedestrians, bike riders and dog walkers with extensive traffic flow. I for one have almost recently struck a student pedestrian on the roadway and it scared me to death. What will it take Mr. Jon Netts or the New Mayor for us to have some type of walkway along the Roadway. Will it take a Fatality like Kirt Smith! I have talked to numerous residents in our C- Section community and this is an Immediate Vital Concern to all of US. The City can catered to a small group of citizens who wind and moan and then campaign for a tennis court facility which is currently loosing money and a recent dog park that was also re-modified in weeks. It must to nice to get these Facilities built due to a small concerned group of residents. Meanwhile, One of our Citizens or God forgive a CHILD will be Struck Down by a vehicle sooner or later on Cimmaron Drive,” Mark my word City Officials”. We do not want NO for an ANSWER! Please make this a Platform issue on your Campaign to Stand and Create a Side Walk or Walk WAY on Cimmaron Drivie asap. Thank you for you time and consideration.
The Truth says
First, I would like to say my thoughts and prayers are with Kirt and his family. This is a very difficult time for them and I hope they have many around them to help them stay strong.
Now, on the issue of needing more sidewalks. Do we need more sidewalks? Sure we do. Would it be ideal to have them on every street in Palm Coast? Sure it would. The fact of the matter is that this was an ACCIDENT (unless proven otherwise). While I feel horrible for this family and what they’re dealing with, accidents happen. It’s a way of life and we all have dealt with some type of loss. Why must we feel that we have to point our finger and everyone and blame everyone for something like this? It’s a tragedy and I can’t express how much I feel for this family, but these things happen from time to time. Even if there was a sidewalk, who’s to say that anyone would use it? I have seen, on many occasions, people who use the street for normal walking/bike riding when there is a side walk available. No one can force people to use one. If this happened, would we just not care because the person did it to themselves? I would hope not, it would still be a tragedy regardless.
My point to everyone is this: let’s focus on what’s important here and that is a young man lost his life far to young and his family is dealing with it. Let’s provide support to his family, and to his friends who’ve lost a good friend. Let’s not be so quick to just point fingers at government and every which way possible and take away from what is really the most important thing and that’s that we lost a young life.
Rollback kidz says
kirt homie ima miss yhu bhut yhu in a beta place all i ask you is to save me a place in heaven cuz wen i cum ima look 4 yhu rest in peace bruh love nd miss ya
brooklynn marino says
kirtttt i love n miss u hunny <3
R.i.P *
Student says
I am a 17 year old resident of Seminole woods .I am currently attending college. I have lived here most of my life. The one thing I remember the most about growing up in this section of Palm Coast is that if I ever wanted to do something I needed to travel to the other side. There is not much out here for a younger person.
Back in December I bought a road bike to do triathlons with. I had saved my money for a long time, the bike cost me around 800.00. I measured out a course to ride on and started to practice. It lasted less than a week. While riding my bike I obeyed all laws and stayed to the right shoulder of the roads, Seminole woods and sesame. During that week, I had bottles thrown at me, given the finger many times, cars that would slam on their brakes because of another car coming. That was a scary sound to have behind you. People do drive way too fast on these roads, and do not want to slow down for anything. At the end of the week I told my dad I just couldn’t do it anymore because I was in fear of my life. We contacted the Flagler County Sheriff’s office about the incidents, and we also contacted the city of Palm Coast. We talked to the traffic engineering dept. We were told that they were monitoring the area with the speed control devices; you know the ones that tell you how fast you are going. Most people do speed on these roads. It is public information. Flagler Live should check into this. The solution that the city told me was to bring my bike to the bike path off Belle Terre. What the city did not take into consideration is that I had to travel down Sesame and Seminole woods to get to the path. Being a high school student I didn’t have the extra money for gas to travel to the path. I just wish that the city would have done something about this..
Dede S. says
To help to bring about change, please let your voice be heard here…
some guy says
multi use paths and or lights would be great BUT following the rules of the road WOULD have avoided this. not that $$ is the all important factor in this but how much would paths and lights cost over the cost of a bike helmat bike lights and proper use of the road???
Shay O says
To Some Guy. A mother, father, siblings, family and friends just lost a loved one. i pray u dont have kids. I dont know the family of this young man but i have 3 children and a child around this young mans age. be considerate of these ppl in mourning. Sorry for your loss. may god be by your sides during this heartbreaking time.
Dede S. says
I would imagine, Some Guy, that with a rate of speed of approximately 50mph, that even with reflectors, and a bike helmet, the same outcome would have resulted. That is an extremely dark road, and even with bicycle reflectors, you cannot see them until you are inches away! Did you not see the damage that was done to the truck from the impact? Do you REALLY think that a helmet would made a huge difference here? If so, then perhaps you need to go back to your driver’s training handbook.
And I agree, there is a family in mourning here, can you not be a little more respectful?
Dede S. says
Just a reminder before this drops off of the feed wire, please go to the petition link and sign the petition addressed to the City of Palm Coast Mayor and Council! I promise, I will do ALL that I can to push the City of Palm Coast to work ahead of their projected timetable in providing safe passageways and lighting to the Seminole Woods area. Thank you.
John Smith says
Well yes it is a sad thing that this has happened. There are multiple problems that NEED to be ADDRESSED not just street lights. The main one is the fact the our own helicopter was out of service to save money instead of saving a life. The county people that write on here that they cannot afford to pay for one is just wanting to keep their job. It needs to be back on duty 24hrs a day. Street lights will help, a bike path will help, One important thing is that rules of the road that is to be followed by both Cars and Bikes as some guy said. We all feel for this family it is a sad thing but the county is as at fault with this as Palm Coast. You need to get FIREFLIGHT on some kind of petition. Until it happens to a county officials family its not going to change.
May god be with you! says
Just wanna say, I have seen this young man before riding his bike along the trail in palm cost. So if there had been one there I am sure he would have used it. And from the pictures of the accident I do see reflectors on the pedels of the bike. RIP Kirt.
Eric says
Such a tragedy. My heart goes out, not only to the loved ones of the victim, But also to Gary, the driver of the truck. I can’t imagine the loss the parents are feeling, but I know Gary has been an emotional wreck since the accident. My prayers go out to all who are affected by this accident.
steve wheeler says
Light Up Palm Coast
City of Palm Coast money problems?, welcome to the club. But where theres a will theres a way!
Start with Street Lights for Seminole Woods, its to dangerous for anyone to be on that street at night,,, Light Up The Night……… lights are a good start, cant afford concrete side walks?
Ok lets all come together and clear a nice wide path well away from the street for walkers and bicycles, use raw materials! Everyone donate some time, much time to this project,, lets ALL get involved, I have muscles and a shovel, I even have a little money for some gravel or what ever is needed, We the people can turn this into something positive, we have a lot of talented skilled people along with the artists in the area to make this a fantastic thing. lets have a big donation drive and ask for donations from the local material suppliers we have right here in Palm Coast (example) gravel, mulch?, (Flagler Sand and Gravel) Lumber? Lowes and Home Depot, Local electricians, Asphalt paving companies, Landscape Companies for plans and some shrub donations, Concrete companies for the areas that do need some concrete. But the major part of the walk way would not be concrete,,, Keep It Natural, And put in a pemanent sign about the young man who lost his life “KIRT” and name it in his memory…. City of Palm Coast, Will you pave the way for ALL of us to pitch in? a Community Wide Citizen Project? sounds like a wonderful idea and something we all agree is the right thing to do, and something to bring us all closer and something to be proud of…….. Just imagine for a few minutes what it could look like,, and all done with donations and our time. Now thats saving money and getting something that is really needed…. Go Natural and use local materials….. “Kirts Path” ?, lets even vote on a nice name in Kirts memory…….. These are my thoughts and ideas, When can i get started on this Positive Idea? who will join me on getting this turned into reality? Palm Coast! are you with me? ……
Who else thinks this is a great idea? please let me know by adding your comments here. Someone who can help me make this come true that works for the City of Palm Coast please contact me. i give Flagler Live.com permision to let a city official to contact me.
InitialJoe says
I think that Seminole Woods needs to have sidewalks. There are many people who would benefit from this. I am sure it will take a few more senseless deaths for them to actually add them.
Jake spicer says
Kirt no one has forgot about you. i love you, and miss you deeply.
briii says
tomm is three months with out this sucks)”:
i miss you and i love you bubby u where the best big brother ever):
Jake says
i thnik wright got off way to easy. they need to that dude up for life. he was drunk and killed someone. thats vehicular manslaughter and a DUI. lock him up for life.
briii says
this is stupid how he is not being charged ..he killed my brother it was his fault not kirts they say he didnt have reflectors on his bike he did on the peddles even tho there small i go down the street and still see ppls reflectors on there peddles he should not be able to get away this.
sami loves and misses u kirt says
Kirt we all still love and miss you I know u are up there with my sis tell her i said hey.. and the guy who hit u should be charged and should take full responibility it wasnt your fault.. it was his he should have been paying attetion to the road not who ever he said he was doing i miss you so much gone but not forgotten
wee all love and miss kirt allen smith 09-22-95~08-29-11 says
yeah that was my friend its sad i hope you know that and it is hard. its even harder to get over it it has been a while and i still think of it everyday.. then on top of that my sis just passed so i know its hard for his family i didnt know how hard until my sis had passed it is real hard so thank you
palmcoaster says
I am so sad over the loss of Kirt. He is seating by the Almighty now and my sincere sympathy goes to his family. We are still waiting for that sidewalk in that road memorializing and named Kirt Allen Bike-Walk Way. Can we start a fundraising for that..?
We should all be very careful drivers around, as we have so many children, teens, elderly men and women cycling, jogging or walking in our roads. Lets ask county and city officials for funds for walkways. What ever happened to that petition?
Ralph Belcher says
I think the City is asking the County about some funding arrangements that potentially start a sidewalk project for Seminole Woods Parkway.
In the meantime, our fellow citizens, please bear in mind, err on the side of caution vice convienience where there are no sidewalks. I have been making mental notes occasionally as I ply the City’s highways and byways. I see *some* good examples of those taking biking and walking/jogging seriously. For a time after Kirt’s passing I was very encouraged. However, I still, on a consistent basis, see those who to their own detriment, totally disregard safety guidelines. Pedestrians who dart out in front of cars or walk in travel lanes (Peds, not autos have the right of way – but why tempt fate?), cars not paying attention coming to full stops (rolling racing through red light or stop signs without looking for peds)… cyclist at night with all black clothing and not even a flashlight… please, everyone think. Let’s not lose the life of one more neighbor. Not one more. We can do it if EVERYONE does their part.
r.i.p bubby says
from kirts little sister -thank you for this comment ..
Gary says
Sidewalks??? They don’t even use them. There was one kid that rode his bike right across 100 in front of me at night. No care in the world! I would say headlights on bikes and reflectors would be better since them seem to ride any where they want.
Steph says
Knew Kirt through a mutual friend and had Skyped him several times, didn’t know him too well but enough to call him a friend… Two days from now will make three years since he’s been gone and it’s so sad to know it’s been that long. Rest in peace, man.