Last Updated: 7:58 p.m.
Brendan Depa, the 17-year-old Matanzas High School special education student captured in surveillance video brutally attacking Joan Naydich, a paraprofessional at the school, was charged as an adult Friday by the State Attorney’s Office.
Depa had originally been charged with aggravated battery causing bodily harm after the Feb. 21 incident, but as a juvenile. He was booked at Flagler County jail then transferred to a Department of juvenile Justice jail in Daytona Beach. Such charges typically result in limited time in detention, and probationary terms. (See: “Matanzas High School Special Education Student Arrested in Attack of Teacher Aide.”)
A sheriff’s spokesperson said Sunday evening he was now held at the county jail, on $1 million bond.
The adult charge is a first degree felony, exposing Depa to up to 30 years in prison. But his competency to stand trial will likely be an issue.
The State Attorney’s decision follows on the heels of cascading reactions in Flagler and across the country to the assault. On one hand the assault provoked outrage and revulsion at the violence of the act as depicted in the video, in a school hallway: the attack left Naydich unconscious as Depa continued to pummel her with close-fisted punches to the head and back. The mother of two was hospitalized, drawing outpourings of sympathy, and a GoFundMe account set up on her behalf had raised over $43,000 as of today.
“Please be comforted knowing she is home and recovering,” her daughter posted on the public page of the account a day after the incident. “This incident has reached areas of the world I never thought possible, with love and support pouring in from all. As her daughter, it’s heartwarming to see the community rally behind her recovery, near and far.”
On the other hand, because Depa is a student with special needs, whose emotional and behavioral self-control are in question, mental health and special education advocates have appealed for more measured reactions against the student. Because of federal privacy laws, the school district is barred from releasing any information about the student’s status, including whether he is in special education, though only special education students work with paraprofessionals at school.
Reportedly, the student is on the autism spectrum. He is also–in his own words, quoted in his arrest report–a resident at a group home, making him a ward of the state, possibly as a result of a parent losing parental rights.
Sue Urban, a mental health advocate in Flagler whose son Nicholas took his own life in 2018, soon after graduating from Matanzas High School, has spoken on behalf of Depa before the Flagler County School Board and in a video she posted on social media that has since been picked up by media outlets abroad, in tandem with accounts of the attack.
“By no means do I condone violence towards teachers in any way, shape or form, and I want to make that very, very clear,” Urban says in the brief video she took in her car, sending her best wishes to the teacher and stressing her support for law enforcement. With equal force, she said she was very upset “that this is being portrayed that this child is a threat, and that this is all on him. This is not this child’s fault. He is not a threat.”
She had implored the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office to remove a release it had posted on its Facebook page about the incident–by then the release had led to news reports about the incident in all local media–and called it not an issue with law enforcement, but “a mental health issue. This is a problem with our system. It is broken.”
Stephen Furnari, a Flagler Beach attorney who chairs the district’s Exceptional Student Education Parent Advisory Committee on Sunday described the State Attorney’s decision as “a very harsh stance.”
Qualifying his statement by noting the limited amount of information at this point, Furnari said: “If in fact the student had known behavioral issues, and if some portion of this was a situation at the school where the school district has some negligence because of some failure in their own system, then it would seem to me an overly harsh approach in terms of how to deal with this situation, from a legal perspective.”
The incident was the subject of discussion both at the end of a Flagler County School Board workshop on Tuesday and again at that evening’s business meeting of the board. The board has agreed, at the instigation of Board member Christy Chong, to discuss the possibility of opening–or rather re-opening–an alternative school for disruptive students. The district had just such a school for many years, but closed it a few years ago.
Charging Depa as an adult may placate a large segment of the public reaction demanding action against the student. But it comes with its own risks: an individual must be deemed competent to stand trial before proceeding. It is likely that his defense attorneys will immediately ask for a mental evaluation. Still: Absent a clear inability of the defendant to weigh the severity of the charges and understand court proceedings, Florida sets a very high bar for incompetency.
The Flagler County Sheriff’s Office released these redacted videos of the attack and the arrest. Now that Brendan Depa has been charged as an adult, they are published here as released.
Russell says
Good. Students can’t act like that and if they do they need to pay severe consequences.
Bill Boots says
This felony charge will eventually get reduced to a misdemeanor, he’ll be sent to an anger management course and on completion be back in class.
Vickie L Manata says
That’s why this kind of thing continues to happen, no consequences for bad behavior.
Richard Polirer says
Yes, he is special needs, and yes he lives with autism, and even yes, he lives in a group home. I have no doubt that he will be adjudged incompetent to stand trial for his attempted murder of the teacher’s aide. Therefore,I pray that he is shut away in a mental institution for the criminally insane and stays there for 30 years or even the rest of his natural life, if the law allows. He is a clear and present danger and has prior so-called “incidents” of violent behavior. Why wasn’t he remanded for those? Who knows. But now, action must be taken, and it must be severe and immediate. He has vowed on publicly-released police bodycam footage to kill the teacher’s aide, and if he walks in the sunlight, you “bet your bippy” that he will do just that. He tells police that he doesn’t want to go to jail because he has “more important things to do.” At 6’6″ and 270 lbs, he is a megaton bomb ready to explode the next time his temper rises up. Let the sappers defuse him in a place where mentally criminal insane are gathered.
Anon’ says
I disagree, he has autism. People who have autism have a hard time controlling their actions. I’m not trying to spark an arguemrnt: like yes I do feel he should be locked up in a criminally insane place for 30 years, but please just take note to realize that he has behavioral problems, in which makes it harder for people to control themselves. Just take a second and imagine if you were in his shoes, I bet ya’ you’d feel just the same as he did. So if you people could maybe: tone down a little bit and calm the fuck down. Yeah, that’d be perfect!
Steve Ward says
Lock him up
SaintClare says
So let’s say YOU were the teacher’s aide. Let’s say a 17-yr old with a history of 3 physical assaults on other persons, who weighs 270 lbs, jumped you, knocked you out, and proceeded to kick the shit out of you, even going so far as to punch your head, and stomp you.
I don’t care that he’s autistic. That does not give him an excuse to behave like this. It’s criminal behavior, period. Get him out of public schools so he can be educated, rehabilitated, and take the damn Nintendo thing away from him. What kind of games is he playing that he behaves like this when he perceives that someone took something from him?
He is a monumental problem, and we should be taking steps to ensure that he is not exposed to anyone else that will challenge him on a level where he thinks he needs to react like this.
Rose says
Totally agree. The student must take responsibility for his actions.
Carl says
How can a student who’s mental capacity is that of 5-year old take responsibility?
SaintClare says
He’s a problem that is not being addressed adequately. He’s assaulted 3 other people. Don’t care that he’s autistic, then put him in a place where he can’t play video games and behave like an animal when he’s told he can’t play them.
Lucky says
Do you understand he doesn’t have the capacity to do that? He needs help why is that so hard for people to comprehend.
SEBD says
Says who? Autism does not automatically equal an intellectual disability. You notice how differently he acted around the cops vs around the para? People with major intellectual disabilities don’t do that — if they are angry they are going to be angry no matter who you are.
chris says
If he doesn’t do some time & get mental /anger management. He will end up killing someone. He is only 17 & is a BIG boy….now imagine adding alcohol or drugs to that & get him in a rage. Lock him up
Jeremy Rutledge says
The need to have a system in place for these special children.
Erobot says
That is ridiculous. Just because he’s a big boy doesn’t mean he’s capable of understanding what he did was wrong which is why special ed students need a different kind of set up to keep all students safe.
Joe says
Crime is crime. Two very strong threats were made on her life. One was put into action. Unacceptable anywhere.
Joe 7 Pack says
so let’s review your position after this big boy stomps all over your face.
there are always the defenders of the violent, until, they, themselves have becomes victims.
Then they learn, the hard way.
Flagler Preservation says
Not capable of understanding that what he did was wrong? Why do you say that? Because he’s a big black young man he’s not intelligent enough to know right from wrong?
Of course he knows not to get physical with others, they teach you that in kindergarten.
Y’all must never had a child like this! Or been around a child who has severe AUTISM! I never thought I would ever have a handicap child like this! I have a 14 year old granddaughter that severe AUTISM. She is the most LOVING and very smart but she does not talk and can’t do anything for herself. This child has brought so much LOVE and PATIENT FOR MY WHOLE FAMILY! GOD has sent our FAMILY one of his SPECIAL CHILDREN. These children deserve an education like any other child. And they should never be arrested for this! If this is like my grand she DOES NOT COMPREHENSION LIKE A NORMAL CHILD! Some people are IDIOT. Why don’t you take some classes on AUTISM! See what we go though for these SPECIAL CHILDREN!
Ray W. says
Thank you for bringing your perspective to this comment thread.
Waytolong says
All of you supporting this and every other ESE student that is too violent to be in a public school setting. I can only wish that you or your child is sitting next to one of these “kids” and feel their wrath. Then come back and cry your pitty party
Rob says
So how does a ward of the state have the money to purchase a game system and cause this horrific situation. Verity sad
FlaglerLive says
It’s not been established that he owned the game.
starryid says
I would bet dollars to donuts IF he didn’t own it he obtained it illegally
The dude says
Why what ever would color your opinion so?
Monica says
Children who are in foster care and have reached a certain age get money to be able to purchase items (even when living in group homes). They also get Christmas which may come as a shock to you. Just because he is in the state system due to a child welfare situation doesn’t mean he hasn’t earned or been given the items he has. Also, many foster parents go out of their way to provide normalcy for their kids. Please check yourself – your privilege is showing and maybe consider donating to “A Christmas to Remember” which provides gifts for kids in the system from babies to teens in Flagler County.
Flagler Feline says
I’ve read this story three times now & don’t see any mention of a game….??
FlaglerLive says
The original report here notes he was playing a Nintendo game just before the incident unfolded.
Willy Boy says
He states that the laptop is his in the second video. A tackle, more than a dozen blows, several kicks and twice stating he will kill the woman. The million dollar bond seem reasonable.
James Mejuto says
Now what the hell does that have to do with the beating on this woman? . . . NOTHING at all !
Let’s find out what the hell happened between those two people and then come to a conclusion.
Don’t start Black vs. White shit !
Ron says
“That this is being portrayed that this child is a threat, and that this is all on him. This is not this child’s fault. He is not a threat.”
Did this person watch the video?
C’mon man says
I watched it and he beat that lady’s ass unconscious.
Anne says
See if you would be saying that if it was your wife or daughter being pummeled by this guy.
Emma says
That is most likely the problem, it was always someone elses fault & he was never held accountable. He never learned consequences.
Atwp says
Thought about driving school bus after retirement, having second thoughts now. Will admit our children need love and help. I will not up hold him in his wrong doing.
Ang says
Yea, along with teaching my side gig is a bus para…trust me, you do not want to drive a bus! It’s out of control. And I don’t see change coming.
Land of no turn signals says says
Everybody get’s a trophy.
Ken says
No way this kids stand trial. He clearly doesn’t understand based on his conversation with the cops. The school district will be paying the victim forever. Very sad. This happens more often than you know. In my school district the number 1 workers compensation claim is from student assaults.
ASF says
For Urban to state that this 6 foot 6 inch rather weighty 17 year old is not threat to others (or to himself) after what we see in that video is NOT a given, by any means. He seemed to express himself pretty well and even whined about being Manhandled” hismelf. That indicates to me that he knows exactly how to play the system.
Obviously, whatever services this young man has been receiving at his Group Home and in this particular school setting are not enough to instill an adequate semblance of of marginal control, let alone guidance.
Emma says
He is use to others making an excuse for him, telling him its not his fault, never had consequences & will always be a threat since he will never learn.
David says
So who is the dude in the uniformed khaki shirt just casually strolling up while the student is raining punches down on the Teachers aide? Looked like he was strolling to a picnic.
J says
My thoughts exactly! I was in utter disbelief when I saw this…
Just me says
I noticed that too. Looks like an ROTC officer. Definitely not in a hurry to help this poor woman.
Flagler Feline says
I had the same thought. Granted, idk if the students have to wear badges also, but if that guy is a security officer or anyone other than a student, he should be hauling butt towards the kerfuffle!
J says
Unless he is totally mentally disabled I guarantee he understands right from wrong. Wouldn’t be in a special ed class in HS if he was that mentally off. This behavior is not acceptable and he should be charged and convicted.
Frederic Choppin' says
“This is not this child’s fault. He is not a threat,” says the “mental health advocate.”
First of all, that’s a full-grown, large man.
First-degree felony is appropriate. Let those in charge of sentencing decide on appropriate measures and leniency vis-a-vis mental health issues and/or disabilities.
Aj says
The quote says the child is not a threat? It has clearly been proven that he is a threat.
“By no means do I condone violence towards teachers in any way, shape or form, … With equal force, she said she was very upset “that this is being portrayed that this child is a threat, and that this is all on him. This is not this child’s fault. He is not a threat.”
Marty says
Violence anywhere is unacceptable. We worry about our schools and as such, have “active shooter” drills by the professionals. It seems there’s more of a threat to school staff AND students from within. Let’s work on protecting those in schools whether staff wears an “alert” device or an alarm that goes off while someone is watching the “live action” of someone who is monitoring these cameras. If given time, that teacher would have been literally “beaten to death”. I counted the number of kicks, punches and yes continued kicks while 3 people “sat” on this kid. I get it, some kids need help, so maybe there is a fault with the system, but I’m sure there were warnings or signs of this behavior. Prevention is always the best choice. And don’t forget those teachers and staff that will suffer PTSD from witnessing this horrific beating.
ASF says
It has now been reproted that this young man has a record of three other prior assaults. That would indicate an ongoing threat.
Joseph Barand says
The Resource Officer stood around too long before ven attempting to do his job. He reminded me of compatriots from the Texas high school incident.
David Schaefer says
He needs to be fired…
Ang says
And parkland!
Steve says
Sure sounds and looks like he’s a threat to me. He has more important things to do than go to jail. Well stop beating women up.
Try him as an Adult and lock him up for a good long time before “He kills the stupid Bitch”, ” I’m gonna kill you”
rob says
Right—let’s be lenient so he has a chance to grow up and do more damage (cf. Nikolas Cruz).
Doug says
Good. Let this be a message to all the idiots who think they’re above the law. It won’t be tolerated. It’s refreshing to know our State Attorney’s Office puts the victim first.
Laurel says
Doug: “It’s refreshing to know our State Attorney’s Office puts the victim first.”
Not according to DeSantis.
So Sad! says
By no means is this man/child not accountable to some degree. He surely knows right from wrong. Perhaps he learned how to be violent from the very gaming platform, that was taken from him!
Prayers for the teachers aide.
David Schaefer says
This punk needs to be held and tried as an adult period I hope he gets 30 years…
Mike says
I am 64 yrs old , have lived a long life , been around the block a few times , and what I am seeing today , probably the last 20 years for sure , is a level of mental instability and violence off the charts ….. Society as a whole is losing it’s mind , and I even run into people almost on a daily basis that just seem to be “not all there” …. There are many causes for this , hard drugs and violent media , constant brain pollution , destroyed families , so many people in and out of prisons , so many people lured into drugs and the violent thug life , babies born from addicts , all kinds of things are just destroying brains and lives in America …. These violent outbursts are from immature frontal lobes , “undeveloped” seats of reason , and even adults have the emotional stability of a 4 year old , fly off in a rage over nothing , and for many , “violence is the answer to everything” ….. We have a very very serious mental health problem in America , and frankly I do not think “Psych meds” is the answer , psych meds are to treat a symptom , but what we really need to address is the CAUSES of all of this and start “clearing up our minds and our children’s minds” …. and we must discipline kids , we have to , we cannot keep thinking “discipline is mean we have to sooth and coddle bad behavior” , that is not an answer in my opinion , kids will not die from a spanking , and OBVIOUSLY no kid should be “beaten” , but a spanking is NOT “abuse” , and schools need to be disciplined and structured ….. From what I see here in this story , this “kid” was playing nintendo in class or something , and the teacher took it away and the “kid” threw a raging fit ….. I know this is complicated , but one thing is for sure , whatever we are doing now IS NOT WORKING , American society is a trainwreck
Mark1 says
Justice for Brandon. Matanzas High has a bad track record on not caring for special Ed. Remember Robert Ripley abusing the special Ed child!? The school system has failed the special needs children again!
Concerned Citizen says
Justice for the teacher!!
Brandon has 3 other incidents. When does it become too many??
Steve says
He is a 3 time prior, now the 4th assault on another person. Lock him up, He’ll understand that
JulieC says
What happened to these mentally challenged being kept in State Hospital Facilities protecting them from themselves and society. We need to seriously look at this.
palmcoaster says
Jail and rehab is what needed here. Can we imagine in FL this teen having access to fire weapons if he did this for a game? Hope that teacher aid recovers well…if was I, he would of killed me.
Richard Smith says
Right thing to do, she should sue his parents.
Shark says
All the money we spend on cops in this town and he just stands around talking on his phone. Isn’t he supposed to render assistance and aid ???
Michael Cocchiola says
No one condones the violence, but we need to understand the state of this student’s mind before, during, and after the attack. If he lacks control of his anger because of autism or other mental issues, we should work on that and incarceration won’t help him or society.
FlaglerBear says
I don’t feel one bit sorry for this so called “kid.”
He almost killed somebody. He’ll do again to someone else if they “piss him off” because he has issues. Now, yes..they may be serious mental issues, so ok, a judge may decide down the road he’s not a criminal per se. so institutionalize him! Medicate him, do what it takes to treat his demons. But for Gods sake, don’t unleash him on society again so that he does this to someone else. The next victim of his wrath could be your wife at WalMart!
Concerned Citizen says
He attempted to murder someone.
And yet we shouldn’t consider him a threat? Lot’s of blame to go around on this one. From the school not monitoring him closer. To the school not breaking this incident up quicker.Why was the assault allowed to continue for so long? It wasn’t like he caught her off guard in a back alley.
I can sympathize to a certain point in regards to his possible autism. I have a nephew who is on the higher end so I know what his parents are dealing with. But at the same time my sympathies are going to lie more with the Para who was just doing her job. And nearly got killed for it. And will likely have long term effects from this.
Special needs or not. It does not give you the right to harm others. With no consequences. We need to stop giving passes when violent crimes are committed. And mental health is brought up.
This comment goes direct to the school board and FCSO.
Do a better job of protecting ALL in our schools.
Clown College says
Good thing they got rid of safe spaces and books and words like gay, seems like those things were really problematic.
Malacompra says
It looks like the group home is going to be looking for another client. They will probably bring in one from another county as I know many of them are and fill up our schools with more of these ESE students. They make over 5k a month housing these kids and the residents of this county get stuck baby sitting them on school days. If it were brought to light how many of these homes are set up in this county and the economic impact they have on our citizens it might cause quite an uproar. They arent coming here with their families where their parents would be contributing to the tax base. They are just coming to use our services. There needs to be some kind of impact fee charged in these situations for out of county transplants. Be it from the parents of these kids or the companies that are raking in massive amounts of cash.
Sergeant Carter says
I too saw the video and the Marine (recruiter?) casually strolling onto the scene. But he didn’t actually jump into motion until he saw two other women rush in to attempt to pull him off. I counted 15 more punches thrown into the back of the victim before this “soldier” moved his ass!
Follow that up with the fatbody potbellied can barely walk upright officers parusing in to “save the day”. Where the f&%* are the MEN in this town?!
Billy bickford says
Can we please fire the guy that walks up at 1mph and sets his phone down, allowing her to take the extra 8 punches after she is already unconscious. She could have died. What an absolute disgrace this guy is.
Mothersworry says
When will we stop treating school as a day care used to babysit children? School is a place for education not to subject kids who want to learn to a never ending horror show. How much do you think his fellow students learned and retained after this scene? The rest of the class has the right to attend school with the expectation of receiving an education, not witnessing an assault.
Land of no turn signals says says
3 words Morgan And Morgan.She deserves every penny.
Glad the teacher has co-workers back! says
Wow. When My kid graduates Indian Trails I know where she is NOT going, Look at the non- chalant passers bye, Just another teacher getting her ass kicked in from the inside out. I’d be firing her immediately.
Geezer says
Brendan Depa is a seventeen-year-old autistic man-child that needed attention in a proper facility.
He did not belong at Matanzas High.
He will not be convicted because he isn’t fit to stand trial.
It’s an inconvenient truth for you bigots out there.
The heightened charges to an adult felony are simply to stem the outcry of the ignorant majority.
(To shut you up)
Get better soon, Ms. Naydich.
When you recover, I hope that you sue the Flagler County School Board for failing to provide
you a secure work environment.
ASF says
You will find penty of Brendan Depas in any prison sytem you walk into.
After a while, the excuses run out. This young man has three other major s=assualts on his record. The legak deifintion of Insanity/Mental incompetence is not the saem as the ones used by Mental health Professionals in treatment settings.
Anothe problem peopole seem reluctant to address is how out of control young people’s behaviors and needs go unaddressed because any brave or naive teacher who might bring them up knows they face serious conseqeunces for doing so–whether it is the threat of attack (by the student or a guardian of saod student) or an educational administration that is quick to punish teachers (or wave off their concerns) rather than dealing with outraged parents or well-meaning but sometimes extremely single-minded and dogmatic “advocate” groups who then become a problem for THEM to have to deal with.
Neighborhood Watch says
That is exactly the problem. These individuals that need specialized mental health rehab are ending up prisons. They need a rehabilitation system that will with rehabilitate or manage. Incarceration will just put them in a very unsuccessful situation. Isn’t the goal of incarceration to rehabilitate so that the inmate population can return to society and be productive? While most think of incarceration as purely punishment, the intention is to rehabilitate. Unfortunately many are more interested in pure punishment than rehabilitation, including the prosecution. That is a huge part of the failed system in this state. Group everyone together and let the “in house” prison system work it out and do the “rehabilitating”.
If this developmentally disabled young man ends up incarcerated, he will never have a chance at rehabilitation. It’s a sad reality with the failed system and the legal definitions of competency vs the professional definitions. I’ll bet the people who wrote the laws and defined competency were legal beagles, not professionals who are educated and trained in the field of mental health and developmental disabilities.
I hope that this young man has a fair trial in court. This story and videos being shared internationally certainly has potentially affected his ability for a fair trial.
Ray W. says
Indiana’s constitution places rehabilitation first and punishment second. Florida’s constitution doesn’t address the issue. Florida’s legislature passed a statutory scheme that places punishment first and rehabilitation second.
Moderator says
Thank you for really understanding
Geezer says
Thanks Moderator…
Now we learn of Depa’s previous attacks and I ask again why this unbalanced person
was not in a proper facility (in-patient or out) receiving effective treatment.
He did not belong in Matanzas High. The well-meaning aides there simply do not have
the training (or security) to deal with potentially violent mentally ill people.
The kid belonged in Halifax Medical Center, in the behavioral services section.
Autism is a melange of mental disorders/conditions including schizophrenia.
You have to witness an autistic person having a “storm” in their brain, seemingly
arguing with an alter-ego. or invisible entity. It’s an eye-opener.
Note: You should never use aggressive or overly assertive tones with known aggressive autistic people…
Brendan Depa was let down by Flagler County, along with Ms. Naydich.
Ray W. says
Thank you, Geezer.
Geezer says
You’re always welcome Ray…
Concerned Citizen says
We are bigoted because we expected consequences? OK then.
My African American Wife who is a Physician’s Assistant was in tears as she watched the video unfold.. Ms Naydich will have life long consequences from this attack. And she is strongly for Depa being held accountable for what he did. I have a nephew who is on the higher end of the spectrum. And he knows very well you don’t put your hands on someone else.While this young man with a prior record will most likely get a pass and at most a slap on the wrist.I have yet to see in these articles where his mental health status has been confirmed. And society has the poor him stigma when the mental health card is played.
No sir. I’m not bigoted. I expect justice to be brought forth on anyone who harms someone else.
And yes Ms.Naydich
You have a long list of law suit potentials starting with the School Board,FCSO and the Principal. Especially now that prior incidents have come out. Please exercise those rights. To ensure a safer work environment for your colleagues.
Frustrated says
I watched that video when it first surfaced and due to the behavior of the student, the fact that the victim of the attack is a paraprofessional, and my own personal experience with autism, immediately thought “autistic”. (I’m raising a child diagnosed with autism in 2007.) This was a classic autistic meltdown. He may have an understanding of right and wrong, but in the midst of a meltdown, there is no reasoning happening.
There will be more and more stories like this. A recent study shows that autism rates have tripled in the last 16 years. Experts in the field of autism have been predicting an “autism tsunami” for years. There is an epidemic in this country – in the world – and a huge failure to discern or disclose the reasons for it.
As far as a ‘secure work environment’ goes, however, it is not the fault of the school. There are so many autistic children flooding the system that there is not enough funding. There are not enough placements for the huge numbers. The funding is just not there.
Those running through the streets of the internet with their torches and pitchforks are either unaware of the true extent of the problem, ignorant of the effects of autism, or willfully blind. If spanking or punishment could fix autism, there wouldn’t be any.
Laurel says
Geezer: Thank you for logic. Most of the outrage here should be aimed at why are there so many children with autism? As a society, we should be focused on why so many of our children have this disorder. Instead, the majority here state “Lock him up” which gets us nowhere. A poor result, with reoccurring results from other juveniles.
I hope the woman recovers well, and soon. This should never have happened. A 6’6″ juvenile should be supervised by people who could physically handle him; I see no excuse for this incidence. Judging a juvenile, with a mental incapacity, as an adult, is absurd.
I see most of the comments here as mob mentality, also a mental problem.
Geezer says
Thank you for your decency and kind words.
C’mon man says
Why was this guy not immediately handcuffed? He just knocked a 60 year old lady unconscious and is being held down by teachers? Why are they just walking around like it’s no big deal.
Rahul says
I have a sense this young man will not do well in society as an adult. He most likely needs to be placed in an institution.
Antoinette says
Let’s not forget that administration had a responsibility as well to keep teachers safe. I’m pretty sure that this was not this child’s first incident and he probably should have been removed from school prior than this, but it always takes something like this for administration to do something. Teachers complain all the time about the abuse of students and instead teachers are the blame. Get rid of inclusion because certain children cannot be in regular school .
anonymous says
Dorcas brunson says
Come-on we have to do better I don’t care what color he is has to learn that this is it unacceptable every sort of the way!!!!! Where we all watching the same video the threats and the beating that he gave her he sounded just fine to me. He needs to go to a mental hospital until he understands right from wrong
Harman says
For all the people who are making comments about how this young man should be held accountable for his actions and spend 30 years in prison; realizing that he has mental health issues and is on the autism spectrum, let me throw another name out here for you.
Kyle Howard Rittenhouse (born January 3, 2003) is an American man who shot three men, two fatally, during the civil unrest in Kenosha, Wisconsin, in August 2020 when he was 17 years old. This kid walked down a street with an AR and shot three people under the guise of self defense and said in court that he was threatened – well he was looking for an excuse to kill.
I don’t believe that sending this mentally impaired youngman to prison will do society any good. But I do believe that he should not be in mainstream schools and that he truly needs help. Unfortunety many people or politicians in the US society don’t want to have funding or programs to help people who have mental health issues.
How many of the people making comments about how Brendan Depa should be held accountable – prison – for what he did also DIDN’T think that Rittenhouse should have been tried or held responsible for what HE did.
J.F says
Kyle Rittenhouse did NOT just walk down the street and shoot three people randomly. HE WAS ATTACKED by the Marxist anarchists and almost killed. He defended himself and did so admirably. The Marxist anarchists caused their own demise. That’s why the jury found Kyle Rittenhouse NOT GUILTY.
Geezer says
Kyle Rittenhouse was attacked by Groucho, Gummo, and Zeppo Marx.
You impress me kiddo—you’re the fellow who found a way to place 3rd in a 2-person race.
Bless your heart.
Ray W. says
Just for clarification, J.F.
Mikhail Bakunin is considered the father of the world’s anarchism movement. He advocated for what is considered today the libertarian ideology. He greatly opposed the centralism espoused by Marx, which we now know as communism. Yes, the verb “to run” has hundreds of different meanings, but none of them mean “to stop.” Anarchism simply cannot be thought of as compatible with Marxist ideology. Your characterization of the antifa movement by linking two opposing ideologies makes no sense; there is no such thing as Marxist anarchists. Yes, Bakunin likely would have opposed fascism in the sense that the antifa movement opposes fascism, and nationalism, too, just as he certainly opposed communism and socialism. But, in Bakunin’s day, the primary opponent was bourgeois capitalism.
“‘No theory, no ready-made system, no book that has ever been written will save the world,’ Bakunin declared. ‘I cleave to no system. I am a true seeker.’ By teaching the workers theories, he said, Marx would only succeed in stifling the revolutionary fervor every man already possesses — ‘the impulse to liberty, the passion for equality, the holy instinct of revolt.’ Unlike Marx’s ‘scientific socialism,’ his own socialism, Bakunin asserted, was ‘purely instinctive.'” Bakunin On Anarchy, by Sam Dolgoff
In this sense, Bakunin, unlike Marx, set the second of the three great unanswerable questions — how shall I be governed? — on its head. Marx argued for a centralized form of government. Bakunin argued for an individualized form of self-government. No representative government for him. No elections. Bakunin was far closer to the ideals of our founding fathers than was Marx, yet he would never have proposed a liberal democratic Constitutional republic.
Pastor Richard A Wright says
Yes this is a very serious situation,and we pray for a complete recovery of this teacher,from her injuries.
But it is amazing to me that the media did not print from the beginning that this is a special needs child, that’s right a child who happens to be 17 years old who lives in a group home. I have to admit that I was very upset seeing this child who is large for his age beat this teacher, or as I now understand teachers aid but it does not matter what her title is, and saying yes he should be held accountable yes as some persons have said as a adult, until the information came out he was a special needs kid.
Taking this special needs child to an adult jail and putting a million dollar bail on him will not help his situation.
These are the questions to be asked;
(1) What in the world was this child, who is special needs with this type mental illness doing in a regular school setting.
(2) Why was this poor teachers aid put in this type of special setting with no training in handling special needs kids like this boy.
This child who is special needs and is said to be 6ft 6 and weight over 230 pounds is in big trouble, because this Ron DeSantis Florida, and he is Black. I am 6ft 5 and Black,and being a very large person when I was this child’s age who never to this day and I am 73 years of age been in
trouble with law enforcement was seen as a threat.
This child needs to be treated for his mental illness or if not you are right he very well might kill someone.
I am a minister and I am praying for this young woman, but I am also praying for this child serious mental help and not prison.
Let’s not do what Hitler did who deeded the mentally ill unfit to live, and tried to have all of them rounded up and killed.
FlaglerLive says
The commenter is incorrect about his first claim. When FlaglerLive first ran the story, the special needs status of the student was in the headline–“Matanzas High School Special Education Student Arrested in Attack of Teacher Aide“–and was detailed at the very top of the story: “The school district is generally barred by federal privacy rules from disclosing identifying information about the student’s status. But it is clear from the circumstances that the student is in ESE, or Exceptional Student Education.” The initial reports from other media were cribbed word for word from a sheriff’s release, which did not refer to the student’s ESE status.
Laurel says
Pastor Richard: I’m with you.