Reader Interactions


  1. Lisa K says

    The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. – Albert Einstein

  2. The ORIGINAL land of no turn signals says

    Biden signs new 41 million dollar bill to help Illegal alien’s fight being deported what a great country.

    • jeffery c. seib says

      I know a Trumper when I read garbage like this. The illegals you speak of are refuges given temporary asylum into the USA. This money is to keep the border mess under control. Trump, as with most things, did nothing but whine and work up people like this. He is also putting billions into the science of climate change.

    • DaleL says

      The 41 billion (not million) dollar bill kept the federal government open. It provided extra money for among other things: border SECURITY and federal disaster funds (FEMA). The extra money will help to process the backlog of immigration cases. This will expedite the deportation of illegal immigrants and the settlement of legal immigrants. FYI, it is a felony to knowingly transport illegal immigrants. None of the immigrants flown to Massachusetts were illegal immigrants.

      Many Floridians need help from FEMA as a result of hurricane Ian. Both of our US senators, who voted against extra funding for FEMA, have now requested increased help for Florida from FEMA. Our governor, when he was in Congress, voted against additional funding for FEMA to assist the people in New York who were devastated by hurricane Sandy.

      To plan and build for the future, we need to work together. It will cost money to properly prepare for the next storm. Without human construction along the beach line, the dunes would naturally rebuild a little farther inland. Now because of the rocks and sea wall they cannot. Thus we (Flagler Beach, Flagler County, State of Florida, Army Corps of Engineers) have to decide the future of our coast.

  3. ASF says

    It means not letting one lot property owner who has been holding everybody else hostage get away with causing mass destruction. I suggest that that property owner be held legally and financially accountable for the damage they are causing. If they personally find thesmelves on the hook for paying for the coinseqeunces of their actions, Flagler Beach might begin to se emovement on cinservation efforts–if itls not already too late to mitigate the damage done by these delays.

    • JimBob says

      I’m befuddled! We’re being assailed by either God Almighty or Mother Nature, betrayed by Joe Biden or government bureaucrats, and pissing away our assets to support Ukrainian children, the State of Israel, and other less than white ne’er-do-wells. It must be the Jewish space lasers creating havoc as Ms. Greene suggests.

  4. Facetious Fanny says

    Well its a darn good thing climate change, global warming and sea rise have all turned out to be a colassal hoax perpetrated by the Clintons, Bidens, and libs. Otherwise we’d be wasting a massive amount of money with all the rebuilding. Lock them up!

    • Pat Tomnay says

      Why, oh why, are you turning such a disaster into a political debate? Businesses and others will be hurt by this – show a little mercy if you have any. Leave politics out of it, PULL – EEASE!!!!!

      • Dave says

        Because a lot of people are assholes and do not care about anyone but themselves. , its the new USA. Rudeness is running a muck in this county or what we have left of it. They are stuck in their own little pathetical bubble driven by a new way to just hate others via online forums, chats etc..

        Any way the dunes, can be fixed if some thought is put to it. Not some Flagler County cheap talk that they have done for the last 2 years, which is meeting promises with no action. At least get the dirt piled back up and make it a priority and not just talk smack and then start looking at a real solution for 2023, and sand is not it. People are losing everything and being displaced and that is real.

  5. James says

    “… With any increases in needed sand with come huge increases in costs. The U.S. Army Corps project is funded by the federal government at 65 percent. The rest is Flagler County’s responsibility. …”

    Yup, doesn’t come “cheap.”

  6. Celia Pugliese says

    The beach front sand needs to be restored…for the people and also marine life. Very simple other than wasting billions, trillions and lives in useless wars out in Asia and allover the world is time we secure our land instead first, generate local industry to secure jobs and sell for export to earn the funds that we need at home. Other than billions for elections campaigns we need to do away with that (no one person, corporation or entity can contribute more than $10 to anyone running for any office of any party) and use donated billions and federal taxed funds to repair hurricane damages in our public common areas like the beaches, etc. We can do it if politics do not intercede. Stop the theft of funds assigned for the needy for sports stadiums etc. :
    This one was uncovered imagine how many more go unnoticed! The taxes we generate are dilapidated everywhere in frivolous uses then we do not have those funds for emergencies. With all the wasteful high paid administrative positions in our government sustained by our hard earned taxes these things take place not enough high paid watchdogs? Maybe many of the wasteful VIP paid should be done away with and billions will be saved to be applied to proper use. Is plenty money out there to repair our beaches after hurricanes if some honesty will stop the theft and also few useless wars funding. Repair our beaches! We need them more for our people that sport stadiums that should be self funding. Now you can kill the messenger…

    • Andre says

      Maybe it is time to contact the Delft Hydraulics Laboratory, now a part of engineering group Deltares ( site is available in English),
      which is one of the worlds best known knowledge centers for water protection and have them study what needs to be done for a working solution. Just adding sand is useless, as has been learned now. Protection against the ocean needs a total solution to work.

    • DaleL says

      Celia, your comment concerning campaign funds is off topic, but worthy of discussion. The idea of taxing political campaigns is a non-starter. There are already donation limits for a candidate’s campaign. However, political organizations (PACs) are another matter. Perhaps they should be treated under the law as though they are regular companies. All contributions to them could be treated as taxable income.

      It should be obvious that the beach dune line has moved significantly over the last 50 years. The Flagler County Appraiser has an interactive map which shows the location of property lines. Properties, which are beachfront, include land which is now literally under water. The map has aerial views from 2005 and 2020. Sea Colony, a gated community in northern Flagler County, owns common land along the beach. In 2005, at the southern end, the land had about 50 feet of vegetated dune. The same location in 2020 had maybe 20 feet. When our Appraiser updates the map with a more recent aerial photo, I’m confident that the amount of vegetated dune will be even less.

      Our planet is dynamic. Our beaches are no exception. We have a choice. Option one is to replenish the beaches as was done after hurricane Matthew. Option two is to fortify the beaches with rocks and seawalls. Option three is to retreat when necessary.

  7. Skibum says

    This shows that man’s ability to engineer safeguards in coastal beach areas is certainly no match for mother nature and the fury of major hurricanes. With climate change strengthening storms every year and ice melt eroding glaciers at an alarming rate that will raise the sea level, we can spend billions and billions of our dollars to no avail to try to save structures and roads built too close to the ocean. Will I-95 soon become as close to the Atlantic Ocean as A1A is today? Only time will tell, but what the oceans are showing us does not portend to be in man’s favor.

    • Robert says

      [WARNING: The following comment is based on a false premise–that there has been negligible sea rise the last 30 years. Yes, it can be proven how much sea levels have risen. As has documented, “The sea level around Florida is up to 8 inches higher than it was in 1950.” Around Virginia Key, for example, “speed of rise has accelerated over the last ten years and it’s now rising by 1 inch every 3 years.2 Scientists know this because sea levels are measured every 6 minutes using equipment like satellites, floating buoys off the coast, and tidal gauges to accurately measure the local sea level as it accelerates and changes.” Personal observations are not a substitute for science.–FL]

      Can you prove to me with actual transit elevations how much exactly in feet or inches how much the ocean level has risen? I’ve been her for 32 years, and without the benefit of a transit, my estimation is the sea level hasn’t changed 1 CM +/-, what has changed however is the elevation of the beach surface at tidal change area up to the dune line.
      Examining the water level marking on the pilings for the pier, the oceans high/low tide elevations have not changed by even 1 cm. However the sand elevation at the piers supports have diminished by approx. 3’. We are not seeing sea level rise so much as we are seeing sea bottom being eroded and being dragged off shore. What Mother Nature appears to be doing is trying to build another barrier island approx. 2,000 feet of shore. A good portion of the sand deposited in 2018 & 2019 was not swallowed up by the ocean and digested, it sits about 1,000 – 2,000 feet off shore, one only has to look at wave action to see this is happening.
      Rather than trucking in another 1 million cu. yds. Of sand, why don’t they reclaim what the ocean has taken, it’s just sitting off shore.
      I agree with what one commenter wrote “ the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over & over & over again expecting a different result. Which is exactly what the minds behind these beach renourishment projects are. I remember when they were lining the dunes with silt fabric and placing boulders on the sea side of the dune some the size of VW Beatles, that was back in 1998, who was the rocket scientist who came up with that idea?
      We all witnessed the result of those efforts a few years later when in that exact same area those VW size holders along with the silt fabric disappeared, and the ocean are away at A1A better than half way across to roadway to a depth of 20’ or greater.
      So what did the do both of the pier, the exact same thing. Stupid is as stupid does!
      I cannot do anything but laugh at the abundance and rampant stupidity! Where is the county and Flagler Beach finding these engineers, the obviously have no experience working with the ocean. The methods may apply well with Lakes, BUT NOT THE OCEAN, where the water is in perpetual motion.
      Although there no way to stop the objectives of a body of water the size of the Atlantic Ocean, but there is a way to slow its inland March to reclaim land it deposited here eons ago.
      I see two potential solutions to slow the oceans progress inland. 1.) regular beach grooming, maintaining a level plane along the entire distance of Flagler County beach, instead of allowing the beach surface of a ski slope, dotted with morals, thus accelerating the rate of erosion, particularly at high astronomical high tides. It’s far more difficult to erode sand from a level surface than a mountain side. This has proven factual based on archaeological studies as to how mountains over time are eroded into a level plane. I call it equalization by Mother Nature. Just as cold seeks warmth, and warmth seeks cold to equalize temp.
      That’s why that ice cold can of ice cold beer taken out of your cooler very quickly equalized tithe ambient temperature.
      Having said that, only the stupidest amount us would disagree that the source of our beach problem stems from surf acting on the beach! So those that would be inclined to disagree, please reserve your comments.
      So considering that we are all in agreement, that the surf is the culprit, is there anything that can be done to mitigate its effects on our shore line?
      I’m glad I asked myself that very question! Having spent a good portion of my summers growing up on cape cod where my parents had a summer home, I quickly learned why cape cod still exists to this day.
      Our home was located in North Falmouth, MA, for all you sufficient in geography the is known by the locals as the outer cape, as opposed to inner Cape Cod, IE: Denis, MA., I’ll leave it up to you to geolocate those areas on the map to understand what I mean by inner and outer cape.
      What Yankee enginuity has discovered worked well for the is the construction of “Jutties”, which are nothing more than a pile of rocks, some the size of VW Beatles, but rather than line the dunes with them (a process that failed disastrously here after the 1998 beach restoration) the Cape Cod Indians employed a different technique. They placed the rocks jutting out from shore, they aligned them in such a fashion that they projected from shore at an angle that would be in opposition to the angle that the surf of the most beach damaging surf would come from. I this case, the damaging surf would come from the Northeast, so they placed the jutties in a south easterly direction. The projected out into the ocean approx. 400’ -500’, roughly 30’ to 40’ wide and 3’ above the hugest recorded tide.
      Essentially whit these jutties did is break the surf as the waves crashed into the rocks, as opposed to them crashing on the beach. Thus almost eliminating the need for sand replenishment.
      To the best of my knowledge those sone jutties have been there since 1938, after the Devi station that hurricane imposed on the Rhode Island & Massachusetts shore line. These structures are common sights on the cape code shore line, and I believe it’s what has prevented Cape Cod from becoming an Island.
      My suggestion at this point is to talk to the designers of the Dubi islands, apparently they have developed a formula that prevents the islands they are building from being reclaimed by the Sea. I think employing the technical skills of these developers will provide far better solutions than the ideas proposed by the engineers the County and Flagler Beach has engaged to date! It’s worth a try, as the State, County, and Flagler Beach cannot continue to experiment with efforts proposed by engineers which have proven to have failed disastrously to date. It’s time to try something different. Just my 2 cents.

      • Laurel says

        Robert: I know that beach *re-nourishment* does work in south Florida, as much as I don’t like it. The light, gold sand is now grey, but it’s a much longer walk to the shore than when I was growing up there. I don’t think it’s going to work up here. Keep in mind that Marineland’s beach has minor jetties, which are now nothing but a scattered mess on the beach.

        South Florida has the Bahamas to act as a break, changing the wave structure. Here, we don’t have that and the waves deeply scallop out the beach on a normal day. In South Florida, the water is deeper faster. You can take your boat offshore, be in 80 feet of water and still see the shoreline and buildings. This deeper water has more of an effect of wave choppiness, and the waves are not as large as they are when you travel north. Ask any surfer! The Gulf Stream also veers off to the northeast once you get to Lake Worth. This Gulf Stream must also have an effect of changing wave structure as it has its own strength and path. Surfing is better on the north side of the Gulf Stream turn off. Here, you must go far off coast to get in deep water which has nothing to block the structure of waves, and the waves have more energy.

        So far, the work done here has saved the road but will do nothing to save the beach. Jetties may have some effect as well, but I’m sorry to sound pessimistic, but I doubt there will be much that will save the erosion here. Sometimes, Mother Nature returns sand but the ocean is rising and we’ll never see the same structure as before. I have lived in Florida more than twice as long as you have. Climate change is real, and as I have written in other comment here, that I’ve never see such flooding in this state as I have seen in the last several years. Even on Miami Beach, is wasn’t as bad as it is now.

        It will take some master engineering to change things, but I agree with you as far as it’s not happening yet.

        • Robert says

          Let me propose a thought with regard to sea level rise, (although seeing no physical evidence here in Flagler of that occurring. Based on 47 years in the construction industry)
          Perhaps it’s not global climate change, polar ice caps melting and the like. But rather surface water runoff, that is causing sea level rise. When you examine aquifer levels dropping all over the planet, wells going dry as well. The pure underground water is being consumed faster than nature can regenerate it.
          Now let’s just think back 70 years and make a visual comparison to today. Would you agree that County, state, national, and world wide the state of developed land has expanded exponentially? I doubt you could find few who would disagree. But let’s just look at Flagler, the conversion of forested land now dedicated to commercial space, in addition to the residential space that has been constructed in the past 70 years. Now calculate the surface area of water impervious surfaces that exist today that was non existent 70 years ago. I’m talking roadways, streets, driveways, roofs, etc. all the rain that falls on the impervious surfaces creates runoff that would have in the past been absorbed by the ground and ultimately replenished the aquifers beneath us. Well this runoff is now being directed into bodies of ocean water instead of seeping into the ground. There you have your explanation of sea level rise. Makes more sense than Al Gore’s stupid climate change, coming from a man who has never picked up a shovel or build a single thing in his life. Further you must that sea level rise cannot be localized, as the ocean is a giant level. Water cannot rise more in a certain geographical area as opposed to another, sea level is self equalizing.
          Rather I believe some areas are experiencing greater rate of sea bed erosion than others, resulting in surf further claiming more and more land. Like I said my viewpoints are based on my own experience of 47 years in the construction industry and the runoff issues faced when converting undeveloped land in shopping malls, strip malls, housing developments, and even single family stand alone homes. The surface runoff we are creating is enormous volumes of water runoff. One only has to look at the coastal flood warnings the weather service is posting that we are still experiencing some 6 days after the storm, the ocean can only accept so much water at a time. Which explains the high water level of the inter coastal waterway nearly a week after the storm.

          • Laurel says

            Robert: I totally agree with you as far as impervious areas are adding to the problem, my former career was assessing these areas. That is not the end all, be all, though. This planet is a small one, with an extremely large human population that has little regard for its health. In the simplest terms, if you have a fish tank, and you do not clean up the waste on a regular basis, the water turns and the fish die. People used to say “The solution to pollution is dilution.” Too late. Rain runoff is not enough to rise the sea level. Melting ice caps and glaciers are. But, as someone who was in the stormwater business, I would stand with someone in the construction business to curtail impervious areas.

  8. A.j says

    People are always blaming the left. Regardless to who is in power God is going to do what he is going to do. We can’t stop God. Blaming people will not help the situation. We need to be ready as best we can. People who has been in this world for sometime know Fla is in hurricane ally. As I know of it has always been that way the blaming game dosent help anybody. Ian isn’t the first hurricane to hit Fla it will not be the last. I saw on my phone where two white women said the deep state is responsible for ian. Wow what a shame. If we can control the weather I don’t believe the fires would be raging in the west and the floods and drought would meet and provide good fertilized land. They said it was against the conservative states like Fla. Last time I checked Fla was a swing state. Let us work together toward a common goal of helping each othet.

    • Robert says

      Since you brought up the deep state let’s discuss it! Are you aware the the government has admitted that it does have the ability to manipulate weather. Are you not aware of chemtrails as opposed to contrails, which again the government has admitted doing, are you not aware of wars being created for the acquisition of natural resources or the enrichment of the military / industrial complex which even Eisenhower spoke of in the 1950’s!
      Keeping you head buried in the sand and then pulling it to say in essence that the government is our friend, they are doing everything to better our lives! I would expect that from a 12 year old but not an adult. This is the problem world wide, people are dead asleep and are total ally unable to comprehend what is being done to us. It’s been on going for the past 6,000 years, and we are nearing the fulfillment of their globalist plan.

  9. Whathehck? says

    Since comments have turned political I will agree with Celia Pugliese.
    In his 2016 budget, President Barack Obama proposed getting rid of tax-free bonds to help finance stadiums, a practice that costs the U.S. Treasury $146 million a year, according to a 2012 Bloomberg analysis. Bloomberg calculated that the $17 billion in tax-exempt debt used to build stadiums since 1986 would cost taxpayers $4 billion. The idea, like most of Obama’s budget, failed to gain traction in the Republican-dominated Congress.
    Once the team left, Missouri taxpayers shouldered the remaining $144 million in debt and maintenance costs on the stadium until the debt was paid off in 2021.

    There is money to protect the USA from global warning and sea rise, keep an eye on all the politicians.

  10. Denali says

    Someone has to be the contrarian here so it might as well be me. Before going too far allow me to say that I do care about the folks who have lost or are about to lose their homes or businesses – but honestly, they were forewarned that nothing on the beach is permanent. Just to our north is a perfect example; Matanzas Inlet has moved 2 miles south in the years since the Spanish built their outpost on Rattlesnake Island.

    What we perceive as horrible damage is just old Mother Nature doing her thing. People who have built on the islands did so with only an infinitesimal vision of what happens at the ocean / island interface over time. These are barrier islands folks, they move, they shrink, they grow. Nature put them there to protect the mainland and possibly for our enjoyment but not for us to exploit and alter. Anything built on the beaches should be considered as temporary. Why insurance companies continue to insure these properties for physical damage is beyond comprehension. Yes it is painful to watch people lose their property but by golly they rolled the dice when they decided to live on the beach. Sure, all may be good for a decade or two and then, the big one, and their house is gone. Sooner or later a decision will have to be made and the owners of these beach properties will need to be cut loose from the public trough. Again, this is not being callous, but simply pragmatic. What happens after the next storm when the island has moved out from under their house and their lot is under ten feet of water, permanently? Does the taxpayer buy their lot?

    Our county engineer does not want to follow the band aid approach which is admirable but anything man does to try and tame the ocean is just a band aid. The revetments at Marineland lasted 80-some years and now where are they? That concrete ‘wall’ built by FDOT in north Flagler Beach is now exposed and open to scouring, how long will it last? We can continue to pour money into the ocean but will never win or break-even in the fight. How much is enough? $100 million this year, $150 the next? Pretty soon we are talking about real money here and eventually the taxpayer will say enough. All we can do is delay the inevitable.

    And then in 30 or 40 years when the ocean level has risen to their doorsteps are these folks going to be looking for another bail-out? Of course they will . . .

    • Skibum says

      You are exactly right, and very well said! As I was reading your comment, it brought to mind an interview with one Ian survivor living on Sanibel Island. It was just 48 hours after most of the barrier island was destroyed and completely cut off from the rest of civilization after the causeway coming from Ft. Meyers was taken out in at least 4 places by the hurricane. And you know what this resident said? It’s been 2 days, where is FEMA? Where are the resources the island residents should be seeing for help? Just completely clueless to the fact that nobody could even get to the island by road any longer. When people choose to live in what they percieve to be idealic, scenic areas at the ocean’s edge or on vulnerable barrier islands without due consideration to the plain fact that their property and their lives could certainly be at risk by building there, you feel for them during a tragedy such as what just occurred. Then, after reflection you also acknowledge that they chose other considerations as the priority over safety, and made a fool’s bet that Mother Nature would not dare harm they or what they built on that stretch of sand. All of the people who have homes and businesses right along A1A are increasingly in harm’s way from the encroaching sea and the ever-present danger associated with Atlantic hurricanes, and when and if they decide to stay the course, they should not depend on local, state or federal help to get them out of the mess they should have foreseen coming during these catastrophic, destructive storms.

      • Laurel says

        Skibum and Denali: I beg to differ. I am on the barrier island, and our home did not flood. Our property did not flood. Can you say that for Palm Coast? We consciously built our home with storms in mind, and our first floor elevation is nearly 12′. What’s yours? Do you know? When purchasing a property, it’s called “due diligence.” My guess is that a lot of Palm Coast home buyers have not done their due diligence.

        We have not looked to government for help, not once. Here, you are assuming a whole lot. We have paid for insurance for longer than I have cared to think about, but have not made a single claim. For you to ramble on about barrier island people making “fools bets” while your streets flood is offensive.

        • Skibum says

          Thank God you were safe… so far. However, you need no further evidence of your risk living where you choose to build than to price insurance for your home and a similar built home away from the ocean’s edge, not on a barrier island. Building 12 feet above ground may be enough to protect you from the worst of the flood surge in the event of a strong hurricane, but how about hurricane force winds? It is warm ocean waters that increase the severity of these storms, and land that diminishes their strength, so the closer you are to the ocean, you have the potential for a far more severe impact when a strong hurricane is headed in your direction. I sincerely hope you never have to experience a catastrophic loss like those who live in SW FL experienced, but your risk is certainly greater by building where you did. And I assume you know that because you built your 1st level 12 feet up in the air, not just so you could have a better view, am I right? And by the way, neither I nor anyone in my area was flooded. I know a lot of people here in Palm Coast and do not personally know anyone who had flooding issues. Sure, some low-lying residential areas did get flooded, but as you said, you do your due diligence before locating when moving into a new area and your chances of mistakenly moving into an area that has a history of flooding is almost nil.

          • Laurel says

            We built a concrete bunker; Ian was not our first rodeo. We have lived along the coast in several different places, and we have not lost a house yet, and so far, after all these years, we have only lost a portion of a fence which we built back ourselves. The view is a bonus, also a part of the consideration. That, risk, location, drainage and whether the soil is impervious or not, elevation and design were all of the consideration. We designed this house ourselves and acted as owner builder. You cannot make blanket assumptions and try to regulate other’s lives with that assumption.

            You may not personally know of anyone with flood damage in Palm Coast, but all you have to do is look at the pictures on this website.

            I’m aware of the warmer waters and climate influence, I was born in Florida.

            We do feel heartbroken for some of the scenes we’ve watched on TV. One of our favorite places to tow the boat is Matlacha (which translates to knee deep water) which barely exists anymore. To see the destruction of the familiar buildings, which are barely recognizable now, is incredibly sad.

            The fact of the matter is, places like Matlacha, Mexico Beach and the Keys are going to have homes, businesses and people as these places are so beautiful and people have lived there for ions without harm. Yes, that’s changing. The Keys are more vulnerable, we know that, but Mexico Beach and Matlacha have been bypassed by most storms. This is not going to change. You cannot keep people from paradise, it simply will not happen.

  11. Beach Cat says

    We are grateful to Pierre for the images of before and after the latest storm. Yes, it is devastating news regarding the loss of dune restoration, loss of wildlife protection and the question of rebuilding. For those cranky GOP folks chiming in with their constant harp about ‘illegals’ joining our country, there are more than 100,000 jobs available just in the hotel and restaurant areas, to say nothing of other businesses needing workers. Those immigrants will be happy to work and pay taxes in our racist country.

    • Local says

      Problem is that most likely won’t be paying taxes and will be sending most of their extra money back to their home countries. That’s money out of our economy into other countries economies.
      AAs far as global warming or climate change or whatever they call it these days…’d a natural process….if Yellowstone erupts then it will be global cooling they will use to line their own pockets

      • Laurel says

        Local: “…it’s a natural process…” No, not in one person’s lifetime. This is definitely man made. The west has been on fire for three or four years now. Nothing natural about the frequency, and intensity of these fires.

        Well, I guess the US Forestry could rake the forests as Trump remarked.

  12. Gary says

    It’s insane to try to fix a bad idea. A1A is simply too close to the ocean! The road was there for horse and buggies circa 1920s! Move all the development back 2 blocks is the ONLY fix!

  13. Steve says

    It could be a Billion dollar project and to no avail the Beaches will continue to disappear. It’s not nice to fool with Mother Nature.

  14. Justsayin says

    It may be time for the government to take REAL action. With climate change now knocking at our door, let’s make a change now. FIRST, no more buildings of any type on all barrier islands across the state. TWO, Let the government purchase ALL existing homes and businesses that are currently existing on a barrier island. If the price tag is too high, allow insurance companies to drop all policies and never allow people to renew. THREE, all trailer parks must be at least 25 miles from the coastline.
    Its time for all these people driving their Tesla around claiming they’re saving the planet to act now. Climate change is here to stay people, HARD choices must be made. We cannot spend our way out of this and rebuild after every storm. I hope every climate change believer will support these much-needed changes.
    Thank You

    • Laurel says

      Justsayin: The government is not ever going to buy all homes and businesses on the barrier island. Not ever. “Hard choice” for you, huh?

      • Justsayin says

        Why not? I did not say anything about what you think it’s worth. Should the insurance company decides not to cover any homes, what do you think these homes will be worth. No bank will loan any money to purchase a home that can not be insured.

        • Laurel says

          Just sayin: Why not? Do you really think it’s feasible to buy up all businesses and homes on barrier islands? I also didn’t say anything about what I think it’s worth, but I will now. Just for one example, Publix is not only a business, which would have to be purchased, but also the building and the property. You want to pay for that through taxes? Now, you’re okay with purchasing all businesses, buildings and land? Ain’t happening, ever.

          Insurance companies were pulling out before Ian. They will continue to do so now. They are extremely poorly managed. They have more political power than you realize, and they did nothing to curb growth in areas that should not be developed. You are correct that it will become a problem with loans, but realistically, many properties are purchased without loans. If some of these new subdivisions will have a problem selling their cookie cutter homes, with additional density, I will not cry.

          What a lot of people are missing here, is the fact that inland properties, and I mean the center of the state, are flooding as well. We went inland during Matthew, and saw a lot of home properties flooded on our way out.

          Florida can simply not house the world. Whether it’s effected by storms or sinkholes, it can only take so much human change.

  15. The ORIGINAL land of no turn signals says

    My point was that money should be used for countless other uses.Helping veterans,hardest hit from the storm etc.

    • Laurel says

      Actually, sharks do like jetties! They’d love it here! Come to think of it, it would bring around more fish, too.

    • Army Strong says

      Agree. They work elsewhere; why not here? May buy us a hundred years. By then there’ll be better solutions.

  16. America First 81 says

    Stone Jetties or Stone Reefs are the ONLY Answer! But will the EPA. Agree to Stone Jetties or Stone Reefs? There always be Big Waves that Destroy Beaches. Every where on Earth! Any better ideas? We can NOT keep WASTING Taxpayer Funds on Sand!

    • Robert says

      You are the only person who has given an intelligent response to this article!
      I agree with you 100%, stone break water/jutties are the only solution. Why do our county officials keep trying to invent the wheel, it’s already been done. The problem as I see it is the resources we draw upon have absolutely no conception what to do, as evidenced by their past catastrophic failures. Let’s just bring in another million cu.yds. Of sand at a cost of $18 million. Stupid is as stupid does.
      I grew up on Cape Cod, they have the problem solved, using break water structures and jutties. The EPA cannot deny construction of these structures to save life, property, and land. I posted a lengthy comment but strangely it seems to have disappeared.

  17. Water is not stoppable.. says

    I have a great idea: Lets truck in billions of pounds of sand from a mine some place, and plant little sea grasses in the newly dumped sand dunes… at a cost of multimillions of dollars.. that’ll surely fix this issue.. why has this not been done already??

    Oh wait … it has been done….

    I forgot, you simply can’t stop coastal change, but you can ignorantly act like you can. Personally, I was almost glad to see it go. Haha!

  18. America First 81 says

    Where is Rep Mike Waltz? His District 6 is a DISASTER after the ‘visit’ by Ian, the MONSTER Hurricane! Time for same ‘Town Hall Meetings’ like ALL the other Congressmen/Congresswomen have in their Districts! Mike, time for Q & A about what YOU are doing for District 6! Tell us WHY you should be re-Elected! STOP talking about Support for Ukraine on Fox News! Start talking to your District on local Radio Stations! Have Q & A shows on TV Stations 2, 6, and 9! Rep Kat Cammack could teach Mike Waltz how to really SERVE his District! Will Mike EVER learn?

  19. Beach lover says

    I think whatever money that is to be spent should be spent very wisely.

    Looking at the photos of the beachfront, seems to me like the concrete seawall is the only thing that did it’s job.

    Just add sand.

    As for this crazy idea of adding sand without a seawall behind it, it’s a waste of money.

    Had the homeowners along A1A all agreed years ago to replenish the sand and dunes.

    Millions for planning.
    Millions on execution.

    The project would have been completed by now, and you know what?

    The shoreline would look exactly as it does today.

    From my standpoint, the only way to do this is to do it once, and do it right.

    This should be an ongoing active project, 10, 15 years out, with a long term goal.

    Not just grab whatever federal and state money to help pay for a short term solution.

    Especially if I have to put in 30-40 percent of the costs.

    If someone asked me if they could install a concrete seawall in front of my house….

    Cover it completely with sand,
    Restore the dunes and shoreline to exactly as they are today.

    I’d go for it.

    I think those holdouts saved us all millions.

  20. Dave says

    I don’t care what they do for restoration of the dune restructure , as long as its completed before next Sept 2023.

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