Around 1 p.m. Saturday over the Labor Day weekend, when City Hall was as vacant as it gets, Alen Lowe, who is in a runoff for a city council seat in against Theresa Carli Pontieri, managed to get into the City Council chamber and shoot a campaign video.
He positioned himself at the podium that usually faces the council members, turning it around to face the camera, and to have the city logo prominently displayed over his shoulder. A city policy forbids the use of its logo for political purposes. It also forbids the use of its spaces absent a permit.
“A facility rental request or a filming permit would be required for this type of use at a City facility,” a city spokesperson said. “The City of Palm Coast does have a policy prohibiting City employees from using City equipment, facilities, or buildings for political activities. However, City Council members are exempt from that policy.”
Lowe did not, of course, break into City Hall. He had help getting in: Ed Danko, the city council member, used his City Council ID to swipe him in. Danko has helped Lowe’s two previous campaigns for council seats.
Danko is seen in one surveillance video scanning his ID at a front door and holding the door open for Lowe, who walks in with a tripod. A different camera shows the pair, Danko first, walking into the darkened council chamber with Lowe (at the 4-minute mark in the corridor video). Lowe eyes the ceiling by the dais, then Danko plays the role of director, grip and coach (surveillance videos have no sound), distinctly showing the podium as Lowe’s stage, though they could just as much have been chatting about something else. They appear to run through Lowe’s script, with Danko holding a phone as Lowe reads (he would then position it below the phone taking the video, like a teleprompter).
If there was any doubt that Danko was choreographing Lowe’s campaign, the video of the video removes that doubt. (See two perspectives below. The lights go up a little after the 4-minute mark):
“We first checked to see if the facility had been rented or if a filming permit had been requested, which neither had,” Brittany Kershaw, the city’s communications director, said. “For security purposes, we then checked to see if there had been any badge swipes to the community wing over the weekend and reviewed security camera footage to see if we could discover who granted Mr. Lowe access to the building and to ensure that no doors had been left ajar. We did find a badge swipe from Council Member Danko around 1 p.m. on Saturday, and the corresponding security video.”
By escorting Lowe in, Danko got around the city policy, enabling Lowe to shoot the video.
“The way that we see it at this point is that he was escorte by someone who was allowed to be on the property, so we don’t have any policy issue or violations. I don’t believe there’s any action that can be taken,” Kershaw said, though the city is still studying the matter. As for the use of the logo, “He’s in the facility, so it’s not like he stamps the logo on a document or something like that, so we are still trying to navigate if there’s anything additional to be done. But there was not a trespassing or anything like that because they were escorted by a person who was allowed to be there.”
For Lowe, it’s been an established pattern: When he was running for mayor against David Alfin last year, his campaign literature drew a caution from the state Republican party to candidates like Lowe using the governor’s image, misleading voters into thinking they had the governor’s endorsement. (See: “An Alan Lowe Campaign Message: 60 Seconds, 2 Violations of Law, 3 Falsehoods, 4 Misleading or Deceptive Statements.”) During the same election, Lowe campaigned with Danko as Danko fabricated lies about the governor and former mayor Milissa Holland (See: “Danko-Lowe Campaign Fabrications: Governor’s Office Refutes Incendiary Claims About Holland “Criminal Charges”).
On Aug. 12, the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office issued a cease and desist letter to Lowe warning him to stop using Sheriff Rick Staly’s image in campaign literature. “You have used these images in social media posts, mailers and in commercials to imply both Sheriff Staly and the Flagler County Sheriffs Office are supporting and/or endorsing your candidacy,” John LeMaster, the sheriff’s office’;s attorney, wrote Lowe. “Both implications are untrue and provide a false narrative for voters. As you are well aware Sheriff Staly has not endorsed you, or your candidacy, for office.”
Citing the state law, the letter went on to Lowe: “You did not seek, nor were your granted, permission to use Sheriff Staly’ s likeness in your campaign efforts. You are misleading the voters of Palm Coast in support of your agenda without authorization. […] You will not receive another warning letter. Failure to comply will cause this office to take any and all legal action necessary to gain compliance.”
Similarly, Palm Coast’s code of ordinances is clear about the uses and misuses of the city’s logo: “The Corporate Seal and logo of the City of Palm Coast, including any facsimile thereof, are intended for use by authorized agents or officers of the City of Palm Coast in conducting the official business of the City. No other person shall use the City Seal or City Logo for any other purpose.”
“From my understanding, that video had the city seal in it, and we have an ordinance mandating that the city seal is only to be use for city business, so that’s where I have an issue, using the city seal for a political issue or political gain,” Pontieri, the candidate in the run-off against Lowe (and an attorney) said today. She was not aware that he had been allowed into the council chambers “with the assistance of a city council member, which is concerning,” Pontieri said.
Neither Lowe nor Danko responded to questions about the Palm Coast video, which remains near the top of Lowe’s social media page. He released another video, that one standing in front of City Hall, repeating the same message. He has been urging residents to show up at this evening’s council meeting, at 6 p.m., to “voice your opposition against Mayor Alfin’s 15 percent tax increase.”
It is not “Alfin’s” tax increase. The tax increase is, in fact, the city administration’s recommendation. Four council members signaled approval of the recommendation, with Alfin justifying it in a long speech–dismayingly plushed up with a goofy character–other council members agreed with. The council is expected to approve a budget in the first of two budget hearings on Sept. 8 that would maintain the tax rate flat, which under Florida law would equate to a tax increase, because the city would draw more revenue next year than it did this year, thanks to rising property values.
The tax increase as legally reported by the city is 15 percent. But homesteaded property owners will not see anywhere near such a tax increase: the increase in taxable value of their property is capped at 3 percent by the Save Our Homes constitutional amendment, and commercial properties, like shops and rentals, are capped at 10 percent, making it inconceivable that any property owner would pay 15 percent more next year.
One of the properties Lowe lists as his own on his candidate campaign profile, at 47 Collingwood Lane, is fully tax exempt. Lowe’s tax bill: zero. (Danko’s W-Section home will see his Palm Coast taxes increase a mere $36.) A second property is listed at that same address on the property appraiser’s site. It is not homesteaded. The tax increase will be 5 percent.
So while property values are surging, taxable values are not surging in kind. The Publix supermarket on Belle Terre Parkway, for example, saw its market value increase 17 percent this year, from $5.4 million to $6.3 million. But its taxable value only increased 7 percent, from $5.4 million to $5.8 million. It paid Palm Coast $24,911 in taxes last year. It’ll pay the city $26,639 based on the tax rate currently proposed–a 7 percent increase.
Charles says
He’s definately a no vote……please taxpayers vote correctly.
WHO DOES THIS KIND OF BS:Lowe and Danko =2 sneaky , lying, grifters, did Lowe ever denouce his declared and signed non-citizenship to our Country???? what exempts him from paying taxes on his property??? Sure Danko wants him in so that they can continue with their sneaky relationships with the other 2 FCBOCC, we all know who they are, thank all that the other grifter will soon be gone. VOTE THERSEA PONTIERI.
James Mejuto says
What do I think? : Are ya ready for trumps bullshit? Are ya ready for Republicans doing whatever they want?,
Are ya ready for another Republican takeover of our city? Are ya ready for Republicans:
Danko, Mullins, Lowe and all the other Republican misfits, mis-representing our community.
We failed to elect Sims (because he’s Black) . . . so what are we going to do?
David Schaefer says
We voted for Sims every time and we are white. Screw all these fools Danko, Lowe , Alfin, you will all get a trip to the manure pile can’t wait till the next election.
Justin Case says
Not ALL Republicans are misfits.. My voter hitlist including removal of some former elected officials. Danko will be the next one I vote against. I wasn’t sure about Lowe, but now I am. I will vote for their opponents in future elections. These fools don’t act the way do because of their party affiliations, they act like fools because that’s who they are on the inside…
Ron Kronen says
yep I am ready for GOP, anything to get away from Dems
Teresa says
And why are the rules not followed? And why is the mayor & council doing nothing?
Michael Cocchiola says
This is how Mega-Magas operate. Indifference to laws, regulations, policy, or even accepted practices.
We cannot have two unrestrained Mega-Magas on our council. We cannot stand for anger, insults, and disruption. I recommend we all forget what political party we belong to and vote for Theresa Carli Pontieri for the city council District 2 seat.
protonbeam says
Florida Ethics Violation for Danko? Elections violation for Lowe? Who is going to file….
Ben Hogarth says
I guess the laws of this nation no longer apply to some of us… (same rules apply to local government as well)
Section 607 of title 18, United States Code, is amended–
(1) by striking subsection (a) and inserting the following:
“(a) Prohibition.–
“(1) In general.–It shall be unlawful for any person to
solicit or receive a donation of money or other thing of value
in connection with a Federal, State, or local election from a
person who is located in a room or building occupied in the
discharge of official duties by an officer or employee of the
United States. It shall be unlawful for an individual who is an
officer or employee of the Federal Government, including the
President, Vice President, and Members of Congress, to solicit
or receive a donation of money or other thing of value in
connection with a Federal, State, or local election, while in
any room or building occupied in the discharge of official
duties by an officer or employee of the United States, from any
“(2) Penalty.–A person who violates this section shall be
fined not more than $5,000, imprisoned not more than 3 years, or
both.”; and
(2) in subsection (b), by inserting “or Executive Office of
the President” after “Congress”.
KMedley says
Don’t hold your breath for any action by the City of Palm Coast and/or it’s council members. Absolutely no regard for rules by Danko or Lowe. Likewise, no stones within the walls of city hall to hold either accountable. Any chance Danko is called out at the next city council meeting by any member? No, not one chance.
tulip says
So Danko was allowed to get away with breaking a rule by filming campaign video in council chambers. Why is he getting away with it when all the other candidates follow the rules?! This is one more reason NOT to vote for Lowe and vote Danko out when the time comes. Shame on the mayor and council for not dealing with this in some way. Danko broke the rule, subtract a couple of weeks paychecks. Trumpism is rampant here in Flagler County. I’m not thrilled with Lowe’s opponent either but it’s the better of the two choices that we have to deal with.
Bill C says
The funny part is that Danko and Lowe don’t know they’ve already lost their election because they are so sneaky and creepy no one trusts them.
Say no to Lowe says
As a previous supporter of Lowe, I can’t tell you how many times, even recently, he’s swore to others he has no relationship to Danko any longer. Lowe continues to lie to what supporters he has left. Furthermore, why does he care about our taxes when he lives tax free in a home where his wife continues to claim
100 % exemption from her deceased veteran spouse which is clearly a violation of state statute 196. Take it from a long time Lowe supporter, the couple is lying about others and about their own shenanigans to keep the charades up. Unfortunately, they slander perfectly decent people and ruin relationships over and over to get what they want. They are obsessed with this seat. Now ask why?
Nephew of Uncle Sam says
” so it’s not like he stamps the logo on a document or something like that,”
No he’s using it in a campaign ad which is basically stamping it on the screen for all to see. Danko should just step down and take Lowe with him.
I’m not too thrilled with Pontieri as a candidate either.
Jimbo99 says
Breaking & entering, even though they had a security card pass. Amazing what politicians get away with in Palm Coast/Flagler county.
Montecristo says
You can’t make this sh#t up.
Next to Joe Mullins, Danko ranks as #2 in the WTF category.
Now we really have a picture of where Allan Lowe was in this campaign. At one point it seemed he was getting his votes by working for the people.
It’s pretty evident that he is still working for Danko, yup I said working for Danko.
Sorry Allan you almost had my family votes.
Danko your obnoxious ways are at the crossroads of despair and destruction.
We will get you out. Go carpetbag somewhere else.
You’re next Danko and as for Allan Shepherd Lowe
Good bye, if you didn’t feel creepy in the Council Chamber after hours then your sovereign citizen ways never changed.
Jericho says
I am sick of being represented by entitled scum. Why is Danko such an idiot? Why do people vote for this bozo? Oh there’s a tax increase coming and now Danko and Igor Lowe are against it? Where was this concern when you got a hundred percent pay raise? Or when you got our garbage service cost increased, for no good reason? Or when you were chasing popular restaurants out of horrible locations? Do you not understand that when you throw around city money, the taxpayers are punished?
Gary says
So what. It shows initiative . Theresa is a plant by the political machine Updegrave and Fuller. Never saw her at any meetings. She jumps in and takes over Alan’s format. We don’t need a lawyer on council. Just like we don’t need realtors on council either. They gave themselves a big raise didn’t they. Now a tax increase of 15%. Open ground now being change to residential. Sell more houses.
For the betterment of Palm Coast says
Gary, is that what you are calling it ‘initiative’ what about under-handed politics at its finest! You have your head in the sand. I have watched both candidates carefully. I am definitely NOT a Lowe fan, but was not sure of Pontieri either, but from what I am researching about both, I am favoring her because she is ‘fresh’ and can give an objective viewpoint to the council. She is extremely aware of Palm Coast’s issues and will handle them fairly. Lowe’s approach to Palm Coast’s issues will be whatever Danko says. Did not know that Updegrave and Fuller were, in your words ‘political machines’. Danko is the biggest ‘political machine’ going and he is trying his best to get Lowe elected. Lowe lied about their relationship. Why? Don’t you think there is something ‘smelly’ here.
Citizens of Palm Coast, do your research and do not assume anything about what you are hearing on these candidates. One lies to cover up and the other one is ready to hit the ground running to help Palm Coast. In my opinion, this is a ‘no-brainer’.
CDP says
What do you think Alan Lowe’s partner does for a living?
Denali says
Where did you come up with the idea “Open ground now being change(d) to residential”? Please cite instances of land being rezoned to ‘residential’. What kind of residential? All the lots on existing city streets and the open parcels such as up on US 1 and down near Seminole Woods have been zoned residential for decades – as in prior to the incorporation of PC.
TheMick says
They keep trying on Old Kings Road, and have succeeded at least once, near Toscana, in spite of opposition by 100% of Toscana and Hidden Lakes residents. And of course they have rezoned several OKR parcels to cheap-to-develop storage units. We are going to have FIVE storage unit businesses in a 2 mile strip of OKR. A gift to developers. The FLUM means nothing! Don’t tell me Alfin and the Council are not in the pocket of developers and rich land owners. Same as it ever was. Same at is ever was.
Edith Campins says
No, it doesn’t show initiative. It shows an arrogant attitude by both. It is just anto hher example of trumper’s beliefs that they are above the law, they don’t ave to follow the rules that apply to everyone else. WE note to vote Danko out next time around.
Duane says
Shameful, that is all I can think of when seeing the video and the poor behavior of a sitting council member.
Let’s put an end to these shenanigans.
wallingford says
I am not surprised at the antics that Danko and LOWe try. He’ll probably say that he has the endorsement of the Council that is why he was given the use of the chamber. Do the Citizens need any more reason not to vote for LOWe in the upcoming election and to oust Danko when he runs for re-election.
Sheriff Staley you have the evidence to arrest LOWe for B&E; why do you not act immediately?
Denali says
Get a grip. How can there be a B & E when he was escorted into the City Hall and the Council Chambers by a sitting member of said Council?
Marty Siegel says
Why can this occur without Mr Danko (use the Mr loosely) getting some kind of sanctions for skirting the rules. I do not understand how this stuff happens and yet there are never any consequences for the actions of these people. It is just so ridiculous and it happens over and over again.
YankeeExPat says
Sheeple,……….remember he is a ” Sovergien Citizen ” and is not required to be adherent to the Law!
Dennis C Rathsam says
Just inforces what everyone in town knows….Palm Coast is run by incompitant fools. I done care what party you belong too…If you talk like a fool, govern, like a fool… Dam it your a fool! For too many years, we have had shit shoved down are throat, thing we didnt want or need. When will our voice be heard?
CDP says
Most companies have rules about piggybacking – swiping somebody into a secured building with your security badge. It is a huge violation in any facility that has access to PII (personal identifiable information). This is not okay. I really hope the city does something about this. Danko cannot ignore the rules he doesn’t like, yet he seems to do that often without recourse.
jdubs says
This is not news in my state. People can move here freely and then “reinvent” themselves. By the time most yanks figure out how a kinder southern touch works, they die and are replaced by new ones who yell “The pizza down here sucks compared to up north.” I have no constructive argument here. If you don’t like my state, leave. Please. I don’t see anything constructive being built as you trash my state. (Which is now your state). I never left my state. You left yours.
Mark says
The pizza does suck here though.
James says
Haha! Lowe will get on that Council one way or another! Even if he has to sneak in over the weekend. Anything to get a whiff of that Council seat! How many times do we have to say no to this guy? And that’s the first I heard of the whole Sheriff thing.
All-in on Pontieri over here.
ASF says
These Trumpsters have no shame. They don’t govern–they bully, blackmail and intimidate. That’s all they know how to do.
Flatsflyer says
The taxes paid by Publix is a crime. The store will pay $26,000 in taxes, I pay $8,000 for a non income single family home non income producing property with Homestead Exemption. This is clearly a problem yet every commercial property is treated in the same manner. Our Property Appraiser is the biggest criminal in Flagler County, he needs to be strung up and hung from the Hammock Dunes Bridge.
FlaglerLive says
The $27,000 Publix would pay is reflective only of what it pays in palm Coast taxes. You are referring to your complete tax bill. Publix’s complete tax bill this year was $105,000, it is expected to be $113,000 next year, at that one store. It has three stores in Palm Coast, five in Flagler.
Randy Bentwick says
As usual the maga morons will not be punished for what they do. If any other city employee broke the rules like that they’d be fired (and probably prosecuted) in a new york minute.
Danko, Lowe and the rest of the trumpublican party think they are above the law and the rules don’t apply to them.
RAW says
STUPID IS AS STUPID DOES! This crooked stunt should clear up how you vote. Just saying.
Stephen Smith says
Didn’t he just lose the Mayor race? I thought he was some one elses sovereign citizen. Why would you vote for someone who breaks the rules? I don’t think I could vote for him.
No more low says
I have an email from Alan Lowe telling me Danko is not his campaign manager, Danko was ridding on his coattails. Huh?
Danko lied about the FBI Investigation into Mayor Holland. He lied about her daughter working while she was recovering from a transplant. He is abusive to women.
I have another email from Ed telling me he didn’t care about the 100 or so people who will be affected by his ignorance to vote to end the Green Lion lease. Let’s see how the city makes out on that deal at the end of 2022.
I hope the registered voters, regardless of party, do the right thing soon. We are almost home
And I am a Republican. But I am not a fool drinking the cook aid