It’s been the worst week of Joe Mullins’s nearly-four year tenure on the Flagler County Commission, less than six weeks from the Aug. 23 primary.
On Wednesday, a straw poll organized by the Republican Executive Committee in Flagler resulted in a 77 percent win for Leann Pennington, Mullins’s opponent in the Republican primary on Aug. 23. She took 41 votes to his 12 among Republicans, a trouncing that suggests trouble for his reelection chances.
“The spectacular showing of a nearly complete unknown is stunning,” a Republican who was at the meeting said, asking for anonymity.
But for Mullins’s money, Pennington is a strong candidate in her own right–measured, thoughtful, deeply rooted in Flagler and opinionated, and until recently little known. She’s benefiting from a roiling blowback against Mullins.
All week, Mullins has gone national–not the way he’d have wanted, but, judging from a ceaseless pattern in his time in office, likely the only way he could have: by drawing attention to his abuse of authority, his threats to public servants, his manipulation of judges, and his insults of constituents.
This week alone, NBC News, People Magazine, the conservative New York Post, the liberal Huffington Post and Daily Kos, England’s populist Daily Mail, Yahoo News, and of course several Orlando television stations and the News-Journal picked up the story after FlaglerLive reported over three articles since June 23 that Mullins in a series of traffic stops sought to pull rank, abuse his authority to get out of citations, claimed that he was “over the state” and that “I run this county” (meaning Flagler), and threatened a trooper’s job while he was himself getting warned of being taken to jail if he continued to defy law enforcement. Every time, he then begged favors of judges. It’s turned into his own troopergate.
Only WNZF, Flagler County’s news radio, and the Palm Coast Observer have yet to run a story about the incidents. Both say they will this coming week. (AskFlagler did earlier this week.) The Observer and WNZF’s Flagler radio are beneficiaries of heavy advertising by Mullins, who often uses his company’s name as an umbrella for his local campaigning. He buys and hosts a half-hour commercial on WNZF every Friday, for $200 a week, which he has used to smear opponents, call for the beheading of liberals and often spread disinformation, which he repeats in public appearances.
Mullins–who currently faces a $2.4 million federal lawsuit alleging fraud–has insulted fellow-commissioners directly and threatened one of them before. He’s slandered a Flagler Beach city commissioner. He sponsored a busload of participants to the Jan. 6 Trump rally that devolved into an insurrection (see the video below), drawing a charge from another Flagler Beach commissioner that he’d violated his oath. He’s been criticized by fellow commissioners at the county and in cities for making false and inflammatory claims. His own commission repudiated his use of county letterhead to peddle lies about Joe Biden’s election.
He executed a cozy land deal with a former county administrator he oversaw. He’s insulted and demeaned members of the LGBTQ community, women, non-Trump Republicans and non-Christians, and has frequently used racist terminology and imagery on his Facebook page. A school board member called him a “pied piper of hate.”
But despite repeated calls to censure him, two commissioners–Donald O’Brien and Dave Sullivan–have stood by him again, again and again, minimizing issues and refusing to censure, instead elevating him to the chairmanship of the commission, which he currently holds.
It’s taken videos of Mullins disrespecting law enforcement and attempting to abuse his authority over Florida Highway Patrol troopers for his behavior to go viral and draw near-universal rebukes, even from the chairman of the Flagler County Republican Party.
“His behavior or his actions are not becoming of a Republican elected official and stand as a disappointment,” Bob Updegrave, the local party chairman, said today. “My charge is the enhancement of the Republican brand in Flagler County, to better serve our registered Republican community, period. So it’s that disappointment in his behavior’s effect on the Republican Party brand in Flagler County.”
Mullins’s troopergate has triggered a series of social media memes and videos, one of which has collected over 17,000 views so far. He’s received emails from property owners demanding that he remove his campaign signs from their land (“My family drives these roads and you are making them feel very UNSAFE for ALL of us,” one wrote on July 13), and his own Facebook page’s comments are bulging with ridicule, memes and images like that of a Mullins sign in a garbage can.

When asked if Mullins should remain chairman of the commission, Updegrave said it was not his call. “Any action with regard to that is in the hands of the other four members of the commission, or himself,” he said.
Sullivan was critical of Mullins’s conduct with the troopers, but stopped short, as he has in the past, of calling for action. “I guess publicity is publicity and bad publicity is not good, but I don’t think there’s anything he’s done legally or illegally that would warrant removal at this time,” Sullivan said of Mullins. But the comment Mullins made to the state trooper “was not a smart comment to make at that point in any way.” He added: “I think it was a poor use of language and not good behavior for any citizen.”
Sullivan reverted to the ceremonial aspects of the job, somewhat disingenuously: the chairmanship is coveted for a reason. It grants the chair ceremonial authority, of course, but it is also the most high-visibility position of any panelist, and its holder speaks for the county, signs for the county and, in Mullins’s case, uses the position as a cloak of authority. “Chairmanship is mostly a Robert’s Rules position,” Sullivan said, referring to Robert’s Rules of Order, the commonly used manual for local parliamentary bodies and boards. “He only gets 20 percent of the vote, like everybody else. I think at this point in time, we’re fine, we’ll switch chairmanship in November. We have an election coming up, so I don’t think it would be an opportune time” to switch chairmanship.
Sullivan said the commission itself was “doing fine as far as decisions we’re making,” and that he himself was doing his best to stay out of the politics of the season, because he is a member of the Flagler County Canvassing Board this year. “I don’t think it’s my role to get into the political side of this because no matter what I would say it probably would have an effect one way or the other, I’m really trying to avoid comment on this particular incident.”
Mullins is said to be seeking counsel from officials locally, possibly to issue an apology about his behavior–a prospect that drew scoffs from some Republicans who only spoke privately. Sullivan said Mullins had not sought counsel from him. “If he did, I would just tell him right now I just can’t get involved.”
The straw poll is bad news for Mullins, but it’s not necessarily fatal, even though a similar poll in 2018 picked the winner in 10 of 14 races. Mullins was in that 2018 straw poll too–and lost it, too, albeit by a smaller margin, with Nate McLaughlin, the incumbent at the time, taking 67 percent of the vote. Mullins went on to win the primary with 57 percent of the vote. But back then Mullins was the relative unknown profiting from disenchantment with McLaughlin.
Wednesday’s straw poll had incumbent Sen. Travis Hutson beating his Republican challenger, Gerald James, with 91 percent of the vote. Incumbent County Commissioner Greg Hansen took 87 percent of the vote in his race against Denise Calderwood and Janet McDonald–but four years ago, McDonald in that straw poll took only 22 percent of the vote in her school board race against John Fischer and Carl Jones, with Jones actually beating both, with 43 percent. McDonald ended up taking 40 percent in the first round, and beating Fischer in the general election with just 326 more votes out of 46,000 cast.
In the District 2 race for the Palm Coast City Council, the straw poll had Theresa Carli Pontieri beating Alan Lowe and Shauna Kanter with 86 percent of the vote. Sims Jones, being a Democrat in that non-partisan race, did not appear on the list or as a choice. Nor was the council’s District 4 race on the straw poll ballot, because Fernando Melendez and Cathy Heighter will not be on the ballot until November. Wednesday’s poll drew on 44 participants, compared to 171 in 2018.
PC Merry says
If Joe Mullins has a wife then he could be guaranteed two votes…his and hers. Just who does this man think he is to make such an arrogant and stupid comment to make – at any time ..but right before an election’. Not too smart. We don’t need stupidity running our town and we need to run him out of town Bye bye Joe.
wow says
The consummate Republican I say. Why stop at death threats, insults, bribery, and pandering?
Geezer says
I hope to never meet this sociopath—I wish you the same!
Richard Smith says
He’s going down…
Andy B says
I will vote against Mullins and hope all
the incumbents are voted OUT!
Karen says
Get rid of Joe Mullins and those like him. Vote for people who will improve palm coast, not degrade it.
One of the Democrats Mullins wants to behead says
I had never met Leanne Pennington but observed her in a candidate forum last week. You’re right, FlaglerLive. She is measured and thoughtful. She expresses her thoughts and opinions well. She is highly educated and has a brainy job. Her husband and son are supportive and were very proud of her that evening. Oh, but we should be so fortunate as to have Leanne as a Commissioner. Only Republicans can vote in this race, or I would be first in line.
Kim Carney says
The voters in Flagler County get it! If there was no problem with what he did why did is stream through AP the way it did! This is a disgrace to Flagler County! End it Republicans in Flagler County!! Get out and vote. O’Brien and Sullivan will not deal with it! You can do it! Vote Leann Pennington August 23…
Concerned Citizen says
OK Flagler County residents….
This guy continues to break the law. And act unethical. And all on our dime!! Why on earth allow him to have another opportunity to do the exact same thing for another 4 years? Please do your own research on this guy.
If you all vote him back in office you’re getting exactly what you deserve. Because you knew better. And Flagler County will have to suffer for that ignorance.
I implore you to please remember ALL of this when going to the polls. I know I intend to.
Michael Norris says
“The spectacular showing of a nearly complete unknown is stunning,” a Republican who was at the meeting said, asking for anonymity.
A Republican rat with an agenda or a Liberal that has infiltrated the FCREC, who leaked confidential information from a closed door meeting to a liberal publication. The truth will come out sooner than later.
palmcoaster says
Why did my law enforcement taxes were used to advise a partisan rally to boycot our legally elected administration in January 6th demonizing the Democrats? As a still registered GOP I question it and very disgusted! We all know well that the attendees ended in a violent intended and deadly coup as realistically reported.
A.j says
Don’t like Repubs, don’t care who beat Mullins I will be very happy. The question is will that person be a more mature person than Mullins. Love to see Repubs act like fools. Remember 1-20-2020. Most of them white most Rrpubs, love to see white people nit thinking for themselves act like fools. Just love it. I’m glad some are being punished. Surprised the FBI is going after white fools just surprised but glad. Yall know I’m telling the truth. 1-6-2020. The day the world saw white nonthinking fools. Love it. Mr. Mullins is worse. Just love it.
a Problem says
After this debacle and having recently received a sample ballot for next months election, I decided to investigate the platform of Ms Pennington. I agreed with most of her talking points on her website except for the last one, Dry boat storage on the ICW. The last time this came up there were unreasonable protests that a vertical boat storage facility would create endless lines of boat trailer traffic, when exactly the opposite is the case. You now leave your trailer home and drive to the facility where a professional lowers your boat into the water for you with a forklift. no lines of trailers at a public ramp as laypeople try to figure out the fine art of backing a trailer into water with its currents and tides. Prior to Palm Coast, I lived in Ponce Inlet arguably a high end Volusia County enclave, and the facility there was quiet peaceful and good neighbors, I do not understand what the NIMBY beachside hammock people are all up in a tizzy about. Palm Coast is primarily known for its scenic beauty and abundant water sport opportunities, Ms. Pennington is shooting herself in the foot as I for one would not vote for someone against boaters, same as if she were running for office in Aspen Colorado and was against ski lifts; she wouldn’t get elected either. She should embrace the boating community not repel them, otherwise her timing is impeccable as we all roll our eyes at Mullin’s antics and welcome an alternate republican choice for whom to vote for next Month.
Jim lang says
Troopergate, now that’s funny.
Good bye Joe, your are your worst enemy. I saw one of your posters and someone wrote I RUN THIS COUNTY on it. Can’t wait for the election so Flagler County can say goodbye to this clown….
Joseph Barand says
After watching the video it was apparent that there are many “sick” people right here in Flagler County, the FCSO personnel attending and conducting the insurrection training where clearly political and contrary to why I pay taxes. These scumbags should be fired, their tickets should be pull and their pensions and benefits canceled. The rest of the idiots are simply indocrinated by the Evangelists and demonstrate their hate of God and his mankind.
Vaxed Sez says
Thank you FlaglerLive, if you did not stick with this story others would not have picked up on it and it may have faded away. I did not know that video existed, maybe the Sheriff should step down too?
Concerned taxpayer says
I still want to know where Mullins gets his money…kickbacks???
Vaxed Sez says
I’ll add maybe the FBI and Justice Department might be interested in this video too, match the insurrectionists faces to Capital footage?
Lee says
Time to go Joe !!
We don’t need more little man syndrome & Rascal rants in the Republican Party.
Politics doesn’t need anymore People like you, that disrespect and Lie to the good people of the county, your disrespectful to Law enforcement and Judges for your own agenda.
We the People don’t need your ruthlessness!
Vote Joe Out of office & leave Flagler County for good 🙏
Lee says
Just my thoughts!
He a perpetually breaks LAW with these High-end vehicles, doesn’t show up at meetings!
Follow the Money on this guy, the people should know where his money comes from to support the Insurrection on Jan 6th
Bill C says
The truth already came out- Mullins is a menace to society.
Mary Fusco says
Well said Mr. Barand!
Keep Flagler Beautiful says
I cannot think of another instance in American modern history in which an elected official was as imperious, narcissistic, self-serving or morally bankrupt as Joe Mullins — and that’s saying something. Even Congressman Adam Clayton Powell, who allegedly: misused his committee’s budget funds, took lavish overseas vacations on the taxpayer’s dime, and put his ex-wife on the government payroll even though she did no work, can’t hold a candle to Mullins. It should be a BIG problem and a major concern that Mullins repeatedly votes for projects whose developers are represented by his best pal and personal attorney Michael Chiumento (no offense to Chiumento; he’s just doing what any lawyer would do to win for his client). But does anyone REALLY believe Mullins would vote AGAINST the Kolter Homes mega-development when only two days later the same best pal/personal attorney was going to represent him in his divorce case? Not on your life! During the public comment period just before the vote on Kolter’s disaster of a development, a speaker raised the possibility of a conflict of interests re: Mullins/Chiumento, and there was no response or interest from the commission members. Crickets. Mullins, Sullivan and O’Brien all need to be ousted before they completely ruin this county with imprudent overdevelopment while also making us the laughingstock of America. With his repeat speeding offenses and disrespect of police officers who pull him over, he has already put Flagler under a microscope in the most negative way. We don’t need these guys. There are plenty of competent candidates from both parties. I only wish Sullivan and O’Brien were up for re-election this year. We need to kick all three of them to the curb, one by one.
Robert Joseph Fortier says
Mullins is not a REPUBLICAN…He is an idiot…voted into office by idiots.
That he could still be in office blows my mind.
I am a Republican…This moron is not…
Jane Gentile-Yoyd says
Just a friendly reminder to readers. August 23 is the PRIMARY election date for all Flagler County and State Offices on each party individual ballot. The GENERAL election is November 8 when all parties ,including NPAs face off. The final future Flagler County District 4, final School Board, final House seat and final GOVERNOR will be chosen. The only race August 23 open to every one is county District 2 with all 3 candidates belonging to the same party.
In other words ” it ain’t over until its over” has one exception: If Leann beats Joe in the Republican primary it will be o v e r forever in the world of politics for Joe. My fingers crossed for Leann. ( if she wins – and sends Mullins packing pray she does-Flagler voters will have a choice between two decent, law abiding intelligent people. If God Forbid Joe wins the primary the punching bag suppluers will run out of stock fast…General Elections where all parties and all voters have a final choice. Yes yes by all means our number 1 prayers : Joe’s gotta go….with his pals and cars in tow….
Robert Joseph Fortier says
WOW AJ…You seem like such a lovely person. I doubt that you can see that you are part of the problem, part of the hate destroying out county.
Mullins is a RINO and MUST be Voted OUT Office! The development deals he voted for are TERRIBLE and will Increase Property Taxes! Time for Common Sense Growth by returning to 8oft Wide Lots (combine two 40Ft Lots to make one 80ft Wide Lot which many towns and cities have done)! Flagler County is a great place to live, so keep that way by Voting RINO Mullins OUT of Office!
justbob says
We’re scraping the bottom of the barrel for candidates… The troopergate guy of course, the racist who got canned from the sheriff department, the handyman sovereign citizen and a batsh”t crazy conspiracy theorist who used to sit on the school board.
Willy James says
One can only hope that the Republican voters of Flagler County get their collective heads out of their asses and end the political career of Joe Mullins. He has been a black eye in this county since he arrived. To say he is a liar and untrustworthy is an understatement. The only thing he “runs in this county” is his mouth. And you know the FHP has spread the word on this jackass and is lying in wait for him and his arrogant attitude!
But let us not forget the two other assholes on the county commission who support him and his antics…Sullivan and O’Brien. I would love to know what Mullins is holding over the heads of these two piss poor examples of straight and narrow commissioners. We all know that Joey boy contributed to each of their reelection campaigns. However, there has to be something else he is holding over these two dimwits to ensure they vote his way on issues. Maybe, the FDLE or FBI should start sniffing.
James M. Mejuto says
What do I think? : Well, you’ve said it all and I hope you’ll show up at the polls
to vote these guys out of office.
Mullins should never have been elected in the first place. This
is a home-grown terrorist, anti-American !
The ORIGINAL land of no turn signals says
Mullins is an embarrassment to all Republicans everywhere.
Purveyor of Truth says
Mullin’s is in the midst of a divorce.
Purveyor of Truth says
Please don’t make your voting decision on that one issue, or the county could be stuck with a national embarrassment. She would be one of five commissioners and perhaps has room to see another opinion.
Purveyor of Truth says
Makes you wonder, huh? Mullin’s is a rotten apple. He appears to have compromised two otherwise good men. I recall reading here that Obrien’s son received funding from Mullins for some endeavor. I don’t remember the details. Then there was a little dust up over Sullivan accepting radio airtime from Mullins, in violation of an ethics or election law, quite can’t recall. Perhaps if Mr. Tristam reads this, he will resurrect those articles. And of course, there’s the matter of the former county administrator’s land deal with Mullins that was alluded to in this article.
Very disconcerting.
The ORIGINAL land of no turn signals says
Joe Mullins is an embarrassment to all Republicans .
Purveyor of Truth says
Voters send Mullins, the rapid Bull Dog back to Georgia on August 23.
There is a resoundingly better choice in Penning for Commissioner!
Find where she’ll be doing a meet & greet, and you’ll see a kinder, law-abiding conservative.
KMedley says
He’s in the process of a divorce
jeffery c. seib says
While I commend the many responders’ comments about this egomaniac that I read here, and I know they all will vote for a reasonable, thoughtful candidate, not Mullins my fear is the uninterested, uninvolved, totally ignorant of all these clownish behaviors will march to the polls simply because they like the way he, Trump-like abuses people verbally. Like Trump, this is their kind of ‘leader’. I hope I am wrong. But looking around the state and nation, well I hope I am wrong.
KMedley says
Florida Statute 112.313, appropriately titled, “Standards of conduct for public officers, employees of agencies, and local government attorneys.”, paragraph 6:
MISUSE OF PUBLIC POSITION.—No public officer, employee of an agency, or local government attorney shall corruptly use or attempt to use his or her official position or any property or resource which may be within his or her trust, or perform his or her official duties, to secure a special privilege, benefit, or exemption for himself, herself, or others. This section shall not be construed to conflict with s. 104.31.
Based on personal experience in reporting election violations, the wheels of justice are slow; therefore, the ONLY way to make sure Joe Does Go is to Vote his Ass Out!
August 23rd… Winter is Coming!
B section says
Yea, the people attempting to commit the violent overthrow of our legitimate Democratic institutions and the people who point them out are equal! That makes sense in Mullins/Trump/Nazi land, I guess
Captain says
Mental Health is on going problem.Mr Mullens should be Baker Acted.
He is a Threat to himself& The Residents of Palm Coast.This meets the criteria of Mental Health.
Mark says
He’s no RINO he’s what the GOP has become.
B section says
What planet do you live on that Republicans do anything at all besides screw the people over for big business?
Vaxed Sez says
Don’t forget the Sheriff who gave a partisan talk to the insurrectionists before boarding buses.
chippa McGinty says
Florida Republican.
Not much more to add.
bob says
Trash gets thrown out at my house, Flagler County should do the same with it’s trash
Steve says
Lil Chipmunk Joe hit the Big time in a most negative way. Good for him, deserves all the negative exposure brought on by himself. His own worst enemy
Concerned taxpayer says
Pennington is the candidate with financial experience.
The Voice Of Reason says
The cult does a miserable job voting in Flagler. Too many do no research on the candidates. They vote by most signs on the side of the road. I’ll help, vote NO on joe mullins and no on janet mcdonald. You’re welcome.
Eva says
Exactly! Proudly cast my mail-in primary ballot for Leann Pennington just today! Time to clean house in Flagler County!!
chippa McGinty says
My bad
Boaters says
perhaps I will vote for her, Perhaps WE won’t Lets hear her Re-Take on this position. Everyone with a boat in Palm Coast will vote for Mullins Unless we hear something from the horses mouth on this subject, She has chosen to take a stand against boaters in Palm Coast in favor of a dozen People owning property in the Hammock. What say you Ms. Pennington?
YankeeExPat says
In the F section all I see are Mullins signs, I guess Palm Coasters are gluttons for punishment.
KMedley says
Mullins, O’Brien and Sullivan are the puppets of the Observer’s publisher, who wants to be a king maker. He is one source of money. Real estate deals are another. Mullins comes from a prominent family in Augusta albeit he fails at all levels to equal his family’s benevolence.
While I applaud Flagler Live’s tenacity to hold Mullins accountable, all of Mullins’ issues were well known in advance of the 2018 election. I personally provided our local media with verified documentation that supported allegations against Mullins. Our collective media let us down and look what happened. We lost a good man who cared about Flagler and instead got Flagler’s version of Hunter Biden.
Jonathan says
Vote Blue and get Mullin the wacko out of Flagler County. He is a walking time bomb. No wonder he is in the middle of a divorce so lets divorce him from ever running for office again in Flagler County. Hey little boy Mullin go back to Georgia if they will even accept you.
Been There says
Nope, she caught him red handed with the woman he is seeing now.
Mafatu says
Where does a lifetime public servant get the money to buy a Ferrari 458?
Or maybe that’s a naive question given the likes of Pelosi, Brandon, etc….
Watchdog says
Praises to the State Trooper!
“Never interrupt a politician while they’re making a fool of themselves.”
Kat says
Why is this perceived as a stance against all boaters? It is a stance against putting a large commercial operation along Scenic A1A corridor near private residences. How does that translate into “anti-boater”? I for one appreciate someone not wanting to rubber stamp a change in zoning for once in this county.
Tim Mcauliffe says
Was the primary speaker in the video the Sheriff? Ouch
FB Native says
Who were the sheriffs in the video?
Under what conditions is it applicable for taxpayers’ money to go to the organization, facilitation, and execution of the 1/6 planned rally?
This needs to be further investigated. Our taxpayer money should not be used on orchestrating a rally to forcefully conduct a coup on our democracy.
Leann Pennington says
I only shared the article regarding his stance on the matter in the opponent section of my website. It does not in fact share my opinion on the subject. My husband owns a boat, we fish out of Bings weekly and I understand the issue of no boat storage on the water here. The person before is right, I am only one of five votes on the matter. We will need to see what the owner submits next for the area and if it’s compatible with code for the Scenic Corridor Overlay. Hopefully, compromise will be found that satisfies the residents who call that community their home and the landowner who has certain rights with the property.
FlaglerLive says
No, Sgt. Mike Lutz.
FlaglerLive says
Mullins’s family is in development. He was elected to the commission in 2018. He held no public office before that.
Vaxed Sez says
Thanks for correcting me FlaglerLive, my bad. I remember a newspaper article when they went up there that said the Sheriff gave a talk to the insurrectionists before leaving, Observer or News-Journal.
Mark says
Please…Hunter Biden has more couth.
Jane Gentile-Youd says
ToFB Native: – your tax dollars were used for ‘pre January 6 2021 riot pep talk . Sgt. Lutz had no response and just shrugged his shoulders when him to his face ( July 3rd a the Flagler Airport festival) why he told the proposed rioters to ‘beware of those Democrats” and why he was there in the first place at Mullins 2 bus loadings…. He gave them this ‘pep talk – on our time and our dime.
Sickening really no matter which party ( or non party) anyone is to allow such malfeasance of our tax dollar spending to occur
Jane Gentile-Youd says
Kim, You devoted endless hours of research about Mullins, including sharing with the world the articles posted by Augusta Media on the world wide internet – ( one specifically , published in 2015 titled ” Carries more baggage than the Kardashians on a long vacation) ; his prior Masters lawsuit for ticket scalping, etc. we have the famous ‘Shamika text to his property manager in which he says ” Don’t rent to anyone whose name sounds like a ‘car’….
You worked your butt off. Lots of people listened but 10,000 too short. Thanks in arrears for trying more than any citizen I know to prevent the embarrassing admission to the world that we actually have this bozo ( my opinion) not only on the Commission, but with the deciding vote case by him – the CHAIR!…. I hope and pray signs , $$$$$$ and lots of meet and greet with free meals don’t determine the election once again. We’ll be the laughing stock of the US, ( and the UK ) not just Florida!
Concerned Citizen says
It’s this same behavior that protects Mullins.
The Sheriff looks out for him. And the Judges look out for him. Why?
FlaglerLive says
Just to be clear, it was never the sheriff, it was that particular instance as shown in the video.
The dude says
Maybe by selling invalid tickets and badges to the masters in Augusta, then just pocketing the $$$?
Jim says
Hey, Joe! I just got your flyer in the mail! I see you are our Conservative CHAMPION. I thought conservatives support law and order. I though conservatives would treat police with respect when stopped for speeding (how many times now????).
I see you will Defend the Second Amendment and our Freedoms! I was glad to see that. I hadn’t been aware my second amendment rights were under attack in Flagler County. Good to know you’re out in front on that crisis! And you support Public Safety for All Flagler Residents. I guess that’s why you do most of your speeding in other counties to keep all of us safe here! Thanks for the consideration!
Well, I’ll stop there. Joe, in all seriousness, you need to get out of politics and take care of you business and personal life. It sounds like both are in the toilet. I’m going to help you with that and vote for ANYBODY but you!
Have a great day and DRIVE SAFELY!!!!
Keep Flagler Beautiful says
I wanted to throw up when melon-head Mullins’ slick “vote for me” postcard arrived in my mailbox yesterday, listing his so-called “accomplishments.” What a joke! He should have listed all of the press coverage his gifts to developers and infamous speeding stops have generated. But to get back to his postcard’s stated examples of greatness: 1. “Found temporary and long-term home for Flagler County Sheriff’s office” — boy, I’ll bet it took some time to pick up the phone and call a real estate agent. 2. “Guided Flagler County through administrative change.” Mullins couldn’t guide a Cub Scout pack at a lemonade stand. “Strengthened relationship with Waste Pro to improve service.” It takes trash to understand trash. He goes on to take credit for the “Flagler Access Center for Behavioral Health.” Joe should have been the first patient to check in. But the capper is: “PRESERVING OUR NATURAL RESOURCES.” What an outrageous liar! The devil came down from Georgia and sought the office of commissioner expressly to establish sweetheart relationships with developers intent on grabbing up and overdeveloping Flagler County’s precious green space. He should not even be running for office, because anywhere else in America, he would have been ordered off the commission. I said it before and I’ll say it again: anyone in local government who has hitched their wagon to Mullins does so at their own peril, because Flagler voters are going to speak loudly at the August 23rd primary. JOE HAS GOT TO GO!
FB Native says
Why isn’t this a bigger deal?
We have video evidence of multiple uniformed officers seemingly on duty helping orchestrate a rally that led to violence and an attempted coup?
@FlaglerLive — we the citizens of this county need support on bringing these officers to light and answers on why they were being paid to participate in a partisan event.
Thank you, JGY for your diligence!
Are you serious says
Those is so ridiculous he was stopped for speeding violation .Not a felony ! Flagler love has been in his butt entire elected seating cause he is a trump supporter a d Republican get over it .
I agree that RINO Mullins(a Hunter Biden Want-A-Be) has to GO!
Keep Flagler Beautiful says
I think you might be shocked to know how disgusted Flagler‘s Republican voters are with Mullins. And it goes way beyond his chronic speeding and insolence toward officers who pull him over. This is not about what political party he belongs to. It’s about an imperious little man who, in his very own words, thinks he “runs” both Flagler County and the state. His tie-breaking votes favoring out-of-town developers will result in irreplaceable native woodlands and pasture being cleared for monster developments. He has no right to bully the people of Flagler County and ruin their lifestyle and surroundings just to curry favor with his developer pals. The only people who will vote for him in the August primary are those who have no idea what a self-serving little creep he is. Memo to Joe: When you were out doorknocking in the F section, did you drive up in your Ferrari? Somehow I doubt that.
bruce says
keep in mind what his company did
FB Native says
What’s ridiculous is turning a blind eye to his 2 Federal RICO lawsuits (one settled for an undisclosed amount) and the other ongoing for serious fraud charges, among sexual abuse (sharing personal photos of his ex-wife), countless online and in-person unprofessional comments.
But, sure, go on and support an ill-fitting candidate because he happens to have an “R” next to his name on a ballot.
The dude says
This area definitely has the “leaders” they deserve.
I’d take the over on an over/under for “will they re-elect Mullins”?
G A says
Just so you know, I had a chat with three different friends recently. One an NPA, one an R, and one a D. NONE of them …and yes they live here…knew anything about Mullins or the crap that he pulls. Not everyone reads Flagler Live (sadly)…or even pays much attention to what goes on here. Paying attention to what is happening locally is just as important, if not more so, than what is happening nationally. So, friends and neighbors…if you want to assure that people won’t just vote for Mullins on the basis of seeing his many signs, it is up to each and every one of you to talk to your friends and neighbors about Joe. Then suggest the lady running against him might be a FAR better alternative. Do NOT leave this to chance!
Georgia Boy says
I could not agree with you more. Here in Georgia we had wondered what happened to him and then he pops up in your area. There is so much we could have told you about him. I feel sorry for the good people of Flagler. Time to send him packing, hopefully not back to us though…..
Flagler27st says
Joe Mullins is running a smear mail campaign against Leann Pennington. They lie about her not being a conservative and say she has backing from Democrats. The references that supposedly prove this is about a democrat that wants to get Mullins out of office, which should be where we all are based on his behavior. He is a scum bag and a liar. How low can he go? I hope people are smart enough to see through these Joe Mullin’s lies.
Flagler Political Dissident says
Just wanted to ask about the last couple of sentences in this article. You mentioned that Fernando Melendez and Cathy Heighter were not part of the straw poll. Why is it that Melendez is on the slate cards being past out by the Flagler County Executive Committee FCREC as a straw poll winner? They have excluded Lowe and Heighter from those slate cards. Neither Pontieri or Melendez were endorsed by the FCREC, so technically all four candidates should be on the slate cards. You need to get a copy of their rules and procedures and their Party Loyalty Oath …….there’s a story there if someone would just dig a little. Not to mention Cheryl Massaro endorsed VandeBunte for the School Board. She is also a member of the FCREC ….read their Party Loyalty Oath.