The Flagler Beach City Commission has agreed to an explosive idea–explosive in the best sense and, potentially, in the worst sense, as would be any proposal ending the July 4 fireworks–what has been the single-most recognizable and beloved tradition associated with Flagler Beach.
On an idea proposed by Commission Chairman Eric Cooley, all five commissioners and the mayor have agreed to eliminate the July 4 fireworks off the Flagler Beach Pier, letting Palm Coast pick up that tradition on Independence Day itself, while Flagler Beach will shift its fireworks show to New Year’s Eve. That will begin with fireworks this coming New Year’s Eve, and possibly a night parade of lit-up golf carts that evening, too.
At least on a trial basis. That trial period was not defined when the commissioners agreed to their new path at last week’s commission meeting. There was no discussion about the potential public disappointment, if not backlash, from ending a tradition that has been drawing throngs measured in the tens of thousands to the barrier island community of 5,000 year after year–until the last two, when fireworks and other July 4 activities were cancelled because of the pandemic. But officials mess with fireworks traditions at their own peril.
Flagler Beach still intends to continue with all other July 4 events, such as the Independence Day parade, the fishing tournament off the pier, all sorts of activities in veterans Park, and the return of a few more “small-town-charm” activities.
Cooley’s reasoning is two-fold: crowds are becoming too large and too unmanageable on July 4 in the confines of Flagler Beach. Eliminating the fireworks would reduce pressure on the city’s management capabilities, including reducing its needed recruitment of police forces from elsewhere to handle the day. And the December-January period is a dead zone for business, making New Year’s Eve fireworks a potentially big draw.
“I would be perfectly fine with county or Palm Coast taking over for the July fireworks,” Cooley said. “We are under an extreme heavy load, unless we get rain. This city will be under a huge crowd load. To me it is not intelligent to keep pushing that envelope until there’s, there’s an actual problem. I am of the belief that we have already exceeded our capacity to keep everyone safe.”
Based on what he’s seeing, Cooley said cities like Daytona “are having trouble keeping control of any event.” Businesses, he said, will be packed regardless on July 4. “But when they’re not packed is on New Year’s, and they desperately need help around that time.”
“It goes without saying that the original concept of fireworks was a business driver,” Cooley said. (The fireworks date back decades. It isn’t actually clear when or why they were started, though the now-defunct Flagler Chamber of Commerce was involved in them at least since the 1990s, if not earlier.) “So my proposal is to do fireworks, but to do fireworks at a time of year when they are needed most for businesses. And that’s in the wintertime. New Year’s.” But nothing other than the fireworks would change. “This kind of brings back that whole charm,” he said. “Let all the commercialized insanity Disney World style stuff go to Palm Coast for that day.” Meaning the fireworks.
Cooley cited last Christmas’s “Turn Flagler Beach Blue” initiative, which drafted many businesses into stringing (mostly) blue lights as a draw, along with lights strung along the pier and in Veterans Park. “If you look in the general geographic area there’s absolutely nothing of real significance going on as far as New Year’s goes, minus European village, if you want to call it a big significance, and there’s nothing else,” Cooley said. “This has a potential to be the very big keystone event that is needed for the area, a gigantic business driver, and it ties into the initiatives that we’re currently doing to try to get folks here that time of year. The temperatures of that time of year are conducive to not having a all-day drunk-fest on the beach, which takes a huge strain off the city. I think that if we are going to set off fireworks, which we still have–TDC still has that money–that would be the ideal time to do it.” TDC is the Tourist Development Council that underwrites the cost of July 4 fireworks in Flagler Beach and Palm Coast, usually a $15,000 expense in each case.
Then came the unanimity from fellow-commissioners.
“I think it’s an excellent idea,” Commissioner Ken Bryan said. “For the first time I actually came downtown on the 4th of July,” he said of this past holiday weekend, when the city had for the second year in a row cancelled its parade and fireworks because of the covid pandemic. “My wife and I actually had breakfast downtown here, and I thought it was manageable. It seemed like people enjoyed themselves a lot more without large crowds. I think it’s a good idea, it’s worth trying, anyway.”
Commissioners Jane Mealy and Deborah Phillips agreed, both of them enthusiastically, so did Mayor Suzie Johnston. “I think every business would love it,” Johnston said.
“As a business owner, people are tapped out after Christmas with their money, so this would be terrific,” Commissioner Deborah Phillips said. Cooley is also a business owner. He owns the 7-Eleven downtown, on the ocean. He said in the past there’s been discussions with the now-defunct chamber about trying to improve the business climate in the off season. Palm Coast officials in recent months had also met with the Flagler Beach mayor to kick around ideas about shifting the July 4 fireworks to Palm Coast entirely, rather than splitting them between Flagler Beach and Palm Coast over two days.
“I don’t want to speak as just one business owner member of the community,” Cooley said, “but I’ve heard time and time again that we have a lot of businesses in that strip that’s right in front of the pier, there’s a lot of them that close. They can’t manage it.” He said it was time to think of a more practical approach.
Commissioner Rick Belhumeur said he liked the concept, but he was concerned about the Holiday Parade, scheduled in early to mid-December. Johnston said that parade should not be ended, but a second parade should be added on New Year’s Eve, and that one should be a “light-up golf cart parade.”
“We’re looking at resetting some things anyway, we’ve talked about resetting First Friday, and the old town charm,” Bryan said, referring to the commission’s recent decision to refocus First Friday events on local businesses. When you see the old towns having the Fourth of July, they have parades and they had parties and things like this, they didn’t necessarily have fireworks, but it was the old town charm that probably originally started here in Flagler Beach anyway. So I guess what we’re saying is that we’re resetting a number of venues in the city, based on the population and based on the way that the city is growing itself. I think it’s a great opportunity, it’s a great time to do it.”
“And resetting in a way it’s going to benefit us, not neighboring cities,” Cooley said. “As a resident I feel exploited, with some of those events.”
MikeM says
It seems like a sound idea to me. Why not try it ?
FlaglerFireworks says
Let me be the first to bring out the pitchforks. The entire Flagler Beach city commission, Cooley, and Doughney need to go. They do not serve the community and do not have the prerequisite leadership skills required for their positions. I will support their opposition with time and finances to get the leadership the area deserves.
James Reddit says
If you think the City Commission aren’t doing their jobs, run for one of the two spots open next year. Be respectful of what they do for our City. Not easy.
Concerned Citizen says
When City Commisioners are running around and hitting people with their vehicles or getting arrested on DV charges I hardly call that doing their jobs.
When the Mayor gets mad that someone called her boyfriend a bad name and cancels support for one of the few DV resources in Flagler County I hardly call that doing their jobs.
Some places would probably call that misuse of office. But in Flagler Beach it seems to be acceptable behavior. And the voters support it time and time again. Because they are scared of change.
In the private sector when you misuse authority and get arrested you are no longer employed. Somewhere along the line we have decided that it’s OK for our elected officials to act unethically. And then pat them on the back and say it’s OK. Double standards much?
Sad really…
Rose Pezza says
I agree 100%
They need to be tared and feathered and run out of town
MRC says
This makes total sense! I lived in a bigger city that incorporated smaller communities and they retained their own patriotic parades, along with activities such a a classic car parade, etc. We would take our lawn chairs and line the street to watch the parade and enjoy kid activities, eateries, etc. A fun time was had by all. This all took place before noon, and then in the evening you could go to the big fireworks display in the middle of the city, or do your own neighborhood activities (we would get a permit for a neighborhood block party, seal off a street, have a huge pot luck style dinner, followed by everyone blowing off their fireworks so we could enjoy each other’s displays). There are lots of options available for folks on the 4th. The New Year’s Eve celebration can be just as fun! Many snow birds are here and would love some fun festivities when it isn’t so hot out. Kudos to Flagler Beach and get those creative ideas rolling, floating, etc.!!
Happening now says
Dream on!
MRC says
One must have dreams before making it reality!
Ramone says
Not very many people are going to go out in the cold on New Year’s Eve when most are attending parties and swanky restaurant events and watch some fireworks. This is a stupid idea and these commissioners are spoiling a long time tradition here in Flagler Beach.Between personal vendettas and attacking domestic abuse charities and now this, we have a real problem here.
Allison Elledge says
My first July 4th experience here was 1976, before I moved here in 1977. If memory serves, we had fireworks off the pier then. End of an era indeed. How sad, though I understand the concerns. A NYE fireworks celebration sounds like a great idea.
chris conklin says
I hope this a joke. vote all out. lazy and usless. why not do both if you truly want to help businesses.
Scheyenne Welch says
Patty says
Agree. Sounds like he’s only trying to help his personal business when things are normally slower. Wake up people they take our taxes and do as they please. Otherwise this would have been a public discussion.
MRC says
Taxes aren’t used for the displays. Read the reports.
Resident says
Totally agree!!!
tulip says
I think it’s a great idea but I pity Palm Coast trying to find room for all the extra people that come to their fireworks on July 4th. There is only so much room for parking so I presume PC will work out some kind of shuttle service.
MRC says
I believe they do have buses. I used to drive for Lyft and Uber and I shuttled people in and out. I also did the displays in St. Augustine, and they had shuttles and buses. It is entirely doable.
palmcoaster says
Daytona Beach is having a big problem with summer events crowd control as is becoming unaffordable for the Daytona taxpayers enduring the out of control crowded events, I believe the proposal makes sense for FB as long as TDC funds the Palm Coast 4 of July fireworks not the city taxpayers!
FB Native says
Daytona Beach, with their 250 officer police department has no problem with crowd control. They know exactly what to do, you should have seen them in action back in the 80’s and 90’s. What they deal with now is not even a fraction of what they dealt with then.
Kathryn Abel says
I think it’s a great idea. I’ve been here for 7 summers. I cringe when I think of going into the island to watch 4th of July Fireworks.Just too crowded. It will benefit both Cities. We all just need to agree and get along. Celebrations should be fun and not dreaded because of traffic and crowds.
Cybercrimes says
Aren’t Cooley and the Flagler beach mayor in a relationship?
Concerned Citizen says
Nepotism and the goold ol boys network governs Flagler Beach. I’ve never seen so many hands in one pot. LOL.
T-Rex says
Come on, Man! Get these old farts voted out and let’s have fun without them. Fireworks off the pier!
Jimbo99 says
Sounds like they want it to all go away at sundown on the 4th of July on the beach side pier area. Retaining the other events just means people won’t cross the street to line the shoreline or boardwalk area to watch the fireworks launched at the end of the pier anymore. If they do continue to watch from the beaches & east side of A1A, can they look towards where Palm Coast is shooting off their fireworks & see those ? Some families might just leave earlier to be over at the Palm Coast location. Would they even go back to the beaches after that after giving up a prime parking spot ? It’s a matter of logistics.
Perhaps the reason that NYE is down for revenues beach side ? Maybe it’s a matter of the businesses not really being set up to host NYE bash parties. There are some places that are bar & club-like. I stay in on NYE, not big on the potential DUI checkpoints or impaired drivers in general. It’s all an insurance cost thing, 2020 really set the stage for eliminating a lot of the old normal. 2021 was arainier3& wetter time where drought-like conditions didn’t threaten a cancellation. The neighbors shot their fireworks off and after cleaning those bottle rockets red glare out of my yard and streets surrounding my property, I really wish those folks would do that somewhere else just the same. That way when a fire burns their rental down they’re the one’s that are homeless, not another victim of their patriotism.
Mark says
Now if we can just get palm coast knock off the non sense fireworks we can be a clean firework free community! Welcome to the future people ! Can you smell the fresh air? No Fire works in flagler county! Step into the future!
Flagler Beach Home Owner says
The time has come for residents of Flagler Beach to take our city back with a total recall of the Mayor and the entire commission. They have their own agendas and it is not for the good of the city. I guarantee Sunshine Laws are also being broken. We want them out yesterday. We have traditions in this city and they are NOT going to change them. Any ideas on where we could discuss some plans? A facebook group dedicated to a recall perhaps and to raise money for a law firm. Also there is currently a petition on Change.org to keep the fireworks on the pier for the Fourth of July in Flagler Beach.
Not a fan says
Flagler Beach Home Owner: Good for you and those of you who are brave enough to have a voice, the least they should have done was to inform the residents and had a general community meeting about their intentions to get more of a feedback, just goes to show everyone what they are going to do in the future unbeknown to te residents.
Pnstater says
Nooooo! I don’t go out with all the drunk drivers on New Year’s Eve. Palm Coast Fireworks are nothing compared to Flagler’s over the water! Why does everyone have to change things when they work??!!! I’m Bummed out!
Tina says
I’m haven’t seen u out doing beach cleanup after 4th of July events, bright and early on the 5th for the last..idk 32yrs since I’ve been doing it. Who are u anyway? A Native..def not. A muckraker..for sure.. Maybe just maybe there are years of reasons and passions behind things. Idiot
jake says
The “cancel culture” will be happy Flagler Beach no longer celebrates “when the Second Continental Congress unanimously adopted the Declaration of Independence, signaling the official separation of the 13 original colonies from Great Britain amid the Revolutionary War”, you know, the birth of America.
AnAmericanHistoryMajor says
That has nothing to do with our modern obsession with blowing off fireworks and some drinking to excess. Old time celebrating involved parades and people yelling “Hu-zah!” (Colonial cheer). Firework displays came much later in history and really started to ramp up in the 1960’s, when bigger and badder fireworks became legal (example: m-80s). A lot are now illegal due to people blowing off body parts and getting bad burns. So equating Independence Day celebrations to our historic past is not accurate or factual. It is only recent history when we have taken the opportunity to blow off as big and bad fireworks as possible. Study American history and get factual information.
Robby Robert says
Yeah it was so much safer when Dad went outside and Fired his 10 gauge off into the skies..
Uncle Sam's Niece says
I stopped going to Flagler July 4th Fireworks about 5 years ago. The traffic was one BIG problem. But the worse problem was a town full of young drunks and drug addicts breaking into cars, stealing purses, and disgusting vomit and totally uncontrolled tribes of black thugs…….. Just like society around the country, disgusting anti-American TRASH !!!!
erobot says
Absolutely right. Our wonderful little town turned into Coney Island by our commission who are only concerned with the business interests.
Concerned Citizen says
As an emergency services volunteer who has worked a lot of these events on the ground.
Your racism and white privilege is showing. I worked traffic at major intersections. And helped provide security at venues during the day. And never once saw uncontrolled tribes of “black thugs”. I didn’t realize that celebrating our Nations Independance was race restricted. Especially when we had African Americans in the Continental Army .
It makes sense to me. I’m sure the local businesses still had killer days the last two July 4ths with no fireworks. Why not try to beef up a night that is traditionally slow beachside? I have experienced both nights as a worker.
Flagler Beach has been struggling for a long time to keep up with services for the monstrous crowds on July 4th weekend. Let the city of Palm Coast take care of it for a change.
Live music at Veteran’s Park with a countdown to fireworks off the pier at midnight sounds dope to me.
Motherworry says
I must have missed the part where the residents had an opportunity to have input on this. I did see that every business owner on the commission did.
Not getting a good feeling from this.
Concerned Citizen says
The Cooley/Johnston team made that decision.
When you have that close of a relationship running things in Flagler Beach the residents no longer have input.
Motherworry says
I don’t care how much pillow talk goes on between them. I’m unhappy that there was not public input on this issue.
Seriously, living in the same house there are going to be conversations. How could there not be? Their life revolves around politics, That does not bother me. Elected board members in other states converse with no big problems. Imho, these Sunshine laws are more of a hindrance. Resident’s can discuss issues, why not elected residents?
Realist says
It is long past time for a complete over hall in Flagler Beach. I have been a devotee for the July 4 fireworks for many years. The mayor and all council members who support this need to go.
Kimberly Yates says
This is a very wise decision !! I’m all for it. Makes so much good sense !! Yay Flagler Beach.
Ramone says
Do you live in Flagler Beach? If not, go to Palm Coast fireworks. The last thing we need is people that don’t live in the city commenting about whether or not we should continue a tradition.
FlaglerLive says
Please don’t tell our commenters not to comment on Flagler Beach. Whether they live in Palm Coast, Palm Beach or Ouagadougou, they have as much a right to comment on Flagler Beach fireworks as you do, since the city, the former chamber and the current tourism council have always marketed the event primarily to visitors. We may own a house, a business, a big stretch of land, some of the corrupt among us may even own a politician or two, but none of us owns a town, a tradition or a holiday, nor the right to prevent others, wherever they are, to offer their opinions about it all.
Ramone says
I do not agree the people that live in Flagler Beach and pay the taxes I have much more of a right to comment then people that do not
FlaglerLive says
Overnight visitors pay a higher sales tax than you do, and for some families visiting, their vacation bill, when all is said and spent on local hotels, motels, businesses, will rival that of your property taxes. That’s before including state and federal taxes at least stateside residents pay, which also help keep your city afloat, a term that may become sadly more apt in coming decades.
Ramone says
Sales tax revenues contribute roughly 2.8% of the City’s current 6.7 million total revenues. Ad valorem revenues are sitting around 55% right now.
Of course non residents are entitled to their opinions on how the City operates. But rightly so, their opinions shouldn’t carry as much weight as the citizens of that City that pay for the services necessary to provide these events.
I do agree that I was hasty saying they shouldn’t comment. I believe all comments should be welcomed.
Concerned Citizen says
I’m going to comment as a non-resident. Even though I work in the area.
Your city needs a major over haul in government. You elect these folks to sit in office year after year. Doing the same thing over and over again. Some even committing grievous criminal acts. And getting away with it.
And I won’t even get into how one sided it will be with the Cooley/Johnston team. It started with hurt feelings rescinding support for one of the few resources for Domestic Violence in this county. And now they have cancelled another money making venue. And making an admission they can’t keep the city safe?
Instead of worrying about non-residents making comments I’d be worrying about being represented not only fairly but ethically.
Why do our elected officials not get held to higher standards? Why do they get free pass on issues that would automatically send us to prison? And why on earth do they keep getting re-elected?
Realist says
Maybe someone can tell me why my comments are always deleted. I feel the entire government of Flagler beach needs ann overhaul. Business people are not doing well and they cancel one of their biggest days.
FlaglerLive says
You only had one comment recently withheld, for advocating homicidal violence against someone. We do not approve any comments promoting violence against others.
erobot says
I’ve had 99% of my comments go into neverneverland and have never advocated vilence.
FlaglerLive says
Under this handle since May, you’ve made 29 comments, 26 of them approved, for a 90 percent approval rate. The rest were withheld because of outright falsehoods or disinformation—like your comment here.
Lb2kool says
Vilence….really? If 99% of your comments go into never-never land , there’s a common denominator here. It’s You
Jane says
Flagler beach is now a liberal member of cancel culture, vote theses commies out!!
Steve says
The next comment “Vote the Facists in” lol what a group I’ll tell ya nearly enough to base a B rate Movie on
Rxx says
Holy crap people they’re freakin fireworks. You’ll be okay.
Mark says
Looks like we’re shooting off our own fireworks on the beach next 4th…
Miss my small town says
Just sad. Flagler Beach will never be the small town it was meant to stay and our traditions are being ripped away to be replaced by big city politicians worried about lining their own pockets and carrying out their own personal agendas.
What they need to focus on is how all this growth on the barrier island is going to affect our water and sewage needs our roads and infrastructure. How will they handle mass evacuations with triple the population? Not to mention the destruction of plants, trees and wildlife. You hate the traffic now? Just wait till they build that hotel and townhouses in the middle of small town Flagler Beach. No forethought into the future issues here.
Not a fan says
Miss my small town : You are exactly right, here they are worried about fireworks? Lets see what they are going to do with all the development that is going to happen . Let’s see how they fight for that small town feeling then.
Hulk Hoagn says
Amen!! Please let your voice be heard at the commission meeting this week!
Stu says
I will be at the European Village NYE fireworks event!!!!!
Flagler Native says
It’s safe to assume some on the FB commission used the tale end of the pandemic to push their agenda & cancel fireworks from the pier. Nothing is Orwellian. Ironically it’s over celebrating our nation’s independence..
JohnX says
My suggestion is to get a take from a police officer. They are the ones that will bear the brunt of an event gone bad, if that’s what happens. In this day and age, so many people taunt the police and one poorly handled incident can set off a firestorm. My suggestion is fireworks bought by those who want them, in their neighborhood. and use the city money for something else. Or maybe watch a video of fireworks on TV. C’mon man, you ‘ve seen one fireworks display you’ve seen them all.
Lil bird says
Fireworks and family celebrations are traditionally local fun. I know very few 6yr olds or teenagers that celebrate “New Years Eve”. It’s traditionally more an adult holiday. Will the fireworks also be held at midnight when most of the population who look forward to firework displays (the kids) are asleep? How fun do these commissioners think it will be for families to be on the beach in traditional Jan 60F (or less) night weather + wind chill? Not so “festive” sounding to entice me come out with kiddos from PC on a holiday known for drunks on the road. Also, snow birds are here in Dec/Jan spending plenty. Doesn’t make sense one bit if the fireworks are for the greater community.