Less than two days after confirming three more covid-related deaths this week, the Flagler Health Department this morning confirmed three more, including a third death related to the August superspreader events at the Social Club of Palm Coast.
Bob Snyder, the health department chief, said an 83-year-old white woman died on Tuesday (Oct. 6), a 71-year-old black woman died on Monday, and an 82-year-old black man was confirmed to have died of covid-related causes on Sept. 27. That brings Flagler’s total deaths related to covid to 32, not including individuals who have died in the county but were not county residents.
The 83-year-old woman had contracted the disease at the Social Club of Palm Coast. She had initially been transferred to hospice. “Last week we heard that she was not in hospice anymore, that she was recovering, and so we were happy,” Snyder said. But yesterday afternoon, the health department learned that her health had again worsened. It is not uncommon in patients with covid to appear to be recovering, only to again develop severe complications such as clots, strokes or heart attacks. “That was kind of sad to for us to hear that yesterday because we were told she had gotten better.”
The Social Club of Palm Coast meanwhile has resumed its activities, advertising its social evenings, musical gigs and Halloween costume contest on its Facebook page. (The Centers for Disease Control lists “attending crowded costume parties held indoors” among the “higher risk activities” of Halloween.) Its secretary, Gloria April, apologized to the county commission on Monday for the social club being at the center of the superspreader events but said “it could have happened anywhere.” After posting notices of its closure during September on its Facebook page–and never mentioning the covid superspreader events linked to its August evenings–the social club in September had posted a tribute to the victims of 9/11, but it has never made reference to the victims of its own superspreader events, nor to the three deaths so far linked to those events.
The surge in covid-related deaths this week in Flagler is occurring even as new infections have fallen to their lowest level since June, albeit the number of new infections is stabilizing at a significantly higher level than when the pandemic first emerged locally in spring. The number of new infections statewide has also stabilized at between 2,000 and 2,500 a day, with the latest seven-day average placing the numbers at 2,222 daily cases. The daily death tally in Florida remains high, with 55 deaths confirmed on Tuesday, for a total of 14,766.
Misinformation continues to spread online regarding the number of deaths not necessarily being caused by covid. Snyder sought to counter that misinformation today. “Every admission to a hospital requires a diagnosis that is the reason for admission,” he said, “so these individuals who are passing related to covid, the physician is making it clear that the death, the primary cause, was getting the virus then getting the disease caused by the virus, covid-19, as the main reason for the passing.”
The health department is specifying the race of victims of covid as a means of tracking which communities or groups are more severely impacted. Across the nation minorities have been disproportionately feeling the effects of the virus, especially in urban areas. In Flagler County, which is less urban, the breakdown of deaths has more or less reflected the demographic make-up of the county so far.
Testing for covid-19 experienced a surge in Flagler this week, Snyder said, with over 140 tests administered on Tuesday alone, about twice the daily totals in recent weeks, which Snyders aid appears to be related to Donald Trump’s hospitalization on a covid diagnosis over the weekend.
The high number of deaths in recent days in Flagler, he said, “tells us that we’re still going to see these ups and downs. Yes it is true that at this moment in time the clear majority of the indicators are trending in the right direction.” There are fewer covid-related reports to the local emergency room, fewer people with covid-19 diagnoses at AdventHealth Palm Coast–there were eight patients admitted at the hospital on a primary diagnosis of covid as of this morning–and a positivity rate below 5 percent for the first time since June. But with cooler or colder weather and more people moving indoors, and with holiday activities ahead, “there’s a good chance we’ll continue to see these ups and we’ll continue to see these downs, call them the mini surges, call them spikes,” Snyder said.
That’s why the department is stressing continued avoidance of large crowds, social distancing and masks, even as the governor has moved the state to Phase 3, which essentially reopens the economy to its pre-pandemic state. “All the more reason to be vigilant about the top two, social distancing and mask wearing, because restrictions have been lifted,” Snyder said. “This is all about doing the right thing and living with this pandemic and not having more suffering and more deaths. It is incumbent to be more vigilant more than ever. My gosh, we just had a wake-up call in our community, with the Social Club of Palm Coast.”
Richard says
It is really SAD that anyone had to die because of people’s lack of consideration for others that attended such a loose and uncontrolled situation. However, I would bet the deed to my house that there are Trump haters that will blame this on Trump too!
BFinFlorida says
I don’t remember Trump being in Palm Coast. It was the choice of the individuals to attend this event.
Concerned Citizen says
@ The Palm Coast Social Club
Shame on you for allowing an even like this during a pandemic. I hope you are happy. You only worsened an already bad situation. For a couple of hours of partying. Really? I hope some sort of legal ramifications are coming. Everyone present deserves it.
@ Participating members Of This Event.
Shame on you for participating. You knowingly went to an event during a middle of a pandemic. So you could selfishly party for a few hours. All the while violating measures put in place to keep people safe. And all the while spreading the virus making people sick. And killing some. What you did was no different than drinking at the bar and hitting and killing someone on the way home. I hope you are happy with yourselves. And that the sselfish partying was worth it. Because of you some got sick and didn’t come home.
I have zero respect for both the club and participants of this event. While you were selfishly partying it up and killing people my wife and mother (both are Nurse Practioner and a Physcicians Assistant) are working countless hours every day to save lives. And my mom is nearly 75 years old.
I know some will think I am harsh. And try to attack me for this post. Bring it. I am ready. For months I have watched my loved ones go to work every day and work long hours. I have held my wife and watched her cry because she is just exhausted. Physically and mentally. Yes they chose this profession. Just as I chose to be a FF/EMT for almost 20 years. And no we don’t do it for the glory. We do it to make a difference. We understand the risks and the hardship. And all we ask at the end of the day is for people to do the right thing.
We have dealt with Covid-19 for months now. And mostly because folks cannot adhere to simple measures put in place. Which is sad because if we did we could sqush this thing. But no. People think the right to party is more important than keeping folks alive. People refuse to wear mask because their right is more important than others. I could go on but it’s tiresome.
If you doubt the severeity of this go hang with nurses in a major hospital. Volunteer to help on the floors. I bet your outlook changes. Mine did just bringing dinner to my wife and her co-workers. And I already knew it was bad.
Do the right thing. It’s not permanent but death is.
Jimbo99 says
Tend to agree with this perspective. The social club should face legal repercussions. Live by the Karaoke night, also responsible for the Karaoke night. For some reason the local government seems to think this is some sort of learning curve experience. Really surprised someone hasn’t come up with a form that patrons sign off on like apartment leases that release ownership of legal liability for sick & unhealthy buildings on this ? I guess this being a common group of regulars, that they felt safer in the concept of them being an exclusive circle of friends ? So they have their own form of punishment here though for those that were infected. By electing to attend/patronage, that’s like anything, they chose to be there, and ownership can only enforce so much, they probably should have shut the event down themselves though ? If you see that enough are gathered & unmasked, that’s a cue to end the social event early & leave.
Spot says
Concerned Citizen, I whole-heartedly agree with you and feel that you have presented your personal experience and the facts in a particularly emotive way that could make an impression on many. Would you allow me to copy your post and put it on my Facebook page? It could really reach some people who may need to think about this!
Karen says
Quoting George Conway:
North Korea dreaming:
Give Dakotas to Trump and have all Trumpers migrate there. Secession would be granted – call it Magaland, Thighland or whatever. Build 4 walls, put tariffs on everything, no immigrants, 1 news channel, etc. Then when forming a new gov’t, think North Korea.
Concerned Citizen says
@ Karen
I am sorry you found my post offensive. And felt the need to compare me to Trump. My post was not political at all. But you are entitled to your opinion.
Because this pandemic has affected my family directly I feel like I have input into people’s behavior. Comparing me to Trump when I’m not even a supporter is insulting. But you go right ahead and live up to your name. :)
Cover up or stay home says
Good for you. You hit the nail on the head. My husband is dealing with cancer, and as get gas to get to work or I have to get groceries I see the ignorant people aplenty not wearing face covering, I want to smack them as I am terrified of what I may be bringing home (maybe a HazMat shower in the garage) lol
I have the deepest respect for you and your profession THANK YOU for all you do to keep us safe
a HUGE THANK YOU to your wife and the emotional toll she is going through — it appears that she has a great support system with you
Donna says
Bravo to you, sir! Well said.
Just because Gov DeSantis drank the Trump Kool-Aid and wants the State to open 100% doesn’t mean that intelligent, prudent Residence need to follow. It was selfish for the Social Club to open to the degree that it did and, now, the Community is suffering greatly. I suggest that the Mask-Wearing, Social Distancing, Neighborly Members of the Community boycott the Social Club so that it feels its stupidity in the pocketbook and the unfortunate families who lost Loved Ones sue for Wrongful Death. Karma is a B****
James M. Mejuto says
So . . . we have a third death coming from the Social Club of Palm Coast. This club Trumpland
seemed to ignore all health warnings and what did they give us in return , death and disappointment.
Close the bastards down, padlock the doors and put an end to this torment these anti-maskers have caused.
Maria Darcy says
What do you know about these deaths, other than the fact they died? We can’t ask any questions, so we don’t know if they were 100 lbs overweight, had heart or lung problems, medications they were on, if illegal drug use was a factor, were they on any anti-depressants, did they die FROM or WITH Covid? Just like a cold, or flu, we could have picked it up a number of places. Our best defense is to maintain optimal health. If and when we contract Covid a strong immune system is the best tool in fighting this virus.
blondee says
Close this place down and protect the rest of us!!!!!
Kat says
Just yesterday I went to the Flagler county pledge to prevent site to try and find a nail salon that has taken the pledge. I was shocked to see that the social club of Palm Coast actually appeared on that website. I don’t know if it was already on the website and just hasn’t been taken off since this horrifying incident or if now they have seen the error of their ways and are trying to win people back.
Lyn Toombs says
First off, how can you 100% say they got it from the there? Second off, whose to say they already had it and didn’t know. Third, it was everyone’s choice to attend this event. Know one twisted their arms to attend. So how is it the social clubs issue? Do yall go to Walmart? Publix? Anywhere there is a large amount of people? Its everyone’s choice to go out. So stop with the blame game. Its the individuals fault for attending something that could possibly put them in harms way.
Close Monster says
Yea , close the place down… And while your at it, close ALL places down…..Grocery stores, clothing stores, fast food, churches, businesses, fire departments, police departments, county public works, Flagler County Government….EVERYTHING….
Happy Now ?
Sherry says
Thank you, Concerned Citizen, for sharing your heart felt personal story and situation.
Those who constantly post FOX talking points down playing the dangers and tragedy of over 211,000 precious lives lost to this UNCONTROLLED pandemic should hang their heads in great shame!
Those who continue to endanger us all by socializing in groups and still refusing to wear masks are nothing short of despicable pariahs in our society.
Those who mindlessly continue to support our FAILED government decision makers, at all levels, are aiding and abetting those who are responsible for the un-necessary pain and suffering and death of thousands of Americans!
VOTE for the very soul of our country! Your life depends on it!
E. Hoffa says
Use Common Sense when you attend any event at the SCPC, IASC, VFW, and Elks!
So willing individuals went to the club, knowing full well the possibilities and we’re going to blame everyone from the club to Trump? PEOPLE DIE! ELDERLY PEOPLE WITH UNDERLYING CONDITIONS DIE! And I bet they went to the club because they were SICK OF BEING SHEEP AND SITTING HOME! so they lived their life and then it came to an end -LIKE EVERYONES WILL SOME DAY. There are fatal disease all over the dang place and you libtards need to realize life will go on and new diseases will surface. We need to get back to normal. Staying home and compromising your immune system DOESN’T WORK, wearing masks but yet touching things all over DOESN’T WORK, over sanitizing DOESN’T WORK. Educate yourselves with something other than FlaglerLive and CNN.
Joe says
For those who blame Trump for everything, You have to use common sense. I have been on the stage for decades before the pandemic and never (or very rarely) let anyone use my microphone. YUCK!