The Palm Coast City Council this evening voted 5-0 to enact the first mask mandate of any government in Flagler County, describing it as an urgent necessity as coronavirus cases spike in the county and the state. Flagler Beach and Bunnell are considering a similar proposal on Thursday.
County government for now has no such plan, though Palm Coast’s action could add pressure on other governments to follow through.
The mandate carries no penalties for violators, at least not directly. Nor is the city itself pursuing a proposal by Sheriff Rick Staly, who opposes mask mandates for being “unenforceable,” in his word, to require businesses to call for non-wearers to be trespassed in which case sheriff’s deputies could intervene. But the city is leaving it up to businesses to go that route themselves should they choose to do so.
The mandate applies only indoors, in public places such as businesses and public buildings. Many businesses, including governments, the hospital, clinics and doctors’ offices, have already made mask-wearing mandatory, refusing entry to those who do not comply.
Not only was there no dissent in the council’s vote, but council member Eddie Branquinho, who lost his son, a nurse at AdventHealth Palm Coast, just two weeks ago, verged on tears and Bob Cuff on indignation, as they rejected arguments that wearing a mask infringed on personal liberties or went counter to constitutional protections.
“Unfortunately, a lot of the people I know are making this not a health issue, they’re making this a political issue, to the point that they feel that the inconvenience, they relate it to constitutional rights,” Branquinho said. “Well, let me tell you about inconvenience. My son passed away less than two weeks ago.” (Branquinho’s son, who was in his 20s, died of complications from an issue unrelated to Covid-19.) “This kid wore his mask 12 hours a day. So I feel no sympathy for you, with all due respect, for not wanting to wear your mask one hour when you go to the supermarket. He came home many times with his ears, blisters on his ears, behind his ears. Twelve hours a day before God took him away, as a nurse, he was wearing his mask. So with all due respect, wear your mask with the same honor and the same respect that my son did for every single one of the people he took care of at the hospital.”
Cuff recalled the time just weeks ago when the city was criticized for the stay-at-home mandate in April, when council members got many emails telling them it was unnecessary as residents wrote them that they were responsible and would know to do the right thing, that they were mature adults. “I’d like to think all those people were sincere and all those people are still healthy, and were telling the truth,” Cuff said. “What we’re seeing in the last couple of weeks here is that regardless of how many responsible people we have, and there are many out there, there aren’t enough of them. And we need to do whatever we can to get people to wear masks. To echo Council member Branquinho’s statement: this isn’t a political issue.
Audio: The Council Members’ Statements
Cuff, an attorney, then tapped his Demosthenes: “I don’t care if you want to wear a red mask that says MAGA, if you want to wear a blue mask that says Biden 2020, Black Lives Matter, blue lives matter, all lives matter or unicorns and rainbows. People that are out in public, in situations where they cannot be sure they’ll be able to stay far enough away from their fellow residents need to have a mask on. The excuses that I have seen offered by the anti-mask people on the claim, the legal basis, why they can’t be compelled to wear a mask, because of the Constitutional privacy laws in the Florida Constitution, it’s the same as 5 year olds trying to tell their parents why they shouldn’t have to go to bed at their regular bed time. They’re makeweight arguments by people that have agendas other than the best interests of their fellow citizens. So I don’t like to tell anybody what they have to do, what they ought to do. I hope we can rely on the common sense and the common decency of our citizens. But if we don’t do something to start turning these numbers around and getting them headed in the right direction, the economic impact on this community, on this state, on the nation, is going to be enormous, even compared to what we’ve already had to suffer.”
He concluded: “We’re supposed to be the smartest species on the planet, and I hate to be harsh, but there’s a lot of people I run into every time I have to go to Publix or Lowes or any place else, that aren’t living up to that description. So please, please. It isn’t over. It’s not going away because we wish it will. We need to live with it and we need to deal with it if we want to keep our community open, keep our citizens working, keep our economy running, and keep as many people as possible healthy and prevent the kind of needless deaths that we’ve seen so far.”
“Councilman Branquinho and Councilman Cuff pretty well nailed it,” Council member Jack Howell said. “Sometimes in government we have to protect the public from themselves.” He said this was one of those scenarios, with room for exceptions. “But I’m one of those guys at age 77 that’s in that high-risk category, and I’m trying to make it to 78.” Council member Nick Klufas was equally categorical.
Even though there’s no provision for penalties, the city’s measure, on paper, “provides a default provision for enforcement,” City Attorney Bill Reischmann said, though it’s not the sort of enforcement that the sheriff will pursue. Reischmann also opened the door to the possibility of code enforcement citations, though that, too, will not be pursued for now.
Palm Coast Mayor Milissa Holland said last week she would propose the mask mandate as Covid-19 numbers increased and she got reports from AdventHealth that Covid-related patients were beginning to exceed numbers seen there in April, at the previous height of the pandemic.
“We have come to a moment in time where we do have to make a decision on what we feel is responsible as a governing body,” Holland said, citing 43 percent of residents at risk for Covid-19. “We do have to consider those that fall in that category, that do have to go out,” and can’t fill prescriptions and shop for groceries otherwise.
The mandate is tailored after that of New Smyrna Beach, one of numerous cities and counties across the state that have adopted mask mandates, some of them with sanctions for violators, some of them without.
Holland, who may have been more surprised by the force of the endorsements rather than the support, thanked the council and said she thought it was “important for us as a governing body that does set policy for this community to state on the record how we feel about this issue. It’s unfortunate that it has taken the political turn and nature it has, as we, from the very beginning of Covid, our response was reliant upon our health department and our emergency management teams that spent an enormous amount of time digging into the data and the details that allowed us to make recommendations and decisions that kept everyone safe as a whole. Our numbers are and were substantially low, and that really is due in part to our residents’ compliance. When the governor shut down the state, our residents stayed home. That was significant Unfortunately, this now has taken another dangerous turn with the numbers we’re seeing. We’re told from our hospital system that the number of patients are getting to a point that they’re concerned, and those are the professionals that are guiding us through these decisions. It’s important that we listen to them, and it’s important that we heed their advice. We do it when we have hurricanes, we do it when we have wildfires.”
Just two members of the public called in to address the mandate, both opposed on what they termed as constitutional grounds. After they spoke, the council took its vote then Palm Coast Fire Chief Jerry Forte addressed the council to thank them for the vote, saying it would also be protective of first responders.
But Bob Snyder, who heads the Flagler Health Department and has been leading a lonely campaign, pushing for mask mandates over the past two weeks, was almost giddy after the vote. “I am thrilled,” he said in a text. “Over the weekend, yesterday, I spoke to each Council member except Eddie, who I figured was out of town….and in conversations with Nick, Jack and Bob—heard their support, political courage and determination to do what is right in putting the breaks on the community spread of COVID 19. I hope that the other 2 cities follow Palm Coast’s move in doing what is best for the safety and health of our community. I am so grateful to the leadership shown by Mayor Holland, each Council member, Matt Morton and Jerry Forte. This public health Officer is smiling tonight!!!”
Robert says
What about those who have a concealed carry permit it is against permit policy to wear a mask I personally do not agree with the mask law Mandy are they going to violate the permit holder for refusing to wear one or if he is wearing one and is caring what is the violation
Steve Robinson says
That’s really what we should all be worried about?? Wake up!!
Dirty boy says
I agree totally with what your saying how ever I feel like if your carrying and wearing a mask for covid purposes you will be ok. I mean your actions will speak louder then your words
Suzie Q says
Leave the gun at home.
PB says
A day late and how many lives short?
Paul says
Finally the City of Palm Coast heed the voices of reason. Well done.
As for Robert’s ‘problem’, leave you firearms at home, or lock them up in your vehicle when you go inside the businesses you need to visit.
Personal responsibility says
I have no duty to ensure your health. That’s you’re job and your feelings aren’t sufficient grounds to punish me for not following your guidelines
FlaglerLive says
WINK, a station in Charlotte County, addressed this issue today: “There’s a lot of misinformation out there about whether you can carry your gun while wearing a face mask. We looked at the legalities of carrying concealed weapons while wearing masks during the coronavirus pandemic in Florida Monday. A representative with Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office told us it’s allowed as long as those with permits are wearing masks for health purposes and following further guidelines.” More details here.
Concealed Carry says
Unless you draw your firearm with intent, no one knows you have a concealed weapon and therefore don’t know or care that you have a gun. People are coming up with more an more excuses to not wear masks and it’s silly.
Bob Dye says
I have heard this before and reviewed the Law authorizing Concealed carry permits. It is an urban legend. The Florida statutes covering concealed carry do not prohibit wearing a mask while legally carrying a concealed weapon.
Robert says
In all of you people have probably not even realized the problem with leaving my gun at home or locking it up the problem isn’t leaving it at home or locking it up it’s the violation of my rights by forcing me to wear a mask when you have all these people protesting tearing things up and assaulting people for no reason at all I will not be a victim so therefore your mask rule will not apply to me and I will not subject my family to wear one either
Robert says
Ty for the information I will check into it
Mark says
How does anyone know you are carrying while wearing a mask?
Steve Robinson says
Quoting at length the comments from the Palm Coast City Council members was the best way to report this happy occurrence. We are confronted every day with innumerable acts of cowardice and duplicity by elected officials across the country, even when lives are at stake, as they clearly are with this pandemic. So bravo to the Palm Coast City Council. Now it’s time for their colleagues at the County Commission to do the right thing.
Merrill S Shapiro says
I don’t always agree with the Palm Coast City Council, but this is a case where they deserve a round of applause! I would urge them carefully, after following the news lately, to consider who among them is willing to run for Governor of the State of Florida. They need your spine up in Tallahassee!
Jimbo99 says
So, what are we gonna do about those that have no shame and drop their gloves & masks in the parking lots, leave them potentially contaminated in a grocery cart. It’s one thing to mandate wearing them, yet another not to have hazardous waste disposal plan & programs. And don’t tell me that the experts haven’t connected those dots that far ahead on this. If the COVID-19 pandemic creates this filth, disposal is just as critical as wearing PPE.
Anne says
Leave your gun at home like a normal person. Why the heck would anyone bring a gun to go grocery shopping!? We need NO GUNS ALLOWED law inside places of buissness. Sickening to say the least
palmcoaster says
Good council and mayor vote. Wear a mask in public.
Silence Speaks says
Luke 12:2
Nothing is covered up that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known.
Glenn Ramsey says
Ok County Commissioners when will you have the common sense and fortitude to pass a similar regulation. Our county commissioners have politicized this issue and are putting their constituents lives in jeopardy. If they won’t take reasonable actions to protect their constituents Please remember them vote them out of office.
Tiniest_Violin says
So when someone you love dies from this and you can’t say goodbye, it’s okay if I tell you IDGAF about your loss since your feelings are not my concern? Good to know. Carry on now and continue kicking your heels in the corner like a petulant child. You have achieved Trumpet status. Now that is an honor you can etch in stone forever.
Local says
One day one of those concealed carry permit holders may save your life…I can almost gurantee they won’t take it…
Local says
Evelyn hameroff says
Yes! This is long overdue. Thank you.
Howard W Hawrey says
I have been preaching this from the first day of the Covid 19 to wear a mask and stop the spread.All those that feel that there constitutional rights have been violated, my constitutional rights are violated when you are helping spread the disease, wake up, grow up and mask up.You can’t fix STUPID !!!
TR says
That defeats the purpose to protect yourself out in public. A law bidding citizen who has a carrying permit has the right to carry concealed out of the home. Leaving the gun at home with a permit to carry is useless.
Bernie2020 says
I am so sick and tired of these cry babies “I don’t wanna wear a mask people” .
These are the same people that wear second Amendment shirts, have cute little stickers of firearms on the back of the car, complain about Liberals on social media, burn their football jerseys and season tickets because a black man took a knee and stand on my public property waving a flag saying Trump 2020 No more Bullshit.
This selfishness is slowing rotting this country. United States.. remember that?
We didn’t build this country being entitled and self absorbed, we did what was right and took care of each other.
We are fighting a war right now with a pandemic and all you have to do for a short period of time to protect our country is wear a mask in public.
You can carry your gun, talk about all your rights, worry about your participation trophy monuments and a flag of traitors that committed treason to this country, but you can’t put a piece of fabric over your face to protect your fellow Americans? It’s time for you to protect this land, shut up and mask up, stop being a coward.
Lyn Serfass says
This is so true. The politics being played this issue is unconscionable. People have died because of no leadership starting at the top and trickling down to some governors. Our Governor DeSantis is one of those governors. People have acquired the virus from his terrible decisions; some have died.
I appreciate that the Palm Coast Council finally made this decision.
Stephen Playe says
Why do so many commenters fail to use your full name? Are you ashamed of what you are saying?
TheBoldTruth says
Make us wear a mask in public Palmcoaster! The city can’t enforce it’s own rules and this is another one that can’t and won’t be enforced. Lazy police department.
Sandra Sites says
So there’s your real issue – don’t be coy. You are allowed to wear the masks with the concealed carry, but since that isn’t the issue for you just go ahead as you damn well please, just don’t give anyone any shit for not allowing you in their shop.
Ron says
Sheriff you are a fool. You did not get my vote and you will not get it again. What is the point of passing an ordinance and our law enforcement will not enforce it. Now you are putting our citizens and business owners in danger standing up for what’s right. Do your job Sheriff. While your at it enforce the counties ordinance for horse shitting on our beaches.
D Rubimo says
I will not wear a mask unless I am forced to before entering a place of business
As far as I no breathing the air outside it’s free for all and I will do so without wearing a mask
Italian job says
You have a responsibility to not harm other people. During this public health crisis your respiratory germs could very well cost someone their life. If I am wearing a mask to protect myself and others and someone else is not wearing a mask then the chance of me catching the virus from you are much greater. How many times do you need this very simple concept explained to you?
You DO have a moral responsibility to do what you can to prevent the spread of a dangerous possibly life threatening illness. What you said shows your lack of human decency.
I suppose you expect the nurses and Docs to risk their lives caring for you though, or your mom, grandma, sibling, friend etc once they catch it. It shows you lack integrity, or personal responsibility for anything if you are willing to risk harming innocent people.
I am amazed at the sociopaths in this sleepy town. Are you a transplant from elsewhere or born here? Such a backward and upside down wrong is right attitude.
truthmayhurt says
Masks are great and help to slow down spread enough to not overwhelm our medical systems (as much, and lower initial deaths)
However, let’s be grownups and accept reality… this is a coronavirus like the common cold, which will constantly mutate and never have a effective cure or treatments. Antibodies and a vaccine will be fleeting and temporarily (Fauci) with each progressive infection more deadly, as China studies have shown repeatedly…
To sum this up, EVERYONE will be dealing with this for the rest of your lives,
H1N1-G will be here before too long as well…
Ali says
What a bunch of BS!!! These government officials are completely overstepping their bounds! They literally compared us citizens to CHILDREN! I was one of ONLY TWO people who was allowed to speak over the phone meeting. They didn’t even address our concerns, and many people online said they weren’t even allowed to speak!
This is crap. I will never wear a mask, and neither will my kid. I’m so glad we have a sheriff with common sense and a respect for the law and personal rights.
This is outrageous. And that guy trying to make this about his son when his son didn’t even die of anything related to covid is a ridiculous fool. I would tell all these people these words to their idiotic faces. They’re selfish fools.
Screw the city council, they can shove their masks where the sun doesn’t shine. They don’t represent us. And it is pretty pathetic that even at that low level of government, they’re already giddy with power.
Mike Cocchiola says
This is the best possible outcome. Those who simply refuse to help protect the health of people around them on mythical constitutional grounds should be ashamed of themselves for their selfish and dangerous attitude. It’s not all about you. Businesses that do not require masks indoors should be called out and avoided. It is inexcusable to not do everything they can to help us curb the spread of this virulent pandemic. No mask, no business.
And my sincerest condolences to Eddie Branquinho for the loss of his son.
Concerned Citizen says
@ Jimbo
Thank you for bringing that up. I’m a maintenace technician and service commercial properties in the area. I do my part and wear my mask. Yet day in and day out I am exposed to others carelessly discarded PPE. Putting myself at risk.
Our calls to service parking lots and other public areas have doubled. And trash pick up IS NOT part of our job. We end up being stuck with it in order to prevent our clients from recieving violations for YOUR litter. It pulls us away from other duties that don’t get accomplished.
When you discard your mask,gloves,wipes and other PPE in someones parking lot you are lazy and self entitled. You are not providing people with job security. That’s just an asshat self serving snide remark you make to make yourself feel bigger. You’re actually littering and are breaking the law. It just doesn’t get enforced.
When you discard your PPE n that parking lot quite often that young cashier is sent out to pick it up. If you don’t want to deal with your nasty used PPE what makes you think we do?
The solution is quite simple. If you are going to wear disposable PPE and use wipes keep plastic grocery bags or garbage bags in your on vehicle. When you get to your vehicle remove your disposable PPE and bag it. Then dispose of it in your OWN can if one is not available.
I’ll put this in perspective. How would you feel if I drove by your house everyday. And tossed my used PPE and other trash on your driveway? No? I didn’t think so. Then stop tossing it in public. Most of that stuff isn’t biodegradable. And is ending up in our storm drains and ponds.
William Powell says
I’m not a fan of the mask wearing. But it’s better than more shut downs and further crippling the economy. Personally, I just feel it’s social conditioning to reduce resistance when the Mark of the Beast is forced on us as described in the Book of Revelation in the Bible. So I’ll wear my mask, for the good of the community and economy. But just know, I am not a stupid man, and I know exactly what true agenda is being pushed.
John Stove says
Your statement is exactly what is wrong with this country right now…..”its all about me”…..
I hope that if you ever need help from your neighbor after a hurricane, break down on I-95 in a storm, or just need someone to talk things out with during a low point in your life that you don’t run in to someone who thinks as you do.
What happened to the American spirit of helping each other (mask or no mask)….get a grip and help out…
Donna Heiss says
Honestly? I don’t care one way or the other. There are much bigger things to worry about than wearing a mask. I make my grocery stops short, I shop no where else. I go nowhere else. I hope the mask mandate won’t be for too long. Let’s remember not to be so afraid of dying, that we forget to live.
Dennis C Rathsam says
Thanks council…. As usual lets close the barn door, after the horse has left.
Darksideofthemoon says
And what if – after this mandate by govt “protecting me from myself”- the cases continue to rise? How would they spin that
Edith says
Where in Palm Coast are people, “tearing things up” and “assaulting people”? What a ridiculous excuse for your lack of common sense.
Mythoughts says
This virus is deadly and is spreading all over Florida, the Governor is being so careless but I am happy to read that our local officials are taking this seriously to protect its citizens.
A mask is more important in public right now than worrying about carrying a gun vs wearing a mask. I didn’t realize our community is that unsafe that people feel the need to carry their gun to the grocery store.
Outsider says
This is true; my wife and I noticed months ago, in Lowe’s parking lot in particular, that there were used gloves and masks all over the ground. Palm Coast is full of slobs who can’t find a trash can or put it in their car until they get home. I wish Flagler County would implement a $1,000 fine for littering. I realize this is slightly off topic, but it is a major pet peeve of mine. The cigarette butts are the worst, but now the mask and gloves are running a close second. Clean up after yourselves!
Concerned Citizen says
@ Anne
LEO’s are required by law to carry a side arm at all times. And if they are in plain clothes you will not normally know they are armed. So therefor your statement is silly. Do we penalize them and not allow them to conduct normal busniess because YOU don’t want guns?
Christopher Lemke says
Yes, I remember the “duck and cover” drills we participated in while in grade school. The intent was to protect children from a nuclear blast and fireball. There was even a clever little jingle to go with it. That would have helped save us! Not. Yes, it is a purely political act and one motivated by fears of legal action. The lawyers will have a windfall on this one. Guaranteed. Fear is a great motivator. The city council can not possibly have taken a look at both sides of this issue. There is strong evidence that masks don’t work to prevent the spread of the virus. I haven’t seen evidence of a strong debate on this issue. Show me the science and the proof for your actions, and not just one side of the argument. A highly emotional one. The Sheriff is on the right track on this one. Show us the evidence to back up your conclusions. Even the CDC has studied their use for over 40 plus years and concluded that they are not effective. And the beloved Dr. Fauchi has said that they don’t work. Before he said that they will.
Trailer Bob says
If some people feel that wearing a mask and carrying a legally possessed licensed pistol is a problem (which is ridiculous) , The solution is simple…purchase a $2.50 face shield that doesn’t conceal any parts of your face. There…fixed that one.
Trailer Bob says
Because that is one reason we have a concealed carry permit and it is hard to imagine you do not understand that. Someday, just someday, you may be in a situation where there is a crazy person with an illegally concealed pistol , and a legal carrier may just save you life, may be the only hope standing between you and the looser with a gun…happens daily around the country. No one is forcing you to do so, but you are way off on who and why some carry, and it IS a legal right. Calm down. We’re just normal people like you who realise there are lots of crazies out there who do not care about the laws.
Trailer Bob says
Thank you. Well explained, but the loonies will still be loonies. Boy how times haved changed.
LetThemEatCake says
What about the C.O.P.S? They aren’t doing anything right now until school is in session. If anything, this should give businesses the power to enforce a mask-wearing rule, like Publix.
No shirt, no shoes, no mask, no service. You don’t scream about a violation of your constitutional rights when you’re asked to put a shirt on when you go into a business. No one wants to see your man nipples even if you want to show them. No one wants your germs either, even if you want to spread them.
Trailer Bob says
I formed a litter pickup group up north with all volunteers. Get this. Once the publicity got out, people started to litter even more, figuring that hey, someone else will pick it up, so it is OK.
Can’t win with litter bugs, as they are lazy, disrespectful and low IQ.
Trailer Bob says
Most are lazy and self-consumed. Next time you vote, forget who has the most lawn signs and money. Listen and put those in office who are running not for the power or salary (which is too high), but because they love this county and will do what is right.
Christopher T Lemke says
I lve Sheriff Staley. He is the Doctor of common sense.
Deb H says
I am truly amazed at some of the comments here about having no responsibility for other peoples health. Hmmmm do the hospital personell that are being forced to care for intensely sick patients obligated to care for people who disregard healthcare guidelines? Why should we continue to risk our lives for people who blatantly go out and infect themselves and others with such a cavalier attitude? Is it fair to over load the hospitals with Covid and create an environment that is too dangerous for heart attack victims, trauma victims etc. to come to hospital for care? Halifax is currently having to open up the regular floors for Covid patients because they have become over run. Who is going to pay for the hospital bills, some over 1-2 million dollars that these patients are getting if the recover? Hospitals are being forced to close in rural areas because of lack of funding, Covid care is very intense and very expensive, who is going to care for those populations?
In our free country you have to cover your butt and in most cases wear shoes and shirt to go into any business. I irony here is that your butt cheeks flapping in wind as you walk through Publix is of no real threat to me but your mouth flapping in the wind is a potentially lethal threat to everyone in that store for up to several hours. Try to have some perspective people, this disease is real, its very contagious, and lethal for some and relatively harmless in others but until we know how to tell who is vulnerable it will take EVERYBODY making some sacrifices by wearing a mask and washing hands frequently to get it under control. While Covid may not affect you physically it will affect all of us economically so I say to nay sayers, YOU suck it up and put on mask to save not only lives but your precious economy.
Mary says
I agree 100%. Anyone is free to wear a mask if you think it is protecting you however you are NOT free to force me to wear one! Please let us tax paying homeowners know now if the same mandate will be imposed by this group to get a vaccine so I can sell my house now and spend my money where my rights are not infringed on!
Elliot Hoffa says
Do you like living in Palm Coast, Fl? All your complaints in the past show you made a BIG MISTAKE moving to Palm Coast! No place is perfect, but with low crime rate, good weather, and health care, Palm Coast is better than most other places! BE HAPPY!
Percy's mother says
The $2.50 face shields don’t do anything.
You have to purchase a medical-grade face shield, which will protect both sides of the face, eyes, nose, mouth.
Percy's mother says
Well, hopefully someone with a deranged mind won’t go postal with a gun while you’re in Publix shopping. It’s happened in schools and nightclubs. Only a matter of time before it happens in a grocery store.
Percy's mother says
We’re still at 5 total deaths in Flagler since the beginning of March.
That’s just over 1 death a month.
Deaths in Flagler County have not been rising.
Percy's mother says
Let’s not leave it at a mask mandate, let’s now also issue a mandate with $1000 fine for littering AND cigarette butts.
Anyone else have a mandate they want to add?
Dennis says
Easy fix at this time. We will avoid city businesses and eat at Flagler Beach and Bunnell. City cuts its throat agsin.
Greg says
I would rather have my gun with me and never need it, than not have it with me and need it. The world has gone bonkers. I feel safer carrying.
Ed W says
I don’t believe there is a state law banning permit holders from wearing a mask. Take a look at this article…
Cover up! says
I’ve been wearing a mask when in public, not because I am scared, but because I am smart. Very glad to see this was passed. I now will no longer be the only… okay… one of the few… “lone rangers” in town! Otherwise, I’m just Biden my time. ;-)
Jack says
Why would someone leave there gun at HOME when it’s for protection… That’s the most absurd comment I have read! One day you will thank that person carrying his weapon to protect someone like you!
Robjr says
If the grocery, home improvement and department stores deny access to those with no mask then they will get the message.
Lose the Attitude says
Ali: I have to say, I despair for the future of this country if even a small majority of the people have your attitude. The “ridiculous fool” is a well respected member of our community. If you would take the time to read the article properly, you would understand that Mr. Branquinho was making the point that if a nurse (in this case his son) could stand to wear a mask for twelve hours a day for his job at the hospital, then it should not be difficult for the general public to wear one for an hour or two when they are out running errands to help protect their fellow citizens. You, and many others who think like you, need to lose the “it’s all about me” attitude.
Let me explain this once again: I choose to wear a mask to protect YOU from catching Covid in case I’m out in the community and I’m asymptomatic (meaning that I may be unknowingly Covid positive). Asymptomatic means having no symptoms. I would hope that you would choose to wear a mask to protect ME (or your children, husband, parents, siblings, etc.) in case you are also asymptomatic.
joe says
“The Palm Coast City Council this evening voted 5-0 to enact the first mask mandate of any government in Flagler County, describing it as an urgent necessity as coronavirus spike in the county and the state.”
Alternate translation: “The Palm Coast City Council this evening voted 5-0 to enact the first mask mandate of any government in Flagler County, describing it as an urgent necessity as we have a Governor apparently more interested in keeping his political nose firmly attached to Donald Trump’s ass than in the health of Florida citizens. “
GM3 says
Out police dept is lazy ?
Take a look around and realize that these workers who keep you safe are doing a great job. They have more critical issues to deal with than enforce the mask mandate. (If people would conduct themselves responsibly it wouldn’t be an issue. I hope you never have an issue and need the service of one of these “lazy policemen”
blondee says
@mythoughts Deadly? The death rate in FL is 0.0192% of all cases. You have a better chance of being struck by lightning.
deb says
Be a man and wear and mask, it might protect someone you love or even care about.
Jerry G Moore says
Did Flagler County release any inmates prematurely due to COVID-19 fears? If so and the masks are so effective, why not just give the inmates a mask?
Rose says
I agree
Confussed Again says
How does anyone know that I’m concealing a mask while holding my gun ?
really says
Over thinking the whole mask thing. Its a mask not a ball n chain. Put it on and carry your gun if that makes you happy. Its just common sense.
T says
I agree glad people do care
Ronnie says
If wearing a mask in a public building is being mandated why are the public schools only “urging” students to wear them? Schools are public places. They should follow the mandate or parents who do not want their kids to have to wear a mask they can choos to do virtual school.
Ben Hogarth says
Perhaps someone who is unaware of the law should not be carrying in the first place. It is absolutely lawful to carry a concealed firearm with a concealed weapons license while wearing a face mask for medical purposes. Oh wait, your sources of misinformation told you otherwise but you never bothered to do the homework yourself.
What excuse will you use next instead of simply doing the right thing by all persons?
I suggest leaving the carrying of firearms to trained professionals who are at the very least – capable of reading state and federal statutes.
RC says
Out of curiosity, is the death rate going up? Didn’t think so. Is Advent Health Hospital, or any other hospital for that matter, full? Didn’t think so. The mayor of Atlanta has the virus, and she said she didn’t even have any symptoms!!! How is that even possible, and how many other people have “tested” positive without any symptoms?!?! I’m not against Trump, I’m not for Trump. However, you’re an absolute moron if you think we would be dealing with this if it wasn’t an election year. If Biden wins in November, Covid-19 will be a thing of the past.
Concerned says
Please County Commissioners, follow the example of Palm Coast. We need the ordinance so businesses can protect the customers who patronize them!
Action says
If the wearing of masks is so important why is not on the city web site? Don’t tell me to try connect, I did it once and was told to try face book. Totally wasted expense
Laura says
Thank you for calling in! I tried but it kept muting me so instead I wrote each of the council members. It was a disgrace how the one speaker (Jim?) said he will be exercising his due process right if necessary one of council members snarky responded “go ahead”.
Our “public servant” literally snubbed a taxpayer who publicly commented. Wow.
Did anyone else see that part? Which council member said it?
Name (required) says
No, because nut jobs start lynch mobs when their feelings get hurt. Sometimes people just need to put some observation of the the depravity that going out there, without a bunch of fallout from zealots. Simple.
Tired of the games says
Doesn’t really matter what they say, the constitution says the opposite. A mandate isn’t a law. Period. If you want to wear one ,then do so. If you don’t ,then dont.
Ronnie says
I wonder why it is a mandate for everyone in public building but parents are only being urged to have their kids wear one in the public school building. Why is the school district not stepping up to the plate?
Erica says
Why on earth would you call someone who just lost their son a ridiculous fool? His point was that if his son could wear a mask for 12 hours a day, then you can wear one for 1 hour while you shop. That you are alive and have the privilege to be alive and your kid has the privilege to be alive and that this is a small thing to ask for the sake and health of other people. Shame on you.
snapperhead says
Social media like this is available worldwide. Should I risk losing my job or not getting a better one somewhere else because an employer or potential employer doesn’t like my viewpoint? Not to mention the crazies out there that may use that information to cause harm. How do we know Stephen Playe is your real name?
Keith says
State of Florida says if wearing mask for health related (read:COVID) that you can conceal carry and wear your mask. It will not be a violation of Florida concealed carry law.
TR says
More of the same ole twisted comments, over and over again. How about getting over the fact that you lost the election to a business man. I would rather have Donald Trump as a president, who has a large set of gonads and not someone that I had to deal with from the Obama years who was a puppet to every other country around the world because they had his gonads in their hands. Let me ask you a question that not one Liberal Democrat has answered honestly in the past three years. What has the Democratic party done of substance for ALL Americans in the last 12 years?
I will live my live under the Constitution of this country. You and the rest of the democratic liberals will not take away anymore of my freedom for any reason. So I have a great idea. How about you move to a country like China where the Government will not let you do what you want when you want to.
I will even come and help you pack so you can leave faster and get out of this great Country. But keep in mind, this is a one way ticket, you leave you don’t ever come back.
TRboxx says
You should have a mask on. A face shield alone doesn’t protect your nose or mouth adequately. Also, I’d recommend eye protection as well.
Flagler County has one of the lowest outbreak of COV19 in the State per capita. There is no reason what so ever to propose a mask mandatory in Palm Coast.
Where are these councilman getting there info to think there’s a epidemic in Palm Coast.
Ronnie says
What about inside the public schools? It seems that they are only “urging” students not mandating it as a rule.
Concerned Citizen says
@ Percy’s mother
I detect a little sarcasm in your statement. Surely you aren’t condoning people discarding their used PPE in public are you? Or are you on of those thst feels it’s OK for someone to have to clean up a mess that wasn’t left by them?
There’s already laws on the books addressing littering. It just doesn’t get enforced. The Sheriff’s Office has better things to do.
Bobby G says
Apparently the customers at Dollar general, Walmart, home Depot, Sonny’s, cantina Louie, shell, Staples, Lowe’s, Ollie’s, Chick-fil-A, tractor supply, Aldi’s and McDonald’s didn’t get the memo.
Michael D Baughn says
You have a much better chance of dying from this virus than you do being killed because you weren’t carrying a gun.
Steve says
Well put and just one of many reasons I left. Still have Siblings there whom I am concerned about.
JP says
How do you feel now that they’ve also put mandates in masks?
Bill Nelson says
Use soap says
The store managers are supposed to be enforcing the mask mandate. Thanks for the heads up though. I’ll be sure to avoid those stores that don’t enforce it. I was just at one of our numerous Publix stores and every single person had a mask on and it was also announced over the loudspeaker that all guests are required to wear a mask. Then I went to Staples and everyone there had masks in except for the family of 5 including children walking into the store without masks. Guess some ppl didn’t get the memo. 🙄 I will either not enter or walk out without buying a thing and not return if a store chooses to look the other way and there are people without a face covering.
FlaglerLive says
Store managers are not required to “enforce” the mask requirements. They may enforce their own policies and of course choose to enforce the municipalities’ requirement. They can also choose not to, at no legal risk.
Denise says
Unless you wear a N95 face mask and cover your eyes, you can still contract the virus. Maybe we should stop giving people who are so afraid false hope. My condolences goes out to the councilman who lost his son. If he wore a mask 12 hours a day and that did not protect him, that does not say much about masks. My son spent 6 hours with someone who a day later came down with a high fever and tested positive. They rode in a his car together, they ate lunch together, they stood in close proximity as they filmed and passed a camera back and forth and my son was in his house. If anyone should have contracted it, then it should have been my son (and then there was me who lives with my son and spends many hours with him). So, he and I did the responsible thing and waited in a six hour line in a hot car to be tested, and self-isolated for two weeks. We both tested negative with no signs of COVID-19, and still no signs as our lives are beginning to normalize again. So if I was tested and I am negative, why should I be forced to wear a mask in this sweltering heat. The more I hear of cases where people who never tested are called and told they tested positive, to any death being marked as COVID-19 whether it is or not, to people being tested several times once they were positive that would definitely askew testing statistics, then I believe the common person truly are not told the correct story for whatever agendas there are. 28.6 million people in Florida and only 240,710 positives/4102 deaths. They like to use the number tested to come up with the 11% comparing only the numbers between the test results. Why? Because to Florida population, affected is .85%. Huge difference! If people were sick they would have been tested. Flagler County 456 cases and 41 who were ill enough to be hospitalized, 5 deaths. Though there are more positives the deaths and hospitalizations haven’t changed. But let’s compared, 114,000 residents in Flagler County to the positives. That is a .4%. Not 10%, not even 4% but .4%.
Use soap says
Exactly, which is my point. They’re not getting my business if they choose not to enforce this mandate which is an order to do something. In this case, wear a face covering in public. I didn’t say they could be subject to arrest and legal action.
Christopher Lemke says
Denise, very well said. Especially, regarding the idea of giving people false hope. The deception we have been exposed to over the past several months is borderline criminal. Fear is a wonderful motivator and the government entities are employing this tactic full steam ahead. I am glad to see that you have seen through this ruse and are living your life accordingly. Information and knowledge will set us free.
Joel and Kathy Davisson says
Thank you Denise! Very well thought out reply.
Bernie 2020 says
Trump won.. but he had help from Russia because Russia was afraid of Clinton. Trump actually even asked for their help. He then asked for dirt on Biden in order for favors. The Mueller reports and the impeachment proved all this but it is party before country for people like you.. If Obama, Bush or Clinton did this they would have been out on their ass and you would have been the 1st to tweet and share Facebook memes on it.
Regarding our past president. Obama handed Trump a very good economy after a total crash in 2008, a dead Bin Laden along with many other terrorists and had control over the war on terror and our issues with immigration. He even tried to give you better healthcare but it was politicized. And he also stood up to Putin a few times and imposed Sanctions that Trump told them not to worry about.
We are now looking at a pandemic without an leadership (Trump shut down the Global Health Security and Biodefense unit btw..), a economic crash because people just can’t work when their business’s are shut down and the only tool we have right now to help make this go away until we have a vaccine is to ask selfish chest pounders like you to wear a mask in public and wash your hands.
Why is this so hard for people like you? Do you walk into a store with no shirt or Shoes on? Do you Smoke in a hospital room? Do you drink a beer while you drive? Or is it that you don’t want to admit deep down inside this Businessman with 6 bankruptcies and 2 failed marriages is just a draft dodging NY liberal that lied to you while playing more golf in 3 3/4 years (with Millions of dollars going to his own properties) then Obama did in 8?
Also here is a little history note. You don’t get to tell ANYONE they can leave MY country including me. I have a right to disagree. I have a right to protest and I have the right to my opinion. Also my family has left more blood on foreign soil to protect your freedom to bitch about wearing a mask that I care to share. NEVER tell me to leave, EVER.
Now mask up coward… Protect OUR country.
. says
Same thing that’s done with litter. It gets put in the trash because it doesn’t have any covid on it because the whole covid thing is 90% overstated, skewed and manipulated. Fine them for littering I suppose. But other than that same ol same ol garbage like anything else.
. says
Heck no not happening