Jack Petocz, a student at Flagler Palm Coast High School, attempted to deliver the following at Tuesday evening’s Flagler County School Board meeting. Board Chair Janet McDonald shut him down the moment he mentioned her name, in contravention to board rules: she should have given him a warning first. He was allowed to return more than two hours later to deliver a different version, with McDonald’s name censored. The original text of Petocz’s statement is presented here unedited. For details about Tuesday evening’s meeting, see “School Board Chair McDonald Shuts Down Speaker Critical of Her at Public Meeting, Drawing Rebukes.”
My name is Jack, I am an IB student at FPC. Throughout recent times, hatred towards minority groups have become increasingly commonplace throughout our world. From the Trump administration’s continual pursuit of reversal of LGBTQ+ rights, to extreme and racially motivated police brutality, in states across our nation.
Instead of utilizing her platform to speak out against this hate, the chairwoman of this board has only amplified and supported discriminatory voices. On her Twitter account, she has retweeted tweets promoting conspiracy theories regarding vaccines and the Covid-19 pandemic, homophobia, criticisms of the Black Lives Matter movement and activism, as well as a tweet from an anti-semitic account. I will now read aloud some of her twitter activity:
“They’re brainwashing your children in public schools.”
“It is easier to come out as gay than come out as a Trump supporter.”
“Covid-19 is as much of a pandemic as 3 chihuahuas are as a pack of ferocious man-eating dogs. This event was a planned, politically motivated attempt to take control of the government.”
“Activism is a way for useless people to feel important.”
Ms. Chairwoman, despite what you may ignorantly believe, it is not easier to come as gay than to support Donald Trump. This is why LGBTQ+ youth have exceptionally high suicide. Covid-19 was not a “planned and politically motivated attempt to overthrow the government.” Rather, it is an incredibly infectious disease that has killed hundreds of thousands of people throughout the world, including family members of individuals past and present in this room. Finally, activism is not a way for useless individuals to feel important. Activism has led to the end of slavery and African Americans being granted civil rights, protecting workers from exploitation, equal rights within our society for women, and with the Supreme Court decision yesterday ensuring LGBTQ Americans cannot be fired for their sexuality.
I stand with many in this room tonight and throughout the community, including hundreds of online signatures, calling on the chairwoman to immediately resign. This divisive rhetoric does not reflect the values and ideals of Flagler County students, and we do not want someone who holds these beliefs as the leader of our school board. We don’t want you to represent us any further, this discriminatory behavior is inexcusable and unjustifiable. I ask you the board to rise up against this hateful behavior as well, including our new superintendent and truly ponder if this is the person we want in this position of power. These comments by the head of the board could be read by a student and cause them to question whether they are worthy and seriously affect their mental health. I’ll leave you with a quote tonight, “Words are seeds that do more than blow around. They land in our hearts and not the ground. Be careful what you plant and careful what you say. You might have to eat what you planted one day.”
Laura Shaver says
Thank you for printing the entire speech. That young man deserved better. No longer have children in school but it irks me that she shut him down. Time for a change!
Phyllis Robbins-Scheffler says
What a cogent teenager speaking the truth. Flagler County has become a hot bed of hatred. Over forty years ago when I became a resident, although far from acceptance of differences in our population, the spewing of hatred and falsehoods were not as blatant as they are today. I hope that the words of the clear headed teenager can be disseminated wider. Parents need to know the caliber of persons sitting on our school board. What a shameful display of ingrained negativism perpetrated by this school board chair person.
Robert Gordon says
Well said.
Percy's mother says
“Flagler County has become a hotbed of hatred” on BOTH SIDES, as evidenced by some comments posted on this site. Don’t point the finger at just the “conservative side”. The head of the local ACLU is another side who regularly posts continued negativity on this site.
Forty years ago, Palm Coast was a nice place to live . . . for EVERYONE . . . For those of us who lived here THEN, living here NOW has become a sorrowful experience.
Jane says
The whole point of activism and BLM and fighting hatefullness is to make those who are complicit feel uncomfortable and to make the racists feel their expieience is now “sorrowful”
Bill C says
you ARE living forty years in the past, the days when gays, blacks and other minorities “knew their place”. oh, for the good old days of unquestioned white supremacy, how i miss you.
Tyler says
“Forty years ago, Palm Coast was a nice place to live . . . for EVERYONE . . . ”
Unless of course, you weren’t white.
Unless of course, you weren’t straight.
Flagler County was the last county in the state to desegregate its school system. My parents grew up in Flagler with segregated beaches. Black people weren’t allowed to cross the tracks in Bunnell after a certain time.
Let’s not pretend that Flagler has always been a Fairytale. Just because you’ve opened your eyes, doesn’t mean its new.
Margaret says
Hopefully, other students and members of the community will take up this young man’s cause and show up at future Board meetings to address the mindset and actions of an out of control Board member. McDonald is an embarrassment to the Board, a divisive character, a disgrace to educators, and sets a terrible example for students. She needs to go.
Trailer Bob says
I’ll second that motion…
Nancy Skadden says
Hi Jack: I am so grateful to hear your words. You should not have been shut down. Those in leadership positions could learn a lot by listening to criticism. Your words were expressed beautifully. Well done.
Kathleen Brady says
Kudos to Jack for a well spoken piece. I do not have school children but I wholeheartedly agree that this woman should not be in a position of power that holds sway over what our children learn/ do in school.
PH says
Vin says
Well said young man! I stand with you.
Deirdre says
“Education is the proper way to promote compassion and tolerance in society. Compassion and peace of mind bring a sense of confidence that reduce stress and anxiety, whereas anger and hatred come from frustration and undermine our sense of trust. Because of ignorance, many of our problems are our own creation. Education, however, is the instrument that increases our ability to employ our own intelligence.”
Dalai Lama
I’m so proud of our students that speak so eloquently for tolerance and truth, to make the world a better place for their generation and ours. thank you
Janetsgottago says
Very well said Jack! If you or anyone else can knows how I can find this petition so I can sign it, please print it here
Concerned Citizen says
Janet McDonald reminds me of Donald Trump. Another “adult” who should not have access to social media.
People are confused in this country by what protection the First Amendment gives you. Yes it gives you the right to free speech. No it does not absolve you of consequences of said speech. You can’t go blasting people then hide behind your office or title. And shut them down at public meetings. That’s tacky and shows bad taste on your part. As well as poor judgement. And this woman chairs the board.
Jamet McDonald continues to show up in the press and it’s always negative. I have to wonder why her piers and even the BOCC tolerates her behavior. They seem to be afraid of her and I don’t know why. Is it because the McDonalds are sue happy and will file an ethics omplaint after lying themselves? Or not being able to walk straight down a sidewalk? Why should this county have to shoulder the bureden of tolerating 3rd grade sandbox behavior? How much of our time is being wasted by them? Maybe we should be filing ethics complaints.
I hope our new Superintendent won’t be tolerant of this childish and imature behavior.
Cory says
Can Jack please take Janets place on the board?
Patricia A Brooke says
I agree! How sad, but hopeful, that a high school student is far, far more enlightened and intelligent than someone leading the school board. Shame on you, Janet McDonald, for being such a bigoted, racistist, homophobic , hate-filled person in a position you do not deserve. This young man could MUCH better fill that position!
Eugenia says
And there you have it. Let’s attack the lady cause she has different views. It is HER RIGHT to feel the way she wants to feel or say for that matter. THIS IS AMERICA! Not everyone has to feel or believe in the same thing you do. This world is going crazy. She has rights just like you do. You can’t change the world because it HURTS YOUR FEELINGS. And your not gonna change people either. Some of her statements are probably true. And sadly a lot of people feel the same way she does. They just don’t share it. Trying to make someone resign cause she don’t share your views is BS.
Harr Mann says
You are correct @Eugenia – McDonald has the right to think, feel and say about her views. You say that is her right. Jack also has the right to think, feel and say about his views. McDonald took his rights away when she stopped him from addressing the board. The board did not post, tweet or re-tweet [supposedly in error as McDonald said] this stuff. McDonald did. Seems to me that Jack was just addressing McDonald about what she had posted. As is his right. And he did it with respect. Something that McDonald should have practiced at that board meeting.
Every word of your argument supporting McDonald; rights, free speech and being an american – also applies to everyone who oppose and speak out to those who say it, tweet it or believe it. You can’t have it both ways Eugenia.
Anonymous says
Great job for speaking your mind Jack! The message was received, her days are numbered as the chair. Thank you for standing up against bigotry and racism.
palmcoaster says
No body should be prevented to speak in a government public meeting as long as Robert Rules are observed. Looks like there was a board violation of their own rules?: “in contravention to board rules” If the mentioned school board member is really the originators of the described twits then I have to say looks like a very improper and sad rhetoric. We all need to live and share together this wonderful land of ours no matter our origin, religion or color and no political reason justifies hate when referring to Chihuahuas, if so. We need to lay down a path of justice for all and respect when it comes to examples for our students and we want to enhance and promote, not to destroy their young developing qualities and visions while attending our schools. Political statements while serving in education investitures are totally out of place.
RCH says
Well done, Jack. Thank you for unmasking Ms McDonald’s dark side. I had no idea that such a person was in a position of school leadership. She should step down.
Sherry says
Here is a link to a petition asking Janet McDonald to resign. It already has almost 500 signatures.
CB from PC says
Young person, get the skills and education to make a shitload of money.
By doing so you have empowered yourself to live and pursue whatever direction you choose.
I say this because a few months from now it will be, Jack who?
The memory of people is very short, as is “shelf life”, and this is just the harsh reality of the world.
Next week, there will be a new “villain” in Flagler, and this will start to fade away.
Lynn L Tobin says
Ok, I am new to this discussion, but would like to know if Jack’s questions were presented at the proper time and place? A person can not just decide to berate someone in a formal city meeting without taking care to follow the rules. Was Jack speaking with in the agenda? He certainly had an agenda, but was it proper to give his opinions at this place and time? I am just asking. I do not know. I do know no city meeting would get anything done if people suddenly appeared and took over the meeting with their gripes!! Perhaps Jack should have debated the statements he objected to on the media platform where they were printed. Was this “school board question and answer time?” If not I’m not sure Jack had the right to be speaking at all. City/school business should come first!
PattiP says
Thank you Flagler Live for printing the entire comment and Thank you Jack for your words. Well spoken.