Terry Kilcoyne, a 71-year-old licensed dealer who lived in DeLand and had a business in Maryland, was returning from Maryland before noon on Thanksgiving when his truck’s left-front tire shredded, sending the truck careening and overturning on I-95’s center guard rail, and killing Kilcoyne.
Kilcoyne’s 1988 Chevy flatbed wrecker’s truck was in the center lane of I-95, just north of the Flagler-St. Johns County line (some three miles south of State Road 206), when the tire blew. Kilcoyne lost control, veered into the outside lane and hit a 2005 Dodge Durango driven by Sandra Scott, 62, of Callahan, Fla. Scott was driving with Marian Scott, 25, Crystal Mutchler, 20, and Matthew Scott, 20, all of Jacksonville. None of them was injured.
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After the collision, which sent the Durango onto the shoulder, Kilcoyne’s truck veered back onto the middle, then the inside lane of the Interstate, then hit the guardrail and overturned. The truck came to a rest in the center median on top of the guardrail, facing south. The flatbed was carrying a forklift, which had been strapped toward the front of the bed. A Florida Highway Patrol report does not say whether Kilcoyne was wearing a seatbelt. A passenger in his truck, Robin Olson, 43, who was not wearing a seatbelt, suffered minor injuries and was treated at Florida Hospital Flagler.
Kilcoyne himself was taken to Shands Hospital in Jacksonville, where he was pronounced dead.
Kilcoyne was reportedly a Vietnam veteran who had a life of adventure and was partial to telling stories. He lived and worked in Codova, Md., where he owned a business called American Outboard Motors & Salvage. The truck he was driving on I-95 was embossed with his company’s name.
In 1994, the Washington times reported that Kilcoyne, a convicted felon, was arrested and charged with illegal possession of firearms after a traffic stop near his Cordova home revealed an illegal pistol. A search of his home produced 15 handguns, 16 rifles and 5,000 rounds of ammunition, according to the Times.
donna kawalek says
I am the daughter of terry kilcoyne , as for the charges you posted you better do a little more checking into the story before you print. not only was all that almost 20 years ago but your ” facts” makes it seem alot worse than it was it was a small mix up and even then the papers had fun with it trying to sell papers . he got a small community service for it . over an old bule law in md. was all .
and as for my veiw i understand why you must print such pictures
. but we where notified on thanksgiving afternoon by a state tropper knocking on our door, that is something i wish would never happen to anyone.
and the fact you had to try to dig up 20 year old dirt on a man who died in this way. is just upsetting it had nothing to do with this accident nothing at all to tie it to this .
it was out of pure meanness that you would do this. i am trying to keep this article from my mother because it is just pure mean to put such crule things in about a man who died why whoul you do this to our family , i pray your family never has to go through something like this, i would wish this on noone , but maybe you can think before you print the next article about someone else how thier family would feel to read what you write.
Anonymous says
Dear Donna:
I am deeply sorry for the loss of your Dad, he is by the Almighty’s side now.
If it will bring some relief to your pain I want to tell you that what most of all touched my heart reading about the tragic accident was that your Dad was a Vietnam Veteran and he sure has all of our deep appreciation and high respect for his sacrifice then. Regarding the other mentioned and less important issue, I took it as being normal of a Vietnam Veteran to have a collection of fire arms after all.
Being myself a non fun of such a hobby and totally ignorant of the law to that regard, I am surprised that he could have been convicted of possession if he had a license which I am incline to believe he should have had. After all he fought for our country with firearms in Vietnam. Probably most readers had the same interpretation .
Julianne (Nash) Suthers says
Dear Donna,
Terry and I grew up together in Albert Lea Mn. We lived next door to each other, played together and went to school together. His parents moved sometime after we left school. He would come back and visit once in awhile, but then life takes us in different directions. I moved to Wis with my husband and started a new life also. I was heart sick to read about his death. Especially the tragic way he died. My mother has passed away, but she would be saddened also. We knew him & his family well.
Our high school class has a web site and somehow got a copy of the newspaper story and passed it onto all of us. We would like to have a copy of his obituary if you could please e-mail that to me. I would really appreciate it.
My condolences to you and your family.
Julianne (Nash) Suthers
Dee Sigvertsen says
Donna if you read this please email me…Its important
Thank you Deedee
[email protected]
Former girlfriend says
Terry Kilcoyne was not a Viet Nam veteran. That was a lie. He was convicted in 1984 of criminal sexual conduct with a ten year old girl and sentenced to prison.