The 18-wheeler looked as common as any semi anywhere: White trailer, green cab. Unmarked. It was parked, backed in, on the 20-acre property of Lory Yazurlo’s Pig Tales Sanctuary since Monday morning. But there was nothing common about it. At least not on this particular job.
The semi was a hired gas chamber.
It was there to receive Yazurlo’s corralled pigs, all 400 of them–the remnants of twice that number at the sanctuary’s peak several years ago. The pigs were to be stacked inside, up to 200 at a time, gassed, and delivered to a crematorium in Starke, their carcasses to a facility in Starke, the same town where the state executes inmates on death row.
Click On:
- County Endorses Federal Recommendation To Kill All 400 Pigs at Yazurlo’s Sanctuary
- Court Orders County to Take Over Custody and Fate of 400 Swine in Bunnell Pig Sanctuary
- County Court’s Sentencing Order
- USDA’s Recommendation to Euthanize
- Craig Coffey’s Letter to the State Attorney and the USDA’s Report
- Lory Yazurlo’s Pig Tales Website
By Tuesday evening, all 400 pigs are scheduled to have been executed. Yazurlo tried to win what amounted to a literal stay of execution for the pigs she’s cared for since 1995. She was unable to find a lawyer who could stop what turned into a rapid, virtually unstoppable process once a county court last week signed a sentencing order turning the pigs’ custody to Flagler County. The order stated that attempts to correct matters of neglect and public health on the property had failed.
In 2008, five pigs tested positive for pseudorabies virus, which affects animals but not humans. The United States Department of Agriculture said it suspected that some of the pigs would test positive for brucellosis, which is infectious and contagious to humans, and debilitating. But no pig at the sanctuary has ever, in fact, tested positive for the disease. Nor were the pigs being tested medically in any form Monday or Tuesday before being led to the gas chamber. They were only being counted, Mark Fagan, a spokesman with the Florida Department of Agriculture’s Division of Plant Industry, said. County, state and federal authorities will not have documented evidence that allegations they made about the pigs’ danger to humans, from infectious diseases, were accurate. In essence, authorities were destroying evidence.
The problem went beyond allegations of disease, however. The USDA said the pigs were chronically neglected, and neighbors complained about pigs escaping the sanctuary and ending up on their properties. Innumerable pigs were shot by neighbors.
Monday evening during a meeting of the county commission, County Administrator Craig Coffey briefed the commission on the ongoing euthanization, speaking for just two minutes about the matter and describing it as a “tough decision” compelled by public health concerns. None of the commissioners spoke until later, when Barbara Revels said there hadn’t been “a stone left unturned” to do the humane thing for the animals. Commissioner Alan Peterson said: “This wasn’t a snap decision, something that was done on the spur of the moment. This has been an issue for several years.” He added: “Every effort was made to attempt to solve a difficult problem.”
But Yazurlo was also resigned to the inevitable. “I was going to invite everyone involved to watch these pigs be executed,” she said. “Of course, that’s too late.” One other person addressed the matter, Marlene Walker, who decried the effects of the euthanization will have on the county’s image. “This is not the kind of thing that you do and present to the world to say something positive about your county,” Walker said.
Authorities had barred Lory Yazurlo from the sanctuary since Sunday, in preparation for the operation that began Monday morning. Fagan, the Department of Agriculture’s spokesman, described the process:
“We began the process by building corrals, corralled all the population in one area. They were fed, to make them comfortable. A ramp was put in place. They then built a route to where they can kind of go in single file. They’ll be inventoried as they go on to the truck. Once they’re on the truck and the truck is sealed, CO2”–that is, carbon dioxide–“is then going to be released. That is the gas that will euthanize them. They’ll slowly go to sleep. By the time they get to Starke, about an hour-10 minutes’ drive, they’ll be off-loadded into a disposal facility where they’ll be cremated.
“They’re estimating that the if the group is going to be small pigs, then they will probably get as many as 200 on the truck. If it’s the larger one of course it’ll be less, so they’re going to estimate between 100 and 200 per trip. They’re planning on making three trips to Starke, one today and two tomorrow. We should be finished and done with our part of this by tomorrow afternoon.”
Eight staffers from the state’s veterinary services and its counterpart with the United States Department of Agriculture were at the sanctuary Monday afternoon. The Flagler County Humane Society had fed the pigs in the morning. It will feed the remaining pigs again Tuesday morning, “so they’ll be calm and comfortable in the process of uploading into the truck,” Fagan said.
The gas is not released when the truck is stationary, at the sanctuary, but as its driving to its destination. The pigs, in other words, are being executed as the truck is driving east on State Road 100, which leads to Starke.
Jes says
I think it’s really sad that nothing could be done to spare at least a few lives. 400 living and breathing animals should not have to die this way, or any other way…
tulip says
Yes, it is sad but the USDA said the pigs were diseased and I heard on Wesh that the water under the ground where they were is contaminated because of it.
Sad American says says
If the county officials are so certain that they are right why were things done in such a clandestine manner?
PC MAN says
There seems to be a disconnect between the pigs here and the ham sandwich or the sausage and bacon you had for breakfast. I wish all pigs were killed this gently instead of the nightmarish slaughterhouse most pigs wind up in. Stop eating meat.
wsh302 says
;makes you think about the human race. lets just kill all wildlife that gets in our way. my neighbor wanted the beautiful deer killed that came onto her property ever so often because they were eating her shrubs.
Sad says
Sad day, what a nice tribute to Flagler County.
snooters says
This is a black mark on your county & Florida in general. Karma is a bi*ch people.
DLF says
These are pigs with or without some type of sickness, not humans, not a breed that is dying out, what the hell is the big deal? May be it some Jewish plan to rid the world of pork, ma ybe a Muslim plan to get even with us for sometning we did, or did not do, or going to do.
Leah says
Leah (Boca Raton, Florida) writes: DLF… I will “chalk up” your comment as “stupidity at it’s finest”!! It appears that these animals were not tested… that they were not going to be consumed… and we have the USDA to thank for another case of animal cruelty! And these are the facts DLF!
Leah says
I spoke with Carl Laundrie this morning… 386 313-4039 or cell 386 931-6316 … employed of Flagler County as a Public Informant (we had a respectful conversation) … i”Pig Tales Sanctuary” was anything but a true haven for the pigs … unfortunately… this sanctuary was harboring diseased and starving animals… a pig requires at least a pound of food a day… with well over 400 pigs to feed… things were getting out-of-control! In 2005, the USDA visited this sanctuary and had “a plan” for the owner… who appeared to be overwhelmed by the amount of animals she accumulated… supposedly, the diseased pigs can contaminate the healthy pigs very easily… in addition, with the numerous pigs that escaped the property… there was concern that the outside animal population could be contaminated as well… male pigs were supposed to be castrated… etc. I am no fan of the USDA, which I feel does a horrible job of overseeing the humane treatment of farm animals, however, in this case I believe the owner, Lory Yazurlo was the one who failed these animals, horribly, I may add. I am sorry for her loss… for our loss… as I am an animal lover as well.
Leah says
I spoke with Carl Laundrie this morning… 386 313-4039 or cell 386 931-6316 … employe of Flagler County as a Public Informant (we had a respectful conversation) … “Pig Tales Sanctuary” was anything but a true haven for the pigs … unfortunately… this sanctuary was harboring diseased and starving animals… a pig requires at least a pound of food a day… with well over 400 pigs to feed… things were getting out-of-control! In 2005, the USDA visited this sanctuary and had “a plan” for the owner… who appeared to be overwhelmed by the amount of animals she accumulated… supposedly, the diseased pigs can contaminate the healthy pigs very easily… in addition, with the numerous pigs that escaped the property… there was concern that the outside animal population could be contaminated as well… male pigs were supposed to be castrated… etc. I am no fan of the USDA, which I feel does a horrible job of overseeing the humane treatment of farm animals, however, in this case I believe the owner, Lory Yazurlo was the one who failed these animals, horribly, I may add. I am sorry for her loss… for our loss… as I am an animal lover as well.
Leah says
I spoke with Carl Laundrie this morning… 386 313-4039 or cell 386 931-6316 … employee of Flagler County as a Public Informant (we had a respectful conversation) … “Pig Tales Sanctuary” was anything but a true haven for the pigs … unfortunately… this sanctuary was harboring diseased and starving animals… a pig requires at least a pound of food a day… with well over 400 pigs to feed… things were getting out-of-control! In 2005, the USDA visited this sanctuary and had “a plan” for the owner… who appeared to be overwhelmed by the amount of animals she accumulated… supposedly, the diseased pigs can contaminate the healthy pigs very easily… in addition, with the numerous pigs that escaped the property… there was concern that the outside animal population could be contaminated as well… male pigs were supposed to be castrated… etc. I am no fan of the USDA, which I feel does a horrible job of overseeing the humane treatment of farm animals, however, in this case I believe the owner, Lory Yazurlo was the one who failed these animals, horribly, I may add. I am sorry for her loss… for our loss… as I am an animal lover as well.
DSC says
Here’s what’s true. The ONLY issue was that Lory couldn’t take care of the pigs. Whether lack of funds, lack of physical ability, or lack of help, and probably all three. All the rest of it is BS as a means of justification for the extermination of the innocent animals with a minimum of public outcry. Look up Brucellosis and Pseudorabies on the Internet. Scare tactics. There was nowhere else for the pigs to go. Simple as that. NOBODY really cares about anything but TALKING about how horrible the situation is. Nobody cares about saving animals they eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The “BIG” well funded non profit animal related organizations don’t save animals, at least not any number of animals…and only some of them keep “token” animals for show…the rest of it is all about talking about saving animals as the vehicle for raising money and marketing an idea to raise more money to keep their directors and corporate officers in high paying jobs. Wouldn’t you think that the HSUS with it’s multi-million dollar budget could have done something about this? I personally KNOW how much it would cost for those pigs to have been secured, fed, and allowed to live out their lives, even the babies. An organization with funding like the HSUS wouldn’t have even missed the money. Some day I’m going to write a book about all the BS that the public believes in the animal welfare, rights, arena. For all the good it will do. Because the other truth is that people don’t really care one bit past the momentary news bite. The whole thing makes me sick. The only consolation is that some day humans are going to get what is rightfully coming to them and I hope that I am still lucid and cognizant so I can enjoy watching it happen. And all you righteous people out there who think you have an opinion…when was the last time YOU went and helped a local rescue or gave them a donation? There are several other potbelly pig/farm animal sanctuaries in FL, not to mention the more mainstream cat/dog rescues, that could use your help so why don’t all of you with opinions actually do something besides talk? And DO NOT tell me how you donate to the HSUS or any of the others of that size that pay their corporate officers six figure salaries. How much do you think it costs to run those advts. and print those brochures and mail the solicitations? How many YEARS could those pigs have been fed and vetted for the amount those organizations spend on fundraising and TV in a single month? Yes….I am so angry I could spit nails. If you aren’t part of the solution, you’re part of the problem.
Lana Hollenback says
This is a sad day for the pigs. A sad day for Lory and it is a testament of the “good ole boys” of Flagler County. They have wanted her shut down for yrs. More to the story then what is being told. In fact one lady that called the county was told people should be feeding people, not wasting money on animals. This from a lady working for the USDA there. Yeah real nice people in FLagler Co. Glad I moved out of the state and I left nothing behind.
Farmer Lady says
Sad. What a waste. Those animals should have been slaughtered and fed to the homeless and poor. That is a LOT of food that is just going to waste. I don’t understand why they aren’t processing the pigs for food.
Barney Smythe says
Well I see that nine people are willing to take a pig home with them. Anyone else feel sad and want to take a pig??
Gay Balliet says
Today is the first I’ve heard of this horrific, de-humanizing, inhumane act of madness. What person headed this horriic deed? Where were concerned animal welfare groups and citizens of Flagler Cty, FLA? Where the hell was the SPCA and the Humane society–feeding them before they went to the rolling gas chamber? Why didn’t they get their lawyers on this to stop it? Did anyone tell Best FRiends Organization about this situation? They would have helped this woman in a heartbeat. Someone at the USDA needs to lose his job over this atrocity, and I am not donating any more money to the HSUS. Money from that organization could have helped this woman and the pigs instead of paying for pitiful ads on TV and unnecessary blankets and trinkets to donors. And our goverrnment can just drive onto anyone’s property and kill animals? This is an all-time low in the history of humanity.
Pat Burns says
Perhaps we should have a contest to design a new logo for Flagler county, the pig killing capital of Florida. Ordinary people have no chance against the power of the government. Someone had an agenda and nothing was going to prevent them from carrying out their plan. SAD,SAD,SAD.
Flagler guy says
Perhaps we should have a contest to design a new logo for Flagler county, the pig killing capital of Florida. Ordinary people have no chance against the power of the government. Someone had an agenda and nothing was going to prevent them from carrying out their plan. SAD,SAD,SAD.
The mondexian says
You all cry for the pigs now, but was any body there for this handicapped woman?? How do you expect a wheel chair bound woman to run a pig farm? You all make me laugh bitching about this pig story. You don’t live out here smelling the stench and driving by this crap,
Everybody loves to bitch on here but when it’s time to lift a finger, everybody hides,
These pigs all have been interbred with wild and potbellies.
Slaughter them all and stop yer whining, cry babies……………..
Barton says
Very sad. To this gal who said that people should help people and forget about the pigs–you are a prime example of the selfish, uncaring, evil in this world and you should be fired.
Barton says
There is a reason that animals are nicer than people–just look at Farmer Lady and Barney Smyth–uncaring people who are probably morbidly obese from eating themselves silly.
Barton says
DLF are you racist much? Yuck you would be friends with disgusto The mondexian. Just don’t breed.
The mondexian says
Hey Barton, do ya have take a breath every time you start a new thread?
Don’t understand a word you are trying to type?
Society has it that we spend billions on animals and we let our neighbors starve, it seems we only come around for Thanksgiving and Xmas. To hell the rest of the year.
The woman who had these pigs/swines brought this calamity on herself and the county. The county should have monitored this from the start and we wouldn’t be crying for 400 pigs while drunks kill far more humans than this on our highways everyweek.
The mondexian says
925 Pigs on Pennsylvania Farm Found Dead From Neglect
Nov. 16) — It’s a murder mystery of porcine proportions: 925 pigs were found dead on a Pennsylvania farm, apparently the victims of neglect. Police are investigating the remains to determine whether to bring criminal charges.
“We are trying to determine exactly what happened,” State Police Lt. Gregory Bacher told the Philadelphia Inquirer, saying that he has never seen such animal cruelty on this scale in his 26 years in law enforcement.
Every year, a few stories surface about animals that farmers have left to die in the fields, as in the bizarre cases of more than 100 cow deaths in Colorado this spring. Cases of this proportion, however, are rare.
The pigs were tightly packed in a warehouse and had no way of fending for themselves, in addition to being hidden from the view of anyone who might have reported the situation. And they appeared to have been dead for several months. The farmer who owned them, Daniel Clark, had been gone since August, when he went through a bitter divorce.
Some organizations, like “Farm Sanctuary,” specialize in rescuing neglected farm animals. They’re calling for extreme legal action to be taken against Clark.
“These pigs died a horrible death, struggling for freedom, and no one came to their rescue. There is absolutely no excuse for this unconscionable neglect, and the people responsible for this tragedy should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law,” the group said in a statement.
The farmer is likely already hurting, however, and not just from his divorce. For those less concerned with animal welfare, the pigs represent a loss of about $100,000 at current market prices.
Barton says
Obviously you know nothing of what really goes on. The grain you feed your meat could go to those starving in other countries but you choose to shove dead bodies in your big old mouth instead. Practice what you preach dork.
M oron
O bnoxious
D irtbag
E xtremist
X dresser
I tsy bitsy junk
A $$hole
N itwit
Kelsey says
@The mondexian
Why do you hate women so much? I am sure you’d rather this poor woman be gassed with her poor pigs?
Kelsey says
@The mondexian
The guy in PA let the pigs starve so he wouldn’t have to share that money with his soon-to-be ex-wife. Why do you hate women so much?
Lisa P says
Lana Hollenback says
I have pet pigs and I’m foster 4 pot/feral crosses. They are hoots and a laugh a minute and are the love of our lives. Some of you need to find love and understand it. Even for the animals who can’t help themselves nor speak for themselves.
carla says
NO ANIMAL SHOULD EVER BE GASSED PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pat Burns says
The only difference I can see is, the NAZI’s did not feed their victims before they gassed them…………
carla says
ANIMAL MURDERERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dominique says
Ok, inbred, meat eating bastards, shame on yourselves for not helping this poor women trying to save these animals..what a horrid, horrid end for those poor pigs..why didn’t her neighbors help her?? Why didn’t the Department of Agriculture and County Administrator Craig Coffey offer some assistance for this woman’s Sanctuary, instead of the decision they did make?? Because, STUPID, UNCARING HUMANS don’t think that way!! DISGUSTING!!!
DSC says
By now there are some 400 more Angels in Heaven. And I fully well realize few of you can truly relate to that. Your loss. My hope is that they used carbon monoxide from the truck to put them to sleep…so much more “humane” than other types of gasses.
Farmer Lady is what she is and Mondexian is right about who was there for Lory. Nobody. And I GUARANTEE you that Farm Sanctuary and HSUS KNEW about this situation and did nothing. It is NOT about the animals for them. Like with most things, it is all about the MONEY.
And for some of the other of you…did you ever wonder WHY you believe humans are more important than any other animal on the planet? Fact is, for the most part, we human animals are the indisputable scourge of the earth. And as I said before, sooner or later, if we don’t come to our collective senses, we will get what is coming to us. And none too soon as far as the planet is concerned.
Pepper2156 says
Mondexian, first off you have NO IDEA what you are talking about our Who you are talking about! You are a TOTAL REDNECK HICK who I bet feeds deer during the non hunting season so during hunting season you can go out with your gun or bow and shoot the deer that come to eat where feed has been left for them previously! You obviously aren’t an animal lover or even a people lover, you are all about your self, Basically a selfish jerk! These animals were Lory’s babies and she has plenty of help and money to take care of them – more than I bet you make in a month!!!! She was paralyzed in 1991 while subcontracting for CSX as a truck driver. She made at least $3000.00 a month with workman’s comp and disability – since CSX has NEVER settled the claim with her. They are waiting for her to die! Lory would go to the Winn Dixie and the old Food Lion dumpster to get food – which was perfectly good food which could go to a food bank to feed starving people at food banks but their Corporate offices don’t allow that – so God forbid starving people across American eat!! Also Lory has had many tragedies in her life as well as her family – the death of her 1st sister in 2000 by a drunk driver, the death of her neice’s fiancee in 2004 by an idiot who on 1-95 didn’t care about slowed traffic and sideswipped another car and went barrell rolling and killed her niece’s fiancee, hit her niece (who had been pushed down by her fiancee, which saved her life), and another couple who had all stopped and were standing on the side of the road to help the previos accident victims. So her niece was the ONLY survivor! Her third sister broke her back in 1997, had a heart attack at 33 in 2003 and a massive car accident in 2007, and her last sister died of an asthma attack in 2009. This past Sept. Her 3rd siter had another massive car accident on Old Kings Rd. in Flagler causing her car to split in half and the back end flipped over in which her sister’s grandson, Lory’s niece’s daughter (whose fiancee was killed in the 1-95 accident) was Severly hurt ( 7 yr. old boy who got 2 skull fractures with massive bleeding in his brain, that bleed for over 5 days and caused brusing all over his brain, broken rt. femur, broken hip, fractured rt. wrist, and a lacarated liver.) The accident was caused by a tire blow out and hit a telephone pole. But for the boy to be home from the hospital on Oct. 28th a little over a month later was a miracle from God as well as him living. So Lory and her family has been through alot. Lory has had a pretty SHITTY life and these pigs were a comfort to her.
Flagler guy says
What animals are next on thisCounty hit list? Barking Dogs?
Barney Smythe says
Really how many of you ‘oh this is so sad’ people showed up over there with enough grain to feed 400 pigs for one day? How many of you that are so outraged even know where this is? Did you help?? Make a donation?
By the way, who owns the 20 acres where this farm is located?
Debbie says
DSC, you speak for me. And far more eloquently than I could have done for myself. I am sick and disgusted and hoping that the people killing these poor animals get a huge dose of karma.
Ericka says
OUTRAGEOUS! Why they could not let live these pigs if they were not going to be consumed by humans? Just to let them have a free range life up to their natural deaths? Shame on the county for doing this.
Pat Burns says
Remember who the pig killing commissioners are who signed on to this plan. They will be seeking another term in office.
Money talks---What about tons of human waste on Cowart property on Highway 305? Where is the officials to check their soil and water????? says
1.The county allowed this to go on for over 15 years before taking action, can anyone explain why?
2.The pig population at the Pig Tail location far exceeded the current population in years past under the same conditions.
3.The pigs never appeared to be underfed or starving.
4.Where is confirmation of the pigs being diseased?
5.Where the murdered pigs burnt up to hide evidence so Flagler County, USDA and others couldn’t be sued later?
6.How come the water and soil are being tested at this pig farm location but not at the location of the Cowart ranch on Highway .305 for dumping TONS of untreated human waste over the acreage?
7.How does the measure of pig waste product compare with the TONS of untreated human waste dumped on Cowart property when the human waste most likely consisted of HIV, Hepititus and other diseases? The Cowarts were paid thousands of dollars for allowing and accepting the dumping, but yet none of them were arrested or fined! Drive past this location on County Road 305 and smell the stinch!!!!!
8.How come State Officials have not gotten involved in the Cowart situation as they raise cattle on this last for human consumption, after untreated human waste was dumped on this farm land that most likely had waste product with drugs, hepititus, HIV etc.?
9.Why did the county not try to put some type of community effort together to help this situation?
10.Why was the DOT numbers on the trailer covered with cardboard and ducktape that transported the pigs? This did not appear to look like a special built truc for this purpose, and most likely a cartridge was released in the back of the trailer as the door was closed.
11.If the diseases described are contagious to other animals why were all other animals in the area not tested or murdered? Is it going to be permitted for any animals (cats, dogs etc) that may be infected to just keep spreading diseases? This has to make someone ask them self, were there any diseases, or was this all a lie.
12.Does/did the county want this property? The Board of County Commissioners are known to buy property for hundreds of thousands of dollars more than it is valued. Doesn’t the Board of County Commissioners like to buy property that no one else wants, or that is useless? Was there a motive behind the action taken here at the pig farm? Is Craig Coffey known to be a master minipulator?
13.Perhaps the reason many locals haven’t had much to say, or weren’t able to get involved before it was too late is becuase many may not have known what was going to take place until after it was too late? Who knew the county took over the pigs/property? Who knew the state agencies were on site and involved?
14.Why were the pigs not tested as they were loaded single file, and only diseased pigs destroyed? If they could load them single file to kill them, they could have loaded them single file to test them prior to killing them.
15.Who is going to pay the expense of all this, the county, the state or the property owner?
16.Did agency’s that could have helped been notified by the state or the county prior to killing all these animals to prevent theses animals from being killed?
17.There are alot of questions that are unanswered. There were options, and the county should be ashamed for their actions, when they were other options that should have been considered.
18. It is doubtful that some of our county commissioners and their staff even know where this pig tail farm is/was located.
19. When is Lori permitted to return to her propery?
Cyndi Berry says
The people that have done this need to ride in the truck with the same gas blowing in on them. What gives these fat cats the right to take over a person’s life long love and lie about the situation. Yes they will burn their bodies hide what they have done so they won’t get charged with anything. Thank God I don’t live in Flager, I would be at the driveway with guns blazing. RIP dear pigs….the people behind this……GO TO HELL
Kelly says
What a shocking, Neanderthal response for a community to take to a sanctuary in trouble. This story has reached my part of the world in western Canada, and by god it’s going to be heard all over the world by the end of the day. I was about to ask what kind of demented people would think of such a thing, and then I read the comments left by someone named “Leah.” Leah, the animal lover. Leah, how much of a hand did you have in this heinous act? Your comments prove your guilt in this matter – you blame the pigs for their own fate and Lory Yazurlo herself? If your state is peopled by despicable such people as yourself then there is no hope for any of the voiceless in that region.
CJ in NY says
I’m with DSC all the way, who says;
November 16, 2010 at 11:14 am
Here’s what’s true. The ONLY issue was that Lory couldn’t take care of the pigs. Whether lack of funds, lack of physical ability, or lack of help, and probably all three. All the rest of it is BS as a means of justification for the extermination of the innocent animals with a minimum of public outcry. Look up Brucellosis and Pseudorabies on the Internet. Scare tactics. There was nowhere else for the pigs to go. Simple as that. NOBODY really cares about anything but TALKING about how horrible the situation is. Nobody cares about saving animals they eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The “BIG” well funded non profit animal related organizations don’t save animals, at least not any number of animals…and only some of them keep “token” animals for show…the rest of it is all about talking about saving animals as the vehicle for raising money and marketing an idea to raise more money to keep their directors and corporate officers in high paying jobs. Wouldn’t you think that the HSUS with it’s multi-million dollar budget could have done something about this? I personally KNOW how much it would cost for those pigs to have been secured, fed, and allowed to live out their lives, even the babies. An organization with funding like the HSUS wouldn’t have even missed the money. Some day I’m going to write a book about all the BS that the public believes in the animal welfare, rights, arena. For all the good it will do. Because the other truth is that people don’t really care one bit past the momentary news bite. The whole thing makes me sick. The only consolation is that some day humans are going to get what is rightfully coming to them and I hope that I am still lucid and cognizant so I can enjoy watching it happen. And all you righteous people out there who think you have an opinion…when was the last time YOU went and helped a local rescue or gave them a donation? There are several other potbelly pig/farm animal sanctuaries in FL, not to mention the more mainstream cat/dog rescues, that could use your help so why don’t all of you with opinions actually do something besides talk? And DO NOT tell me how you donate to the HSUS or any of the others of that size that pay their corporate officers six figure salaries. How much do you think it costs to run those advts. and print those brochures and mail the solicitations? How many YEARS could those pigs have been fed and vetted for the amount those organizations spend on fundraising and TV in a single month? Yes….I am so angry I could spit nails. If you aren’t part of the solution, you’re part of the problem.
ADDING ALSO that gassing IS NOT a humane way to go.
CJ in NY says
Didnt mean to post (above) anonymously…..so here is my name and a link to my own rescue site; http://www.freewebs.com/mulekist
Anonymous says
why are people so stupid!
Leah says
Kelly dear… I live in South Florida… not even close to where this nightmare took place… I had no ties to this horrible event nor did I know of this person until yesterday via a contact on Facebook… I am very well respected in regards to the animal welfare community… So, before you shoot your vile mouth all the way from Canada… take a look at the total picture, which I was trying to “bring to light”… I made a few calls to find out why this happened… this was a case of animal hoarding… Lory had good intentions… but, there are always two sides to a story plus the truth…
Leah says
ps Kelly… take a look in your own backyard before you classify the “Florida community” Your annual Harp Seal hunt is more barbaric and cruel than most hunts and yet you point at Florida… I rescued animals in Louisiana after Hurricane Katrina… saved three puppies that were dumped on a rural dirt road in the middle of nowhere on the Navajo reservation in Arizona who were fostered and then adopted in Colorado…
Would you cut your vacation short to rescue three puppies? … I could go on and on… but, I have better things to do than to address people like yourself!
Mari Molina says
As a society the only thing we seem to portraying is kill, kill, kill. As a rescuer I am ashamed at the behavior of humanity towards animals.
To start if you are going to comment on this story you need to do research and know your facts before you do. Second the comment about Cowart ranch the men who dumped this product on the ranch were arrested and are being charged for THEIR crime the cowart family had the proper permits and licenses for this dumping to occur and the cattle were removed from the fields that were being treated the cowart ranch had no control over the driver. Now for the issue at hand pig tales farm was a disease ridden place that was a danger to the county and yes the pigs were tested for disease and they came back positive (read some background stories they even give the vets name who tested them) and they were burned because that is the only way to ensure that the spread of the disease is prevented. For those of you who bash her neighbors they tried to help her but the measures they took like building fences were not maintained and eventually they had to put the heath of their heard ahead of her pathetic excuses for not keeping her disease ridden pets on her property. With the stench coming off that property you could probably catch a disease just passing by. These pigs were not just taken away from her over night this process took years because everytime Lori agreed to a plan to clean up the farm she defaulted some of these plans included not adding more pigs which she did and installing proper fencing which she did not. So stop feeling bad for her she did this to herself.
Daytona North says
Flagler County Girl.. You are correct in your assessment of this whole pig situation, I stand behind you 100%. Most don’t know what they’re talking about on here. Mondexian has some good comments though.
Lisa P says
Mondexian and Daytona North are one in the same. Bored much you Ahole?
Lisa P says
FL redneck hicks killing the poor pigs–karma will catch up to you bastards.
Flagler guy says
The truth is, these animals were tested in 1998, five tested positive for the pseudorabies virus, USDA guidelines call for the affected animals to be isolated from the herd then the healthy herd retested monthly for three months. no testing was done in 2010. This was a crime what was done here, this action was on the network news and news wires around the world, there is a facebook page calling for people to file a compliant with the Justice Department . There is a Washington watchdog legal group started by Ralph Nader already looking into this matter Did the FLAGLER COUNTY COMMISIONERS HAVE THEIR OWN AGENDA? DID THEY VIOLATE THE SUNSHINE LAWS? TEXT, E-MAILS , PHONE CALLS? TIME WILL TELL.
Kelly says
Does anyone commenting here run a sanctuary? It seems to me that if you did you sure as hell wouldn’t be doing the happy dance about the death of 400 voiceless animals. It seems to me that you would be looking for ways to protect the voiceless and their rescuers. I don’t believe for a minute that neighbours tried to help this sanctuary – Flaglercountygirl was convinced she could “catch a disease just by passing by” and admitted that it took years to build a case to get rid of this unsightly sanctuary. Yes, flagercountygirl, I know how hard people like you work the regional laws until you can satisfy your need to destroy the helpless animals that are an inconvenience to you, and it DOES take years, doesn’t it?
First they came for the Pit Bulls,and they banned them and killed them.
Their owners cried out in horror but I did not object,because I did not own pit bulls.
Then they came for the Rottweilers,and they banned them and muzzled them.
Their owners cried out in protest but I did not object,because I did not own Rottweilers.
Today they have come for my dogs,and they will ban them and take them from me.
As I cry out in outrage and anger no one objects, because they do not own my dogs.
Peggy says
I think this is horrible .These were rescued pigs brought to this sanctuary by a young woman with a big heart and a great desire to help the voiceless.When she could have just sat on her wheelchair and cried out “I’m crippled,take care of me”,she gave her all and wanted to help the less fortunate.But these were pigs and not people so people didn’t respect her for it or help her.The pigs were freerange so they could find food for themselves the same as wild pigs.They were probally lean because they were active instead of penned up and not able to move..These were happy,free pigs.But somebody did not like the sanctuary and now the pigs are all dead and the young lady’s dream is gone for now.All she loved was taken from her and I think justice is needed for these deaths
Peggy says
And no I do not eat pork or any other meat.We have no right to take a life so that we can eat their flesh to survive
[email protected] says
and this little piggy cried wee, wee, wee all the way home…..
DLF says
Kill them all and let the butcher sort them out. All the problems we have and we get all this BS about the kiliing of some pigs that many or may not be disease ridden. I agree what about the poor women who ownes thes pigs?
Peggy says
I knew some of you would write some negative comment about the pigs after my comments on the story.I expected it because eating meat is bad for the whole body including the brain.It closes up the blood veins which affects clear thinking
Barney Smythe says
Who owns the 20 acres?????
Barbara Taylor says
I would bet 90% of the people on here have a “Pro Choice” bumper sticker. I guess it’s only wrong to kill pigs in today’s world.
Leah says
Barbara Taylor says:
November 18, 2010 at 4:24 pm
“I would bet 90% of the people on here have a “Pro Choice” bumper sticker. I guess it’s only wrong to kill pigs in today’s world.”
Barbara, why must you bring “the abortion” argument into the equation? What does that have to do with the death of many farm animals?
Peggy says
Lory owns the 20 acres and I am 100% against abortion.But after reading some of these comments,I think there should have been some stillborns in the past.GOD doesn’t make any mistakes,but he does allow some mistakes to be born.While others were brought on this great earth to love and try to protect everything
Thomas Catt says
Never heard of Flagler County till I read this report but neither had anyone heard of Auschwitz till after the events and the mobile gassing trucks used then! Is it possible there is a Nazi cell in this place intent on state vengeance against a humane individual. What kind of civilised society possesses a mobile gas chamber! Why were these animal not killed by qualified vet as is the practice in more humane places. Why was the “evidence” destroyed. If any pigs were diseased why were they not seperated. Why were the healthy pigs destroyed. Why were this pigs not transferred to one of the many sanctuaries beyond this place that would have cared for them. Why has USDA etc not published the autopsy reports of these pigs other than they did not carry out any. Flagler County has earned itself a place in history usually only reserved for the likes of Hitler and thus it’s destination status is only likely to be of interest to those who seek the ungodly, infamous or other deviant expression. The precipitation of state vengeance at the behest of individuals that appear to have some personal vendetta against pigs and or a disabled person was of course a characteristic of the Nazi mindset which one can only hope is not generally characteristic of Flagler County. May the souls of these unfortunate victims of state brutality rest in eternal peace through our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!
bunnellgirl says
The tenor of this article is like many the author writes about our local politicians. While I disagree with some of the decisions our local political figures make, I do not believe, in this case, there is a cover up or some sort of vendetta against. Ms. Yazurlo. I digress… the pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simple. The 20 acres could not support 400 pigs, let alone 800, at it’s peak. In the picture above, you see dirt. The entire acreage is dirt and pig feces.
When watching a show about hoarders, what do we say about the people who have 100+ dogs/cats/animals in their homes? What about the puppy mills? Well, this is a case of hoarding and not truly a sanctuary. The sanctuary may have started out with the best of intentions, but it got away from her. It was a nuisance for neighbors and for the farms that surrounded this property. So many farm animals in one small space will breed pests (rats, mice, roaches, etc) and disease when not properly cared for. Ms. Yazurlo is handicapped, there is no question about that but could she care for 400 pigs? I’m not handicapped and I know I am not qualified to care for that many animals.
I am sorry she could not care for the animals and I am sorry they needed to be put down. I never saw a line of people waiting to adopt a pig and I’m sure, in the scheme of things, this will be long forgotten as our small county faces much bigger issues in the near future.
* Foot note: I am a proud 6th generation Flagler County resident. You may call me a red neck, pig hater, etc. It will not hurt my feelings. I love my county, for the good and the bad. I would also adopt another child from foster care before I adopted one of those pigs. There are 500,000 of them available. That’s a far cry more than the poor 400 pigs. Yesterday was National Adoption Day. http://www.nationaladoptionday.org/
mariodigir says
I don’t understand why some of the pigs weren’t processed for food? It’s hard to believe that all 400 were ill. Something doesn’t make sense here. I don’t think we’re getting the whole story.
Caring; not judging says
DSC, you have such a clear understanding of what went down in Flagler County!! You are 100% correct. Lory was railroaded, just as CSX, her former employer, has railroaded her for the last 17 years. Think Simon Legree. She’s been tied to the tracks, and fighting for survival. CSX and Flagler County and the State of Florida have had all the money, lawyers, and power. She was just a disabled person stuck in a wheelchair, who wanted to share her land with creatures that needed a home. She has fought a valient battle to protect her animals and herself with very little help. CSX has constantly criticized her for “abusing” her wheelchair by using it on the property that they found and purchased for her in a life trust estate. I guess she was just supposed to stay inside and look at the land. She was determined to do the best she could, despite her disability but, as Neil Diamond says, money talks. CSX has money. Flagler County has money. The State of Florida has money. All have high cost lawyers. Lory has none. She survives at CSX’s mercy. And the State and County make up the rules as they go along.
I have watched Lory struggle since her accident in 1991. I have watched Lory struggle against CSX since 1994 when her case manager (a paraplegic) resigned because of CSX’s persecution of Lory. I have watched Lory lose important battles because she couldn’t afford to travel to Baltimore to appear before the Maryland Workcomp Commission. I have watched Lory struggle for the last 4 years when Flagler County initiated “Operation Pig Tales”. The pigs were condemned because of Flagler County’s persecution, but Flagler County deserves the condemnation!! Lory fought City Hall and City Hall won. The good ole boys won. It was all politics and prejudice–not very different than the KKK–just different victims. It reflects upon Flagler County. It reflects upon the State of Florida. It reflects upon the USA. It is a disgrace to our country, which already has a poor worldwide reputation. I would recommend letters to the Daytona Beach News-Journal, as well as more important publications, such as The Washington Post, The New York Times, etc. This has been such a clandestine, immoral, travesty. Truly barbaric!!
Caring; not judging says
By the way, 6 pigs out of approximately 400 tested positive for Pseudorabies, which does not cause illness in humans. Absolutely none tested positive for Brucellosis. Both diseases are prevalent in wild pigs which are all over the state.
Flagler guy says
When were they tested? Last Week or in 1998?
Peggy says
Thanks CARING N0T JUDGING.You are a great,compassionate person,unlike many who have already commented .She needs a friend like you with all she has gone through and all she lost.She loved those pigs and it’s a crime she was railroaded like this.People responsible for these deaths should be held responsible in a TRUE court of law not a kangaroo court like in Flagler
Flagler guy says
How is Lori doing? Does she plan legal action ? I wish her well. I am the guy who use to bring the pigs bagels in the green pick up with my kids.
NortonSmitty says
I thing some perspective is necessary for all of this outrage and sadness. Every day there are hundreds of thousands of pigs killed that never had the opportunity to place one hoof in the mud their entire lives. Killed in a less humane way than these will be. That’s a pork holocaust daily compared to this.
This is not to belittle this incident, but if your gonna’ be sad or pissed, you should be consistent about it.
Flagler Man says
I have personanlly been to the sanctuary…have any of you? Pigs were inside of the home, inside of the bathrooms, and inside the kitchen. This was not a place for a huma to live, and is probably the reason why the owner has not lived there for some time. The owner had the RESPONSIBILITY of taking care of the animals, and was giving many chances to hold up her RESPONSIBILITY. She did not…The pigs were deseased (please refer to the USDA website where you can find links to the deseases and ratio of testing…trust me, most of these pigs were not healthy). The outcome is her own fault. I am a animal lover myself, and in this case, this was the best thing. If you want to have 400, 600, or even 800 animals on your property, be prepared to take care of them, or you will lose them. What would happen if a parent contniued to malnourish his/her children and not treat deseases? Probably would have that RESPONSIBILITY taken away from them…right?
Loriel says
Everyone on this board is making valid points in regards to this tragic final act on a saga that many people have followed for a long time…including me. I agree very much with the contributors who asked how many of you actually went to help with these pigs? Did you donate time? Money? Feed? Were you there to give Lory a hand? It is very easy to sit in your comfortable living rooms and rant and rave about what was done to these pigs. What happened to Lory is very common for people who attempt uninformed and unprepared animal rescue….she became a hoarder. It was out of love, but it happened. It is difficult for a well equiped farmer or large animal rescue organization to take care of and feed 400 pigs let alone a woman in a wheelchair. This was going to happen, when was the only question. I had contacted both the Farm Sanctuary and Peaceful Prairie in regards to the pigs. Both of them are already overwhelmed with the animals they presently care for and when I told them the amount of pigs and the short amount of time there was no way. You see, I never helped either. I just watched and read and thought about helping. Then, at the last minute I decided to try and do what I can. You can’t find homes for 400 pigs so quickly and honestly, I do not think that Flagler County would have given them up anyway. My heart breaks for how they were euthanized and I have to just hope it was peaceful. I have my doubts though. The person who made the point about everyone up in arms about this that may have just eaten bacon is also very astitute. What happened to these pigs is kind and gentle compared to what happens to pigs at large scale factor farms every single minute of the day. Take a tour of a slaughterhouse facility…yea……hell does exist on earth. As the old saying goes, “If slaughterhouses had glass walls, we would all be vegetarians.” I am getting off track but I am just trying to make the point that there were no easy answers here. The Humane Society excruciatingly let this entire situation down…that is their job…to intervene and either stop it a long time ago or do something to make it better. It is a situation that was destined to be made to “go away” and that it has. And once again, the innocent suffer the most. The pigs and most of all, their would be savior Lory.
Rhonda says
I find it quite funny that at the end of this tragic story is a place to DONATE MONEY to Flagler Co…….
Somehow I don’t believe any donated money would go to help out individuals such as these!!!
To help make any wrongs at this pig farm into rights. Its truly sad.
Junie Kerne says
A form of government that has the power to govern without consent of those being governed. Time to register to vote and sign the petition.Need to get a petition to get rid of HB-391 also. I know there are some impatient pens waiting to put a pencil whipping on these dictators. Is’nt that what caused an uprising in other countries? Until all this political abuse of power ends there will be no justice or peace. A few perfect examples of this abuse are :the so called federal raids during a marijuana legislative debate,the msla police chief and this Hb-391 introduced by are prosecutor.Perfect timing for this bill I might add. I know that if any type of marijuana arrest are made We The People need to protest that they be freed and not prosecuted.A civil rights uprising is a good example of the power of the people. What is a shame is I for one went to some of the protest and there were not that many people.But every other car honked in support. Please get out of those cars and stand for this cause.Are We The People going to just honk as a solution.No! WE need a strong uprising! To demonstrate that we are not giong to live under a dictatorship ruling.The laws to protect this country should not be processed like this anymore.A democratic way is what America is about. Americans please stand up and let your voice be heard!
bernard says
well to start with i am surely not a pig lover myself but rather a fanatical feline lover i love cats but the case here is that these pigs where this ladies love and meant all to her what should of been done is that all males be castrated and maybe recquired of her to not take in any extra pigs and surely the community could of helped this handicapped lady take care of these animals and in time the numbers would of come down and also maybe she might of donated some of these to poor people for food after testing for disease of course
Shahama says
I just saw an old documentary on hoarders that included this story. I was shocked by the ending. Gassing the innocent and sick on a moving trucks is right out of Nazi history. I was totally digusted on the support of this decision that was given by and official of HSI Humane Society International an affiliate of HSUS. They need to get letters of protest. No attempt was made to separate the healthy from the sick or find any homes or leave Lori with a limited number of her pigs as is often done is such situations. I am a Jewish vegetarian.
lory yazurlo says
i don’t know where wesh got their info. but the water there was never contaminated also only ten pigs were ever tested the disease was not contagious to humans.
lory yazurlo says
the way flagler and their courts handeled the who thing was planned way before hand. the pigs owner i was never informed before hand that the hearing a month before the sencle
this whole mess was planned by flagler officels, the flagler unhuman society, the usda a other unfeelling jerks tring to end their stupidity in handling their screw ups. first i was not told this last court hearing was a sentencing hearing i was told by my court appointed public pretender judy davison i didnt need to be present it would be countinued. this was a lie. they had wittnesses against me, i was not told i could respond. lies were told by andrew king, amanda a fchs offical,and other they lied on the stand. i didnt or was not awair of this intill the murder of most of my pigs. when i paid for a cd from the hearing. i could of provided honest witnesses that would of changed everthing, this shows the corruption of this court system an evestigation should be demanded, my right were violated.i am sorry about my spelling mistake but im cring as i write this. i was lied to in the very beginning of this thing to sign my pigs over to the flagler county humane? society. i was returned custody of the pig for a time so the head of fchs was dismissed to be replaced by another person to further the agenda to murder.
Non-Crazy Non-Hoarder says
Pseudorabies is highly contagious. Ten pigs were tested, ten pigs were positive. That doesn’t mean another 390 pigs were disease-free, it means that no-one wanted to waste the money on testing pigs that were certain to be diseased.
And then go read what other “horse people” have to say about “CJ in NY — Chris Jubic — and her own animal-hoarder issues:
Flagler1978 says
Money…. you should have stopped and #2 ugh.
Lori, sorry you had to go through this and I do feel very bad for you pigs. I am glad though many were put out of their misery and died without further pain.
I do believe had there of been more coverage of this before the decision was made by the county, that there would have been people that stepped up to help had to have known.
It’s a shame that people use an opportunity like this to get on their soapbox and carry on. Many of these comments surpass the stupidity I thought existed. It is scary to know he’s kind of people walk among us.