Palm Coast City Council member Jack Howell speaks his mind. He can be undiplomatic, coarse and brutal. That’s his trademark, a manner leavened by sincerity and a complete absence of malice: his opponents or critics find themselves embracing him even as he plunges the bayonet in their chest. Inevitably, occasionally, he goes a stab too far.
Howell called his four colleagues on the city council “four idiots” during an emotionally charged comment period at an open meeting of the Palm Coast Democratic Club Thursday evening. He’s been serving on the council since last November–a council that may have its faults, though lack of IQ is not among them.
Friday morning, Howell, who did not dispute using the characterization, apologized and said he was wrong, attributing the language to his PTSD and to the emotionally charged issue under discussion–and how the council dealt with the issue two years ago, before Howell was elected.
The Democratic club was holding its monthly meeting at the African American Cultural Society Thursday evening, with Ernie Gallo as guest speaker. Gallo is a survivor of the 1967 Israeli Air Force attack on the USS Liberty during that year’s Arab-Israeli war. The attack left 34 American sailors dead and 174 wounded. Israel said the attack was an accident. Official American military history says likewise, though the incident has also generated copious claims, among them Gallo’s, that the attack was deliberate.
That the ship was attacked and that it took a heavy toll has never been in dispute. To that end, Gallo sought to have a plaque “Dedicated to the Brave Men of the USS Liberty” installed at Palm Coast’s Heroes Park. The city’s Beautification Committee over a lengthy process approved the plaque and its emplacement. But then-City Manager Jim Landon diverted the process, turning it into what he called “a policy issue” he said would be “best decided by city council,” even though such plaques or monuments are not normally channeled to council votes–and no policy was in play. Landon inaccurately said the plaque commemorated an “event” (it commemorates fallen soldiers, as other monuments as Heroes Park commemorate fallen officers or Purple Heart recipients, each associated with the “event” that caused the death). Landon never told the council of the plaque’s long trek through the Beautification Council’s approval process, nor of its being unanimously approved there. The council then rejected the plaque’s installation. (The story was reported in August 2017.)
Gallo spoke of the Liberty and of the plaque’s history at the club meeting Thursday evening. Then Howell, a retired Marine colonel who’s been in combat in Vietnam and is the recipient of a Purple Heart himself (among other honors), spoke and said he would do what he could to bring back the plaque.
“Please understand that I’m working with four idiots,” Howell said, according to Gallo and three other people who said Howell characterized his colleagues as “four idiots.” Howell himself this morning did not dispute saying the words and immediately apologized, recognizing he should not have spoken that way.
Why did he? “Because they don’t listen,” he said. “I was frustrated over this whole thing. They don’t listen. And I didn’t mean it in that sense, but I was all riled up because of the seriousness of this event and because this was taken away from this guy before by Mr. Landon and nobody raised a shekel for it, so for that I would apologize, for calling them idiots. I was just emotionally wound up. I was just emotionally upset over that deal, and I know I’m going to have a hell of a time educating my colleagues, they don’t understand, none of them are veterans.” Howell compared the issue to the planned “splash pad” at Holland Park, which the council approved last month and which he opposes, saying–based on his experience in Jacksonville–that it will be a magnet for injuries, costly lawsuits and a maintenance nightmare.
“I was wrong, but I put on my big pants, and I let emotions get to me,” Howell said, “but as a guy that’s got PTSD and a guy that’s got a Purple Heart, I understand exactly what the survivors of the Liberty went through, having been wounded, then to have officials disregard that for some reason.”
Gallo said he took Howell’s remark as more joking frustration than an intentional slight. “He’s a former Marine colonel, to any veteran, especially somebody like him who has a Purple Heart and understands the USS Liberty, which was issued 208 Purple Hearts,” Gallo said. Howell, he said, sees “how this is a problem to begin with. I understand his frustration and if these four other people can’t understand the simple fact of having this plaque installed at Heroes Park, I can understand it, that’s all I can say. I agree, name calling is not the way to get something done.”
Gallo said that Landon in his office had told him that he would approve the plaque if Gallo agreed to an edited plaque. “He told me in his office that if we could remove ‘attack from Israel,’ then we could have the plaque, and I said no, it’s a fact of history.” (Even Israel does not dispute that the ship was attacked, characterizing it as an accidental attack because the ship was ostensibly mis-identified.)
Bill Moya, who regularly attends club meetings, said Howell “was adamant, he was going on, he’s just like me, temperamental. But yes, he wanted to support the plaque but said I’m the only one doing it, I’m the only one for it.”
Howell had brought Matt Morton, Palm Coast’s city manager, to the meeting, but according to several people who attended the meeting, Morton had left just before Howell’s comment about his colleagues. Morton said he thought he was going to a veterans’ club meeting, and considered not attending the meeting once he realized it was a political meeting, but Howell urged him to listen in. Morton said he agreed to listen to Gallo’s presentation–which had a direct connection to council history–and left immediately after Gallo spoke.
Bob Coffman, president of the Democratic club, said he was interested in having Gallo as a speaker only with regard to the memorialization of the Liberty’s shipmen. He said it was a matter of “advocacy of memorializing fallen soldiers and not too far wandering into whether the attack was intentional or not. That’s not a political, that’s a historical truth seeking issue, it’s not a 2019 political issue. I tried to not censor what Ernie had to say but at the same time what our interest as Democrats is to support the fallen warriors.”
Jack Howell says
Yes, I owe a sincere heartfelt apology to my colleagues on City Council. We squabble from time to time on issues but at the end of the meeting we shake hands and move on. Yesterday, I spoke out of emotion, frustration, and without political correctness. The USS Liberty and the attack on a non man of war ship was a horrible tragedy as well as the cover up attempts by the Johnson Administration. As a Purple Heart recipient, the one thing that stands clear is that you don’t receive the Purple Heart or the Congressional Medal of Honor ( USS Liberty Captain William McGonagle, USN) unless our government declares you are in a hostile zone! Bottom line, is I sorry I let my emotions on this subject get the best of me. It won’t happen again.
Concerned Citizen says
This is the second time Col. Howell has made the papers due to unprofessional behavior. And that’s 2 times to many. It grows tiresome seeing our leadership bicker and call each other names.
I applaud your service Col. Howell I myself had a total of 18 and got out as an E7. In my experience Colonel’s aren’t stupid people. You are supposed to know how to manage people. Managing means not letting your mouth get the best of you and stoop to name calling
As a city councilman you are held to higher standards and should conduct yourself as such at all times. You owe your council,mayor and the public a formal apology. If the job is that stressful or you have little patience for it then you should not have taken it.
We keep seeing our county/city leadership bicker and waste time on trivial matters. It’s being done at OUR expense. Please step up and do your job. That means representing us professionally. Elections are not far away and you are not irreplaceable.
kip says
I believe his characterization of the council is accurate……
Steve Naso says
Were any of those killed or received purple hearts from the USS Liberty attack residents of Flagler County?
If so, then they should be honored. What it says on the plaque can honor them as well as the unwarranted attack.
John R Brady says
City Council must rectify this terrible left over from the Landon era and approve placement of this plaque. This should be completed by Memorial Day.
Steve says
Then he is a bigger one for putting up with it.
atilla says
Hey Jack aside from your marine days you told everyone to stand aside and you’ll get rid of the hobos and bums trespassing next to the library. How’s that going??????????
Outside Looking Out says
The whole group is a bunch of idiots if you ask me.
The Beautification Council can put up a 10ft statue of a jackass with a bird sucking on its teat, give it an artsy name “Donkey with a Bird on it’s Shoulder” but can’t agree on a plaque for our brave military personnel?
Did they argue over who wore what like the pre-school acting high school teachers? HaHa
Palm Coast & Flagler County – the butt hole of Florida.
David S says
Mr Howell thank you for your service but you stepped out of line. Although I do agree with your statement you need to keep your opinions to yourself since you are in public office…..
palmcoaster says
Maintaining political correctness in full view of total political intended wrong doing while trying to distort a deadly and tragic historical event is a very hard thing to achieve for a seasoned (PTSD) retired colonel describing with over spiced words the real actions of his council colleagues. To hide or distort the truth in a supposedly Honorary Plaque looks like and offense more than an honor. So lets call it like it is, even if silently if this council members majority won’t follow Councilman’s Howell lead and common sense.
Jim Bob says
Once again, anyone who protests or seeks to memorialize the murder of American sailors by the IDF is at risk of being branded Anti-Semitic. Having served at Karamursel Air Station with victims of this dastardly attack, I am aware this was murder, pure and simple, which was covered up out of sheer political expediency. Refusal to erect Mr. Gallo’s plaque is no less shameful and a blight upon Palm Coast.
ASF says
The USS Liberty incident has been the subject of multiple inquiries, conducted by both the Israelis and the US. Every time, the same conclusion has been reached. It was a tragic “friendly fire” incident that occurred during the heat of the Six Day War. The US spy ship (which was what the Liberty was–they had no other reason to be there) strayed into areas sensitive to israel’s defense that the Israeli Naval Command had repeatedly warned the The US defense Department to specifically avoid. That was because Egypt had a habit of flying “false flags” of other supposedly “neutral nations” on their mastheads in order to get their ships in place to better attack sensitive Israeli targets. The subsequent inquiries conducted by both the US and Israel concluded that “errors in communication” led the US to not heed the coordinates given to them by Israel, for whatever reason. In any case, The Liberty crew never received word from the US Naval Command or The Defense Department about the areas to avoid. Remember–this is during the Six Day War, when the US was maintaining supposedly “neutral” status as regards the conflict. The multiple inquires into the Liberty incident found that fault could be assigned to both the US and Israeli defense Department, due to failures on both the US and Israeli sides of the equation. Procedures were put in place to try to improve critical communications. Some higher up in the US defense Department, despite the official findings of the multiple inquiries conducted, have continued to grouse against Israel, perhaps due to their embarrassment over what occurred on their watch–or, in some cases, their prejudices–it’s not like the taint of Anti Semitism has not been known to exist and make itself known in the US State Department or The Department of Defense at times.
Israel took its responsibilities for what happened to the USS Liberty several steps forward. They have paid the survivors and family members of the Liberty millions of dollars in reparations over many years, as well as reparations to the US government for the loss of the ship itself. Still, “Anti-Zionists” exploit this one incident, which has been investigated to death, as a tool to promote their demonization of Israel. The “Liberty conspiracy nuts” make repeated pronouncements–obsessively– that suggest that Israel attacked the ship on purpose, with forethought and with intent to kill everybody on board. Nothing could be further from the truth. The author of this article should apologize for his or her misleading statements and Flaglerlive should not be promoting the agenda of “Anti-Zionists”–and those with prejudices that even deeper than that.
Agkistrodon says
I think when you take into consideration some of the things the council does, Mr Howell was being very LENIENT.
FPC Granny says
Refreshing Col. Howell for speaking the truth…even if the language of political correctness was not used correctly, but your point was well taken!! (poppycock to the “overuse” of potical correctness)
@Outside looking Out… “many points” (not all) to your comments that are well stated and agreed with by me!! (JMHO)
ASF says
Gallo has been on an “Anti-Zionist” obsessed “USS Liberty Conspiracy” campaign for years. This is far from the first time he has been angling for this “plaque” to be installed in a public place in Palm Coast. he has been voted down each and every time–because his prejudices have not been allowed to take precedence over common decency–ad common sense. Gallo and the author of this article–who has completely misrepresented the entire USS Liberty affair–should not be allowed to get away with their less-than admirable agenda–which has a lot more to do with their personal biases and woefully little to do with “justice.” Jack Howell should not be apologizing to “Anti-Zionists” pushing their propaganda–not in this day and age–and not in today’s unstable political climate–when synagogue shootings and Anti-Semitic sentiment is being promoted so alarmingly under some “pseudo-political” guise, by people and forces on both the Left and Right–literally.
Flagmire says
Colonel, I understand your anger with the situation. I want to talk to you as your XO for a moment: politics is a very different field of combat. All the members of the council volunteered to serve and were promoted to their posts. It might be best if you start thinking of them in that respect to try and change your vantage point. Leadership requires respect, both giving and receiving. If you can begin from a place of respect in your new role leading this community as one of five equals we’ll all be better off for it. I look forward to your contributions and your service in this capacity.
ASF says
This is Mr. Howell’s statement, according to Flaglerlive: “I was riled up because of the seriousness of this event and because this was taken away from this guy before by Mr. Landon and nobody raised a Sheckel for it, so for that I would apologize for calling them idiots.” No, Mr Howell, what you SHOULD be apologizing for is your “SHECKEL” reference. Gallo and his “Anti-Zionist” zealots are promoting the “Veteran’s” angle so they can exploit the passions of other Veterans and those who support our Veterans. Do they propose any plaques for those who died as a result of the USS Cole terrorist attack? Do they propose a plaque to honor Naval Officer Stedhem, who was slaughtered during a plane hi-jacking by a group of Palestinian terrorists? Do they propose ANY other plaques to honor ANY other US Veterans? How many American Veterans are dead now because the same forces that target Israel for destruction have also targeted Americans–how many American servicemen and women have died as a result of that? You won’t hear any patriotic outrage about that from the “USS Liberty Veteran’s Groups.” Like the BDS crowd, they are hyper-focused on Israel and they don’t mind distorting reality and twisting facts, in service to their biased agenda.
And how perosnally biased is that agenda? I’ll let Mr. Gallo’s own words speak for themselves. This is from Mr. Gallo’s own LinkIn page, in which hawks his “USS Liberty” conspiracy book— and this is lifted directly from his own description of himself, as part of his current professional resume: “Current President–USS Liberty Veteran’s Association, June 2012–Present–7 years. “The LVA’s purpose is to have the truth told about the deliberate and vicious Israeli attack on the USS Liberty, killing 34 of my shipmates and wounding 174 on June 8, 1967. Both the US government and Israel have lied to the American people indicating it was an accident.”
Mr Gallo also has a YouTube page which makes his prejudices crystal clear. He is as vicious in his attacks against what he feels is an “American conspiracy” against him and his Israel bashing associates as he is towards “the Zionist state.” For those who might be tempted to support Mr. Gallo’s “cause”–including you, Mr. Howell, I ask you to reconsider what you are actually supporting. It is not Veterans. It is Anti Semitism wearing the pseudo-political “emperor’s robes” of Anti-Zionism.” It is neither acceptable or laudable for Mr. Gallo to use public funds and other county resources to promote his obsessive campaign against Israel and “Zionism.” His “survivorship” does not justify this, anymore than it would legitimize a public platform for a WW II Veteran to promote their personal Anti-Japanese or Anti-German obsessions, or a Iraq War Veteran to pursue actions that the Muslim community would find highly offensive.
Jack Howell says
Your point is well made. I will do my best to comply. Thanks for your guidance.
hawkeye says
Very disrespectful , in my estimation howell is the idiot
Willy Boy says
How many men do they have Cap’n? 40,000. How many do we have? One old man, and a bugler. Then, sound the charge.
ASF says
I think what Jack Howell really needs to apologize for is that insulting “Shekels” reference.
hawkeye says
I think ASF is the only one on this thread who sees this situation for what it really is
Chris Conklin says
Keep moving forward colonel. Thank you for providing the security for all those bitching about something that isnt a big deal. Really ? Grow up.
Jadobi says
Just curious how many people are offended by the comments of the city councilman but approve of President Trumps?
palmcoaster says
How many more times will be Mr. Howell demanded to apologize for telling it like it is? He already apologized enough…stop demanding ak please.
Regarding the Liberty incident the whole world knows the truth as reported and witnessed overseas when I was back then…This is not anti Israel or anti Jewish people is the truth of an accidental or intended warning incident gone awry that just “took place” with our sacrificed sailors loss of invaluable lives. So lets do not give it a rosy brush and call it like it was, after all the ones that commanded that tragic attack maybe already passed away by now and we still have Israel as one of our allies and our Jewish Americans like any other religious Americans call rightfully so our USA home. Stop the bickering and call it like it was: example Pearl Harbor was a Japanese attack no rosy picture.
ASF says
I think it might be refreshing if we all thought about not using Flagler County’s tax-payer funds to promote any ONE political party’s agenda or any prejudiced agenda that one group of people may foster against another group of people–or nation. We should be going out of our way to avoid that.
Ms. Catherine says
ASF seems to have hit the nail squarely on the head. Thank you for the well-articulated statement(s).
Will says
Mr. Howell is just wrong. The rest of the Council was elected by you and me just as he was. There is respect in the military. Hero’s Park was essentially to honor those killed on 9/11 and other local heroes.
If we place a monument to those navy personal, why not the marines killed in their barracks by the Iranians, or all those killed by terrorists or those killed in combat.
Bernard says
Question ;can one be anti Israel goverment pro human rights for the Palestinian people and still love the Jewish people and culture ,and not be antisemetic
Confused says
I grew up amongst the Jewish people and love and have a big respect for the Jewish culture ,and my heart breaks after the synagogue shootings , but I also believe the Israel military attack the USS liberty on purpose and was covered up by the Johnson administration ,does this make me a anti Semite ?
palmcoaster says
@ Will I disagree with you regarding councilman Howell as he is the one with common sense and battling to preserve our hard earned taxes from being wasted and our pleas heard. But I agree with you that all our other military heroes deserve also all the plaques that Hero’s park could make the room to display. Just go ahead and propose the next one.
Ted Arens says
[email protected]. The USS Liberty was deliberately attacked by Israel. The Israeli newspaper Haaretz has written about it. That makes it murder https://www.haaretz.com/us-news/but-sir-its-an-american-ship-never-mind-hit-her-1.5492908
Makes me ill that Americans support Israel regardless of their crimes. Ted Arens USMC
James says
Personally, I was hoping they were just idiots… at least that would explain their poor choices in a positive light.
Mr. Reese says
Mr. Howell, let’s start with a blinding glimpse of the obvious. As a former marine corps Colonel and now City Councilman,you behavior is unacceptable. While you may provide all the excuses you wish, they ring hollow.You wanted this job, now you have it. Act like you deserve it.Don’t like it anymore; Not what you expected,Frustrated with your fellow Councilman; Don’t like the way staff did something because it wasn’t done your way Can’t handle it emotionally? Simple solution. Get Out.The public deserves better.You owe your fellow Councilman a public apology at the next Council Meeting, in addition to the one posted in this forum. I hope you take your own statement about this never happening again to heart. It clearly should not. If it does, it is you who are the idiot.
mark101 says
I wonder why Jack Howell forgot to include himself wit the other idiots, as we all know they all make decisions. But to me, at times its like a ship of fools is running Palm Coast, and Jack that makes you a fool by your actions.