Anthony Fennick, a 23-year-old resident of Palm Coast’s Richardson Drive, has had his issues–with drugs, with the law, even with his health: his kidneys have given him problems in the past, according to his girlfriend of five years.
He worked to mend his ways. He was admitted to drug court in June 2017 and managed to make it through its rigors week after week, even completing a residential drug-treatment program in DeLand. But a few weeks ago he violated the terms of drug court and tested positive for cocaine.
He’d been diverted from jail after facing charges for burglary and drug possession. Now, having violated the terms of drug court, he found himself back at the county jail. In early January, he told his mother–he lived with his parents, along with his girlfriend and 2-year-old child–that he would “do anything to get out of jail,” even give up the name of the person who’d provided it.
Today, the Flagler County jail’s docket shows him still there, since his booking on Dec. 28.
In fact, Fennick is not at the jail. He is on life support at AdventHealth Palm Coast’s ICU, brain dead.
A Flagler County Sheriff’s Office release issued this afternoon, prompted by FlaglerLive raising questions about Fennick this morning, stated that Fennick had “a medical episode” and was in “critical condition” at the hospital.
It quotes Steve Cole, who oversees the jail, saying that “the medical team is available to inmates at their request. They reacted as soon as the medical episode was reported.”
Starting with Fennick’s actual condition and what preceded it for five days, Fennick’s mother, father and girlfriend, all of whom spoke with FlaglerLive this afternoon (FlaglerLive contacted them first: they had not reached out to media), describe a much different, more disturbing progression of events that indicate Fennick was visibly and obviously ailing–obviously enough that even two detention deputies interceded on his behalf with a dismissive medical staff.
Fennick’s mother, who spoke with him every day, twice a day at times, said he was suffering from a high fever for several days in a row, had become dazed and confused, had developed rashes, and still was appeased rather than treated.
The medical staff kept Fennick’s mother, Erika Williams, from learning anything about her son even in the 12 hours before he was taken to the hospital, when Williams knew something terrible was happening to her son because he wasn’t calling her. The staff never told her he was taken to the hospital. The medical staff went so far as to tell her that they could neither confirm nor deny that he was even at the jail, and told her they could not speak of his medical condition to her because they claimed not to have a recent enough consent form allowing them to speak with her about him. That’s when they deigned speak to her: she called a dozen times on Monday before finally going through a sheriff’s operator, who assured her she would find a way to patch her through to a medical supervisor–and did. But only for Williams to get much the same story.
In sum, the picture Fennick’s parents and girlfriend describe is one of two worlds at the jail, with notable exceptions on both sides: concern from detention deputies (though at one point, according to other inmates who witnessed the encounter and told his mother, one deputy derisively told Fennick that maybe he was ailing because he’d ingested something he shouldn’t have, implying that he’d gotten hold of drugs inside), and indifference and contempt from the medical staff (though Fennick’s mother made an exception for one nurse who she said treated her son like a human).
The sheriff in 2017 contracted with a private company, Armor Correctional Health, to provide what’s described as 24-hour medical care to inmates at the jail. The company was paid $619,000 last year, and is being paid $641,188 this year. When FlaglerLive asked about the contract last February, Chief Mark Strobridge said at the time that Armor would provide more, not less, care, and gave a theoretical example: “When an inmate claimed a heart issue, they were automatically transported to the hospital by fire/rescue and one deputy or two would have to go and guard the inmate. Now with Armor, if an inmate claims a heart issue and it is not an obvious medical emergency they will have an EKG at the jail, which is transmitted to a cardiologist to read it immediately and determine if the inmate should be transported to the hospital or sent back to their jail cell. We have had many inmates that work the system to get out of the jail by fringing an illness.” (See the contract with Armor here.)
But even when Fennick insisted that he was getting worse, he was told he could not see a doctor until Tuesday, the day when a doctor would normally be present. His parents say the medical staff made no efforts to take him to a doctor sooner. In the past, before the new company was hired, inmates were routinely taken to the hospital’s emergency room for treatment–which took time and resources away from the jail, prompting the new arrangement with the private company, but which also likely better ensured that inmates with more severe issues did not fall through the cracks.
The Sheriff’s Office isn’t saying so in its scant release, but it has launched an investigation into the case. (A sheriff’s spokesman said the release was scant because an investigation is under way.) According to Williams, surveillance video corroborates both what her son was telling her before he became unresponsive and what other inmates have reported about his dazed condition, which at one point had him unable to put on his jump suit correctly, had him staring into space, and had him not eating.
Fennick was taken to the hospital at 11:23 p.m. Monday. His parents say he went into cardiac arrest, his heart had stopped for nine minutes, and he was brain dead after that. A brain scan showed that he had fluid on the brain, a condition his mother said precipitated the crisis and should have been addressed much earlier, when her son started reporting high fevers day after day.
His father, Dan Fennick, said that his son days ago had reported to the medical staff that he had a bump on the back of his head that was bothering him. He was given antibiotics, including a topical cream. The following morning he reported being feverish, which is when triple-digit fevers began, seesawing with doses of ibuprofen–when he was able to get ibuprofen. “He was telling them look, I need to see a doctor, my fever is real high,” Dan Williams said. His son would not be given so much as new linen after one of his fevers broke.
The last time he spoke with his mother, Fennick told her he couldn’t stand up. Then, “Monday I knew something was wrong because he didn’t call me,” Erika Williams said. That’s when she started calling the medical staff, getting progressively frantic, and urging the staff, once she got them on the phone, to “please, can somebody go see him, get a doctor in there, do something.”
A nurse and her supervisor told her her son was getting good medical care, but said nothing more. “They just blew me off the phone just like that, just because he didn’t have any consent,” she said–which is standard for health care providers in the age of HIPAA: Fennick is 23, an adult.
In one of his last conversations with his mother, Fennick had reported that one of the nurses rudely told him off when he became insistent that he needed help.
Williams credits two detention deputies, Jarred Tazewell and Brandon Twing, for trying to help her son. “They were the two officers standing right there on Saturday when [the nurse] pretty much went off on him and she didn’t have time for him, and they actually said look, he’s really been feeling sick, he’s not making this up.”
But it was getting to be too late.
It was only Tuesday at 10:10 a.m. that medical staff from the hospital contacted Williams and told her she had to get to the hospital immediately. “There’s no kind of brain activity whatsoever,” a neurologist told her of her son’s condition.
The medical staff told the Williamses that there would be another scan, and if that scan showed no activity, their son would be declared dead and be pulled off the machine–a whole different problem that’s left the Williamses frustrated and angry at seemingly not being given a choice in the matter. “We’re sitting here with our hands tied, trying to fight this thing, and getting no help from anyone,” Dan Williams said.
Other than detectives and the two deputies posted to guard Fennick at the hospital (they’ve not interfered with the family at bedside), the Williamses have not heard a word either from the medical staff or from jail or sheriff’s officials at any level.
By Wednesday afternoon, with her son on an ICU ventilator nearby, Erika Williams spoke between emotional breakdowns of having her son treated as less than human because he’s an inmate. She did not diminish his issues and struggles with drugs, his run-ins with the law. But she did not want him diminished either, the way she felt he was at almost every turn just because of his status.
“I don’t want him to die in vain,” she said. “If I’m going to lose my baby, I don’t want anybody else to go through what I’m going through.”
Fennick has a daughter two and a half years old. He was to serve out his probation violation and be released in May.
Steve says
Sad story. Reality of it is near unbelivable and family has to be overwhelmed. Terrible for the young child. RIP
Who cares says
Criminal, druggie. Dont even try to blame the jail. Criminals complain all the time. Dont like it dont break the law. Simple as that. And making him out to be a victim shame on you.
Sarah says
The sheriff’s office routinely refers to those with warrants as “scumbags”. They play “fugitive bingo” on Facebook as if these serious issues are just a game. During bingo, they speak as if those charged have already been found guilty. They call the jail the Green Roof Inn and joke about how people will get a free stay. Law enforcement here does not hide their disdain for those who have had run-ins with law. They are not here to help and rehabilitate. They want to punish, shame, and punish some more.
Chris wallace says
It sucks, I don’t wish no harm on anyone, but I look at it like karma. He broke into my truck and house and went to jail for 2 weeks only. He got back out and started breaking into more cars. It’s a shame if he didn’t go to jail this time he might have made it..
Zackary says
He was a good friend of mine ,we were in drug court together for over a year and ill miss him alot he was a good person and a loving father
Susan Sisk says
This is so wrong and sad on so many levels. Prayers to all involved.
Robust Cop says
Sad story! It’s such a double standard, guarantee you if the guy had an active warrant, adult living with his mother not they would have no problem talking to her and everybody else they cold in effort to find him.
Greg says
Thanks for all the open borders that let this kind of thing happen. Hope all you dems are happy.
S. Peters says
This is a disgrace. No one deserves to die this way. To be ignored for illness just because he’s a drug abuser. Addiction is real and this guy suffered the effects of addiction and the problems it causes. The sheriff’s department is paying over 640K for medical care from a company it hires for it’s inmates and this guy is brain dead because of incompetence of staff and this medical company. Sheriff Staly has some questions to answer.
No name says
The Flagler county jail should be charged for murder point plank.
Michael Cocchiola says
Well, Who cares, you seem to have probed the depths of inhumanity and found a home. An inmate deserves neglect? An inmate deserves death? I’m sure you’re a laugh a minute at parties.
Concerned Citizen says
I’m sorry that being incarcerated lead to a health issue but..
If you don’t want to go to jail then don’t do illegal things. That means drugs, breaking into cars and violating terms of probation. Doing these things repetitively show you have no remorse and don’t care about yourself or society.
Drug use is for the most part a choice. You chose to ingest it knowing the affects. It’s not a mistake when it’s a choice. Neither is breaking the law. It’s called poor choice.
We seem to spend a lot of time and money trying to change people who obviously don’t want to be changed.
Once again the Sheriff’s Office has issues. We keep reading about inept management and staff failing to do it’s job. Yet no one is held accountable.
When will the Sheriff start doing his job and manage his people? Instead of riding around getting his name in the paper he should be focusing on running his agency.
Command starts at the top and you Sheriff Staly are responsible for all aspects of your agency.
marianne peiffer says
This is wrong on so many levels. This country needs to get a control on the out of control drug problem which is taking lives every day. This young man should have been treated for the disease he has; addiction. This county is paying $641,000.00 for inferior health care. I say get rid of Armor Correctional Health. They obviously don’t know what they’re doing and maybe re-educate the deputies in the jail to treat people with respect. We treat our animals more humanely. This young man’s death (if he dies) is on the hands of those people in the jail. I hope you can live with yourselves!
Mary Fusco says
Sorry Sarah, BUT anyone who breaks into a person’s home or car or terrorizes another individual is a scumbag. If he hadn’t been in jail, his oh so concerned family could have taken him to the ER for some free treatment and he would probably be alive now. BTW, the “green roof inn” would look like the Ritz Hilton if he was thrown in a NYC jail. Any loss of life, especially for young people, is terrible. Obviously, coddling is not working.
Dan The Father of Anthony says
To all of you haters of this story, this story has nothing to do with what he has done in the past is not the point here. I know I have made mistakes in the past when I was young, we all have BUT this boy was finally going on the right track. What the issue is here is the treatment he received at this jail! He had a fever of 103 for 5 days in a row with numerous requests to see a Doctor and got no help! That is the problem! All he needed was fair human treatment. Or at least the kind you get at the humane society. He was treated like a peace of trash! this is totally uncalled for for this country!
Susan Sisk says
In reply to who cares…..apparently you are not aware of the cycle of drug abuse. I will not get into it here as apparently you have no compassion for people going through this horrible cycle. This kid did not deserve to die or be in a comatose state….his parents did not deserve this…. his girlfriend and child did not deserve this! This is a problem with treating drug addiction in this country and here are the outcomes of punishment vs. rehab….often takes multiple times. I pray that you never have to deal with this yourself, it totally sucks and happens in the best of families.
Susan Sisk says
Also ‘Who cares’ have you ever made a mistake in your young life? “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone”. Enough said.
Jordyn says
This is unacceptable. The incarceration is the punishment, being denied medical treatment is NOT. That is inhumane and it does not matter what their crime is. The idea that brain death is karma for breaking into cars is reprehensible on its own. If you believe in karma, believe it can come back on those who are dismissive and uncaring of others.
Prisoners should be housed sanely, safely, and humanely. Anything else is a crime itself. I hope an honest investigation is completed and the dismissive medical representatives are removed.
tulip says
To all you people who think it’s okay to mistreat prisoners and could care less if they are denied medical care:
If you had a son or a daughter in jail and he or she became very ill were denied medical care for several days, until it was too late, how would you feel about that? Yes this young man did some things that were wrong, and if he had robbed me, I would be plenty angry, but was the crime serious enough to deny him humane treatment and save his life? I think not. I think the sheriff’s office needs to be held accountable for the way they treated this person and maybe have done the same thing to other inmates.
Marie says
The crimes he committed were not serious enough for him to pay for with his life. This is someone’s child, someone’s daddy. Now this little girl will grow up without a father. A mother and father will bury their child. All of this could have been avoided. But someone decided to play God and blow him off. Someone needs to be investigated and lose their license to practice. Oaths are taken to preserve life. Maybe charges should be brought against these so called medical staff. If I w ere the parents I would demand it. Sounds like a huge lawsuit! Call a lawyer now!
Dave says
So sad, and was obviously preventable. It’s a shame that the people we trust to protect and serve our family while they go threw hard times ,could be responsible for their death. But I guess according to the sheriff and his employees, this is jus one less “dirtbag ” they have to house at “the green roof inn”. This sheriffs office is making a mockery of what true law enforcement is supposed to look like. They are suppose to help these inmates make it threw hard times and rehabilitate them, not look down on them and let them die. I cant remember having so many problems constantly with the sheriffs depratment.
Realist says
The sheriffs office lies and routinely treats suspects and prisoners poorly. They over charge so plea deals will be accepted. Most attorneys in this county are worthless and unwilling or unable to get fair treatment.
Ann Marino says
So sorry to hear of this- No people are NOT disposable-at any rate. Where lies humanity in Flagler Jail? Love and prayers to the family and friends of Anthony.
Carol says
It doesn’t matter what this young man or any other inmate has done, we all make mistakes. Just because someone is an inmate, doesn’t mean they should be ignored when it comes to their health, they’re human as well. Obviously this young man was not faking it if 2 corrections officers saw the issue as well. Sending prayers God speed for this young man and his family, girlfriend & child. <3
Flagler County Citizen says
Some people that know Anthony witnessed him in a process. He wanted to do right in his life for himself, his baby, and his family. It’s a process, though. He was still connected to challenges. It wasn’t an easy problem to solve, but he was on an upward arch. He was human. He was loved. There are people who really saw him. He didn’t even reach full mental maturity yet. We failed him, and it matters, because we failed his family.
Fernando Melendez says
Prayers for the family
palmcoaster says
People jailed or in prison should be heard when obviously sick (high fever, etc.) and should be provided with medical treatment. Very sad outcome for the family and should have never happened,
Tammy Newton says
This is aweful no matter what hes done or any inmate has done
They deserve humane treat ment. Being on the medical field you
Take an oath to treat people not ignore them or dismiss them
Cause you don’t have the time. Erika and Dan I am sorry for your
Loss prayers. for the whole family
ASF says
Sounds like he was a walking time-bomb. But you never should ignore complaints of fever from someone with such an extensive health history.
jayesseff says
very very sad. it sure seems as though someone or several someones should be held responsible for this. its a disgrace how this family was treated. i really dont buy the” dont break the law and you wont have to worry about this” line of crap. think if this was your daughter or son who got mixed up with the wrong crowd and got caught in a slippery slope of drug abuse and how, despite their mistakes, you would want them treated, at the very least, humanely. very sorry for this family and sure wish wild west sheriff staley would whip out some of his scumbag lines to publicly chastise HIS jail staff and the private vendor nurses. im sure inmates do often work the system with false ailment claims but a thermometer dont lie!!! hopefully there is karma!…. for the ones who neglected this young man.
prayers for this young father and his family. and kudos to the few mentioned above who did their best to help this young man.
Local says
These people are not in rehab. They are in jail. Being punished. For breaking the law.
Mary Grosso says
Anthony may have a infectious disease caused by a parasite T. Gondi which comes from cats or other mammals or even rare meat it causes all the symptoms he had or has and can cause a person to have seizures staring off into space and could go into a encelfatic state i am a researcher and have been researching this since 2012 check out the CDC website regarding this someone should call them to check this out ECT could bring him out possibly of this state it could cause cardiac arrest by the cysts that it surrounds itself with blocking arteries and I see where he is complaining of a lump in his head could be toxo cysts as they can get as large as a baseball It effects the gait walking and person may be in a confused state
Mary Grosso says
Toxoplasmosis t Gondii parasite causes all these symptoms that Anthony had if he is still alive ECT [shock treatment could bring him out of Encelftic state and antibiotics specific to this condition should be administered right away This parasite can go into a cyst form could block arteries and can get as large as a baseball {lump on head] causes confusion if inbrain and an MRI would reveal lesions inbrain if radiologist know what they r looking for a serum test should be tkaen and sent to reference lab inPalo Calif for toxoplasmosis and may not show up after going into cysts form antibodies test Ige if 35 or above could indicate a parasitic infection and antibodies test for Igg and Igm should be given also along with the regular toxo test and Elish test should be done and DNA PCR test This infectious disease comes from cats other mammals dogs birds rare meat roaches are a vector fleas millions of persons have this and may not have symptoms but it can be reactivated and steroids could reactivate it and I am not sure about ibuprofen being good for it it requires specific antibiotics
Alex says
Step up Staly, cause if a parent or a person taking care of another they are responsible for that person correct .So YOU!!always quote the law!what is it called when a person ,parent,or agency is responsible for someone and doesnt give the medical attention needed to that said person or child, at the least I would think neglect or maybe abuse which are felonys I believe, and if that person or child was to die we’ll I think the charge would be upgraded to manslaughter at the least. Unless they were aware of the problem and still did nothing we’ll that’s murder! So step up to the camera which we all know you like and tell us how well YOU and YOUR green roof inn medical staff did. And I hope someone gets the recordings of the phone calls made asking for help before they, the green roof inn has some problem with the telecommunications and they miraculously disappear.” it’s not the first time this has happened either”. Cause it’s YOUR Jail Staly YOUR green roof inn that YOUR so proud of. There for YOU are responsible for what goes on there. So!! Man Up!!! Sheriff!!
Ellen Stokinger says
[email protected]
Please explain to me what “ open borders” has to do with the incident.
next election says
Look at who our sheriff is and his command staff. I’m sure they will shove Chief Brant out to talk to the media and he will talk about himself for the first 30 minutes then deny everything. This is what our tuff guy in the big chair is. Next election!
Old friend says
This YOUNG man may have made some bad choices in his young years, but death is not the punishment. There is no reason why such a young soul could not have been given the chance to turn his life around. So many people make bad decisions when they are young and turn their lives around. No matter what, his charges weren’t serious enough for death. So many young kids break into cars in this town, but do you wish them dead?!
Shame on the system!
Iva Hadit says
To who cares, you must be one of those Christian “compassionate conservatives”. Put a sock in it. No one cares what you think.
Outside Looking Out says
So Staley (who is always complaining about his budget) spends $641 grand for an obviously ineffective medical service so as to not use time and resources of the jail. Now, after the failure of the medical service to provide proper care, an inmate ends up brain dead and he assigns two deputies to stand outside and “guard”.
Typical Staley stupidity. Flagler county will be better off when this cowboy wannabe rides off into the sunset.
Dana says
How about screw you people that think anyone needs to be treated like an animal and even if you break the law you are entitled to get the proper medical care and I have been in that jail and they don’t give a fuck NURSE STEVE YOU LIAR! He’s not even a real doctor! I’m sick of idiots thinking it’s ok for the hail to let people get NO MEDICAL CARE the deputies don’t give a shit and neither does the medical staff. One nurse there cares and that’s it so 🖕🏻to the asshole that commented about how it’s not the jails fault, you probably work there.
Richard says
I agree that this is a very tragic situation that has happened to this young man and I feel VERY sorry for his family and loved ones. However, if he had truly taken the high road after his drug rehabilitation & treatment program my guess is that maybe just maybe he would still be alive today, not laying in ICU brain dead waiting for them to pull the plug on his life support. This is a good lesson for those people still abusing drugs, you are playing with the grim reaper. In regards to jail and prison well that’s another story in itself. Life there is not like the outside and it shouldn’t be otherwise where is the incentive not to stay incarcerated forever. I have visited friends while incarcerated and it’s not a place any “normal” person would want to live.
Truckson says
When the county takes someone into custody, they are legally responsible for that person’s safety. That is the law. There is also this thing called due process that ensures a criminal’s punishment is proportional to their crime. Everyone on here saying he deserves neglect because he wound up in jail is disrespecting the law and the Constitution. It’s kneejerk thinking to justify their own personal cruelty, and it’s shameful.
If county jail guards get arrested for this incident, will you all be saying the same thing if they end up braindead from neglect? That they deserve it for breaking the law?
Edith Campins says
How very sad for his family. Yes, if he committed crimes he deserved to be punished but not mistreated.
As for the comment above by Greg…what does this tragedy have to do with ope borders or Democrats?
Did you know that the majority of illegal drugs come into the country via legal ports of entry, according to official, government statistics? Did you know that most of the Fentanyl that is smugled into the country comes from China? Shame on you for using this as an excuse to for your politics.
Jane Gentile-Youd says
Armor Correctional Health as well as the jail keepers who ignored his pleas need to be criminally charged-the Sheriff needs to break his contract immediately with this worthless unqualified ‘health care’ company and train his jail staff properly. ‘An eye for an eye’ is okay but not an eye for a tooth…. He probably stole and broke into trucks, cars and homes to get money to pay for the illegal drugs which seem to be taking control of us, not us of them
It is doubtful he will ever recover and probably will soon be removed from life support.. His punishment far exceeded his crimes
It is a paradoxical shame that while our sheriff was in seventh heaven spending time with Oliver North and being considered for saving a life another life, far too young, was already on life support due to the shameful neglect of the sheriff’s own staff. Disgraceful on all counts.
A friend of Anthony says
All of you who are talking about what he has done in past should keep your comments to yourself! The important thing is a Life was lost for no reason! Anthony was a good person who like all of us has made mistakes does not mean he deserved to be sick and alone for days and now this. Don’t you people ever stop and think this is someone’s family member before commenting nonsense and your racist bullshit? So disgusting
Me says
Sounds like a good case for Morgan and Morgan. I can’t believe the county pays a company over 600,000.00 to treat people in the jail when they get sick, (you got to be kidding me) Sounds like that company is doing a very poor job and there should be an outside investigation into their procedures.
Priscilla L Bugari says
You people are cruel and heartless. If it were your son, you would be singing a different time. Nobody deserves to be treated this way regardless of his mistakes he is a human being. Unfortunately, it’s all about the money and power these people have over those who are incarcerated. My sympathy to the family, no one deserves this.
Stretchem says
The father hit the nail on the head… dogs at the pound get more “humane” treatment than what reads above. That’s not acceptible in a modern, civilized, progressive society. Move forward people, not backwards.
As for all of the sanctamonious monks in our presence, may your future lives be filled with only good karma, as you blissfully wish death and despair upon the tweens that steal your Jimmy Buffett CD’s from your center consoles.
Michael Taylor says
I am so sorry for your loss. We all were young and made our mistakes this was negligence not your sons fault. My prayers go out for your entire family…
Sandie says
I cant believe some of what I’m reading…. Is there really is no compassion left?
Not sure what the building of the wall has to do with this lost soul situation. and his now suffering family but @ Greg, that wasn’t called for. and the Mexican border is not our biggest concern – We better open our eyes to whats coming in through ALL freight ports.
Sincere condolensces to the family.
Crystal says
First I want to express my deepest sympathy to Anthony’s family. This is a tragedy that was 100% avoidable and the jail should be held accountable for this. Second, if you have such harsh things to say about this young man why don’t you keep it to yourself and don’t add more pain to the hearts of Anthony’s family. Everyone makes mistakes…. EVERYONE! That’s not the way he needs to be remembered or thought about. He was a good kid! Very polite, humble, and super sweet… but he messed up and that happens to all of us. Nobody knows what he was going through when he made his mistakes so who are we to judge him while he was paying for them in jail? Jail is a punishment and he was serving his time for the crimes committed so why talk down about him? He was in custody of the jail which made him their responsibility…. so if they knew he was sick with a fever then prompt medical attention was needed. To everyone that is shit talking Anthony open your eyes and see the bigger picture. This young man has a child, and he had a future… We can all change, and the wrongs we have done in our lives haunts us. Please just be respectful for his family. They are amazing people. His mother, father, brother, girlfriend, and especially his daughter haven’t hurt any of you to be destroyed by the ugly words you are saying. When I was younger I was taught if you have nothing nice to say then don’t say anything at all. This young man didn’t commit a heinous crime to be treated like a disgusting human being. He was a sweetheart. To Dan and Erika, my heart aches for you all. This is unbelievable and my family has you all in our prayers. If we can help you in any way, we will.
Horrified Citizen says
What happened to Anthony while in prison could have been avoided by sending him to the hospital immediately. The medical company hired at the prison is 100% accountable. This is one time that I feel the family should immediately contact a law firm.
I hope someone who is a good writer contacts Sixty Minutes for a full investigation. Hopefully, the program will look into hired medical companies that serve prisons and how prisoners with severe medical problems are treated.
If there is another side of the story in Flagler Live after a local investigation, I hope we hear about it.
ASF says
Instead of the community being at each other’s throats about this, why don’t we take this as an opportunity to investigate what the health services at the correctional facility involved really are and make the changes that are necessary to change things for the better?
New reality says
I agree very sad story but this is an example of government healthcare. Still think the government should run civilian healthcare as well, where they make all your medical decisions without consulting family? Slowly becoming a reality for all.
Trailer Bob says
My blessings and condolences to the family. May time ease your pain, and my your son be at peace. No one is perfect. Drugs are a major source of pain and despair. Rest in Peace young man.
Anon says
Anyone saying, he deserves it because he broke the law, is beyond an idiot. You literally can’t think for yourself and show it by saying dumbass things like that.
First off the justice system is set up to suck people into it. In fact, the second you make a mistake that lands you into any sort of trouble (and there is a lot that will get you into trouble) you are marked and ever getting a job or living a normal life in America again is basically impossible. So even if you pay your dues very few people ever come back from it. Not to mention Rich Assholes, politicians, police officers, and a whole host of people who break the law constantly and suffer literally no repercussions doesn’t make people want to follow the law.
Secondly, the prison lobby is one the largest and most evil lobbies in the entire country, they literally lobby to get new laws past that get people slammed up in jail more frequently so they can make more money, as well as use those inmates for slave labor. That is literally the definition of evil.
Third, Drugs should have never been made illegal that was the Republican lead government of Richard Nixon (A criminal himself) wildly stepping over its bounds, by trying to silence those he didn’t agree with or weren’t the same race as him, which in reality is treason. and idiots like you guys don’t even realize you are parroting a super criminal’s sentiments and are behind a treasonous piece of shit who should by all rights should have had a bullet blown the back of his disgusting skull out.
So stop being a complete moron and stop spreading your idiotic ideas on the internet, if you have nothing good to say, shut your fucking mouth.
Father Time says
screw you to anyone who thinks he deserves to be brain dead because he broke the law, you are all horrible person. Cruel and unusual punishment is unconstitutional, unethical an unamerican. When someone is a prisoner it’s the prison’s job to provide them with medical needs. And besides doing cocaine is a victimless crime, unlike neglect. The prison staff needs to be in jail as inmates.
Someone says
What a disgusting case of neglect, all of you who said he deserves this because he broke the law are horrible people.
Anonymous says
Put whoever is responsible right into cells. They are already at the jail. Hopefully there will be a nice settlement for his family and child.
Right says
I’ve stated it on a different article a while back but when the top lawman in our county stoops to an immature level of identifying those who break the law by using derogatory phrases to define them he has created the tone within his department that dehumanizes. There is a time to be tough and there is a time for a little compassion. It appears the Sheriffs Office was the Detainer, Judge and Jury in this case. The kid had a high fever, asked numerous times to see a doctor, was denied and here we see the consequence.
Kathielee says
What is wrong with some people who say he deserved this ?? Imagine it was one of your family members ?? My heart breaks for his family . Why didn’t the detention officers get him help sooner ?? They should put people in all of these jails and prisons to see what really goes on .. This is a disgrace .. Prayers to his family and friends …
capt says
neglect, yes plain and simple. Whomever handled this at the jail is solely responsible and should be held accountable. .
atilla says
Was it drug withdraw ??
PeachesMcGee says
Cocaine induced hyperthermia.
Ann R says
This should not happen to anybody whether incarcerated or not, unacceptable.
Florida Cares https://floridacarescharity.org (FL non-profit that helps prisoners and their families)
Florida Justice Institute floridajusticeinstitute.org (non-profit law firm, prisoner rights and wrongful death)
FAMM https://famm.org (non-profit justice reform)
http://commettelaw.com (contingency lawyer)
ASF says
Don’t blame the commenters on this board for what happened. It just makes our divisions worse and doesn’t solve a darn thing. Let’s concentrate our energies and focus on calling for a thorough investigation into the prison healthcare service delivery system. That is the first necessary step towards helping to make sure this won’t happen again.
jim says
the SADDEST part is …. all they had to do was call an ambulance to the jail, let him be checked out by an EMT, and be guided by his advise they would have transported him tot he hospital under the control of a deputy.. treated then admitted SMH. what a shame
jim says
it’s time to refer this to the State’s Attorney’s office for possible criminal prosecution and of course STALY will say NOT MY FAULT…just like Sheriff ISRAEL of Broward County…cant keep treating suspects like trash
Steve says
No such thing as victimless crime
Downtown says
Keep in mind the jail staff is watching over several hundred inmates at any given time. Those inmates all have wants and needs, either real or playing the system. Truth is a staff member only spends a few minutes in passing listening to hundreds of complaints, questions, wanting this or that and I don’t feel good from dozens of inmates. Jail is a bad situation for both inmates and staff . Too many inmates not enough staff, resources limited, Best advice? Don’t put yourself in a situation where you lose control over your life and well being. You cannot expect another to always act in your best interest when you are just one of many with wants and needs
Michelle says
First and foremost my heart aches for Erika and Dan Williams! Anthony or any HUMAN does not deserve this inhumane treatment! We ALL make mistakes and his past has NOTHING to do with being ignored medical attention! The very fact that this man will die because a FEVER was not treated in our STATE JAIL has me completely OUTRAGED and EMBARRASSED as a FLAGLER COUNTY RESIDENT! His parents are VETERANS of our U.S. ARMY and SERVED PROUDLY AS AMERICAN CITIZENS! Anthony was not an illegal IMMIGRANT! HE was OUR OWN, AN AMERICAN CITIZEN! For those excusing his death as a repercussion of his crimes, SHAME ON YOU! WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE? Step out of your vanity and selfishness and learn COMPASSION! Tomorrow is never promised and GOD forbid something like this ever happen to you or anyone that you love! WE MUST DO BETTER! Sheriff STALY where’s your press conference on this matter? I always see you on FACEBOOK gloating over other people’s misfortunes but this very HUGE MISTAKE at YOUR JAIL and you’ve KEPT SILENT! SAY SOMETHING! GOD BLESS YOU Anthony, ERIKA and DAN!!
Kevin says
the person with the “who cares” is gonna suffer immensely for the heartless shit he spoke about this victim of police negligence. Dude has no clue about life or how thongs really work. im sure he believes everything out of all politicians mouths as well…what a truly naive piece of scum this MFer is…he deserves to have his family butchered in front of him….but obviously i don’t mean that because his family has done nothing wrong but he needs to feel the pain the poor mother of this victim shos life is now gone strictly because of law enforcement officials
Heidi shipley says
My heart goes out to the family and his girlfriend. So sad that such a young life had to go. He of course, should have received medical attention sooner and family should always be able to find out how he is doing. Something just seems wrong.
Thank you FlaglerLive for writing this story with such compassion for this young man. I will keep them all in my prayers.
Thatguy73 says
Drugs, burglary,rehab, then more drugs? But he’s the victim?lol they did us all a favor . We should throw them a parade at Town Center. Enough with this bleeding heart liberal nonsense.
Concerned Citizen says
@ Downtown
Regardless of being a convicted offender The Sheriff’s Office has a legal responsibility to safely incarcerate you. This agency dropped the ball several times on this case and people should answer for it.
This is not the first issue this agency has had at the Jail. The Sheriff is too interested in playing Wyatt Earp than he his commanding his agency. As Sheriff when you take that job you agree to lead the entire agency. Not just the divisions that are glamorous.
As someone who has had supervisory roles in the military and Law Enforcement Command starts at the top. You are responsible for your troops 24/7. You may delegate authority and tasking but to quote President Truman “The Buck Stops Here”
This Sheriff has had numerous incidents with his agency since taking office. Not once has he owned any responsibility or explained to the public how he intends to correct his problems. He’s an elected politician who has forgotten he works for the citizens of this county.
I hope that FDLE and the FEDS are brought in to investigate. I also hope that criminal charges are brought forward on those responsible.
To the family. I am sorry that this has happened. I hope that the people involved in causing this are made answer. The Sheriff’s Office has sorely been lacking in accountability and that needs to stop.
I have had 2 jobs in my life time that required oaths of office. When you work in a field that requires an Oath Of Office that holds you to higher standards. Of course that seems to be all but forgotten these days.
We can only hope this is all remembered during the next election.
Again says
Everyone talking about what he did don’t do drugs don’t get in trouble you won’t go to jail y’all are sorry the man is still human he deserves to be treated like one but not at that jail no way it’s sure not the first time that place don’t give a damn about you fare as they are concerned your just an immate it’s sad how they treat people at the Greenroof inn just because someone has got into some trouble does not mean they shouldn’t be treated fairly they stick you in that damn place and let you rot plane and simple Flagler county jail sucks I could go on and on I know from personal experience I really hope someone pays for it
Linda Kelley says
I cannot believe this has happened, Dan and Erika, my Love and Prayers go out to you !!! If I can be of any Help, with anything,get in touch with me ??!! We can talk more if and when you call me !!!
John says
this is so sad the sheriff should be charged since the buck stops w him but he wont they think they are so funny green roof inn bingo that they stole from polk no one should have to die.
tulip says
To Jim I agree with what you said about the ambulance. I also think Staly and the other officers who are involved in this should be held accountable and have some kind of disciplinary action taken against them. It is up to them to call the medical company and have them there in a timely matter, so the total blame doesn’t go to Armor if they weren’t notified in time.
I also think the BOCC needs to study Staly’s budget and ask a lot of questions and be stricter on what they allow for his budget. $641,000 of medical care?!!!! He spends enough on non essentials as it is. I realize the commissioners want to stay on the good side of the Sheriff’s department so don’t want to be to strict on that budget.
Right says
@ Downtown, youre wrong in this case. Yes they hear it all but they knew this kid was running a high fever. If the nurse there refused to act someone else should have stepped up. What authority does a nurse with a private contracted company have over the deputies in the jail? NONE!! They knew something was wrong and said something to the nurse. That wasnt enough and someone should have taken control and got this kid some medical help. He was in the custody of the Flagler County Jail not Armor Correctional Health. The overall welfare of the inmates fall on those guarding them.
Dave says
There are inmates doing time at this jail that are innocent! Wrongly accused and locked up for crimes they didnt even commit! Yet some people in the comments thinks its justice by letting an inmate die. So how would you justify if they let an innocent die? The system is broken and now it is killing good people. Why have we not heard from the Sheriff!? Does he only speak when its to talk down on the inmates? The sheriff employees want a new building yet let the inmates at the jail die, smh. I dont belive them about the sick building! All 30 employees are lying ,just to get their way.
deb says
Its not Staleys fault , the fault lies with the medical staff that failed to take action according to what is written, which we as readers don;t know if its the whole truth or not,.
JIM says
the money that is going to paid out to settle the law suits is going to be ALOT GREATER than the money that wouldve been spent on O.T. paid to a deputy to guard the prisoner. WAY TO GO SHERIFF!!!
Bc. says
Well if it is documented that this inmate complained for 3 days that he was running a high fever and was not treated all the comments posted here mean nothing the bottom line is he was not giving medical evaluation and treatment some antibiotics and iv fluids whould have most likely saved his life altering brain dead Diagnosis this is uncalled for this department and the medical contractors need to be held accountable this will not bring him back but this department and it’s medical contractors should be sued for millions of dollars for ignoring treatment of an inmate who complained for days of running a 103° fever he is now brain dead. Shame on the Flagler County sheriffs department to not acknowledge that they screwed up big-time no way should have been given this treatment to basically save his life and someone must be held accountable and fired this must never happen again
Denali 94 says
My Gawd people – this human being was in the custodial care of out Sheriff. Another human being sworn to protect the rights of ALL citizens, not just the select few who have not gotten caught for their sins. The health and welfare of any person in such custodial care be it a nursing home, a hospital, a jail or a prison is the responsibility of the person holding the keys and by extension, all of us.
While I personally found the Clinton line about the ‘deplorables’ to be insulting, I have come to realize that I live among them and it sickens me. For those of you who feel that this man got what he deserved – a painful death sentence for a few petty crimes, the day will come when you will rue those words. Someone close to you will suffer a terrible injury or death do to an accident of their making, perhaps you will be the victim of some poor decision on your part. Guess we will just say you deserved it, piss on your grave and head off for a drink at the MAGA meeting.
Jeff says
Actually , I knew him and his family. He was making great strives to get clean. He was also a hard worker, and very kind and generous person. His mother and father both Army Vets and loving and honorable people. H slipped while in recovery and did his time and instead of getting emergency medical attention (after he was clean and not on drugs) the guards wouldn’t get him medical attention… against the rules of any jail.
Now his almost 3 year old daughter, who is a beautiful and well raised baby has no father.
Jackson says
@who cares, @Chris Wallace, @Mary Fusco, @local, @Richard, @that guy 73…..ALL LIVES MATTER. Educate yourselves on addiction, pray and thank God for your perfection. Pure ignorance and hypocrisy at its finest. I pray you and loved ones always play by the rules, such outstanding citizens. I bet if we open your closets the skeletons would be falling out.
Geezer says
Anon: You are right as rain.
mad mom says
My heart goes out to this family, in my opinion ,they dont treat there prisoners humanly, The food is barley ediable, they dont get very good health care , This should not have happened. Most Dogs get treated better . thats a shame
Vickie Oman says
I’m sickened by this entire thing. As a nurse of 30 years I won’t to say to each and every staff member of that staffing agency you ppl are a disgrace and every one of you should lose your license, certificate or whatever you have. If you asked me I would say nothing you can’t if you seriously ignored a young man with high fevers, confusion and out of character actions. Any CNA even would know that there’s trouble. You sat on your ass an let this man die because he was a inmate? Had a addiction issue that brought him in contact with the law. He didn’t kill anyone he didn’t molest anyone he had a drug problem for god’s sake and that should never be enough to condemn him to death or leave his young daughter fatherless. The attitude of flagler county jail and the law enforcement department is a travesty as much as they jokingly flaunt criminals some that have done nothing more than be addicted to a substance that every organization and the fda and cdc are telling you that the pharmaceutical companies planned it this way, intended for ppl to become addicted. What has our justice systems become? You turn out monsters that prey on our children only to have them do so again and again yet these young adults are not given help for the issue at hand but merely locked up and stigmatized for a medical condition which addiction is. No treatment no concern just put them in a system that could care less about their lives. I’m sick and I’m so damn sorry this family has to suffer this. I hope they are able to get something from a liable suit at least so the baby never has to do without all the things in her life he Dad might have been able to provide. No it won’t ever take away the loss but it will at least pain those responsible for this tragedy.
Put all of them in the green roof inn!!! says
Isn’t it interesting that an internal investigation is being conducted rather than an investigation by an outside agency? It is also sickening that Sheriff Staly is out of the country with 8 Flagler Couny deputies, all of whom are on our tax dollar pay roll, to participate in a competition! The BOCC needs to cut his budget and Staly needs to be removed from office for neglect of duty. He is ultimately responsible!!! He allowed the BOCC to hire this medical agency, and he is responsible for his staff that sat by and watched this man be mistreated without taking any action when they have a responsibility to protect and defend. Those who witnessed this and did nothing and were involved in this young mans care need to be arrested and criminally charged!!!!!!!
ConcernedCitizen says
Please google Armor Correctoonsl, the medical company contracted with the jail. I won’t go into detail, but you won’t like the comments and details on lawsuits.
Anonymous44 says
I don’t care if he was in jail, or doing drugs. Noone deserves to die in jail. Our system needs to change! There’s been too many deaths between here and Volusia County, recently. If you use drugs, they treat you like scum in jail. They think you’re faking it. My friend died in volusia county, 2 years ago due to similar circumstances. Something has to change!
Disgusted says
Regardless of what life he led, when you are in the medical field, you are there to help and save lives period! No matter race, age or crime. Ok he was not model citizen but he was a human that was sick and those “people” were in a contract to help. Prayers
Reinhold Schlieper says
If the drugs won’t kill ya, the sheriff will, huh? What an insane world!
Jolene Dehart says
I’m shocked at the heartless cruel and ugly hateful “humans” who have no empathy or compassion for the life of this young man. Many feel his life was worthless bcuz he had some issues he was dealing with, and I certainly was unaware of HOW PERFECT ALL THESE OTHER INDIVIDUALS ARE that care so little. The human population has turned into the scourge of the earth.
terri diamond says
my deepest condolences to this young mans family! there are many of us that have made poor choices and suffer addictions in life. some have overcome them! I’m just sad that some have forgotten the things that make us human such as compassion, empathy, and forgiveness even to those who were wronged. we all make mistakes and fall short !how many of us have ever sped to fast or talked badly about someone. cheated on our taxes or took something that didn’t belong to us. there is only one judge of each of us and he is in heaven. I think human lives are much more important than stuff. stuff can be replaced!
Dianan says
Tp all that commented about the wall on this post..you are part of the world’s problem. The wall has nothing to do with this. Grow the hell up. This should have never happened and it didn’t have to happen just because someone has been arrested or in jail doesn’t mean they should die and he was trying to fix himself and just because he fell down doesn’t mean he should die. I know half of you people that are commenting or on some kind of prescription drug and you think because because it’s a written prescription that that makes it okay so sad what the world is coming to our humanitarian side seems to be disappearing before you know it will all be Hitler’s