Sam Christopher Andolina, 39, of Palm Coast, is at the Flagler County jail on a charge of raping the 13-year-old daughter of his fiancee, and on a charge of molestation. He faces a first and a second-degree felony and is being held on $150,000 bond.
Andolina claims he was the one who was molested as he slept.
The allegation was originally reported to Flagler County Sheriff’s authorities in January by the alleged victim’s mother, referring to an incident days earlier. The child’s mother told a deputy that when she confronted Andolina about what her daughter had told her, he claimed to have fallen asleep on the couch and woken up to the girl “grabbing” his penis, according to his arrest report. He could not explain why he had not reported it to the girl’s mother.
The girl’s mother ordered Andolina out of the house. He relocated to his parents’ house in Cape Coral. The case was assigned to sheriff’s detective Cpl. George Hristakopoulos, who has investigated several similar cases that have resulted in charges and convictions recently.
The girl first reported the alleged rape to a sibling in the context of the two siblings discussing “secrets.” Based on an interview Hristakopoulos conducted with the older sibling, the alleged victim told her that last Dec. 30, Andolina was asking her whether she liked boys. She’d told him no, finding them “gross.” Andolina then took the girl into her bedroom “and told her that he does this with [the girl’s] mother all the time,” according to the arrest report. He “took his penis out and told her to bite and pull on it.” He then allegedly fondled her breasts and raped her with his finger. When the sibling told her she had to tell their mother, the victim got upset, fearing that Andolina and her mother could not get married if she told.
Starting on Dec. 30, Andolina displayed a “complete 180” in his behavior toward the two siblings, “lingering” around them constantly. The moment the older sibling would be near the alleged victim, Andolina would appear and talk about numerous random things. The older sibling found his behavior “suspicious.”
The victim’s mother confronted Andolina one evening four days later, after she found out. She asked him straight out if he’d molested her daughter. He jumped up. “This is what I get for not telling you,” he told her, “but I didn’t know how to tell you.” He then told her of the incident, saying he’d been asleep, waiting for her (his fiancee) to come home, when he woke up to find her daughter’s hand on his “junk.”
That version of the story, when told to the girl, upset her greatly, according to the report, for its lack of veracity as far as she was concerned. Her mother told Andolina that the girl had no reason to make up a story considering how excited she’d been about the impending marriage between Andolina and her mother.
The alleged victim was interviewed by the Child Protection Team, whose members are trained to interview children in such a way as to minimize any possibility of suggestibility or leading questions, independent of police investigators. The girl reiterated the way the assault unfolded in terms and details similar to those she’d spoken to her sibling, adding that Andolina stopped assaulting her when she told him to stop. But, she said, Andolina then told her to undress and take a shower. He also told her that if she were to tell anyone what had happened, she would be restricted from her iPad for 10 to 15 years.
The alleged victim “appeared very concrete in her processing and showed a limited understanding of non-literal phrases,” the investigation found, while her “recollection of the events was uncompromisingly forthright and direct. Throughout the investigation, [the girl] has maintained the same unwavering version of events, despite exhibiting sadness at the fact that Sam Andolina is no longer a part of her household.”
The investigator then conducted a “controlled phone call” between the victim’s mother and Andolina–meaning that investigators were listening in. Andolina told her of the incident, saying he was “out cold sleeping” on the couch and “dreaming” and not being “the least bit alarmed” because he thought he was either dreaming or that it was his fiancee actually touching him. The only thing that made him realize otherwise, he said, is when he alleges that the girl asked him if his own biological daughter did the same to him. “That’s when I came through and I realized, you know what I mean, everything is coming together real quick.”
The girl’s mother asked him if he perceived himself as the victim. He did not have an answer. He claimed to have been drunk and “dropped the ball” in not telling her about the incident.
In mid-January Andolina agreed to meet Hristakopoulos and provide a sworn statement. But two weeks later he changed his mind. The detective subsequently was contacted by a neighbor of the girl’s mother who passed on a text message Andolina had sent in February, claiming innocence, and saying the girl “does have issued [sic.] mentally.”
Andolina added: “Yeah, the worst damage is already done which is family wise and she had to call and make a report which I understand and supported, so now it’s just a waiting game legally, which I’ll do whatever they need me to do.”
But on two occasions, the investigation found, he refused to provide a statement–“the only thing that law enforcement has requested of Sam Andolina,” the arrest report states.
Andolina was arrested in Cape Coral on Sept. 6 and booked at the Flagler jail just after midnight today, where he remains.
101 says
Glad the girls Mom stood behind her daughter and kicked him out of her house. Hope the judge throws you in jail for a very long time. Your a low life scum bag
Really says
Perv creep
Veteran says
What a dumbass excuse! There is no excuse for raping a 13 year old. Lock him up.
woody says
Guilty or not Palm Coast has em’.Seems like there is a never ending supply.
Richard says
Another sick pervert who needs to be removed from society before harming anyone else. 20-30 years ought to be long enough with 10 more years of parole. Sex offender all the way!
Haw Creek Girl says
George Hristakopolous doesn’t have the sense the good Lord gave a goose. He fumbled on several other cases similar to this one. In one case in particular, I personally told him that he should be diligent because the defendant would find a way to beat and or lessen the charge. He told me I didn’t understand the process and there was no chance that the accused would get out on bail or get a reduction of charges. The defendant has now been on bail for nearly a year and has had all 1st degree felonies reduced down to 2nd degree felonies. He has hired a highly effective attorney and has returned to the community. Mr Hristakopolous told me that he has more dangerous suspects to worry about and that this accused was the least of his worries. I wonder how he will feel when the next victim’s family comes forward? Maybe he didn’t understand? Either way, this article just boils my blood because it is just a reminder of the shoddy work and cocky attitude of Hristakopolous. So, please before you print that he has a string of convictions on similar charges, please do you research.
hawkeye says
If he did this , then he is despicable and lower than whale shit.There is nothing worse than a child molester.
Brian says
Great – another Palm Coast pervert….
am says
Willy Boy says
He has a biological daughter? Better have a little interview with her.
Trailer Bob says
Unfortunately it ends up being a “he said, she said” issue with no dna or witnesses. Perhaps the young girl does have mental issues, don’t know. Either story could be the actual truth. When I was 13 years old I was a pretty convincing liar.
Born and Raised Here says
I hope they try this case as a Capital offense, To many of these adult / minor molestations.
John Brady says
In my CPS career and unfortunately I encountered dirt bags like this POS. In Pennsylvania,he would get 25 years with no parole at least, He would have 25 years of very unpleasant treatment from his peers.
Ashley says
Oh, Trailer Bob…I hope this kind of thing never happens to your daughters, granddaughters, nieces, nephews, etc. if you have any. So if your 13 year old daughter came to you and said, “Dad, this man touched me down there”, you would say “Oh honey, if there isn’t DNA that you can show me I don’t believe you.” HAHA Sorry Trailer Bob but if you are even the slightest bit of a decent human being you would believe any child in this situation. Seek help/education please for all our sake.
Anonymous says
A picture says a thousand words.
Cassie Klecky says
Why would you ever give someone a bond that’s that touched a child what a fucking perv lock him up throw away the key!
Cassie Klecky says
If anyone touches a child ever should be tortured! To take that innocence from them should not only be locked up but murdered these nasty ass people out there touching little girls and boys don’t deserve to live behind bars eat breakfast lunch and dinner on tax dollars just kill them off and be done with it!
Cassie Klecky says
Ashley you’re %100 correct thank you for making a point some people are just idiots in this world!