The time the jury took to find 23-year-old Erin Vickers guilty of raping her 1-year-old daughter in circuit court this morning says it all: 25 minutes, or roughly the time it would have taken for the four men and two women of the jury to get organized in the jury room, pick a foreperson, take an initial vote, exchange a few thoughts, and fill out the verdict forms. Vickers was also found guilty of promoting the sexual performance of a child. She faces life in prison without parole.
By her own account Vickers’s raping sessions, which she performed in her mother’s R-Section home, on Skype and through selfies to gratify her boyfriend Paul Dykes, would last twice or four times as long at times as it took to convict her, sometimes more, sometimes less. In her words, “Sometimes it’d be an hour, sometimes it’d be two.” It was not a one-time thing. And her daughter? “Sometimes she’s asleep, sometimes she’s awake.” (Dykes is going on trial later this year or early next on his own set of equally grave charges, and Vickers still faces 47 additional, grave charges.)
The jury did not believe, as Vickers had briefly claimed to two Florida Department of Law Enforcement agents before her arrest, and as her attorney tried to argue to the jury, that it had merely been an attempted rape. It did not believe that Vickers was only making it look as if she were orally violating her daughter. The jury was made to watch a one-minute-four-second video of Vickers in the act, with sounds, which made it difficult, if not impossible, to believe either her claim or the attorney’s claim that she never touched her daughter.
It wasn’t necessarily that one of the prosecution’s witnesses was Vickers’s own mother—a woman of powerful faith and poise whose maternal instincts never failed even after her daughter’s arrest—who was key to identifying her daughter, her granddaughter and intimate belongings that connected the incriminating videos and pictures to Vickers beyond doubt.
It wasn’t the four selfies the prosecution had printed and passed to the jury, of Vickers in the act of orally violating her daughter, or the one-minute-four-second video ostensibly showing Vickers doing the same. It may not even have been the final closing argument by Assistant State Attorney Jason Lewis, whose verbal sallies quoting Vickers, playing back her own confessional words on an audio system, or ridiculing the defense’s assertions of “no contact” became a barrage of nails in Vickers’s coffin.
Rather, the most damaging part of the trial lasted three or four seconds. It was the length of another video clip, also showing Vickers allegedly in the act. But that one burst with the sound of the infant’s sobs, just five or six spasms from a child just 13 months old at the time. It was the only sound from the victim that the jury would hear. It had more weight than any testimony the prosecution could present, and prosecutors knew it.
Aside from the counts and the evidence against her, Vickers faced another challenge: she did not have much of a defense, nor did her attorney, court-appointed Garry Wood, have one beyond what amounted to a plea to the jury: believe Vickers when she says her mouth never touched her daughter’s genitals. Believe her when she says it was just for show, not for real. Wood argued she was guilty of attempted sexual battery, but not of actual battery.
It was not a vacuous argument, daunting though the evidence against it was: the last 20 years have seen many a trial hinge on the interpretation of video footage that only looks obvious, only to be deconstructed into something different from what it appears. And Wood’s opening arguments, just eight minutes long, hinged his entire defense on that point: “Watch the evidence in this case, look at the evidence in this case, I know it’s going to be difficult for you to do,” Wood said, “we’re going to show to you at the end of this case that although she’s not guilty of the main charge of sexual battery, there may be lesser-included offenses, and maybe not guilty depending on your determination of what elements have in fact been proven in this case.”
Even looking past Wood’s jargon-filled language that the jury at that point had no reason to understand, and that only diminished the human side of the person Wood was representing at the very point when lawyers usually try to humanize a defendant, however monstrous the acts in play, Wood was literally telling the jury that his defense would “show” them that Vickers had not, in fact, gone so far as to violate her child.
But he never did. He never presented a case beyond his verbal assertions that the prosecution was not proving its case, and that what Vickers had confessed to state police agents had at one point included her claim that she never touched her child sexually. Startlingly, when the prosecution rested at 3 p.m. Tuesday, just six hours into the first day of trial—less, when lunch and breaks were included—Wood told the judge he had no witnesses of his own. The defense rested, too. It did so after barely cross-examining the prosecution’s witnesses.
A jurists after the trial said the absence of a defense was startling.
Wood had tried to make Vickers seem meeker and less aware than she was at 20, when she was questioned and arrested. He repeatedly referred to the armed agents and sheriff’s deputies who questioned her, trying to suggest that she had been intimidated or coerced, though when the prosecution played the entirety of the tape of Vickers’s interview with two state police agents, none of that seeming coercion was in evidence.
“During that whole hour you’re touching, making contact with her genitals with your lips?” an investigator had asked her, point blank.
“Yes,” Vickers answered unhesitatingly.
On how many different occasions? “Sometimes we’d go a couple of weeks without doing it, sometimes a few days.”
After the long recording of Vickers’s interview with agents was over, the jury was sent to the jury room and Wood made a motion for mistrial and another over the introduction of prejudicial information that went beyond the parameters of the counts Vickers faced. He insisted that the video, which by then had been shown the jury, did not show penetration.
That was on Tuesday afternoon, soon before the defense rested and the jury was sent home for the day, to return this morning to hear closing arguments. For Wood, his closing argument was no different than his opening: he asked the jury to believe Vickers and to doubt the prosecution’s case. The prosecution, as is usual, had two go of it, before and after Wood, with Assistant State Attorney Joe LeDonne going over the prosecution’s case in his first segment—LeDonne in this trial was the equivalent of a long-haul pitcher, Lewis its closer—and Lewis returning for a final argument. Rather than repeat opening arguments, Lewis hammered at what had been revealed the previous day, repeatedly walking back and forth between the jury box and nearer to where Vickers sat, pointing at her accusingly and at one point re-playing her most incriminating confessions.
Several members of the state attorney’s office and court staffers had turned up for the closing arguments, as had members of Vickers’s family, on the other side of the courtroom, including her mother, whose hope was that her daughter would not so soon be sent off to state prison (either in Ocala or in Miami). She got her wish.
But there was one more hammer blow against Vickers, moot through it may turn out to be: after the jury rendered its verdict of guilty on both counts—she’d also faced a charge of promoting the sexual acts of a child, because she’d filmed and photographed the acts—the prosecution got to argue that the second count should be upgraded from a second-degree felony to a first-degree felony. The reason: more than 10 pictures of child porn showing a child under 5 years old were in Vickers’s possession, and therefore were an aggravating factor.
That argument could have taken place either before the jury or before the judge alone. It was Vickers’s choice. She chose the judge. But the outcome was foretold. He found for the prosecution, and the conviction was upgraded to a first degree felony, adding a 30-year term to her life term, once sentencing takes place.
By then Vickers was no longer crying, but sat almost impassive, taking the blows and waiting until the judge finally adjourned, the courtroom emptied, and she was led away, likely never again to wear the civilian clothes and sandals she was able to wear for the three days of jury selection and trial.
Watch Assistant State Prosecutor Jason Lewis’s Closing Argument:
Desiree Ramirez says
She deserves the needle
Katie Haugs says
Brian Smith says
Life in prison isn’t sufficient enough.
Linda Emerick Foster says
No Question! L I F E in the slammer, her new home!
Jennifer Arroyo Grasso says
That was one of the hardest things to read!! I had to skip parts because it was so horrific. What a sick individual! That poor, poor child. My heart breaks for her.
She deserves a lot more than life in prison!!
Tammy Lynn says
Makes me sick to my stomach. Good luck surviving in prison.
Elisa Plotnick-Squatrito says
What a sicko
Katie Childress Larsson says
She deserves the death penalty. Prison is too good. That poor sweet baby.
Laura Marie says
OMFG!! are you serious!? WTF is wrong with people!!?
CL Mcdaniels says
That poor baby. I sincerely hope her new adoptive family gives her the love and support she will need. This breaks my heart that a mother could actually do this. She deserves to never see the light of day.
Ariana Petrou says
This is sooo disturbing!! That poor baby.
Christina Miller says
Tina Blume-Compton says
This woman and her boyfriend are monsters. They should rot.
Stacy Kettel says
Prison is too good for her.
Amanda Nicole Swett says
Disgusting pig. That poor baby.
Rebecca Artistry says
Wtf? How do you rape a 1 year old and why? What’s wrong with people? Poor kid, I hope she got a good home.
Shawn Johnson-Wise says
Absolutely disgusting! Poor baby!!! Makes my stomach churn!! Life is no justice.
Marc Barnum says
Jacquelyn Anderson says
This literally has me in tears. She’s a disgusting human being who needs to be beaten to death. I have a child the same age and this is the most terrible thing I’ve read in a long time.
Walter Yeomans says
Dora Lievano says
Omg ….. Wtf
Pat Ferrell Patterson says
Thank God this jury found this inhuman mother guilty. May she rot in prison.
Doreen Lazzano says
No words!!!! Disturbing.
Debbie Barrett-Iavarone says
The most heartbreaking thing a mother could do to a child. A despicable act! Who does this! May this poor child never ever hear of this..
Nicole Day Adams says
I hope that poor baby isn’t being adopted by anyone in their family. Her monster of a mother should never have the chance to see or hear about her daughter again. This whole article makes my stomach turn.
Wendy Tunnicliff says
Monster not Mother!
Virginia Wolfert Markowski says
I feel sick…
Monica Gomes says
Carole Farrell says
Misty Nelson Cleveland says
I just wish I could unread this…
David B. Hayes says
Now that child will be motherless and scar for the rest of her life.
Kimberly Weiland says
Joanne Clarke says
Is it me? I just don’t understand !?
Jennifer Mendoza says
Rot in hell!!!
Ellen Hollister says
I think this is the worst headline I’ve ever read :(
Kayte Brocato says
No she was adopted and is in a wonderful family
Christie Greenslade says
Maggie Rende says
I cannot believe what I just read – so disturbing
Christiana LaLima says
Just because one is a monster doesn’t mean they all are.
Gerald Wilkinson says
So so awful , poor child! Sickos!
Kim Legg-Spencer says
I just hope the swiftness of all the parts of this trial do not give her cause in an appeal. If even a juror commented on her lack of defense, it could give cause for a re-trial. I don’t want her to ever get out. If anyone knows someone where she is sent, make sure everyone in jail knows what she is there for.
Jordan Michele says
That poor poor child. I hope you get what you deserve in prison because if it were my choice you’d get the death penalty.
Chris Butkiewicz says
Life without parole is too easy.
Martino James says
The poor kid I hope none of this horrific reality ever comes up again in her life. Let her think her real mother died when she was young…I dont know…it’s just incomprehensible.
David B. Hayes says
Good. But still scared. I hope she gets the professional therapy she’ll need.
Nicole Day Adams says
Kayte, is she at least with a completely different family do you know? If you don’t mind me asking.
Nicole Day Adams says
Her and pj (the bf) will be in fear for their life everyday for the rest of their life. That’s the only good thing about the prisoners, they don’t let these sick monsters get away with what they did
Violet says
I don’t even have words…she and her boyfriend should never again see the light of day. She obviously has mental issues. He’s obviously sick and depraved. I hope the child has been adopted by a loving and helpful family.
Corrin Carpenter says
I know her she was In my class
Phil Pariseau says
Public floggings need to return to the town square and this is a perfect example!
Tammie MsLadybug Greene says
And she has the nerves to be smiling…
Dawn Estrella says
She deserves the death penalty instead of sitting in prison… Disgusting
Ray Vickers says
All you good less assholes hope all you go to hell for judging her you have now right to speak like that if believe in God and if isee any of your kids in trouble for anything I will return fire on them so all you can kiss my butt
Johnny Ferrado says
By FAR, one of the most heinous cases of Child abuse I’ve ever seen….I have no words for what should be done to her. Just vile…
JROCK says
I’m sickened.
Jennifer Aimee says
Sick. I pray for that baby girl to grow up loved and safe.
Melanie Provencher says
I couldn’t bare to read this article entirely. The amount of disgust I have for this woman is overwhelming. I hope she gets exactly what she deserves in life and in hell. My heart breaks for this little girl. I hope she is able to overcome this inconceivable situation by a person who was to protect her, not hurt her & grow to be a beautiful person of society.
Lou Reis says
Yeah, HELL is already here.. This is what’s going to happen with our educational system, good luck solving this one !!
Amber Walker says
I understand that this young lady’s father is on this thread. Sir, I apologize that you are going through this. However, what your daughter did was unforgivable. She stole that child’s innocence – as a parent we are supposed to protect our children not abuse our children and place them in harm.
Elizabeth Baker says
She will not make it very far in jail.
Ryan Smith says
My God. This woman is pure evil. She knew what she was doing and all. I watched the closing argument and I am shocked. May she never see freedom and rot in hell after.
Worried Grammy says
perverted…for a mans approval? Not much of a woman, animals treat their babies better. Jail is too easy for her. She will rot in hell.
Stephie Mattera says
I knew Erin I was very close to Erin. And this breaks my heart for her daughter and her family. I am happy that her daughter is in a loving home. I am sad that one day she will end up finding out what her mom did to her. This is sad for her. Erin deserved what she is getting 100%. I will not defeat her when it comes to this.
Patricia Nausedas says
Omg this was so disgusting how she could do that to her own child she needs her baby maker taken out for sure and never see the outside of prison ever again!!!
Ryan Smith says
I wouldn’t defend her if I were her dad. She and her boyfriend are the ones to blame, not those shocked and disgusted by it. I’m sure you’re embarrassed by this, but the facts speak for themselves.
Kristina Marie says
I’m glad she’s going to prison for life. This is horrific.
Karen V Neufeld says
Unfathomable, disgusting, horrific. She got what she deserved Life in prison. She will in severe circumstances in prison when the other inmates find out what she did to her child.
Dawn Marie Agostino-Bridgeman says
This makes me physically ill.
Sick and disgusted…
Monique Armann says
There are horrors in this world that are just unimaginable. This is one of them.
Patricia Nausedas says
I wonder if she was also violated by someone she knew as a kid and grew up to be this way…anyway you look at it she violated her daughter numerous times and hurt her maybe for life it sickens me !!!
Ryan Smith says
That’s usually defense attorney propaganda and an attempt to mitigate the sentence.
Adealiah Kozimor says
Would you have ever guessed that she would have done something like this? I give my condolences to you and your children as I’m sure as a mom you feel all kinds of different ways.
Jack Jarrell says
Mr. Vickers, I know it is disappointing when your kids go wrong, but what she did is dispicable
Nicole Nugget Jonas says
I would hope, That as A father you would understand why parents find what your daughter did horrible and disgusting.
Angela Goodson Abbott says
My disgust is such that I can’t even verbalize it. Suffice it to say, I’m glad she’s going to prison for the rest of her life. She deserves worse, but considering what life will be like for her in prison, I think she’ll be getting what she deserves. I’m glad the little girl is safe, with a loving family. I hope she has a good life.
Judy Hemphill Clay says
Put her in jail throw away the keys
Kimberly Barnhart says
I seriously had a hard time reading this without becoming physically ill. This is so beyond sick and disturbing. I hope thst poor baby never remembers any of this.
Angel L Berrios says
WoW how sick can you get? Hope she gets whats coming to her in prison!
Sharon Mary says
What she did was disgusting and their is no covering it, shame on her sir…..just plain disgusting
Sharon Mary says
Does it not bother you what they did to your grandaughter, an innocent little girl…seriously
Donna Cooper Bowyer says
if Erin’s real mother and not her stepmother is who I think it is, she’s a wonderful God fearing women and I know this has broke her heart
Gina Castillo DeLello says
Mr. Vickers- you should be grieving the loss of your child right now. You should not be on here arguing with people over this. Emotions are high..what she did to your innocent grandchild is truly disturbing.
Andrea Jean Meekhof Stowell says
Even the most hardened criminals don’t like people that abuse children. I hope the inmates treat her like she deserves to be treated.
Erika Amodio says
She got what she deserves and more. Throw away the key.
Jinne Jakobsen says
I feel so saddened and sick. God bless the poor baby.
Susan Dodson says
I couldn’t even read part of it
Kristina Marie says
This isn’t her first sex conviction either, if you read the previous articles about the case. She was already on probation.
Sherry Paulovich Ulrich says
Awww, her is crying!!!! Poor baby! Wonder if the sicko can imagine how much that precious little baby was crying and the pain she endured! Absolutely no pity for het
Karen Gard says
She will have a special place in hell .
Eileen Luther Araujo says
I don’t want to support this sick perverted excuse of a woman for the rest of her life. Definitely doesn’t deserve the title of mother. Animals treat their babies better. Jail is too good for her.
Lisa Vertichio-Hassan says
Take this POS and the one found guilty today in patchogue for raping an 8 year old girl and stick them in a room together….forever
Disgusting POS
Michelle StPierre says
This is UNREAL!!!!! Absolutely disgusting! I can’t even believe what I just read
Jan Brevard Smith says
Inmates call a child molester/ rapist “Short Eyes”…many inmates have children that they love and miss, and have particular loathing for an inmate that abuses a child. She’ll find that out pretty soon.
Maja Iston says
This is absolutely sick! Pure Evil !
Cathy Kuckuk says
I almost threw up. Couldnt read it all..It is beyond disturbing and so egregiously disgusting, especially her thinking that even mimicking this evil act could possibly be alright! She needs to be killed. There’s no reasoning in my mind to keep her alive. No hope for getting better -she is so mentally upside down she needs to be put down like a mad dog. There is no reason at all that public or state funds should be used to house and keep alive a monster like this. There is NO forgiveness. There is no reason. Kill it off. The world will be a better place.
Karen Abraham Wyly says
Sick and evil…. she is in hells list…..
Christine Hicks says
Did the boyfriend get charged with anything?
MannyHM says
What happened to sexual acts with mature cosenting adults ?
This woman and her just as sick boyfriend deserve Singapore style public caning.
Anne Gann says
My God. Such depravity is unfathomable
Linda Prentice says
May the mother rot in hell
Donna Craig says
This is wrong on so many levels I cannot believe it.
Jackie Williams Hall says
What is this world coming to
Janet Eckhoff Semder says
That is the most hideous, disgusting thing I have ever heard of! Now she cries, when she’s convicted??? She’s a complete psycho lunatic that needs to never see the light of day again!
Maryann Mayo Hilton says
I can’t even!!!!!!!!!!!
Cindy Glavin Abbott says
Disgusting excuse of a human being! Makes me sick and life in prison is way too easy of a sentence!
Aaron Wentworth says
This is what we meant when we said slippery slope.
Becky Maksimyuk says
Disgusting. How could somebody be so sick to do this to a child at all, especially your own. Hope she gets life!
Anonymous says
Death penelty in this case!
Lana Brink Hardy says
Reading the headline was enough for me. Can’t read the story. Sick, sick, disgusting ………
Gina Oegerle says
The most vile thing. I can’t even finish readying it.
Mike Rogers says
Most disgusting thing I have ever heard totally sick is a understatement
Kem Kelley says
Thank God that child is in a good home
Brittany Regad says
I couldn’t even finish reading it I was so disgusted.
Linda Rodriguez says
Hats off to this jury and prosecuting team. This was an extremely difficult case to witness. GREAT JOB!
Ryan Dahl says
Went to high school with her boyfriend, he was always a creep
Joanne McIntyre says
Sick but no easy way out …they all need to be put on an island with nothing! No food, water, clothing, medical etc and they can kill each other!
Melinda Lindsey says
Couldn’t be a better place for her
Kathleen Peterson Jones says
Some people are unbelievably sickening
Christopher Donley says
We saw this. Really disturbing and sick. Loss of words period.
Kathleen Doherty says
There aren’t enough words to describe the hatred I feel for her and her devil boy. I hope they both get life….and get what they deserve. How is the child?? God help her…
Annoympus says
Sick sick sick…wished i had not even read part of this
Bonnie Sue Peacock says
Katelyn Butters says
People cannot judge her if they believe in god? So I can go ahead and assume you believe in god, therefore how dare you go after these people’s children for doing wrong
Sw says
Not much one can say. Another sicko off the street. Evil
Ryan Smith says
I feel bad for her family, as I’m sure this wasn’t approved or encouraged behavior and she made her own choices knowingly, but my heart really goes to that poor little girl who is as innocent as they come. She deserved better and I’m glad a loving family took her in so she can grow up to be a loving and kind person
Beverly Stup says
Let me please ask all of you a question, why should we as law abiding citizens pay to keep this disgusting bitch in jail for the rest of her life? I don’t understand this poor little child was violated by someone who was supposed to protect her! This is total B S she needs to be given the needle! I’m sick and tired of people hurting children I’m furious! May she burn in hell what a disgusting pig!
Jim Kroupa says
What a sick demented person
Heather Castronovo says
This is so many kinds of vile.
Evelyn Moore says
It’s more expensive to execute a person
Stephie Mattera says
Adealiah Kozimor no I would have never thought she would. I watched her give birth to her daughter. So it really breaks my heart. It makes me emotional being how close we all were. I had my son a month after she had her and it just kills me to be honest. And I feel so many different ways. It’s still so unreal. I am honestly happy she is in a good home. That is the important thing. Erin got what she deserved for what she did.
Debora Payne Alexander says
What is truly horrible is what happened to the entire family. Because of a daughters betrayal of her own baby THREE generations have been thrown into a nightmarish hell that hopefully none of us ever experience. Not only do the parents of this woman have to face what their child did but they have to face that it was done to their grand daughter. The grandparents have not only lost their daughter but also their grand daughter. All of their dreams. All of their lives are plummeted into an abyss. God help them all.
Debora Payne Alexander says
True. Can you imagine what this dad feels like? He couldn’t protect either of them. Horrific
Linda Absalon says
I thought the same too. She should never have the capability of producing again. There is definitely a special place in hell for her.
Jeanine Langford says
OMG, horrific behavior! Absolutely disgusting. Sick, sick, sick!
Raising Mansey says
That’s just plane WRONG. That momma need some serious mental health sessions with a counselor.
How terrible.
Barbara Larimer says
My thoughts exactly. Enjoy prison. Those inmates are going to make her pay.
Barbara Larimer says
No words.
Keith Bogan says
This is the worst thing I’ve ever read.
David VanderVoort says
Rot in hell
Josephine L Robbins says
No mental sessions , no wasting hard earned working tax payers money ! Her and , her boyfriend need to be totally extinguished from this world we don’t need people like this shame shame on them ! The death penalty for both ! I pray for that little baby girl so so sad .
Deborah Arnold says
You read my mind. Poor little baby. I hope the baby gets a happy ending to this horrific beginning..
oops says
LeDonn is quite a handsome guy ;-) and let’s hope Judge Craig will be a bit more vigilent in this case at the sentencing phase than he has been with other sex crimes…lowering defendant’s bond’s from 300,000 to 40,000
Just My ¢ says
These are human aberrations, mistakes, not worthy of existence. To let them live – even life in prison without parole – is to acknowledge that they are deserving to be among the living, to be given food and medicine, sustenance – all at the taxpayer’s expense.
There is something wrong in the legal system that would allow monsters such as these to continue breathing.
Execution should be swift and nonpublic, cremation, and ashes scattered – so that their memories vanish from this earth.
What can one possibly say to that little girl when she is old enough to ask questions?
Ann Campbell Smith says
Seriously how can you rape a child. These people belong in research centres. This is punishment for these sick individuals not helpless innocent animals.
Chris Bolen says
I can’t even read the article.
Patti Glembocki says
This is just so unbelievably heinous I can’t even wrap my head around it! Wtf?! We are supposed to protect our children! I really hope they catch it hardcore in jail! I pray for this poor little girl!!!
Anonymous says
You guys got some real sickos in Fl.
Pam Campbell says
Disgusting!!!! Couldn’t even read the entire article!
Victoria Roach says
She is a sick bastard! May she rot in prison!
Anonymous says
Death penalty for both of them!!! This is just freaking sick, what the bell is this world coming to?! I don’t understand all this shit.
Nicole O'Toole says
I can’t even read the article. Wtf…
Susanne Samples says
I’ve read some pretty disturbing things in my lifetime but this is at the top of disgusting. She deserves exactly what she got.
Deb Oegerle says
That poor baby
squirrel says
I know she did an evil/hard to imagine act but LIFE… Really?! The girl did it for her boyfriend she needs help!! When she goes into prison she is going to become somebody’s Boo and she’s going to be raped on a daily basis. If I was her mother, I’d be calling Pam bondi’s office ASAP!!! The judges in this County are way too strict! They only see black and white and they don’t see the grey.
Sheri Barnum Clevinger says
Did you watch the video of the prosecutions closing arguments at the bottom of the article?
RayD says
She used to ring up our purchases at Publix! She always seemed oddly distant.
Suzi Little says
WTF? She needs to rot in prison — death is too good for her!
Suzi Little says
She needs to sit and think about this for 75 years….death would be the easy thing for her
Suzi Little says
The headline was even too much for me…….so disturbing
JasonB says
The Catholic Church does things 10 times this worse every day, why isn’t the Pope in prison?
Hopeful says
Disgusting! Poor baby!
Anonymous says
I nearly threw up reading the article–didn’t make it all the way through….
Anonymous says
My family has known the Vickers for years. They are a deeply religious family. However, you cannot control what your adult child does. I even took Erin to the hospital to deliver her daughter. Not in a million years would I think Erin would do this. Not once, but twice with two different men. One who got prison and is now out. The baby is such a sweetheart. I am glad that she was adopted to a good family. My prayers are for her Mom, Dad and sister that they can get pass this. I am angry at Erin for what she did and will never forgive her. You sow what you reap! Unfortunately, reality is about to hit her hard. It is well deserved.
Exposo DeClone says
Floridians are the weirdest and most amoral people on earth. They contrast sharply with the noble Nebraskans, who are virtuous and practically vice-free.
johng says
I have a hard time understanding these disturbing actions. It just does not register to me, the only way i can deal with this – i just have to believe these people are mentally ill, mentally disturbed very sick and need to be removed from society.
Anonymous says
As for those who wanted her to get the needle, I disagree. She didn’t kill anyone and life in prison is not a substandard punishment for the crime by any means. Most child rapists get off easy, but I can rest knowing this one did not.
dma says
This article was so hard to read, but very well written. What a sick person, completely unimaginable. Let alone the guy mentioned watched her do this. Absolutely disgusting.
Courtney says
To everyone saying that she deserves the death penalty, no she doesn’t. what she deserves is to sit out her sentence in a cell while the guilt of what she did to her child eats away at her.
Kris williams says
Florida everyone, Florida.
Mamahas says
I scrolled & viewed comments paying attention to those who know the accused, Erin. The majority of reader’s comments are filled with justified anger & deep hatred over what she has done. And filled to capacity with no room for forgiveness… even from her friend, “Anonymous”. Yes, Anonymous, pray for Erin’s parents, their granddaughter the victim, her sister and the one who doesn’t deserve to be prayed for … Erin. She will receive her punishment, which has already begun in this comment feed, who angrily say she should be eliminated. Checkout this story … “Then Levi held a great banquet for Jesus at his house, and a large crowd of tax collectors and others were eating with them. But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law who belonged to their sect, complained to His disciples “Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?” Jesus answered them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.” In other words to turn away from sin. (Luke 6:29-31). Forgiveness is freely given by the only One who taught us how to do the same … Jesus. Without Him, it’s humanly impossible to think to forgive such evil done to this child. There will no doubt, be an ugly eruption of comments after mine. I will not be adding any further remarks to this. ANYONE OF US, who confesses their wrong (s) to Jesus, are forgiven by Him. The hope of being forgiven, is that the forgiven one will not repeat their wrong. Erin’s sin is on public display, unlike any of ours.
M I a says
One of the most disturbing articles I’ve ever read. Hopefully she’s too young to remember a thing. Thank God she was adopted by someone other than her family.
They indicate on FB that they miss her. Really?
What I really don’t understand is how her parents and sister can stick up for her? Judge? Heck yeah! She’s a disgusting example of an unfit,amoral, demented pig. I truly hope she rots in jail along with her ex!
David says
The few comments that are upset because people are ‘judging’ her get over yourself. You are judging people for judging her. Judging people is a part of life. We all do it. We have to do it. Judging is a survival technique. If you didn’t judge you would live a very hard life.
Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be.
Well guess what you are being judged so go ahead and judge others. Size people up and sharpen your skills of judgement. It could be the difference between making a bad business decision with another person, avoiding a sexual assault, living a life free from arrest, hell it could even safe your life. This notion of not judging people is silly. How about we judge people and live our lives with the knowledge we gain. However with that knowledge we do not stop others from living their how they choose. Unless the choices they make are a burden on others to live their life how they choose.
Arielle Johnson says
To mr. Vickers. I was in prison at FWRC With Erin. She is doing okay and I was a friend to her as jesus would have been at first when I heard the rumors I was human. But then God convicted me…as a sin is a sin. And just as we want to be forgiven we are commanded..not suggested to forgive others.
Just wanted to let u know she’s going to be okay in there…granted..I did a lot less time…but Gods got her :) God Bless
John says
Life sounds more appropriate. She didn’t kill anyone, and the child is too young to remember it. Lots of sick people out there!