Last Updated: Monday, 7:11 p.m., with curfew reminder.
Note: do not call 911 except to report personal health emergencies or serious criminal matters. Otherwise, call the county’s call-in center at 386-586-5111.
As Hurricane Irma moves toward Georgia, Flagler County is awakening to wreckage and flooding, but not devastation.
The curfew will be extended on the barrier island from Marineland to Flagler Beach, including the Hammock and Beverly Beach, and the bridges will remain closed eastbound, through 7 a.m. Tuesday, County Administrator Craig Coffey said.
Authorities need more time to clear debris and await the drainage of a lot of flooding on the island before allowing residents to freely circulate there.
The curfew on the mainland is lifted as of noon today. But the countywide curfew is again in effect from 7 p.m. Monday to 7 a.m. Tuesday. And the ban on alcohol sales countywide remains in effect, including in bars and restaurants.
So residents who have left town and who want to return to the island are asked to wait until Tuesday. Residents who have left town and are looking to return to the mainland may do so now. Most businesses, including grocery stores, gas stations and the like, are expected to open Tuesday morning.
Streets are flooded in Palm Coast, trees are littering roadways and yards, roofs have been punctured or compromised, and there are reports of a house fire that broke out after midnight in the F Section, at 60 Fountain Gate Lane. It was an occupied structure. The family appears to have gone to a neighbor’s house. (Palm Coast Fire Department went out at the initial call but the wind got too serious and they had to leave.) It was caused by a tree falling on a power line, which then ignited the fire.
It was becoming increasingly apparent by mid-morning that the areas most seriously damaged by the storm were the south end of Flagler Beach, getting worse as you headed south from East Moody Boulevard.
Just before noon, Coffey and his team were assessing damages on the barrier island, taking a drive from south to north and back. “Some things are worse, some things are better,” was his conclusion.
Surfside Estates, for example, the mobile home community, was “much worse” off than after Hurricane Matthew, when it was slammed by wind damage and water damage both. “About a block off, the water starts, and according to the commissioner it’s 2 to 3 feet deeper than it was last time, so there’s going to be more trailers affected,” Coffey said, “and there’s a lot more wind damage.”
“Beverly Beach is bad, it’s still under water, just past into the trailer area it starts getting bad there,” he said.
In Flagler Beach This Morning
Further north in Sea Colony, which was severely flooded during Matthew, it looks “a lot better” than last October. “A huge swath of Marineland Acres is underwater but it’s not as devastating in Marineland Acres as it was in the past,” Coffey said. Again, structural damage from wind is more of an issue. But A1A is passable all the way to Marineland, with sand scraping across the surface more than water.
On Lambert Avenue, across the Intracoastal, a lot of vehicles are under water, some homes may have been affected. There was even water bubbling up from the floor at Flagler County’s Fire Station 92, at the county’s executive airport, an indication that the water table is entirely saturated.
There’s been no serious criminal issues overnight in the county. The Rymfire special-needs shelter had an issue with a mental health patient, who had to be Baker Acted. And that shelter must keep operating, as are other shelters, both because of lack of power — special needs individuals may not be sent home when they don’t have functioning electricity — and because while some people are leaving shelters, others are arriving because their homes are flooding.
Flagler’s Health Department Has Issued The Following Advisories:
The widespread outages are “really going to drive the train about how quickly things happen for people,” Coffey said.
That means schools would remain closed Wednesday, he said, as staffers will need time to get home and schools will need time to be cleaned. (The school district confirmed that schools would be closed Wednesday regardless.)
School Board member Colleen Conklin lives at the south end, on the golf course, not far from the water tower. She was devastated by what she was seeing–likely the most severely hit area of the county, going by the number of homes, vehicles and people affected, as the population concentrated there is rather high.
“It is so bad, it’s a river, I’ve never in my entire life seen anything like this, couldn’t even imagine it, if you told me this was going to happen, I couldn’t even imagine it,” Conklin said just before 11 this morning. “We went up the street this morning in Ryan’s canoe.” (Ryan Conklin, her son.) “That’s how deep the water is. We are about to take a couple of our neighbors out of here on the canoe, their cats, computers, whatever.” See a video Conklin shot here.
In Bunnell This Morning
“Right now we have water up to our door,” Conklin said. We’re probably one of four homes that don’t have water. My mom and dad next door had probably up to a foot of water in theirs.” Most houses along the golf course have water in them, and some of them with up to one to two feet of water. The water was still all there and apparently rising at 10:30 this morning. Power is out as well.
Conklin knocked on many doors on Ocean Palm Drive. “If there’s anybody on Ocean Palm that is stuck, I don’t care, put my cell phone number out there, have them contact us and we can come get them on a small boat,” she said. (The number, as long as the battery holds out, is 439-0607). “I think we’ve got everybody but some of those houses are so boarded up. I’m just worried about some of the older folks, there’s quite a few that stayed. I think we touched base with everyone, but some of them who stayed we didn’t get a response when we knocked on the door, so I’m a little concerned about a few.”
Conklin continued: “We checked on all of our neighbors that stayed, nobody is hurt. One house with a second story has a family that evacuated from Key Largo. They stayed on the second floor.” She was hoping to take some people to A1A to be picked up by relatives, but there was uncertainty about the curfew. (In fact, no one who is attempting to get to a safer place will be kept from doing so, though in the case of Conklin’s neighbors, there was uncertainty as to where to go to start with.)
The flooding is more serious at the south end of Flagler Beach, where up to a foot of water is covering streets and lapping into homes. A Flagler Beach city commissioner was reporting two inches of water in his house. “If I was out in the middle of the street I could be waist-deep,” Commissioner Rick Belhumeur said.
“Just about every house on South Flagler” was flooded, he said just before 8 a.m. On the other hand, the pier, he said, “is intact, it blew over one of the shacks, but it’s still there.” And A1A “looked pretty normal after rain. It’s got one little washout.”
After further surveying areas of Flagler Beach, Belhumeur said: “It’s really pretty simple. If anyone’s house is at 6 feet of elevation or less, they’re under water. Another way of putting it: a foot higher than Matthew.” He was referring to water elevations from the Hurricane Matthew surge last October.
Comparatively speaking, Palm Coast appears to have been spared that extent of flooding, with water restricted to streets, swales, yards, ditches and boat docks. There were unconfirmed reports of some flooding in some homes in Palm Coast, but not extensively so.
And power cuts were affecting 87 percent of customers in Flagler, even a few hours after the brunt of the storm had passed, with over 50,000 customers out of power (out of a total of 58,000 in Flagler).
Flooding is also serious on the west side of the county, with heavy flooding reported in Daytona North and the Bull Creek Fish Camp by Dead lake being under one or two feet of water.
Bunnell got 12 inches of rain, parts of Palm Coast were reporting 10 inches. There was a 36-inch storm surge on the coast.
“It’s on its way out of here but we’re not done with it yet,” Bob Pickering Flagler County Emergency’s weather specialist, said just before 7 this morning. “The rain is moving away but the wind is not, and the wind is going to be with us for at least several hours.” He added: “Staying at home right now is the best thing you can do unless your home is threatened.”
There is sporadic traffic on county roads as people are defying the curfew, scheduled to be in effect until noon. Government crews are out, chainsaws are buzzing against tree limbs impairing roads and systematic damage inventories have begun, street by street, in Palm Coast.
Authorities are asking that calls to 911 be restricted to emergency calls–not to report downed trees or traffic light or flooding, but actual personal emergencies.
The two bridges over the Intracoastal were closed until early afternoon.
Both the Hammock Dunes Bridge and the State Road 100 Bridge were then cleared by the Florida Department of Transportation and are open immediately to residents who live on the barrier island. Residents will be permitted to cross the bridges until 7 p.m.
“Anyone attempting to cross the bridge will be required to show proof of residency,” Flagler County Emergency Manager Steve Garten said. “Once there, those residents will be required to drive to their homes and remain there until 7 a.m. Tuesday. The curfew remains in place.”
Residents who return home are encouraged to use extreme caution as they make their way to their houses and survey their property. There are flood waters, debris and downed powerlines, as well as other potential hazards.
The Department of Transportation inspected the bridges for structural integrity before they could be reopened to the public.
The Flagler County Sheriff’s Office is using its military surplus rescue vehicles on the barrier island and in Western Flagler to assess damages and perform rescues if needed, it reported this morning.
At least four deaths have been reported across Florida, for a total of 31 storm-related deaths since Irma began to churn through the Antilles, but none reported so far in Flagler.
All Flagler County Fire Rescue crews and public works crews are on the roads, clearing roads and doing damage assessment.
South Flagler Avenue “Just about every house on South Flagler.” “It’s intact, it blew over one of the shacks, but it’s still there.” A1A “looked pretty normal after rain. It’s got one little washout.”
“If I was out in the middle of the street I could be waist-deep.” two inches of water in the house. He estimated at least a 4 foot surge, because the lowest point on his property is 3 feet.
Cindi Lane, Palm Coast’s chief spokesperson, was out on surveying streets before dawn with city directors, including the fire chief. “Lots of flooded streets, lots of trees down, I saw some trees on houses, mostly in the roadways though,” Lane said just before 8 a.m., as she was preparing for a meeting of city directors to go over the day’s strategy. “It’s definitely not safe enough for people to be driving around at this point, the curfew is still in effect till noon. We definitely see the canals are very high, swales are full, we’re glad the rain is light we need it to stop now so the system has a chance to work, keep on flowing, get the water down.”
Flooding was seen on Bird of Paradise, in the E Section, the F Section, but so far on streets and in yards rather than in homes. A section of Old Kings Road is closed in the area near Oak Trail Boulevard, just north of the Graham Swamp trailhead. There’s an exposed sewer main there, and the roadway is washing out next to the guard rail.
Cell service became spotty at about 7:30 a.m. It’s not yet clear whether that was a fluke or if there is an issue with cell towers.
“Honestly just on our first glance it appears that the damage is not as significant as with Matthew,” Lane said–at least regarding wind damage. Water damage may be harder to assess at this point. “We do have an indication of a lot of power outages, but we didn’t see as many downed power lines as we did with Matthew, there’s no comparison.”
The wastewater system in Palm Coast is being burdened heavily at the moment, but lift stations that were surveyed were working. “It’s going to be a very long day ahead of us,” Lane said, with triaging going on to decide what to tackle first. Still, Lane stressed, the assessment so far is all based on first glances.
Later in the day, both Palm Coast and county officials were asking residents to reduce activities that tax sewer systems, such as laundry and showers. “We understand that everyone is tired and uncomfortable, but we are asking for the sake of the common courtesy for residents to limit activities that could create problems for our sewer systems,” Garten said. “We are working very hard to get everything back to normal.”
The wastewater sewer system cannot move sewage to the treatment plant without electricity, and even with generators, the system is not operating at full capacity. Tank trucks began to pump down the system Monday, and additional generators were being used by the Utility Department to provide power to lift stations that don’t have permanent generators.
It is extremely important for all residents – whether they have electricity or not – to reduce water consumption with the goal of having the least amount of water going down the drain.
It is especially important for residents with PEP tanks (Pretreatment Effluent Pumping System) to drastically decrease water usage if they lose electricity. PEP tanks will not empty into the wastewater system if there is no power. If the tank fills to capacity, there is a risk it could back up into your home.
For all residents, whether you’re on the gravity sewer system or have a PEP tank, do not do laundry. Flush as infrequently as possible. Put as little water down your sinks and showers as possible. Consider washing up in the yard with a hose so the water doesn’t go down the drain.
If your PEP tank alarm goes off, please call Palm Coast Customer Service at 386-986-2360. A crew will be dispatched as soon as possible.
What not to do: violating curfew, getting in your car and driving around for the hell of it, sightseeing, getting in the way of first responders and utility workers trying to restore services for everybody as fast as possible. As Jon Hardison put it, posting an image of a Jaguar driver stuck on East Moody Boulevard in Bunnell, and requiring firefighter and deputy assistance, “Roads aren’t ready for people yet. You’re a total badass, but this time – just this once – stay home and safe and let the amazing emergency and municipal workers do their job without having to save you?”
Another thing to keep in mind when you’re driving through heavily flooded street, especially with larger vehicles: you are creating a wake that can ripple into yards and push that water into homes that, until now, may not have been flooded.
There is some good news: after Swillerbees Craft Donuts and Coffee Bar in Flagler Beach reported its sand bags stolen, just before the brunt of the storm struck last night–a report we carried in yesterday’s dispatches–someone had the good heart to bring sandbags there, under the rain and in the wind. “Someone seriously loves us,” the Swillersbees owner wrote on Facebook. “My faith in humanity has been restored.”
And School Board member Andy Dance reported from the special-needs shelter at Rymfire Elementary, clearly in good spirits: “Just finished serving breakfast at RES. On generator power. Buildings look great. Waiting for noon.”
[This is a developing story. More soon.]

Lori Gottlieb says
Palm Circle Flagler Beach is under 2 feet of water.
Chuck Bird says
Palm Circle, about 6″ inside…
Sandra Edmunds says
“Flooding is more serious on the south side”. They knew it was more vulnerable but dumped all that sand on the north side. Why? Am I missing something?
Marlee says
Anyone know about the Hammock, Marineland etc area?
Drew Collins says
My pool enclosure is Destroyed! Just replaced the whole screen because of hurricane matthew and now this!! :( prayers don’t help ppl gods NOT listening! My homeowners insurance also won’t cover this! So who knows how much money I’m out this time . Cost me $3000 just to get rescreened now my frames destroyed!
David Perham says
That’s sucks but Not a highly religious guy here but if there is a God I’m pretty sure prayers are reserved for people’s lives in this situation and not our screens,
Drew Collins says
Just saying people can keep their prayer bs to themselves it ANNOYS me because they do Not help!
Anonymous says
I am out of the country for work. We live in the Mondex, and I can’t get hold of my family. How bad is it out there?
Ida Sue Guidry says
Evonne Morgado Ligeiro Just wait. You’ll be AMAZED at what homeowners insurance won’t cover!
deb stolley says
thanks for the update FlaglerLive. WE are in N.J. wondering what was going on in Flagler County. Thank you for the pictures.
Chris Cassler says
Beach Village apartments right over the bridge JUST lost power.
Chuck Bird says
Cathy Horrocks it’s a foot deep in there 6″ rest of house….
Kathi Card Clozza says
We are high and dry here in Middleburg.
Ellen Passer Lefkowitz says
Any updates for Ocean Marina? Thank you
Juliana Thomas says
If anyone has info on s flagler ave and 13th street it’d be much appreciated
Jamie Fuller says
The house on this story’s cover is destroyed now.
Jamie Fuller says
Re caught on fire and Burned for hours last night after this pic was taken.
Melissa Beth says
Brad W says
Thank you for keeping us all informed!
Luanne Downing says
Any news on Bulow Plantation Villages???
Chris Pearl says
Following. Evacuated my father from there to my home in CT and I would love to know what if anything has happened to his mobile home
Chris Pearl says
Is there anyone on here that lives in the Bulow Plantation Villages?
Anthony Tabbitas says
Praying is as useless as its religion !!
Mic oconnell says
Anyone know if eastwood drive is flooded
Sarah Amyotte says
what street is this on? We live on Oceanside Drive and dont know our status? is water in their house?
Jacquelyn Anderson says
It’s on Flagler Dr, no water in their house
Robert G Taylor says
How is the P Section in palm coast
Norma Clark says
Does anyone have any information about homes in the Ocean Palm Villa South development that is on the ICW south of OP.golf course? I know an elderly couple stayed to weather the storm. The gentleman is wheelchair bounds. Address is 18 or 19 Ocean Palm Villa South. Can someone check on them? I am a neighbor stuck in NC and anxiously awaiting information. Any info.would be.appreciated.
Lisa Marie Hale Benjamin says
Any information on the s section…I own there but live in CT
Stella Jobe says
I left Palm Coast 3 years ago and still have friends there. They evacuated to Alabama and returning tomorrow to assess their home. Looks like Flagler Beach got hit hard. A1A washed out again.
Merrill Shapiro says
FlaglerLive, you are indispensable!
Lip Conghee says
Anyone know how things are along S. Central in flagler beach down by Snack Jack?
Dina Davis says
Any info on W section ?
Kathy Duvall Abel says
Where did the flood waters come from on Flagler Ave? Did the dunes breach or was it from the intercoastal?
Robin says
Any idea when power will be restored to palm coast? My son is alone with no transportation in the W section…thanks!
David Gray says
We have house rented out on Ocean Vista Lane in Palm Coast for the week starting this Saturday. Any news or thoughts would be appreciated
Riding out the remnants in NW GA now Pretty tame compared to what y’all went through
Colleen says
We will go check on them. The area was flooded pretty bad.
Luis says
Any body have any images to share or damage to report about Wellstone drive or the surrounding area in palm coast?
FlaglerLive says
The couple at 18 or 19 Ocean Village South has been rescued, Colleen Conklin has just told us.
Tracey says
We have power where I am in the “S” section. Mostly just branches and debris in the roads. A few trees down, but most of them looked to be dead trees. Didn’t see any really bad flooding except out on Seminole Woods Parkway, the southbound lanes from SR 100.
Marge says
How far is the flooding in Grand Haven? Did it reach past the golf course towards River Landing Drive? I’m up north and are desperate to know. Can any body tell me. Thank you.
Craig Tedeton says
Any info on the P section/Point Pleasant Dr area?
Susan says
Any word about osprey point subdivision in Beverly Beach? Thanks
E. Sanders says
Prayers going out to all that were affected by Irma. At least those posting here are alive and even if you don’t believe in God, at least you weren’t hurt or killed. Only your property was affected which can be replaced. People can’t be replaced so count your blessings.
Layla says
Bridges are open for residents.
E. Sands says
Thank God that only property was damaged and nobody was killed because of Irma. Prayers ( for those that want them) going out to all those affected by Irma. The people of Palm Coast are strong and will rebuild from this disaster. Property can be replaced but lives can’t be.
Norma Clark says
What a relief. I contacted Flagler county emergency department and at my request initiated a wellness check.
Tired says
Our awesome Property Appraiser guys took care of the elderly couple, thank you Flagler Folks, you’re amazing!!
Katie Semore says
@Drew Collins, you are guaranteed the right by our constitution to believe or not how you wish and I understand your frustrations, however before you so blatantly declare that prayers don’t work you may want to consider that you and any others in your home are alive and not injured. Could be because of prayers for your safety.
anon says
Flagler county should court Amazon to build their headquarters HERE! Make hundreds of jobs for us all.
anon says
There may be reports of FEMA inspectors asking for personal information or charging for services such as damage inspections or contractor repairs. This is a SCAM. (September 5).
Scam artists may pose as government officials, aid workers, charitable organizations, or insurance company employees. Follow these steps:
Do not respond to texts, phone calls or personal requests seeking your personal information. The only time you should provide personal information is during the initial application process for FEMA help or when you initiate contact with FEMA to follow up on an application. FEMA inspectors only require verification of identity.
Ask for identification and don’t be afraid to hang up on cold callers.
Contact government agencies using information posted on their websites or in other official sources.
Don’t sign anything you don’t understand or contracts with blank spaces.
If you suspect fraud, contact the FEMA Disaster Fraud Hotline at 866-720-5721 or report it to the Federal Trade Commission.
Tww says
Any more info on seaside estates?
Bill says
water came up from the inter-coastal, canals, culverts, not from over the ocean dunes. I am on N Flagler, had. about 18 inches inside entire house.
Lhm b b says
Anyone know how John Bull Dr. On
the south end of FB. Faired?
Dave says
Any damages on zinc place.in palm coast
Kristin Gay says
I am a Christian, I’m thankful My GOD spared all the lives of those able to post on this site!!! Things can be replaced. I have family there, thankful they are safe!! I pray for strength for the days ahead.
GOD Bless you all!!
Elaine Petrosky says
I read somewhere here that the pier was okay.
Anonymous says
Any information about Ellsworth Drive off of Easthampton?
Anonymous says
Interested in condition of Ellsworth Drive in Cypress Knoll. Concerned about our neighborhood and neighbors who stayed. Cannot reach anyone by phone or FB. Judy
JasonB says
Imagine how much worse it would have been if global warming was real.
Concernedcitz says
Thank you ,flagler Live!
prayer does work. Nobody died in Flagler County.
Jimbo says
The Mondex, Daytona North, was/is devastated. Never seen anything like it. Fields for crops looked like lakes. Most every street flooded and impassable. Houses with water to the front steps and some inside their homes. trees on power lines all over the place. Going through there at noon yesterday was very sad. My heart feels for these people who can do nothing but wait for the water to recede. My worry is/was, I didn’t see any emergency vehicles out there helping people other than a county bucket truck.
JohnX says
bottom line is climate change or no, people are building on every square inch of available land on a spit of land that does not have drainage for big storms, on the intercoastal side, and on the beach side is subject to dune erosion. and probably most people do not have flood insurance or erosion insurance, so this whole fiasco is making me uneasy as to what it holds for the future. we haven’t had a series of heavy storms in awhile and now the pattern seems to be shifting the other way. probably my biggest concern is for the baby turtles. i hope most of them hatched before the storm.
Tlg says
I haven’t seen 1 FPL truck in the B section. Are they here working or down south??
Jamie Abbott says
Fountain gate tree fell before sunset, power was cut , not sure why line to house wasn’t cut sooner when storm winds were not as bad. Video of fire at 3 AM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEsnBxS2LO4
Tomo says
Would love to know an approximate idea of when power might be restored to the Post section. We lost power at 7pm 2 days ago, and I know the R section got power yesterday.
Emily says
Any photos of Surfside in Beverly Beach or an update?
Cate says
Has Lakeside by the sea been flooded?
My house is against the preserve- San Jose dr.
Any new would be great.
Edward J Lyons says
Any damage in European Villages?
Booked for there in late October
george says
As an absentee Hammock property owner –appreciate the many photos—especially of Malacompra park–one of my favorite places in all Florida—hope the bathroom survived.
snapperhead says
I talked to the FPL guys who drove by my house today. They are here and working 18-20 hours a day to restore power in PC. Mine came back on a couple hours after I spotted them in my neighborhood.
Pete says
Thanks FlaglerLive for the great and continuous coverage.
You do local news so well!
Hope you and your staff are well.
Flatsflyer says
Have yet to see a single FP&L truck, what’s going on? Cannot “talk” to a live person at FP&L, only a non functioning phone “Tree”. I have seen at least 20 transformer with the isolating breaker tripped. Usually takes out and entire Street, Court or Drive This is a simple “fix” that can usually be done from the ground using just a fiberglass pole. Why doesn’t FP&L have roving crews drive around and reset these breakers. I’ll bet that 25% of all outages could be restored in 24 hours by 5 two man crews in pickup trucks with the fiberglass pole. Only thing I can figure is that utility companies, first responders, etc. love the OT while the public suffers.
FRANK says
Marge… Everything on River Landing Drive is fine. Do damage or flooding at all.
Marge says
Thank you very much for your timely reply. Can you let me know if the power is on in that area? My elderly parents would like to come home. We love that area and are very happy the damage was minimal.
FEDDY says
There has been no sign of FPL in the b section around Bird of Paradise & Burning Bush. There is a power line down and has been reported numerous times by the nearby residents. Getting the runaround by FPL about they first need to investigate the source of the outage, the source is the power line laying on the ground. next they said that the transformer needs repaired which is not true since homes in front of the brake in the wire has power. Then early this morning the ticket was closed but still no power and line still down, another ticket was generated and back to bottom of the pile. Every time we contacted and got a live person they are not within our area which is fine but the last time FPL was contacted the lady was saying that their are thousands of lines down which might be true but my concern when calling is Flagler county not the whole FPL territory. What I find funny is that FPL stated that they believed that Flagler county would lose 10 percent of its power and that’s when the storm was predicted to travel closer to us, but since it went west the impact should of been less but in fact about 50% of Flagler lost power and according to FPL’s own numbers show as to day that about 25% o Flagler residents are still without power. These outlandish predictions and statements made prior to these storms are just for a PR stance, “we are standing by waiting to assist, we will be working around the clock, and we have brought in numerous individuals to help with the restoration of power.) This is all B.S.
PC Fishing says
Edward – European villages had minor flooding, but shops etc. were up and going shortly thereafter.
Flatsflyer and everyone else complaining about power – get over it and get over yourselves.
It is a conscious decision to have above ground power lines. To put everything underground would double – yep 200% double – your rates. Sources? Sure!
There are new technologies that de-centralize distribution of power, making the electric grids more local and modular. Therefore, they come back on line much more quickly following a blackout or catastrophe. You will probably see this new technology applied in the Caribbean islands who were wiped out.
Sources? Sure!
Considering we were hit by the largest storm ever recorded in the Atlantic and power for the entire east coast of FL will be up again in less than a week?
Bravo electric company, bravo linemen, and bravo everybody clearing the trees off the lines.
PS – I’ve never worked for an electric utility, nor do I have any affiliation with one. I just choose to educate myself instead of gripe.
Me says
Thanks FPL for leaving Flagler Beach till last once again! Thankful for no damage but there are people in my neighborhood with health issues and medicines that require refrigeration. We have no flooding after Tuesday morning and none of the houses on the ICW have flood damage. And no answers on why power left us or when our electricity will be returned. You need to be better prepared FPL it’s not like hurricanes in Florida is a new concept.
FRANK says
Marge… Power came on earlier today.
Bring ’em on home.
Kathy A says
I agree, it’s too bad you can’t make a claim for small damages. Between Matthew and Irma we probably had $1500 in damages. Hard for seniors on a fixed oncome. Insurance only helps for large casualtues and FEMA. They are a joke.
JasonB says
Me says: “bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch,” Maybe you need to be better prepared, you watched the news, you knew that this hurricane could very well hit us, Did you get supplies just in case? Ice, water, food, radio, batteries, flashlight, candles? You live in Florida, we are Hurricane central. I had a friend of mine in Sebaston years ago who was without power for 32 days following a hurricane, and he bitched less than you.
Marge says
Thank you FlagerLive. Grand Haven B section now has power.
Me says
And now the park across the water has power and our neighborhood is still out. This is outrageous and makes me feel like we don’t matter here in Flagler north of the pier. How does a park take priority over humans???
Marge says
Just some advice to everyone without power. Yesterday, I reported the power outage to the FPL website. The site requires phone number of the account and zip code. Today the power was restored. If the power company doesn’t know the power is out it might take longer. Good luck to all. Hope this information helps everyone.
Feddy says
PC FISHING I am not taking anything away from the linemen or any employee who has been out there on the front line. I applaud the city of palm coast workers because they are out there in numbers making the recovery happe, they have been outstanding. My problem is with the way that FPL the system has failed. Why would you not modify they system during emergencies to trim down on the paperwork needed to dispatch workers? A claim is wrote they go investigate it then close that claim and start a new one to make the required repairs. Or how about all the great individuals from other power companies from around the country who volunteered their time and services to help out FPL but they are not being dispatched or utilized correctly. How about asdinging crews to fix areas that are quicker fixes then move on, basically pick the low hanging fruit first.
Marge says
Thank you so much for all your efforts and information. I wish you and your family all the best.