Three Flagler County Sheriff’s detention deputies have resigned after during or following investigations of allegations of sexual misconduct at the Flagler County jail. The investigations were carried out by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the Sheriff’s Office. No charges are to be filed against any of the deputies who resigned.
The former deputies who resigned are Bradley Gilyard, Julio Vazquez and Jonathan Vitale. Gilyard resigned this afternoon, just before he was called in to be told he would be fired following an Internal Affairs investigation. Vitale, who could have faced being fired as well, resigned earlier this week. Vazquez resigned in January, at the beginning of the FDLE investigation. Gilyard and Vitale were among the deputies recognized for five years’ service at a sheriff’s ceremony in April.
The FDLE forwarded its investigation report to the State Attorney’s Office. The State Attorney informed the Sheriff’s Office that it would not pursue charges against any of the three deputies or ex-deputies involved.
The Sheriff’s Office requested an FDLE investigation after a deputy reported “rumors” circulating in the jail of Gilyard’s sexual involvement with an inmate. Investigations included Vitale and Vazquez over other allegations, though the investigation of Vazquez was pre-empted by his resignation. Vitale was found to have violated department policy by sharing contraband with inmates and misleading or interfering with investigators. Twice before, in June and July 2011, he’d been reprimanded orally and in writing for untruthfulness.
In sum, investigators concluded that Gilyard had had sex with an inmate and that Vitale and Vazquez had worked to alert him of an investigation, among other violations.
An initial inquiry by sheriff’s investigators led them to believe that Gilyard “entered the laundry room and proceeded to have sexual intercourse” with an inmate, and that the entire incident had been witnessed by another inmate. Video surveillance “corroborated some” of the inmate’s statements, but did not capture the alleged sexual act.
Rather, it captured Gilyard going off camera while holding his gun belt in his hand and wearing no vest, while the inmate he is alleged to have had sex with leaves her work station and goes into the blind spot as well. The episode lasts six minutes. The female reemerges, disheveled. Gilyard denied having had a sexual encounter with the inmate. “I wasn’t aware [the inmate] was off camera, I wasn’t aware I was off camera, but like I said there was at no point when she was within arms-reach of me,” he told the Internal Affairs investigator.
Gilyard is also captured on video displaying his Taser to two female inmates in the laundry room, without cause, which would be a policy violation.
At one point an internal affairs investigator asked Vitale if he thought the inmate with whom Gilyard is alleged to have had sex had anything to gain by making accusations against Gilyard. Vitale’s answer was a “No.”
Vazquez was placed on administrative suspension with pay on Jan. 23. Vitale was not initially suspended.
On Jan. 20, sometime before shift change, according to a memo written by Chief Steve Cole, who oversees all jail operations, Vazquez contacted Vitale by phone to give him a “heads up” that FDLE was conducting an investigation at the jail, and to ask him to let Gilyard know. Earlier that day, a shift commander had told all personnel on duty, including Vazquez, not to talk to anyone about the FDLE investigation.
“Once FDLE Agents gave Dep. J. Vitale and opportunity to clarify, he was then forthcoming about his involvement,” the internal affairs investigation report states.
Vitale was also facing disciplinary action for taking a note from an inmate. He said he did not recall what was written in the note, but conceded: “I often receive paper from inmates.” As for the “contraband” he reportedly gave two inmates, it was, he told an investigator, sweet tea. After initially denying sending a text and placing a call, Vitale admitted to the investigator that he warned Gilyard of the FDLE investigation. Vitale, in his interview with the investigator, described his actions as “a few mindless bad choices.” (See the Internal Affairs investigation of Vitale here.)
One of the inmates FDLE had interviewed worked in the laundry room. She told investigators that Vazquez had told her to report herself being sick on Jan. 16 because, Vazquez reportedly told the inmate, “Gilyard was going to have sex” with another inmate sometime that Monday in the laundry room, according to Cole’s memo. The inmate FDLE interviewed also reported being inappropriately touched by Vazquez when she was working in a supply room, putting away laundry, and he came in there and “began to fondle and kiss her,” Cole wrote. That inmate denied having sex with Vazquez. A review of video of several shifts the inmate worked in the laundry room shows Vazquez entering the supply room in booking, where he was not allowed to be by himself. Solo male deputies are not allowed to be in areas where video cameras are not installed.
Two years into his service with the Sheriff’s Office, Gilyard was recognized as the Detention Deputy of the Quarter, in Summer 2013, for his “his high degree of professionalism, positive attitude and impeccable attendance record,” according to his citation at the time. He had “developed an ability to detect and diffuse potentially combative situations within the inmate facility.Deputy Gilyard is keenly aware of the dangers that are present among a large inmate population and employs excellent officer safety skills while ensuring the safety of inmates.”
Vazquez was presented a similar award last July, when he’d worked with the agency for seven years. He was part of the transition team at the time as the Sheriff’s Office was moving into the new jail. He was “responsible for helping to implement safety guidelines that he learned while working for the Florida Department of Corrections,” a release stated at the time of his award, and had “also been part of instructing jail staff in the operations of the new building, ensuring a successful transition and safer work environment.”
The incident represents the first serious issue on Sheriff Rick Staly’s watch. “I was elected to bring strong ethical practices and leadership to the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office,” Staly is quoted as saying in a release issued this afternoon. “This bad behavior tarnishes the badge and will not be tolerated under my administration.”
Jon Dopp, the vice president of the Coastal Florida Police Benevolent Association, the union representing law enforcement officers in the region and at the sheriff’s office, including corrections deputies, made a brief statement when reached by phone late this afternoon: “I echo the sheriff’s sentiment that the poor behavior should not be tolerated.”
Sexual victimization in prisons and jails is a grave problem the federal Bureau of Justice Statistics began tracking in 2004. In 2011-12, the last year for which numbers are available, an estimated 4 percent of state and federal prison inmates and 3.2 percent of local jail inmates reported experiencing one or more incidents of sexual victimization either by another inmate or by facility staff in the previous 12 months, or since admission to the facility, if less than 12 months, a pattern that reflected previous years’ surveys. The problem is more pronounced with staffers rather than with fellow-inmates: Nationwide, 1.6 percent of all jail inmates reported at least one incident involving another inmate, and 1.8 percent of jail inmates reported having had sex or sexual contact with facility staff. (See the full report here.)
Robert Lewis says
Hardly on Staly’s watch. Staly took office in early January and the dates of question were mid January. I would hold the blame over Jim Manfre and his inability to lead himself out of a paper bag.
Ben Dover says
But of course they are just letting them get away with it ……..what the hell it`s only rape right?
palmcoaster says
Mid January was under Staly then, let go on Manfre he was already out of the FCSO! Jeez!
Dick tracy says
In any other correctional facility when inmates make ACCUSATIONS about officers they take the word of the officers. no charges were ever filed which means this was put out to cover the agency’s rear end. Typical flagler sheriffs office
Unknown source says
Makes no sense
Cop Blocker says
Freak’in predators!
USA Lover says
Not fired? The fox is indeed watching the hen house.
Sw says
Obviously an investigation was not the Only internal event going on in the Green Roof Inn smh lol
Wtf says
They are supposed to be trusted. Give them ultimate.😡
Constantly amazed says
Blind spots in a correctional facility? I will say that again BLIND SPOTS ! Did any ranking deputies like the Chiefs, commanders and so on ever know about the BLIND SPOTS? I find it hard to believe only a few low level deputies knew about the BLIND SPOTS IN THE SURVAILENCE SYSTEM.
Lazaruis says
Just because they quit instead of being fired is not enough for justice to be served .
They should be treated as any other suspect in a crime and go to trail .
This just shows that the guards are not held responsible for their actions .
The penalty for rape should be a lot harsher than just looking a job .
JasonB says
Of course they are not going to be charged, business as usual at the Flagler County jail. As usual, the worst predators are the ones with the badges.
Dick tracy says
They were investigated by fdle and state attorney decided these guys didn’t do enough wrong to charge them. Did you read the article?
Capt says
All I can say to those idiot deputies, I sure hope its was worth it, as you are going to be barred from ever working in law enforcement again.. Looks like thinking with the wrong head is going to change their lives for the worst.
out of town person says
I don”t know why they are not going to charged these deputies with rape…Is it because they are police officers.That is just wrong.I say what comes around goes around..These deputies should be charged ..What is wrong with the Justice system…This is rape so I guess these deputies get away with this act of crime..This is a crime…I say FDLE needs to look into this a little more and charge these men with rape…These deputies are going to get away with this because they are police officers that is just wrong…If this was anybody else they would be charged with rape which is a crime..Wake up..
Ben Dover says
Since when isn`t rape enough,,,,,,you go rape the daughter of a city or county official …then see if quitting a job covers it….SMH
Baffun Gool says
I read nothing of rape. I saw no proof, but if you want to believe a pillar of the community……that’s on you.
New Yorker 13 says
When a person is in custody they have no way of getting away , even when they say no who”s going to listen? Doen’t that mean it’s rape?? This same thing happened over 12 years ago in the jail and that deputy went to prison. What’ so special about the three of them ? Who do they know?
Anonymous says
This speaks volumes of our local State Attorney Office…..a crime is a crime and no crime should be dismissed because one quits their job. This allows these individuals to go to other counties to gain employment and continue where they left off. We should be able to trust law enforcement and they should be held to a higher standard…..instead….it sounds like a good ol boy club. It is time for an investigation of the State Attorney Office and for some heads to start rolling! I wonder how much more there is going on with law enforcement and the State Attorney that we don’t know about…..sure makes me wonder.
Sherry Epley says
They certainly should be investigated for RAPE! Did they even bother to interview the woman involved? Consider the possibility that allowing them to “Quit” instead of being “Fired” means that they could possibly continue being guards in another location. . . and possibly continue to abuse inmates!
Our “current” law enforcement leaders certainly need to “reopen” this case and follow the course of lawful procedure!!!!
woody says
Awe,come on it was just a QUICKY
My Dead Body says
Safe to assume then that any Flagler county deputy sheriff may have committed rape or other violent felony while working in another county, was found out, quit and then landed a job with the Flagler Sheriff.
I will carry a gun and take care of myself rather than call for asdistance from those guys.
C'mon man says
Bro’s before hoe’s
CB from PC says
The sad part is these predatory Ex-Deputies can, and likely will, be hired elsewhere.
They disgrace the Professionals in Law Enforcement.
Resign before being fired…no action by State’s Attorney office.
Wtf is with this?
“Like it never happened”.
Nancy Katz says
Many years ago I reported an incident to FP about one of these dirty cops. He stalked me later and intimidated me in a public gathering. Saying ” with his fingers ” I’m watching you”. I reported it again and the cop in charge was screaming at me on the phone. I never said I wanted him fired, I did say is I think he should watched. OBVIOUSLY Gilyard should have been watched.