Last Updated: Tuesday, 7:13 p.m.
Two people–a mother and child–were killed in a two-vehicle crash on Palm Coast Parkway at Pine Cone Drive, near the Post Office, at about 7 p.m. Monday evening (Jan. 16) in what may have been the collateral result of a road rage incident. Immediately after the crash, people involved in the road-rage incident nearly came to blows even as the car most severely struck in the collision, with two people aboard, flared with flames.
The Florida Highway Patrol identified one of the victims as Terri Lynn Wickel, 55, of Palm Coast. FHP identified the second victim in mid-afternoon Tuesday as Margaret Ann Wickel, a student at Matanzas High School, who had been a passenger in Terri Wickel’s car, and was her daughter.
The crash involved a 2000 Chevy Silverado pick-up truck driven by Tyler Lane Wilkinson, 25, of Palm Coast, a felon with a number of traffic citations on his record, and Wickel’s 2016 Ford Fusion.
Wilkinson was traveling west on Palm Coast Parkway. Wickel was driving south on Lupi Court, by the Watson Realty Office. (Lupi Court is essentially the continuation of Pine Cone Drive under a different name.)
Paramedics had stretched a ladder across the somewhat waterlogged ditch to get to the Ford. Both occupants of the Ford were pronounced dead at the scene. The vehicle had been reported to be briefly on fire immediately after the crash, according to 911 notes.
Wilkinson had minor injuries and was not transported to a hospital.
Tuesday morning, a source reported to FlaglerLive that the crash had been preceded by a road-rage incident between Wilkinson and a motorcyclist, stretching back to around the intersection with Boulder Rock Drive near Chick-Fil-A. It’s not clear what triggered the incident between the motorcyclist–who was riding with a passenger–and Wilkinson.
But 911 dispatch center notes corroborate claims that an incident took place between the motorcycle and Wilkinson: “Truck cut off bike,” the 911 dispatcher reported at 6:51 p.m., two minutes after the crash had been reported to 911. “Rider on bike hand gestured.” Thirty seconds later, a caller to 911 reported a verbal fight, apparently between the biker and Wilkinson. “They were close to physical,” the dispatcher continued, “pushing each other,” with a female at the scene, possibly the passenger riding with the motorcyclist–FHP did not report a passenger in Wilkinson’s truck–“screaming you fuck*** killed him” and “pushing another party.” (The starred abbreviation was in the original 911 report.)
Three 911 Calls From the Scene[media id=414 width=350 height=250]
The 911 dispatch communications reflect a shocking intermingling of reports from the scene about the verbal and possibly physical altercation with reports of the severity of crash, the lack of a pulse from one of the victims in the sedan–most likely Wickel, and the declaration, at 7 p.m., of both victims in the Fusion being declared dead.
The 911 dispatch notes from 6:56 p.m. on are only about the crash, with nothing else reported about the fight. The source who spoke with FlaglerLive said the motorcyclist left the scene soon after the crash, allegedly when the sound of sirens approached. The Florida Highway Patrol was notified of the crash at 7:11 p.m. as sheriff’s deputies continued to gather witness statements and securing the scene.
Tuesday evening, the sheriff’s office released three 911 calls from the scene of the crash. Two of them describe the crash. In another, a man describes the altercation between Wilkinson and the motorcyclist, though in often garbled language.
“I’m on Palm Coast Parkway, there’s [an] accident, people are arguing,” the caller says. “There’s people out there right now. I saw the whole thing happen.” The caller then says something garbled about the truck and the bike, then describes “a truck that almost cut-off the bike, the bike was mad, the guy on the bike stuck his middle finger.” More garbled language follows, “but they were so into each other” that they ended up crashing with the sedan (though only the pick-up truck crashed with the Ford).
A little later the caller says the individuals are “here arguing,” then the 911 dispatcher can hear him turn to the individuals in the altercation as he yells out, “guys, guys, guys,” as the voice of a woman cussing somebody out several times rings in the background, “guys, arguing is not going to help out anything.”
This is immediately after the crash—as the victims are dying or dead in the ditch.
The caller then says 10 or 15 people are at the scene, and then asks someone if anyone is injured. Someone, apparently a nurse, has checked a victim and detected no pulse.
Another 911 caller says “the car just burst in flames” when the truck struck it. Another caller says a “a horrible accident” took place then provides a more precise description: “Two vehicles involved. It was a t-bone accident, guy ran a red light, somebody stuck in the vehicle right now.” He says “they’re completely crushed in the car. It’s really bad.”
The 911 dispatcher asks him whether they’re conscious and alert. Then the caller is heard yelling out the question to someone near the car: “Are they conscious? Are they conscious? No.”
Wilkinson, a young father of two who just started a local screening business, has a checkered traffic and criminal history.
In late 2011, he was arrested and charged with the sale of marijuana, a third-degree felony. He pleaded no contest and was placed on two years’ drug-offender probation, then violated his probation, leading to the revocation of his probation and his imprisonment in Florida state prison in April 2013, where he served the rest of the year, according to Department of Corrections records.
Wilkinson’s alcohol status is pending, according to the FHP report. FHP requested a blood draw from him at 8:40 p.m. The bodies of the victims had to be extricated from the crushed car. That operation was not completed until 11:15 p.m.
The Florida Highway Patrol was investigating the scene after the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office turned the scene over to FHP, with units from the Palm Coast Fire Department still at the scene well after the crash. The Palm Coast Fire Police had reduced westbound traffic on the three-lane Parkway to one lane.
The investigation was active for several hours. The FHP homicide investigator is Justin Roundtree.
The crash resulted in the second and third fatalities in three days on Palm Coast Parkway. On Jan. 12, Tyler Allen, 21, was killed when his motorcycle rear-ended a motorist on Palm Coast Parkway East, near canopy Walk.
Boomer says
What’s going on around here????? It seems like we are having way too many vehicle fatalities in this town….Maybe put the phone down and do the speed limit…I’m really sick of this every day….. Grow up people…..
Ray Ramirez says
The hit and run driver apparently was never charged, Tyler Wayne Wilkinson of Palm Coast.
HBIC says
Maybe you should have all your facts straight before you comment on a post from 3 years ago.
NO it was not a hit and run. &
You have the persons name WRONG.
And also, A son, husband and a father not a felon for your mediocre mind.
What is your relevance? to report or ‘comment’ on a article from three years ago when you have no clear understandOmg about the whole situation? We’re you there? Did you see the accident? We’re you at court? NOOOO! YOU WERE NOT!!!
People like YOU who comment on things at 11:08pm 3 years later because you have nothing better to do with your life Mr. Ramirez need to stay off social media for personal appeasement!
David S. says
After seeing hundreds of these accidents when I was an FF in Maryland I’m not suprised ,the way people drive around here is rediculous were not living up north people.
Anonymous says
So sad, I almost got struck at that same intersection last week by two incompetent drivers who made a left turn in front of me while I had the green light to proceed north through the intersection when the light had just turned green to proceed straight. Thank goodness I slammed on my brakes to avoid a severe crash.
donna says
This is so sad. Rip and bless your families.
Concernedmom says
Let’s not forget the hit and run fatality on New Year’s Eve on Old Kings claiming the life of a 16 year old young man. People be cautious.
brian says
more fine flagler drivers..simply horrible!! and getting worse, i see..
Old Lady says
So sad that people are in such a hurry that they can’t pay attention
Outsider says
People really need to learn how to drive in this town. People should not be getting killed on a 45 MPH road. This a real tragedy. Prayers to the victims’ families.
Ugh says
This is getting bad. All these deaths in a matter of three days!? We need more police attention on Palm Coast Parkway. Not only has it been a nightmare to drive with horrible light timing, but people are carelessly pulling out in front of oncoming drivers, cutting people off, and roll-stopping at stop signs! It’s infuriating that some of these deaths could have been prevented. So sorry for the losses and my best wishes to the families affected by the deaths of the two victims. May they rest in peace.
Kamamani says
Drove by this on my way home around 8:45 tonight. I am so sorry to see that two lives were lost. Prayers for the families.
Lori says
That is beyond devastating.. This Community has lost way too many people within the past year.
Charles F. Ericksen, Jr says
It seems as if speed was a factor in both the PCP/Canopy and Lupi/PCP accidents and deaths..Sounds quite similar to the SR100 and Town Ctr/Dunkin Donut entrance , where a drunk went through the light and broadsided a car and killed it’s driver.
Although not being positive on Red Light Cameras, they would have come in handy here ( the PCP/Lupi intersection) , to determine fault ..In most cases, the cameras were on 24 hrs/day..filming , and were a source to FCSO and FHP in determining picture proof fault..
SAD, but as we grow , more of this will happen..
My guess at the next place…..Belle Terre and SR100…Either a pedestrian . caused by poor lighting and no right given to walkers and bicyclers , when they have right of way, OR increased speed to get through caution light..
Sw says
Slow down ! Why is it that drivers think that nothing will ever happen that endangers everyone when safety is not practiced. RIP
Ana says
Truly sad. Palm Coast needs to do something about the excessive speeding, people on cell phones while driving, no headlights, taking red lights, distracted. The speed limit is 40 to 45 on Palm Coast Pkwy/Belle Terre Pkwy, PC main roads, yet every morning drivers are passing me going over the speed limit some on cell phones, others taking red lights with little regard to pedestrian, bicyclists, and school kids. Not blaming the Sheriff’s Department because they have a vast area to cover in Flagler County. With the growth of Palm Coast sooner or later the city will need to establish their own police department.
Very dangerous Area right there says
I cannot tell you how many times I have witnessed fender benders and almost been creamed T-Bone style trying to cross PC PKWY at the intersection without a traffic light just east of Piecone/Lupi ct. I enrolled my child in Sunshine Academy daycare right in between those two intersections so I must negotiate this free for all Chaotic intersection twice daily (that cross street behind the Walgreens) for the last 3 years. I would need all fingers and some toes to count how many cars Ive seen end up in that ditch…
Bill harvey says
We are getting up there with the body count like Detroit but instead of guns it’s with motor vehicles
Melissa says
Also, prayers to the families of this tragidy. So so sad.
Mark101 says
The KEY WORD here is “” a felon”. When will this county get serious about felons. This person should have been in jail for violating his probation.
tulip says
It won’t surprise me if more accidents happen now that the red light cameras are gone. Not only that, with the cameras gone, there is no video evidence of whose fault the accident was.
Palm Coast is becoming very heavily populated and traffic more and more dense every day. With more and more houses being built it will continue to increase with more moronic drivers out on the road.
Anonymous says
how on earth did you just compare detriot to here?
Steve says
Most dangerous intersection in town.
Local Yokel says
Flaglerlive, how about digging up the stats from 1989 to the present on car related deaths in this town? It would blow the publics mind.
Anonymous says
I blame the Sheriffs Office. How man deputies are out there enforcing the traffic laws? NONE. They should be there all the time not just when there is a special event. Sheriff Stahly make them do their jobs.
Flaglermom says
Drove past this at 9:30, so sad. Everyone needs to drive the speed limit, and follow road safety rules! No drinking and driving people
A.S.F. says
This perp was not just “in a hurry.” He is a habitual offender who doesn’t give a darn about anyone else or anything else except giving in to whatever impulse is driving him at the moment. He belongs in jail. And I hope that the victims’ families will sue him for every asset he possesses. Perhaps if the offender’s family starts to realize that some “pocketbook pain” may result from this young man’s actions (besides bail and paying off his tickets and lawyers), they will take his problems seriously and not enable him any further.
Concerned Observer says
With so many previous arrests, why was this felon still driving on our streets? Our Law Enforcement Officers are doing their job but it seems that “Catch and Release” is the policy of the judges in our criminal justice system and not just the Fish and Wildlife Department. If the owner of the pickup allowed the felon to drive their truck, they are also responsible and must share the blame. I am not usually fond of personal injury lawyers, but if the driver is sued in civil court, I hope “Dewey, Cheatem and Howe” go after them as well..
truthsayer says
What would a red light camera do?Do you think Mr.wilkinson would have stopped if it had a camera?Troopers had it figgered it quickly.Great job.Still sad RIP.
Gkimp says
Sheriff! What’s your plan?
flagler1 says
I can’t believe this guy still had insurance or even a license.
Anonymous says
Sheriff it’s time to tell your deputies to do their job I’ve seen motorist past deputies at 65 miles an hour on Palm Coast Parkway and they did nothing I’ve seen them roll through stop signs on Palm Coast Parkway in front of a deputy they did nothing we need more traffic enforcement on Palm Coast Parkway and the rest of Palm Coast. Why is it the pick up trucks with loud mufflers and loud music roaring out of the cab and fly up and down Palm Coast Parkway and they do nothing about it we need to stop the carnage now!!!
C says
People drive on these parkways like they are speedways. I am horrified of these speeders that weave in and out of traffic.
palmcoaster says
Speeders around us not respecting stop signs or red lights is just plain criminal…and can someone tell me if this young man with all these traffic violations on his records was taken into custody or not? He should of taken off the street as is a danger to us all and a murderer at the steering wheel. Sorry but we need justice here.
Catherine Walsh says
This is so heartbreaking. I knew Terri and her family for about 20 years. Terri was a beautiful woman and such a dedicated mother to all of her children. She was the calm in the storm for everyone else when they needed it. I just can’t believe this. Her children just lost their father in a motorcycle accident not even 2 years ago. Terrible just terrible. How can 1 family endure this. I pray for strength for the children and the family. Just heartbreaking.
Concerned mom says
First of all if you read the article he blew a red light, causing the accident, there were witnesses, I’m sorry, but now he has to suffer the consequences, that’s a crime, and he has to pay for it, it’s very sad that he is a young guy, but he should end up in prison for this, forget about his past record, this serious crime is bad enough. The people who were killed, didn’t do anything wrong, now there families have to suffer, believe me I know from experience, and it sucks for the families left behind. Don’t blame it on the Flagler deputies, they are doing an awesome job out there. When your behind the wheel of a car your responsible , you blow through a light and cause 2 deaths, then time for prison
Concerned mom says
How can you say blame this on the deputies, really!!! It wasn’t a deputy who blew through a red light , it was the kid, now he has to pay for what he did!!!,end of story
Maria M Nix says
He did his time in jail, and has completely turned his life around. Accidents are called accidents for a reason!!!!!
Veteran says
The guy who ran the light should go to prison for a long time.
Sally says
NEVER see ANY speed control by police around the Palm Coast…IF the speed traps were set up on just
one street..one hour a day..and in varied areas, fines would cover the city budget!! Just drive through the
Town Center on any given day..and there is a prime example of SPEED always and every day..even though
the speed limit is 35 miles per hour..SPEED through the whole area..School is on that road…many elderly
people in and out of medical facilities and senior homes..and speed is EVERY day through the whole
Town Center..Just go by the theater area..SPEED and more SPEED..NEED speed patrols..Sheriff should
put a deputy on all roads on varied days and get speeders..WHERE are the deputies all day????
St. Augustine has a very good handle on speeders..The police have almost put a total stop to speeders on
A1A beach road..Check w/them!! This is a total shame..DEATHS on residential roads…UNBELIEVABLE!!
William Moya says
“Flagler County Sheriff Office’s turned the scene over to FHP” Why?
FlaglerLive says
Traffic Homicide Investigations are usually handled by FHP.
Tlg says
Maybe they should look for the mortcyclist that was road raging in and out of traffic and chasing the truck. Looks like he is the cause. I’m sure if this kid was a city official they wouldn’t even be investigated like the other 2 that killed people. Hit and run and pulling out in front of someone.
liberal says
another crash there 15 min ago. bad spot.
truth says
Jesus christ it was an accident, no one is at fault. Stuff happens and we need to have sympathy for the families of all involved. People in palm coast are so quick to blame and rubberneck instead of attempting to help or offering sympathy
A.S.F. says
THAT is the exact kind of ‘enabling’ from others that I am talking about. This was not just “an accident.” This is “vehicular homicide.” This perp has had enough life experience and warnings to dissuade him from his dangerous activities and habits. Instead, he chose to take the actions he took and it cost other innocent people their lives. The consequences of his own actions should now be fully enforced.
Ugh says
You don’t think running a red light is enough to be at fault? “Stuff happens” because road laws are not being properly enforced. These two women lost their lives in a careless act by another driver because he didn’t have time to wait through the light. No matter the excuse, we can’t not hold someone accountable for their actions simply out of “sympathy”. To do so would be childish. Not only that, but someone who obviously has a recoRd of bad driving and infractions deserves no sympathy. I only hope he learns from his mistakes and is kept off the road.
Anonymous says
Truth. Period. The truth is it was not an accident he ran a red light and was a road rage incident.
Knowsalittle says
To Maria and truth. Yes, Wilkinson is at FAULT!! He ran the red light and killed two innocent people. He should be locked up for life. He has numerous traffic offenses dating back many years. I have no sympathy for this killer.
YankeeExPat says
I have driven all around and through N.Y.C., (incl.all five boroughs) Boston, Philly, Baltimore and D.C., Jacksonville Tampa, St. Pete with no anxiety. I drive down Palm Coast Pkwy. in Palm Coast and I get the sensation I ‘m about to paint my skivvies. It’s not about Red Light Cams, Street lighting or Police patrol, its Bad drivers consistently doing Bad driving.
carol says
The true culprit is the Ex mayor of the city Jon Netts, he wanted to grow this city so bad. This is what happens.
Robert says
This does not sound like an accident. It sounds like the truck driver (with a police record) was chasing the motorcycle and drove through a red light chasing the motorcycle. That is done purposely, not on accident. Add to it, possible alcohol involvement, and it is the making of a man made disaster. Hopefully, this incident will remove this young person from society for the safety of us.
Just Me says
Are you kidding, truth? Road rage, running a red light? That is not an accident. Accidents can’t be prevented. This could have been prevented. Remaining calm and obeying traffic signals would have kept this from happening. There is definitely someone at fault, and it isn’t the two people who lost their lives. My prayers go out to all involved, but this was no accident.
Worried Grammy says
to Maria Nix….running a red light is not an accident…if that were your family that was killed you wouldn’t say that it was an accident.
Nancy w says
Don’t bring Jesus into this, lol. I agree it was accidents, but the reported road rage by Wilkerson was criminal. Two innocent people are dead. So, if people are upset, they should be because these accidents were preventable. I see people here offering their sympathy, i also see people trying to tell everyone to drive slower. Both accidents had excessive speed involved.
Outsider says
It was not anaccident; it was a jackass driving like a jackass with predictable results. We need to ban all jackasses from Flagler County.
liberal says
uhhh…. no one arrested?
PC citizen says
The selfishness and ignorence of people has lead to senseless deaths. All the comments point to the frustration this community is feeling. As a citizen I call and demand that law enforcement unite with surrounding police agencies and do saturation traffic enforcement. As frequent as possible. Let’s stop these people that should never be on the road with us conscious drivers. I have experienced all of the above comments. The alarm has been rung. Time to show us some more protection.
Instigator says
I am a former driving instructor. FLORIDA drives me nuts. It has been hard to leave it alone but it does.
No one uses TURN SIGNALS.
What part of “Keep right, pass left” do we not understand?
and lastly following distance is measured in seconds. THREE seconds to be exact. It works at any speed. Mark a fixed spot where the car in front of you has passed and count one thousand , two thousand, three thousands and if you pass that mark sooner than 3 seconds you are following too close. Belle Terre looks like Daytona. Bumper to bumper in left lane at 45 plus MPH until you come upon someone doing 30 in the left lane. People die because people don’t care.
Fred says
Road Rage…….Drunk driving…….Cell phone us while driving…….drivers who NEVER took a DMV driver test…………………..Come on Sheriff, get those deputy dogs out there on traffic control !
John dolan says
This kind of driver is prevalent in the sunshine state. They may as well use an AK. Should lose license forever .
John dolan says
Driving like a madmen using your vehicle as a weapon is no accident pal.
Since 1987 says
As predicted, the most ignorant statement is “I blame the Sheriff’s Office.”. Condolences to the family.
Laurie says
Palmcoastgirl says: This is so sad,,, prayers for the victims’s families.
Anonymous says
Red Light Cameras made me more respectful of intersections and stoplights, and it only cost me a little over $300 to learn this respect. I guess we need them at the major intersections, as bad as I my wallet dislikes them.
Agent O says
@Maria M Nix and @truth, how was that an accident, road rage and running through a red light, you call that accident?
The Truth says
No one is at fault? I would say the guy who blew through a red light is at fault. This man should not have been driving a car, was clearly driving reckless and fast and has now taken the lives of two innocent people and you’re saying ‘stuff happens’? Sure, there’s a fair share of rubber necking and some people on here over exaggerate certain situations, but we aren’t talking a fender bender here. This was a serious accident that will now change the lives of that entire family. They’ve lost two loved ones and their lives will never be the same because of this worthless human being who has done nothing but shown time and time again that he has no respect for laws, other people or himself.
Blanche Valentine says
That sweet young lady was special needs student and part of The Boys & Club at Rymfire. She was so polite and focused on always doing the right thing. I’ve watched her prepare for the arrival of the after school students. She took pride ensuring the seating arrangements were perfect.
So to many this is more than an accident. This young man may have done his time for passed driving infractions but his poor judgement has robbed Margaret of the joy of making well thought out good decisions.
ignorant says
No, no one was arrested. There’s this crazy thing called due process. There will be an investigation and then when and if they have grounds to charge the young man then they will get a warrant and arrest him. Then he is entitled to a trial by jury, if he chooses that. A felon, come on…..it was marijuana which now in some cases is legal and some of you probably smoke it as well. Glad you people aren’t judges or cops.
Born and Raised Here says
Palm Coast Parkway is way dangerous then Interstate 4.
bill says
Where are the police in this town????
everyone seems to be hurting for money, city, county,state. If the police would enforce the laws and ticket these people, they would make a fortune!!!!
hardly see patrol cars around this town any more…… unless its a SPECIAL EVENT::((\
Lin says
Sheriff needs to get these road rage and incompetent drivers under control. I have at least one close call every time I go to PC. I do most of my shopping there, live in FB. I will be going to Ormond from now on.
PC is just too scary. Lots of people with criminal records and no respect for anyone. Driving around with warrants out on them- probably why the motorcycle driver left the scene. Prayers for the innocents,
What is your plan sheriff?
Anonymous says
absolutely heartbreaking! may their souls be at peace together. Please Palm Coast PAY ATTENTION to the road and the lives around you. You may not care so much about yours, but think about the families lives you robbed
tracy says
Absolutely heartbreaking! Couldn’t sleep all night with this being what the 3rd or 4th vehicle fatality in a week? Palm Coast wake up and pay attention to the road and the lives on it. you may not care so much about your own, but you’re robbing other families of theirs. prayers for the family
Mark101 says
Maybe , or we can hope, our new Sheriff will start some active and continued speed zones throughout the county were unmarked cars are used to catch speeders and these speeders are fined accordingly.
Algernon says
Been thinking about this one today… I wonder about the effect of passing a law which says that IF a felon causes a death in a traffic accident, with or without alcohol involved, that capital punishment could be imposed.
Any thoughts?
anonymus says
Yes it was an accident & it was an accident cause by an individual who felt the need to run a red light. No excuses, just solutions!! My prayers go out to all the families involved in this tragedy.
Sw says
Its not speed that kills but the difference in speeds . If one continuosly drives at excessive speeds it is merely statistics and the law of avg.es before shit happens.
Steve says
Maybe the red light cameras were not such a bad idea ?
Stevo says
Yeah in today’s liberal society the criminals have the rights and the citizen are the victims
It is just so sad that a few moments of thoughtlessness and ignorance can be so deadly.
Anonymous says
This is a tragedy. An accident with victims that stretch beyond the fatalities. Unfortunately we have everyone with pitch folks and torches calling for law enforcement to do something about it. Red light cameras do nothing but cause rear end collisions and provide government with another means to exact taxes and shake down its citizens. Be careful what you ask for! Lets talk about real solutions like longer all stops at lights. This person that caused the accident was on edge and should not have been driving and no doubt an idiot. That shouldn’t be an indictment for all drivers in PC. My sympathy for the family unbound. RIP.
Dawn Smith says
I know I’m not a lawyer, but can the guy that caused this accident, be charged with manslaughter, as to the other driver too. Who in there right mind would not check on the other car involved. two idiots arguing, while two victims lie there dying!!!. Your parents must be proud of you.
Kim says
Apparently no one’s bothered by the fact that these idiots (the biker and Wilkinson) continued their stupid argument while people were trapped in a crashed car? Appalling.
concerned mom of teen says
@ concernedmom tis very true. everyone needs to be more aware. Yet my child is friendly with another child who was riding with the young man who was killed NYE, this child informed our kids that he rode his bike into OKR not waiting, while his friend waited and saw his friend get struck by the vehicle.. Sad as it is.. we also need to stress to our children to also be more cautious while riding bikes, walking etc. on these roads.
Terminus says
A red light camera wouldn’t have stopped this. The guy was blinded by rage and clearly has a psychological problem. He should be charged with two counts of vehicular manslaughter and not given a fine or a slap on the wrist. The only way people learn is by being prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and showing them that they can’t just act and react without the consequences of those actions having an impact on them or others around them. The guy is a loose cannon and should be behind bars, if he was maybe those two people would still be alive tonight.
Nana says
MY grandkids knew Margaret from the after school boys and girls club. When I told my daughter (mother of grandkids) about the car accident and it being a special needs girl my daught r gasped for air and said ” OMG mom I hope is not the girl from the boys and girls club her mom and her had such a Beautiful ,Loving bond mom” tonight when we picked up my grandkids it was confirmed that yes it was Margaret. It hit my daughter very hard as we have a special needs daughter and 2 of my daughters work with social needs kids. It’s just so selfish and Ruthless that people who drive don’t take into consideration that it is a privilege to drive and that you not only need to worry if your safety when driving but those of others who ate in the other vehicles (families,Mothers,fathers,grandparents, kids) PEOPLE PLEASE STAY FOCUSED AND REALLY is it that important to fight or have road rage while driving a heavy equipment? No!! 2 lives were taken, 1 guy walks away with no injuries and the motorcycle guy RUTHLESSLY,COWARDLY TAKES OFF FROM SCENE NOT GIVING A DAMNNNNN OF WHAT DAMAGES WERE LEFT BEHIND IF PERHAPS HE COULD OF AIDING IN HELPING MARGARET OR HER MOM OUT@? AGHHHHHHH YOU SHALL BURN IN HELL FOR THIS AND I WILL PRAY DAILY THAT GOD TAKE AWAY YOUR SLEEP,THAT HE CONVICTION YOUR HEART DAILY FOR YOUR SELFISH RUTHLESS ACT OF DRIVING AWAY,YOU MAY AS WELL SHOULD OF HIT THE CAR TOO BECAUSE IN MY EYES YOU SHOULD BE THANKING GOD THAT I AM NOT A COURT ORDERED JUDGE BECAUSE I WOULD LOCK YOU UP AND THROW AWAY THE KEY AND NOT ALLOW YOUR MOTHER OR FATHER OR YOUR KIDS OR ANYONE TO VISIT YOU IN PRISON AS RIGHT NOW MARGARET’S SIBLINGS CANNOT EVER SEE HER OR THEIR MOM!! MAY YOU ROT IN HELL IF YOU READ THIS MAY GOD HAVE NO MERCY ON YOUR SOUL. REALLY ALL OF THIS FOR ROAD RAGE????
Ms says
He lost his temper and ran a red light. Now a wife, mother, grandmother and daughter are being mourned.
A.S.F. says
My sincere condolences t the loved ones of this sweet young girl and to the other person who was injured.–My wishes for a full recovery.
plutarch says
Sure, accidents happen, but let’s get one thing absolutely clear: Tyler Wilkinson had a long and recent record of precisely the type of offenses that caused the deaths of Terri and Margaret Wickel. He knew this. The police knew this. The courts knew this. This could have been prevented. Tyler Wilkinson and the system that failed to keep him off the road are each responsible for the deaths of Terri and Margaret Wickel.
palmcoaster says
After this tragedy, now I see our deputies patrolling yesterday evening allover Palm Coast Parkway to Rte 100 and adjacent roads as they should. Thank God for their presence.
Also I hope that when we call, for example as happened last week, on a drug addict woman with a long felon record bailed out all of 2015 and 2016 by her wealthy boyfriend, she was running naked while screaming in and out the house into the cul de sac in a good family community, and the sheriff ignored the call. This is not about neighbors feuds at 3,30 am in the morning is about our city noise ordinance violation and also about public indecent display and drugs use and distribution in that cul de sac house.
We do not need and ISIS fighting force in this county yet, Thank God. What we really need from our current sheriff is prevention and fight against traffic and drug criminal activities.
Richard Smith says
Tyler will be spending a LOT of time in prison for his road rage. Vehicular Homicide – two people – hopefully he won’t get out until he is a senior citizen. He will have plenty of time to think about what he did. Will he be rehabilitated – only time will tell.
GT says
The bottom line is this guy was driving like an ass he wasn’t worried about getting a ticket or getting his picture taken by a red light camera. More cops and red light cameras don’t stop people like this jail stops people like this. Word of advice if you want to stay alive driving down here take a second to look before you enter the intersection even if you have a green light, it could save your live!
Kathy Abel says
Road rage is getting worse every day. People are using 3000 pound vehicles as weapons to settle their anger. Very sad. Condolences for those that lost their lives.
Anonymous says
This is really SAD. It is a tragedy that did not have to happen. The fact that this young man was a “felon” really had nothing to do with what happened here. The fact was…he was in an altercation with the motorcycle. He was most likely angry and so distracted, he made life altering choices, which ultimately and sadly took 2 peoples lives. Yes, he is responsible. I just get irritated when people want to say…OH, he was a felon. Also, where did these people on the motorcycle go?? In my opinion, they were somewhat responsible too. You don’t scream and cuss and drive recklessly because someone “cut you off.” We would all be in accidents if that were the case. Cell phones are a HUGE problem too. I would also agree there is not enough police watching HOW people are driving and or/speeding. This should have never happened. Praying for the families.
Lynn says
No we aren’t living up north, but the north has moved here! Bad manners crime and all!
This area was amazing “was” key word. I am a 57year resident who plans on leaving, the changes here are heartbreaking from destroying the area to people so caught up in themselves their children are rude and entitled like their parents.
Someone who sees in black and white says
This is road rage and vehicular homicide. So those who believe this man should not be locked up for life Ivan bet there will be his charges.
Jan G says
big rich says
@maria yes very sad for all involed even tyler to deal with the rest of his life….all these people commenting are all only opinions..nobody was there and has no idea even what really happened…regarding the motorcyclist he could have threatened him in a way he was scared for his life we do not know….we have all gotten distracted while driving….please dont be so quik to judge let god do that its a tragidy no matter how u look at it…so say a prayer for peace and comfort over the familys and all whos been involved
NeedHelp says
First of all my sympathy to the victim’s families. God bless their memories! Now, let’s not let their deaths be in vain. The driver of the pickup should be charged with Motor Vehicle Homicide. He was obviously out of control and should not have been in charge of a 2000+lb. weapon which ended up killing 2 innocent people. The questions that also come to mind are what about the other people who were obviously involved in the incident which preceded the killing of 2 innocent victims? Are they being investigated and charged in the incident? Law enforcement needs to step up and use all of their resources to make sure the crimes is thoroughly investigated and the perpetrators are charged and jailed. My second point is that this in another example of why we need a local police department who can monitor the streets and set up speed traps, etc. I have been advocating for a police department ever since I moved here one year ago. This community is big enough to have a police department. There is no way the Flagler County Sheriff’s office can solely police this community and 911 definitely picks and chooses what to report to law enforcement. What is wrong with this picture! I grieve for the victims!
Traveling Rep says
This is so incredibly sad. My heart breaks for their family and friends. They are described as extremely caring and innocent lives, stolen from their loved ones. What are we becoming as a society? Why does it seem that we are so quick to lose our patience with each other. When did we lose all sense of respect for our common man? You see this behavior everywhere you go, nothing but a-holes and elbows showing you how much more important they are than you. I drive 45,000 miles a year – all over FL. I see this everywhere. At first read, my presumption is that the guy in the truck was busy, after the altercation with the motorcycle, looking back to make sure he was not being followed or preparing his next offensive move. In doing so, he stopped paying attention to the road, did not see the red light and blew right through – and we know the result… Those thinking you can move away from this are wrong. It is rampant in any FL city with even*some* population density. People are careless and more worried about themselves, their inflated egos, and their priorities – at the cost of whomever is in the way. Address the egos and common respect and we have this problem 90% fixed.
gmath55 says
Anonymous says:
January 17, 2017 at 1:35 pm
Truth. Period. The truth is it was not an accident he ran a red light and was a road rage incident.
Definition of accident
1. 1a : an unforeseen and unplanned event or circumstance b : lack of intention or necessity : chance
2. 2a : an unfortunate event resulting especially from carelessness or ignorance b medical : an unexpected and medically important bodily event especially when injurious c law : an unexpected happening causing loss or injury which is not due to any fault or misconduct on the part of the person injured but for which legal relief may be soughtd US, informal —used euphemistically to refer to an uncontrolled or involuntary act or instance of urination or defecation (as by a baby or a pet)
3. 3 : a nonessential property or quality of an entity or circumstance
NOT an accident? Mmmmmm…. care to change your statement Anonymous!
Anom says
Road rage, speeding and running a red light is NOT an accident!
Veteran says
I guess I’m a speeder because I do 3-4 miles over but other drivers blow by me all day, every day in PC.
Big Rich says
@ Maria….it is very sad what has happened for all sides including tyler to have to deal with the rest of his life..everybodys comments are so judgemental let god do that no one was there and no one knows the real facts..this motorcyclist could have threatened him in a way he was scared and lost focus while trying to get away….we all have got distracted while driving at some point…but my heart does go out to all involved and i pray comfort and peace over the familys…
Martin says
They are accusing him already because of his background because he has felony charges but it’s wrong what happens when an 80 year old drives in the wrong lane or drives in to the stores hmm? But the police doesn’t do anything to them because they are elders that’s wrong
Martin says
This has nothing to do with up north and what not anything everywhere you go it’s obviously going to happen you want a perfect world go home stay in your house and don’t come out that’s simple
Victoria says
I’m new to the area and get nervous driving around Palm Coast. People tailgate and exceed the speed limit on every road. If you aren’t moving fast enough for these people they get enreaged. I’ve never had to drive e so defensive in my life. These younger people with their loud cars and trucks running you off the road needs to stop. I’ve seen these people drive in the grass to go around turning cars and almost flip. They still didn’t slow down. What do we need to do to stop this behavior??? Really!!!! What can we do??? Love my town, but not comfortable driving in it.
Let’s also remember this area is a vacation community too!!!! Not everyone knows where the streets are or when they need to turn. When we slow down, we can all get along.
Fi-del says
Poorly or dimly lit streets as cited by the FHP a major contributory factor for most traffic accidents in Palm Coast!
Joe says
Seems to me there’s a lot of people trying to stick up for Mr. Wilkinson. This was no accident this was gross negligence on his part for partaking in a road rage incident and trying to run from the other individual. I would hardly call that an accident. An accident would be looking down to change the radio and not realizing a light was red. Mr. Wilkinson will pay the consequences and hopefully be punished to the fullest extent of the law. His prior records show he’s already a shady character and probably shouldn’t be on the road. I feel so badly for the family of the victims their lives will never be the same. Taken so tragically and for something as ridiculous as being cut off in traffic.
Catherine Walsh says
@ A.F.S. It was a mother of 55 and a daughter of 17. Both deceased on scene.
Benefit at the bowling alley for them TOMORROW 7pm to help with funeral expenses. Don’t want to bowl, all donations welcome.
jonsey says
Sorry, the guy RAN a RED LIGHT and killed two residents as a result, driving a chevy pickup truck in a road rage incident. I saw this accident Monday night from a distance, and I think I have seen this same chevy truck speeding around Palm Coast (did he have a business sign on his truck?) before. Prayers for the poor family.
John says
The SO and FHP are currently reviewing video from nearby business and intersection camera’s, not relight cameras.
A.S.F. says
@Catherine Walsh–Thank you for the info.. Alas, I received it too late! But I hope the event was well-attended and that much money was raised. Perhaps even more important than the money–I hope all the victim’s friends and loved ones will feel the support of others around them. God bless them!
Kara Dixon says
My family is deeply saddened about Terry and Margaret. We have not seen them in awhile. We used to go out with or have the Wickel family over. When Margaret was younger she would enjoy spending time with my daughter who was also young at the time. I haven’t seen Terry in a long time but I do remember her being such a loving caring mom. She was amazing with Margaret! Our husbands were friends and flew together at the same company for awhile. We were saddened to hear about Matt’s passing a couple of years ago. Such a tragic time. I cannot stop thinking about them. I pray for Jesse and Willy, her two sons and Margarets brothers. I really hope that justice is served. I hope that the young man that caused this will think about how he stole 2 persons lives from their family. They were beautiful people. May God Bless Margaret and Terry along with their family.
David Trivette says
Is it time that Palm Coast stop relying on Flagler Sheriff’s Office for law enforcement,,,,I say yes, it is tine,,,, just look arou,d on your next trip out shopping and count how many officers you see out patrolling,,, I hardly ever see any!!!!! This is ridiculous,,,, how many more fine decent people have to die at the hands of a disgusting scumbag such as Wilkinson