Flagler County’s tourism sales surtax of 4 percent will very likely increase to 5 percent next year as the county looks to double revenue devoted to beach restoration in the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew. The County Commission will get the proposal to raise the tax, which was last raised in 2011, in January, with a vote likely scheduled in February, County Administrator Craig Coffey said today.
The sales surtax is currently an additional 4 percent added to the regular sales tax of 7 percent. The tourism tax is levied only on charges for hotels, motels, and short-term rentals, so it is paid overwhelmingly by visitors, not local residents.
The surtax generates about $2 million a year. It is split three ways: $450,000 of that, or 22.5 percent, goes to capital projects that improve the county’s tourism draw, such as repairs to the Flagler Beach Pier, improvements or new ballfields, and so on. $1.33 million, or 66.25 percent, goes to marketing the county, and paying for the county’s tourism office staff, which devours a considerable portion of that pot. And 11.25 percent, or $250,000, is devoted to beach protection. That proportion was 15 percent until 2010, when the county commission voted to lower it to 11.25 percent at the time of adding the extra penny to the surtax.
The Tourist Development Council is the advisory board appointed by the county commission and responsible for overseeing tourism dollars and recommending to the county commission how those dollars should be spent. The TDC for the past few years has largely been a rubber-stamping body, little interested in oversight or strategy. It defers to the county’s tourism bureau and its director, Matt Dunn, who takes his marching orders from Coffey.
The fifth penny surtax would generate an extra $500,000. Flagler County Commission Chairman Nate McLaughlin, who also chairs the TDC, is supportive of the tax increase, with a condition: “I know as one commissioner, one vote, going forward I would want to earmark this penny for that fund,” McLaughlin said of the beach restoration fund this morning in a TDC meeting. That would increase revenue for beach restoration to $750,000 a year. “I understand a portion of that would even be bondable, so if we have to go out and borrow $2 million for today, we could bond against that income or that revenue. So the more this group talks about it, the more we have the press getting that message out there that this is an important element of this fix. That’s how quick it’ll move.”
But Coffey doesn’t want to devote the entire new penny to beach restoration, even though he was before the TDC this morning to seek approval to spend $165,000 out of that fund for ongoing beach-recovery efforts (the county has blown through its reserves as it recovers from Hurricane Matthew, and waits reimbursements from FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Administration).
Differences in priorities over whether to devote all the new revenue to beach restoration or not.
Dunn and Coffey have been looking to raise to tourism surtax for several years. But they’ve been wanting to do so to further enlarge money devoted to the marketing pot Dunn controls (and out of which he’s paid), with a bit more going to capital projects—not to beach restoration.
Coffey now recognizes that the hurricane has necessarily changed that approach. But he sees the new necessities as an opportunity to increase funding in all three tourism funds, not just the beach restoration fund. “So if you added another half million dollars so your collections went from $2 million to $2.5 million,” Coffey said, “and you went 20 percent capital, 20 percent beach, and then [60 percent] marketing, you’d have a good mix there, you’d get double your money in the beach and you’d sprinkle a little bit more in those accounts.”
He did not explain why the marketing arm of the county still needed more money at a time when it’s run up five straight years of increased tourism-related tax collection, and when Coffey himself is projecting at least $57 million in needed beach-related restoration projects over the next many years, with, by his own account, only so much available in state and federal aid.
“If we get thrown in DEP land,” Coffey said, referring to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, which could fund some beach restoration projects, “50-50 match, so let’s say it’s $25 million or it’s $57 million, I don’t have $12.5 million, I don’t have $30 million to match that, so we’re going to try and match what we can off of what we can match with private dollars and multiply their money, we’re going to make our case to FEMA, that’s going to be our best case.” The rest would have to be local dollars, such as those available through the TDC fund.
Coffey’s appearance at the TDC this morning had nothing to do with increasing the surtax. That was to be a discussion for January. But Palm Coast Mayor Milissa Holland, who was sitting in her first TDC meeting as Palm Coast’s representative since she had chaired the panel for several years until 2012—when she had championed raising the surtax the last time—raised the question.
The question looked so scripted for Coffey that even he was surprised: “For the record, I did not prompt Mayor Holland to ask me that question,” Coffey said. He then went into the details of raising the tax, and referred to a brief discussion at the county commission Monday on the subject.
“What’s good about that is, it really does, it’s very targeted, it goes toward this beach solution, because it is going to be multi-year,” Holland said, though she did not address the proportion of the extra penny to be devoted to beach restoration. She only implied it.
And there’s little question that the TDC will approve that increase, as will the county commission, though the county commission must approve it by a super-majority of four votes. It currently lacks a commissioner, as Gov. Scott is dragging his feet making an appointment to replace the late Frank Meeker. Coffey said he would not bring the proposal to the commission until it’s a full board.
“I can tell you, it’ll move quicker than it has historically, because of the nature of what we’re going to use that money for,” McLaughlin said. “I think we’ll be pushing on an open door here.”
“Personally I think we need to move as fast as we can on this,” Kurt Allen, a TDC member and the general manager at Marineland Dolphin Adventure, said. “We cannot rely on state and other moneys, we need to do whatever we can ourselves, and whatever we’re going to get from them we’re going to get from them regardless, but we need to start thinking about how do we support ourselves, and if this is an easy way to raise a half a million dollars, we need to do it yesterday.”
“I concur with the expeditious movement of this but I would also caution that we don’t want to move so fast that we do miss out on collaborative relationships with the state and federal government,” Holland said. “Particularly the state. There’s no doubt about it that we are on Gov. Scott’s radar as far as our beach and our coastline. He certainly helped tremendously by expediting the opening of the roadway, and I think he demonstrated his support of this community by doing so. But it is very technical and I certainly appreciate the county’s policy moving forward by trying to pull in as many collaborative partnerships as possible, because the more buy-in you have from different stake-holders in the community demonstrates to both the state and federal government that this really is a community-driven exercise.”
That means ensuring that Flagler Beach and Beverly Beach are on board with the plans, she said.
DaveT says
Wait a minute. So the county is getting money from the Gov but wants to also add more tax to the people of Flagler County. Well I think its a little nuts until the county actually has a plan which the county per an article a few days ago doesn’t. NO plan presented to the tax payers should equal NO money. Tell the citizens what we are going to pay a tax on and where and then let the citizens decide, maybe a vote. After all, all Flager County do not live on the Barrier Island.
Also, what about the people that live in Marineland Acres where most property owners were already taxed up to $600 per lot for the Malacompra Basin project that is supposed to stop flooding. So what, hit these people yet again with another tax. I say for these residents NO new taxes.
Ron says
The way the surtax is currently divided up seems a bit out of whack to me. Sixty six percent ($1.33 million) going toward “marketing the county” and “paying for the county’s tourism office staff” seems way too high to me. It might be time to closely look at how this surtax is reinvested back into the county.
Anonymous says
66+% goes for marketing?? and only 11% back to the beaches that the county markets??? How about restoring the beach part to 15% and cut the governments “marketing”?
JT says
Just north of the Flagler County line, there is a road with Beach houses,…( just past Marineland – St Johns County) This road is now essentially part of the beach (largely not serviceable) , and the homes there highly susceptible to washout, total loss. Many are on ‘stilts’ or baricaded with rocks, fighting off rising tides, erosion.
FEMA and the Corps of Engineers need to advise Flagler Beach and Hammock Communities of their studies regarding ‘global warming and its impacts, or non-impacts, for these parts of FC coastline. Government officials, businesses and residents need a full assessment on these points.
Hundreds of millions will be required to re-build this eco-structure. So the question is…was Matthew a one time event, or do we see a continuance of beach dune degradation? Has our shoreline been permanently altered? What future trends are anticipated?
State funding will be a topic of significant debate…..all the facts are needed as we make our case for huge funding to rebuild FC communities. A collaborative effort is needed.
Anonymous says
This is BS! It is going to chase tourism to Volusia and St Johns County. If people are stupid enough to build at the beach let them worry about it. There is no need to put more money in A1A when another road can be used., Once the ocean move more inland, we need to keep moving back. Putting money in to defy Mother Nature is crazy.
Heather says
Local options on transient taxes per state law http://floridarevenue.com/dor/taxes/local_option.html
So let’s just say a hotel is $100. Right now, visitors pay $11.00 in taxes. This added 1% would make that $12.00, which is still below Volusia and Duval http://www.floridasalestax.com/Florida-Tax-Law-Blog/2015/January/2015-FLORIDA-HOTEL-TAX-RATES-BY-COUNTY.aspx
State law gives locals the option to charge visitors up to 4% for impact on infrastructure. Which would amount to a $15.00 tax on a $100 a night room.
Anonymous says
Just another way of getting more tax dollars. Waste, Waste, waste!!
Flagler beach resident says
Why is the answer always to raise taxes. I have a novel idea. Why doesn’t the city and county enforce the taxes already on the books. The city is losing thousands of dollars in short term rental taxes. Proof? Look at any vacation rentals website and note all the properties in Flagler Beach and county that are renting with no license and therefore not collecting tax. Enforce the taxes already instead of raising.
Michael K. says
“I can’t think of actually a more important issue than restoring our beaches and actually saving our beaches,” (Mayor) Holland said.
I have an idea for you, Mayor; Managing the taxpayers, your constituents money is a far more important issue for you and all politicians to focus on. What you do best is tax and spend, spend and tax. You know no other way. Disgraceful!
Anonymous2 says
The extra 1% tax that is being discussed is paid for by people staying in hotels – not local residents (unless you are a local and are staying in a hotel). The tax affects the County residents by increasing the amount of money the TDC/County Commission has to spend on projects, improvements throughout the County, supporting events, marketing for tourism, etc. This tax is driven by visitors – you need marketing to attract them…raising it 1% will not affect the buying process of people coming to visit. They get to support the community they visit by paying the tax.
Richard Smith says
OK people, listen up. I recently came across this YouTube video about beach erosion and how to prevent it permanently. It makes total sense to me and is a sustainable solution to the 5+ miles of Flagler Beach shoreline. Spend 20 minutes and get yourself educated on a proven technology that has been around for years. How come Flagler has not even looked at this technology as an alternative to throwing millions of dollars into the ocean every time they want to do a beach “restoration”?
Maybe we need different people making the decisions for us residents of Flagler Beach!
Maybe it is time for the “power’s at be” to work on and pay for a solution that has been proven and works instead of throwing our money into the ocean only to have to throw more money back into the water later to do it again and again.
Watch this Youtube video which explains the technique developed by Dick Holmberg. This technology has been around for years and it WORKS and can work fairly fast too.
Flagler County BS says
You say Matt Dunn takes his marching orders from Craig Coffey?
Um, Coffey takes his marching orders from Dunn!