Allen Spradlin, a 40-year-old driver from Bunnell, was a little sore but escaped more serious injuries when he was forced to drive his multi-ton dump truck down an embankment at the intersection of County Road 302 and County Road 305 Monday afternoon. The truck was totaled.
Spradlin was driving north on 305 around 1:25 p.m. Conner Betts, a 17-year-old driver from Illinois—his family has property in the western part of Flagler—was driving a van, going west on 302. According to a Florida Highway Patrol trooper who investigated the wreck, Betts made a left to get on 305. Doing so, he broke Spradlin’s right-of-way.
To avoid colliding with Betts’s van, Spradlin swerved, and ended up striking the guardrail where it meets the concrete wall of the bridge at the intersection. The truck would have plummeted to the bottom of the deep ditch and into the water there had the rear wheels of the truck not caught the concrete of the wall. The front axle of the truck was entirely severed and ended up in the water below.
Three posts and some 10 to 15 feet of guard rail will have to be replaced, the FHP investigator said.
Flagler County Fire Rescue paramedics responded to the scene but proved unnecessary, though Spradlin later went to the hospital on his own to get checked out. Betts was citing for violation of right of way. Traffic, never heavy there, was not impeded during the investigation. John’s Towing in Bunnell towed the dump truck.
Note: an earlier version of this story, based on the FHP investigator’s report, had incorrectly identified the driver of the dump truck as Eric McLaughlin, who is actually the registered owner of the dump truck, which belongs to Coastal Site Contractors.

mike says
The truck driver did a great thing smart thinking and quick reflexes god bless him
Outsider says
Nice driving Mr. Spradlin. Even though you had the right of way, you knew this would be bad for the driver of the van and you put yourself at risk by swerving. Good job, and I hope Pete gets his truck replaced soon.
Sick of it says
I see people all the time try to beat an oncoming vehicle going N on 305 or they presume a vehicle is turing onto CR 302. Hello! Flashing RED light means to stop until it’s clear to go.
Then you have that “flea-Market” stuff there on weekends (and other days as well) that certainly doesn’t help at that dangerous intersection.That needs to be stopped, it’s a total distraction.
I’m glad Mr. Spradlin and the other driver are OK, it certainly could have been a lot worst.
Rick says
Mr. Spradlin has certainly demonstrated some very skilled driving here. Thanks to his rapid thinking & impressive manuvering there are zero causalities. From the rest of us on these highways, thank you.
local driver says
Apparently, the driver on 302 ASSumed it was a four way stop. I keep saying that it should be. Good driving Mr. Spradlin.
confidential says
Thank You Mr. Spradlin!
Shark says
He must be a graduate from the Chris Crego driving school!!!!