By Diane Roberts
Republicans cast themselves as the party of piety, traditional gender roles, and family values.
This is at odds with reality.
Donald Trump raped New York writer E. Jean Carroll in a department store dressing room. Dozens of other women have accused him of sexual harassment.
A former staffer on Herschel Walker’s failed U.S. Senate campaign is suing Matt Schlapp, head of the influential right wing group CPAC, for sexual battery. Former House Speaker Dennis Hastert went to jail for abusing teenaged boys.
To name but a few.
Certainly, Democrats are not without sin: Anthony Weiner and Rep. John Conyers, for example, though Dems are more likely to resign when confronted with their appalling behavior.
Which brings us to Florida GOP chairman Christian Ziegler, who — as the entire planet now knows — has been accused of rape.
He claims the sex was consensual. Sarasota police are inclined to disagree.
He admits to having an affair with the woman he allegedly attacked.
His wife Bridget, a co-founder of Moms for Liberty and member of the Sarasota School Board who has vowed to bring “religious values” to education, also admits to having an affair with her. The three of them had sex. Together.
Family values!
Sen. Rick Scott, the state’s legislative leadership, the Cabinet, and other former friends and enablers say Ziegler should step down.
Gov. Ron DeSantis, who used to praise Bridget Ziegler to the skies, declaring he wished he could put a Bridget Ziegler on every school board “in every county in Florida,” now wants the Zieglers deep-sixed.
Dark motive
Ronbo’s presidential campaign is disintegrating before the eyes of the nation, so he’s trying to change the subject, vowing to dedicate $1 million to — somehow — fighting the cosmic injustice of Florida State not being included in the College Football Playoffs.
Of course, Ziegler refuses to resign.
In an email to fellow Rs which manages to be both self-aggrandizing and self-pitying, he says “anyone” can file a rape accusation and suggests there’s some dark “motive” at work: “We have a country to save and I am not going to let false allegations of a crime put that mission on the bench as I wait for this process to wrap up.”
According to the sworn police affidavit, Ziegler took a little break from saving the country and refused to take no for an answer.
The woman who says he attacked her had agreed to an “encounter” with both him and his wife but, when Bridget backed out, she canceled, admitting it was Bridget she was really “into.”
Ziegler showed up at her place uninvited, she says, bent her over a piece of furniture, and raped her.
He also recorded the whole thing.
What a model of a Christian gentleman.
Ziegler continues to insist he’s being targeted; he’s the real victim; and he’ll be exonerated.
The Florida Center for Government Accountability, the nonprofit that broke the story (full disclosure: I sit on FLCGA’s board but wasn’t involved in the center’s stories), now reports the police have recovered Ziegler’s auto-porn tape.
Without going into the (truly ghastly) details of the encounter, the tape suggests the case will be anything but open and shut.
So, let’s assume for a moment that Christian Ziegler does not get charged with rape.
Let’s look at the Zieglers in terms their MAGA conservative friends might understand.
Christian’s an unapologetic adulterer, an unrepentant offender against the Commandments (Numbers 7 and 10, specifically).
I guess he could argue the Old Testament does suggest it’s all right for certain righteous fellows to have multiple sex partners: Jacob and his four wives, Solomon and his 300 concubines.
Nice work if you can get it. But I don’t recall Jesus ever putting his stamp of approval on ménages à trois.
Like her husband, Bridget’s also an adulterer, cheating on her undelicious spouse with another woman.
The same woman, as it happens.
Nobody should condemn Bridget for having sex with a same-gender partner; it’s just that she and her sister Harpies for Hate have made a career of vicious homophobia.
Hypocrisy is never pretty, no matter how blond and tan.
Bridget’s long been an anti-woke warrior princess, a big backer of Ron DeSantis’ “Don’t Say Gay” law. When a fellow school board member — a gay man — was accused at a public meeting of being a “lawbreaker and LGBTQ groomer” by a woman with reported ties to Bridget’s Harpies for Hate, she sat there, let him be abused, and did nothing.
Although several school board members are calling for her resignation, as of this writing, Bridget is still on the Sarasota School Board as well as DeSantis’ absurd Disney oversight board.
She’s just who you want pushing for wholesome, child-friendly entertainment — but only if you like the idea of Mickey, Minnie, and Snow White in a three-way.
I mean, how is she going to explain mommy and daddy’s exotic proclivities to her own kids? Unless the Zieglers move to Kabul or lock their offspring in the cellar for the foreseeable future, their young daughters are going to have some questions.
Staggering arrogance
Hell, we all have questions, such as how dare these trashy people presume to set themselves up as moral arbiters?
It’s not just their sleaziness, it’s their staggering arrogance.
One of the Moms for Libertines chapters famously quoted Adolf Hitler in their newsletter. In a “media training session” run by Christian Ziegler at their national conference, his advice was “Never apologize. Ever.”
He added, “I think apologizing makes you weak.”
To be fair, he did sort of apologize to his alleged victim. The police helped her record their conversations in the days after she says he raped her.
He told her he was “sorry.” Then he tried to change the subject to his need for a haircut.
In a subsequent call, the woman tried to get him to acknowledge that he’d sexually assaulted her.
His response? “Those are big words, please don’t. No, I didn’t.” Then he said, lamely, “I never wanted you to feel that way.”
Christian Ziegler is also still chair of the Florida GOP, though probably not for long.
Through rivers of crocodile tears, vice chair and ambitious little toad Evan Power contacted his fellow Republicans, saying: “It is with a heavy heart I write this email to you.”
He’s calling a special meeting to discuss “the situation with the Chairman.”
In the Republican Party, the wages of hypocrisy is usually promotion. But in this case, exile to political Siberia is more likely.
No matter what happens, let’s remember there’s a victimized woman at the heart of this sordid business.
It would be funny if it weren’t so criminal.
Diane Roberts is an 8th-generation Floridian, born and bred in Tallahassee. Educated at Florida State University and Oxford University in England, she has been writing for newspapers since 1983, when she began producing columns on the legislature for the Florida Flambeau. Her work has appeared in the New York Times, the Times of London, the Guardian, the Washington Post, the Oxford American, and Flamingo. She has been a member of the Editorial Board of the St. Petersburg Times–back when that was the Tampa Bay Times’s name–and a long-time columnist for the paper in both its iterations. She was a commentator on NPR for 22 years and continues to contribute radio essays and opinion pieces to the BBC. Roberts is also the author of four books.
James says
Makes me wonder sometimes…
Where/what would “swingers” be without the institution of marriage?
Just say’n.
Laurel says
Oh good, moms for lewdness members on our school boards. A Congresswoman chasing a teenage victim of a mass shooting down the street, calling him a liar. A Congresswoman groping publicly at a predominately kids play. An ex-President, running for President found guilty of sexual assault, and bragging about grabbing women by the pussy. A Governor doing nothing for Florida while he runs for President, backing these jerks. All holier than thou!
Yes, I guess that civility is a weakness to some.
When you’ve had enough, let them know next year.
Thomas Hutson says
Diane Roberts OP-ED
Well, this was an interesting article, it shows the disconnect between average Florida Residents and the current leadership in Tallahassee. Only problem with this article is the fact that it will have no affect on our Commander in Chief of the Florida Guard/Militia, our “Sometimes Governor”, Want-to-Be President.
The Ziegler’s are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to our own “LITTLE MAN” baby Mussolini. These two lead the “PACK of his Anti-Woke” movement. This Want-to-Be President has no problem removing States Attorneys for no reason other than they are of the other political party, removing members of the rightful Disney Board and replacing them with his personal cronies like “Bridget Ziegler” because they disagreed with him. Removing complete school boards to appoint his like-minded people. OH, Bridget Ziegler a school board member, one like her Baby Mussolini stated should be in all of Florida School Boards.
Christian Ziegler the “Head of the Florida GOP”, Chairman Ziegler. Look at him, he is their leader in Florida, he is another of a long line that do not have the word “NO” in their vocabulary. One would guess that if its alright for the top horney dog in the play pen to act this way it must be ok for the rest of us. Hey, seems we have some of the same type arguments even in the, hate to say it, the Supreme Court. Can you believe that?
One other observation, don’t hold your breath waiting for these two to resign, not going to happen, too many court cases in front of them. By the time it goes to trial in front of these appointed Judges in Florida all will be forgiven and forgotten. Baby Mussolini for his part will do nothing, these are his people, hey, minor mistake, everyone makes them.
Diane Roberts did a fine job, well written, thank you. I can only state that “I hope we residents in Florida take to heart this information provided.” The only way this type of conduct is going to be corrected is at the “Ballot Box.”
Endangered species says
Funny how your more likely to be assaulted by a gop supporter than anyone in the lqgtbq community and yet they constantly deflect or falsly deny that reality.
RitaMae says
Unfortunately, there is more than 1 aleged victim in this scenario. The three children of Christian and Brigid are the innoncent victims also. I am hoping and praying that they are isolated from all of this. I am also hoping that their parents will do the right thing and resign fron their political positions sooner than later so all the negative press stops. Christmas in one week away. Their children deserve a wonderful holiday.
Jane says
Great article! How arrogant and hypocritical this couple are!
Angela says
I knew Moms for Liberty was an extrermist group of hypocrisy on DAY ONE.
Charles says
Not surprised their members of Trumps Crime Family GOP Republicans. And anyone that votes for Trump now that he openly admits he is a communists and praises Hitler you are just as guilty as he is.
He is going to take away our freedom. Wake up and believe every word he is saying.
Bill C says
These swingers got caught this time. Is it possible this was the only woman they engaged in a 3-way with and she was the only one? Naaa, not likely. Who knows how far they went in pursuit of their kinky proclivities ?
Joseph Barand says
I wonder if DeSantis and his wife where engaged in this mess. Seems he appointed the wife to the new Disney Board, supported a school board run, I think Casey is up to hinny in this Christian Folly.
Bill C says
PS The highly moral anti LGBTQ Republicans would rather sweep this whole episode under the mattress.
Sherry says
Moral compasses thrown away by “millions upon millions” of our fellow citizens. Behavior that is now “acceptable”, especially by the “Far Right”. Here are just a few “FACTUAL” examples:
1. Dishonesty/Lying/Propaganda/Misinformation. . . as exemplified by FOX and trump
2. Sexual abuse of women. . . trump (found GUILTY by jury in court)
3. Racism. . . the rise of far right “White Supremacy”, which is championed by trump
4. Corruption in the form of bribery/intimidation/bullying/doubling down. . . impeached trump/kavanaugh (elevated to the Supreme Court)
5. Corruption in the form of accepting bribes. . . Supreme Court Justice thomas
When the moral principles such as honesty, justice, ethical behavior, integrity, honor, respect, courage and compassion are replaced with such things as lying, cheating, stealing, adultery, abuse, and racism, our entire civilization and society rapidly deteriorates. . . which leads us to tawdry stories like this one. Yes, the current GOP would just love to sweep such stories under the bed. What does that tell you about the corrupt values of the “far right” majority of the Republican party?
Not only is our democratic Republic at critical risk of being replaced by a Fascist Dictatorship, but the moral character of our nation is being critically eroded by the same forces. Do not take our democracy and civilization for granted! Your VOTE is much more important than ever!