Even the best writers suffer from writer’s block every now and again. You must have had the feeling. Your brain is full of fog, everything you write seems to sound like nonsense, and you just want to give it all up and find another job. There are many causes of writer’s block and understanding what these are can help solve the problem. It could be a question of timing. You might be a little afraid about putting your ideas on paper. Perhaps you’re too much of a perfectionist. Whatever the reason, there are some things you can do to help you get back on track again.
Give It Time
There are times when you simply have to walk away and find something else to do. Sitting there and willing the words to come won’t make it happen, you’ll simply be wasting your time. Shut your laptop and go for a walk as a breath of fresh air is certain to blow the cobwebs away.
Find something else to do that’s creative, such as paint a picture, build something in the garage, bake a cake or something else that will exercise the creative part of your brain.
Remove All Distractions
When you’re working from home, it can be very easy to get distracted by things such as the phone constantly ringing, emails arriving, and the washing up calling to you from the kitchen. With so many things diverting your attention it’s no wonder you can’t focus. Try to find some time in your busy schedule to devote to your writing and honour that time.
Do Something You Enjoy
There are thousands of people all around the world that spend time playing games online. They are a great way of switching off from everything that’s going on around you. Your computer will already have several simple games installed but if you want to stretch your mind a little further try playing casino games online. Unibet is one online casino where you can play games and challenge yourself.
Practice Freewriting
If you find yourself with writer’s block and you can afford to take a few days off, spend some time just writing whatever comes off the top of your head. You don’t need to worry about punctuation, paragraphs, grammar, or spelling. Simply enjoy writing just for the sake of it. Don’t stress if what you write is totally random or that you change subjects many times. By doing this, you’ll be training your brain to focus on the words in your head and store them on your computer. If you can spare the time, do this for a week and then carry on with your writing project. Alternatively, free write for 15-20 minutes and then go back to your article or book.
Even famous writers have times when their creative flow disappears, and they’re not shy in coming forward with solutions that might also work for you.
Try some of these ideas when you find yourself stuck for words. It could be just a bump you need to get over, to continue with your creative flow.

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