Note: a candlelight vigil is scheduled for 8 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 3, outside of Yolonda Williams’s home at 408 South Pine Street.
Bunnell police have charged Jermaine Mandell Williams Sr., 52, with first-degree murder in this morning’s fatal stabbing of his wife, 50-year-old Yolonda Williams, a well-known resident of South Pine Street in the city, after a confrontation with her husband. Jermaine Williams had abused, demeaned and tortured his wife for years.
Yolonda Williams was taken to AdventHealth Hospital in critical condition, where she died.
Two and a half years ago she had told police that her husband had been beating her for 30 years. She was afraid to tell anyone for fear that he would kill her. She was a social worker and had five children.
Jermaine Mandell Williams was taken into custody and cooperated with authorities. Police Chief Dave Brannon described the incident as domestic violence, and said there is no threat to the community. Williams was on probation for a conviction involving an assault on his wife two and a half years ago, when she sought and was granted an injunction against him.
The Flagler County Sheriff’s dispatch center got a call at 8:14 this morning “from what appears to be a relative who was witnessing a man and a woman in an argument, and the man was in the act of stabbing the woman,” Brannon said. “The caller was trying to get him to stop. The witness was talking to dispatch while observing the other man and woman engaged in a fight, and him stabbing in the neck area.”
Brannon, who described the incident within sight of the house at Martin Luther King Boulevard and South Pine Street in late morning, said he was not yet aware how old the male on the phone to 911 was. The caller appears to have been one of the couple’s children. The confrontation took place in the driveway of the house.
“A neighbor from across the street apparently witnessed what was happening and confronted the man who was in the act of stabbing,” the police chief said. That neighbor was Jermaine Williams’s father. “That witness produced a firearm and told the man to stop otherwise they were going to shoot him. He did stop. And then officers and deputies and the fire department responded and found the victim in very critical condition. She was immediately transported. We initially were requesting a helicopter, but apparently her condition was too grave. And they took her directly to Advent Hospital here in South Palm Coast.”

The suspect, who Brannon did not identify when he spoke to a reporter other than referring to the relationship as matrimonial, remained on scene and was taken into custody by our responding officers. He was taken to the Sheriff’s Operations Center nearby, where Bunnell Police detective Jeff Trailer is the lead investigator. The Sheriff’s Office is assisting, including with its crime scene investigator.
Bunnell police issued an updated narrative of the incident in late afternoon Friday. The narrative refers to four witnesses who saw the confrontation in one way or another, describing how they heard screaming or saw the confrontation. One witness told officers he observed Jermaine Williams stabbing Yolonda multiple times and then observed neighbors arrive, telling Williams to stop. “I’m tired of the shit,” the witness heard Jermaine Williams say as the victim laid motionless on the ground.
Nearby video surveillance showed Jermaine Williams outside his house with the victim before the stabbing. He re-entered the residence briefly, returned outside where Yolonda was standing next to a car, and then attacked her by stabbing her multiple times with a kitchen knife with an 8-inch blade and a black handle. According to Bunnell police, Jermaine Williams claims he and Yolonda had been fighting for weeks (she would disagree: he had been abusing her for years) and that he had been sleeping in his truck.
He claimed he’d woken up this morning, went into the home, and told Yolonda he didn’t want to live this way anymore and was making efforts to get back together. He claimed that she was preparing to go to work, that her car wouldn’t start, and that he offered to take her to work, but she said she was calling someone else to take her to work. During the argument, Jermaine claimed, Yolonda taunted him as “Poor Jermaine” and asked him if he wanted her to play him a violin. It is not uncommon for perpetrators of crime, ghastly crimes who have inflicted great suffering on their victims especially, to turn the tables and attempt to make themselves look like the victims while blaming the victim.
Jermaine Williams did precisely that: apparently justifying his act, he told detectives that Yolonda’s words–if she had, in fact, spoken them–” pushed him over the edge,” as Bunnell police described it. He said he reentered the house, picked up the knife then attacked her. He claims to have remembered Yolonda’s statement to him about the violin but not what he did next. He claims to have “blacked out,” signaling the sort of pre-meditated strategy that would help his defense at trial, though such defenses, after lengthy pretrial motions, typically fail, especially if the attacker does not establish a lengthy record of mental illness. Williams is not known to have had such a record. Yolonda ‘s record of his violence toward her over the years is copiously documented.
Bunnell Police Lieutenant Shane Groth charged Williams with one-count of First-degree Premeditated Murder and one count of Violation of Probation, Bunnell Police said. He’s being held without bond at the Flagler County jail.
Two years ago Williams was convicted on charges of domestic battery, false imprisonment and tampering with a witness, and sentenced to 18 months’ house arrest followed by two and a half years on probation.
On Jan. 23, 2022, he had gotten upset that his wife had gotten her nails done. He threatened to smash her fingernails off with a hammer if she did not cut them off. So she cut them. Late that same night he accused her of having an affair–with the father of a child at whose funeral one of the couple’s children had sung earlier in the day. According to Williams’s arrest report, he proceeded to beat his wife for half an hour, punching her in the head, body, and stomach, drug her around the house by the hair, then woke up one of his children, an 11 year old boy, and forced him to watch him beating the child’s mother while calling her vile names and making accusations, and telling the boy that those were consequences for her actions. He then woke up two other children and took their cell phones to prevent them from calling for help.
Yolonda Williams attempted to escape from the garage, where Jermaine picked up a wooden sign and struck her in the side with it. Yolonda was finally able to run to her parents’ house on South Cherry Street as Jermaine ran after her.
A bruised Yolonda told police that he he had threatened to kill her in the past. Jermaine Williams pleaded out the case and was found guilty on two felonies and a misdemeanor on July 19, 2022, when he began serving house arrest. Just two weeks ago, Circuit Judge Terence Perkins signed the order terminating house arrest, as the judge was required to go by law, but Williams was still on probation. Jermaine Williams petitioned the court to end his probation as well. “I’ve completed all terms and conditions with no incidents,” he wrote the court, which had not acted on the motion. Probation will be revoked after today.
In her petition for an injunction, Yolonda Williams had checked off nine of 11 boxes describing the acts she said her husband had previously committed, including threatening to kidnap or harm her children, brandishing weapons against her, physically restraining her from leaving the house or calling police, destroyed property and engaged in other violent acts.
“I really thought he would kill me because he has threatened to do so many times,” she wrote in her petition for the injunction, “which included putting a gun to my head over 10 times in the time of our relationship. He has been beating and terrorizing me since I was 13 or 14. He has punched me, kicked me, spit on me, slapped and choked me, poured hot water on me and made me sleep in wet clothing and is constantly calling me ” the most demeaning names. “He has burned and cut up my clothing, hit me with brooms, mop handles, belts, belt buckles, shoes, and any other thing he can find. He even bit me! I just want my kids and I to be safe. We’re not safe with him in our lives.”
Two months after the court had granted Yolonda’s petition for an injunction against Williams, she asked the court to dismiss the injunction. The court did so.
Her workplace last February posted a letter a client had written about Yolonda to the organization’s Facebook page: “I wish there was an Office Hall of Fame Employee Award because Yolonda would take that trophy home year after year, decade after decade–really there would be no competition! Yolonda’s compassion and willingness to go above and beyond is beyond measurable. Yolonda is not there to just do a job, she is there because her heart directs her there. I have personally worked in a similar role and in all my years have NEVER come across someone with such drive and a true love for what they do. Yolonda’s patience is something we could all learn from. Each time we have been with Yolonda–they walk out with confidence and me with happy tears.”
Yolonda Williams had celebrated her 50th birthday just days ago–on July 24.

Bunnell resident says
This is so sad she was such a nice lady may her soul rest in peace
Joe D says
An ABSOLUTELY HORRIFIC situation…and witnessed by the couple’s children…it will stay with them as psychological TRAUMA, for likely the rest of their lives
As a retired Child and Family Therapist, there are MANY typical similarities to this Domestic homicide. The long standing abuse history, the fear of revenge (or violence to the couple’s children) if the abuse was reported, the changing of her mind after the initial injunction was granted…and the unfortunate final results of a suspect not following his continued PROBATION conditions ( which I can GUARANTEE included staying away from the victim).
Unfortunately there are not a tremendous number of domestic abuse resources in Flagler County…and even if available, it was unlikely (since she was a SOCIAL WORKER), she would have felt comfortable joining a support group or abuse support service.
No sentence the “suspect” could receive will EVER bring the victim back, or ERASE the sight seen by the victim’s children.
a very sorrowed mother says
Eternal rest grant to Yolonda Williams O Lord, who endured much suffering. Grant peace to her beautiful children. Mama Mary please wrap this family in your protective mantle. Please Lord protect this family. Amen
MeToo says
Amen. So sorry this woman had to endure this and her children witnessed it. I pray they all are able to stay together and spend the remainder of their lives in peace. Lord, place a hedge of protection around all involved.
Pat Stote says
This is one of the worst cases of domestic abuse I’ve ever read about. We can only imagine how scared she was for so many years and afraid to come forward
Her hell on earth is over, may she rest in peace, and God bless her children.
Ash says
I worked with her mother and sister. They are a wonderful family and I’m in disbelief that this happened to such a good person. The cycle of abuse can be so hard to get out of. It’s not just the act of getting out that’s hard. Many victims are embarrassed that it happened thinking they let it happen and it is somehow their fault, which of course isn’t true.
My prayers are with her mother, sisters, children, family, and friends. Just awful 😖
Billy says
When the other 100,000 people move in next year this will be a daily occurrence
Pat Stote says
To Billy this is an outrageous, insensitive and stupid comment.
Hard to believe this is all you could come up with.
Jane says
You have got to be kidding me. Where are your morals? Respect? There is absolutely never a reason to make an example out of someone else’s suffering. ESPECIALLY a case that happened within 24 hours
Anonymous says
You should really think before you speak. Measure your words, as they can have a life-long impact. Have some damn respect for this beautiful woman. She was the victim of a horrific crime. There are so many people affected by this senseless tragedy, especially her children. These families will have to deal with an immeasurable amount of pain and trauma. I will continue to pray for all parties involved. May Yolanda rest in eternal peace.
L says
What did you even say this for !!
FlaPharmTech says
FlaglerLive, please follow this story, particularly fundraising and support for the children. This is beyond devastatingly sad, and far too frequent. I am not traditionally religious, but in this case may Yolonda rest in peace. Her time on earth tainted, bloodied by her husband. May he exist behind bars in perpetuity.
FamilyFriend says
There has been a GoFundMe setup for the children. https://www.facebook.com/share/WY5tXyCfMyY6uXAt/?mibextid=WC7FNe
Kath says
Rest in peace 🙏, praying for the children 🙏. Sad to say when you have children, with them there is no out. You just can’t pick up and leave. They have rights to see the children. So sad.
Grammy says
She should have bought a gun and learned how to use it after the first time he beat her. We wouldn’t be reading this storyline’s sad ending if it were me.
FlaPharmTech says
I don’t believe guns are the answer.
Local says
A gun could have saved her life. And to all the people that said the cycle was hard to break, all they have to do is leave. Women do it everyday.
Laurel says
Local: Prisons are full of women who killed their abuser, so the gun theory is moot. “All they have to do is leave,” right? So easy to do without enough finances, and children whom the offender has also threatened. Have you never heard of men who chase women down across country?
No, the real things that could have saved her would be a society that cares enough to do something concrete about violence against women and children, and a serious change in attitude. Instead, we have a portion of society that wants to politically make women worthless.
Haw Creek Girl says
We don’t have any local prisons for women….
And, the 3 that are in the Stare are, in fact, not full of women who’ve killed their husband’s. In fact, Pierre, I would be willing to bet, hasn’t had a woman convicted for killing her husband due to being the victim of violence. So, please, let’s not spread fake news. This is a woman, we….as a community, Bunnell…loved very much. Can we honor her name by not spreading panic?
Nobodyspecual says
Thank you so much for your very wise and very true response. May this beautiful soul rest in eternal peace.
Pat Stote says
To Lical. Do you remember Nicole It is never easy but you are probably a man and wouldn’t understand
Pat stote Stote says
I agree. She probably would be charged with something depending on what resulted from the gun shot.
FlaPharmTech says
Thank you, Pat. I was going to reply to Local but decided its not worth it. Peace to all.
Anonymous says
As a domestic violence survivor, I can say first hand that you can have a gun and it not mean anything. You can have injunctions too and still be abused and that too not mean nothing. Trust me, I’ve had several injunctions and even had them in my person when I was brutally beaten. I was was left for dead and discovered by a bystander. This means absolutely nothing. Leaving is not as easy as people make it seem, especially when children are involved and the abuser had rights to see his/her child. Some of us never live to tell our stories. May God bless Yolanda, her babies, and both families.
Nancy N. says
No, instead we’d be reading one about her getting shot or getting life in prison when police and a court ignored her self-defense claims.
Bailey’s Mom says
Our Justice System, Law Enforcement and Judge Perkins, ALL of them failed her!
He should have been in prison! Unbelievable, when will we as a society stop this abuse against women & children! When will our neighbors and family members say enough is enough!
Skibum says
This is indeed a horrific tragedy, and my heart goes out to the entire extended family, particularly those three children who undoubtably saw much more instances of the abuse their mother suffered at the hands of their father than they ever deserved to witness. Those children will need a huge amount of love as well as nurturing and compassion for what they have had to endure, and what they will need to muster and overcome as they grow up without their mother in their lives, and with their father most likely being incarcerated for the remainder of his life where he can do no further harm to those children’s lives. I just hope that at some point the extended family and the surviving children have some quality, informed discussions about the domestic violence situation that reportedly existed in that household for a very long time so the kids don’t ever become adults thinking that is acceptable or normal, because the worst thing to come from this would be for them to adopt the same mindset and despicable violent behavior traits from their father that would put other lives in danger later on as these 3 children become adults themselves.
MeToo says
Who’s idiot idea was it to put the guy on house arrest?? They were married so obviously they lived in the same house! So you force the woman to be in his presence where he can convince her to drop the injunction. Maybe if he had been in jail she would still be alive. Those involved in putting together that ridiculous sentence signed her death certificate and should be ashamed of themselves. Her death should live on your conscience until your own death. 1000% fault on the judge, the prosecutor, the defense, anyone and everyone involved in allowing that waste of space to go back into that home with her and the children. Disgusting. Just absolutely disgusting.
Yvonne Mc says
Yolonda was a God sent Angel from up above. A selfless, soft spoken individual with the heart of gold she was all about making a diff. She definitely helped my daughter when she was a young parent expecting her first child . Yolonda was always there helping she never left my daughter’s side. Visiting our home even after our delivered. She was like family, we loved her as such. We shared the love for fashion. Her, my daughter and myself loved nails, hair and clothes. This was a beautiful being both inside and out and the system truly failed her Yolonda we loved you but God loved you best. R.I.P. Gone but never will you be forgotten. Our condolences to the bereaved family and everyone affected by this tragedy. 🙏🏾🕊️🦋
FlaPharmTech says
Who’s with me to set up a fund for her children???!!! I don’t know how to approach it. FlaglerLive?
Pat Stote says
I don’t know how you do it, but go The Go Fund Me. I will contribute
Penny says
Yesss! Great idea! God Bless those children 🙏
Gail says
Her family should be the holders of that account for go fund me. No disrespect to you, it’s a good idea. God bless that family and children whose lives are forever altered.
FlaPharmTech says
Thank you, Gail. Yes, I spoke out of line a bit. I hope family does start a fund.
Jennyds says
I’m disgusted reading this. Our system failed her. This beautiful woman lost her life because no one helped. What does it have to take for our system to work? Her children lost both parents today and witnessed their father killing their mother. Something I don’t think they will ever forget. When is enough enough? How many times does it have to happen before we step up and speak for our neighbors, our friends, strangers, and families Domestic violence is no joke. Say something please people speak up. I worked with her at devereux many years ago. She loved her kids, her family, her job.
An amazing woman taken way to soon. So sad. Rest in peace girl. May god wrap his hands around her children, family and friends 🧡
Laurel says
“What does it have to take for our system to work?” It takes our society to value women and children. Even the term “domestic violence ” is an oxymoron. It softens the act to our ears. The man was actually sentenced to house arrest, where he would be in constant contact with his victims. How is that even considered?
Another term I dislike is “sexual harassment.” Violence is violence, and harassment is harassment. These actions should not be defined as somehow different.
This is a recurring event that should be prevented by society, but society, as of yet, does not value women and children. Not really.
So sorry this happened
She looked to be a lovely woman with many friends and family members who love her. I hope her children can get the help and support they will so desperately need.
FlaPharmTech says
Thank you, Laurel.
Jennyds says
You are so right. How sad is it that we are afraid to ask foe help as it will only cause more abuse when we live in a broken system. Abuse is abuse whether it mental, physical, emotional or sexual. Its abuse. End of story.
Skibum says
I don’t disagree, but having been in law enforcement myself and dealing with far too many ugly and oftentimes extremely violent incidents of domestic violence throughout the course of my career, I know the limitations of what any criminal justice system can do for domestic violence victims, especially when those victims decide to stay in an abusive, violent relationship. More can and should be done, certainly. But I believe the most impactful, helpful piece to this often revolving door of repeated abuse is to not just have the resources available to victims of domestic violence but to prioritize programs in communities that empower women especially, but all domestic violence victims as well, to have the courage and fortitude to first acknowledge the fact that they ARE a victim and in danger, and that they should never allow another person to physically abuse them again. These victims often choose to remain with their abusers, maybe thinking the abuse will stop, but it almost always instead only gets WORSE the longer they stay in an abusive relationship so these women especially need to be empowered by society so they can comprehend the need for themselves and any children to get to safety and END an abusive relationship. They need to be empowered to know they CAN get away and CAN get help, but it all starts when they are able to acknowledge the plain fact that they are in danger and MUST get out and away to protect themself and any children in the relationship. This poor woman said she suffered abuse from the man who killed her for 30 years, but was still in that abusive relationship until the day he finally murdered her. The longer someone stays in an abusive relationship, the harder it is, both realistically as well as what may be perceived, to make a clean break and get away. Women need to know to do it as soon as the abuse starts, not waiting for it to end or the relationship to get better, or they may end up dead just like this victim, because an abuser DOESN’T stop, ever, until he is stopped by someone else. And that is the ugly truth.
joe schemo says
They were no longer in a relationship from what i understand. they met when she was very young, and he knocked her up real quick… where you gonna go with a kid, my kid?? then again a few yrs later said she was going to leave and he knocked her up again, …where ya gonna go with two kids, you just a kid yourself. and so on. this is what happens so many times. Not saying that this is exactly like that, but it does fit.
Atwp says
Very sad. Hope he will stay in prison until he die.
Foresee says
IMO probably Jermaine came from a family where he was exposed to domestic violence, and he is the product of it.
Haw Creek Girl says
No apostrophe after husbandsnope
Just a thought says
Unbelievable. He gets sentenced to house arrest in the house that the two of them live. That meant she had to move out of her own house. What a screwed up system we have for justice in this country.
FlaglerLive says
By the time of the sentence the victim had requested that the injunction be lifted.
joe schemo says
i believe he served his sentence at a seperate address. once let off HA he went and camped out in her driveway. why she didnt have him arrested idk. he was only supposed to communicate with her via written word. From what i understand.
ShadyKattie says
How could anyone have abused, and later murder this BEAUTIFUL, selfless, amazing woman who so many people cared for and about? I see her family and friends post all over my feed, she meant so much to so many people!
We need to do better as a community, helping other victims of domestic violence! The judicial system FAILED her, her children & family, and that’s tragic! Do you really think she had a choice not to drop the injunction? As a Mother, I’m sure she felt responsible of keeping the peace in her home and family, and that’s sad as hell, especially after reading what she had to endure for over 30 years?! Why is it always to late, when all the horror stories come to light? Instead of her being a survivor, she was a lifelong victim, and it’s sad at the end of the day! Leaving friends, family and other residents having to express their heartfelt condolences, prayers and cherished memories!
**See something, say something! I know that’s easier said than done, but we have to! If not we will continue suffering as families and communities significant losses!
~Furthermore I mean no disrespect to either family! I’m only speaking on what I’ve witnessed on the daily in society with any violence, in particular domestic violence. However in a small town it always hits differently💔
Jessy says
I’m so mad and sad. Yolanda was my social worker for many years. She helped me get away from my abuser, and let me know that my life has value. She was always my biggest cheerleader. It’s just wrong. Yolanda was such a beautiful person inside and out. I dont understand how anyone could hurt her, and for all those years. If you had only taken the advice you gave me so many times. If the judge had kept him on house arrest, so many what ifs involved.
My prayers for the kids. Yolanda, may you forever rest in peace you beautiful soul.
Mama Mua says
This is so sad. I feel for this family. I have a question, why did her parents never intervene? They must have know this was going on. I hope everyone finds peace. The justice system must finally do what they should of done years ago. It should never taken a death of a beautiful loving women to do it. Rest in peace.
Over it says
How many more times do these same stories have to play out before the law changes??!! My heart hurts for all the victims.