A white man in his early 20s shot and killed three Black people Saturday at a Dollar General store in Jacksonville, with Sheriff T.K. Waters saying the shooter “hated Black people.”
“This shooting was racially motivated, and he hated Black people. he wanted to kill n——. That’s the one and only time I’ll use that word,” Waters said, referencing the racial slur.
The sheriff, at a news conference Saturday, said two males and one female — all Black — were killed in the shootings, and the shooter killed himself. He had been armed with an AR-15 style rifle and a handgun, with the rifle showing several swastikas.
At the time of the news conference, the shooter’s name had not yet been identified, but Sheriff Waters told the media that the man had authored manifestos that were provided to his parents, the media, and federal agents. The sheriff referenced the “disgusting ideology of hate” at the news conference.
An FBI official said at the news conference that the agency has opened a civil rights investigation and will pursue the incident as a hate crime.
The shooter appears to have been living with his parents in Clay County, just southwest of Duval County.
Sheriff Waters said the shooter had been involved in a domestic call in 2016, with no arrest. In 2017, the sheriff said, there was a Baker Act, which relates to possible mental illness or a danger of harm under Florida law.
Edward Waters University, a historically Black college in Jacksonville, earlier activated its EWU Tiger Alert system, to notify the campus and community “and implement a campus wide stay in place order.”
It wasn’t clear if Gov. Ron DeSantis was in Tallahassee or in another state on Saturday, given that he is a GOP presidential candidate. But his Saturday schedule shows that he had a call at 5:15 p.m. with Jacksonville Sheriff T.K. Waters. At 8 p.m., his scheduled showed a call with his acting chief of staff, Alex Kelly.
But DeSantis responded in a video by calling the shooter a “scumbag” and added that “this guy killed himself rather than face the music … and so he took the coward’s way out.”
The shooting Saturday in Jacksonville comes a year after the Buffalo, New York, shootings in May 2022 at a Tops grocery story, where 10 Black people were killed by an 18-year-old male who reportedly authored a manifesto.
This spring, the NAACP posted a travel advisory related to Florida, with State Sen. Shevrin Jones of Miami-Dade saying earlier that: “In Ron DeSantis’ Florida, Black Americans are absolutely less safe, so it is no wonder that the NAACP has issued this travel advisory, noting the state’s open hostility. Everyone ought to be able to visit and exist in our state, but that is no longer the case thanks to the attacks against Black and Brown communities from the governor and the Legislature he controls.”
Critics have also faced issues with academic standards related to African-American history studies in Florida, prompting protests in the state capital and visits to Florida from Vice President Kamala Harris.
In April, DeSantis signed legislation making Florida the 26th state in the nation to allow residents to legally carry concealed weapons without having to obtain a permit through the state. The signature came in DeSantis’ office, where he was surrounded by GOP legislators, gun rights advocates and other supporters of the legislation — but not the press or the public.
The new law will allow individuals who want to carry concealed weapons to forego registering through the state to pay fees, provide fingerprints, undergo an additional background check and take a gun safety course.
State Sen. Lori Berman, representing part of Palm Beach County, said on the X social media platform:
“My heart is with the people of Jacksonville and the leaders there responding to this horrible act of racial terrorism. Assault weapons are white supremacy’s deadliest weapon of choice. We must disarm it and all hate-motivated violence.”
The Jacksonville Branch NAACP said in a press release: “It is deeply disheartening that our Black communities live in constant fear of being targeted based on the color of their skin, unable to shop at their local store without the threat of violence.”
The chapter urged the Florida Legislature to reconsider the permitless carry law, which facilitates easier firearm possession.
–Diane Rado, Florida Phoenix
Michael Cocchiola says
Racists in Floriduh: No license, no registration, no training, no brain… just buy an AR-15 and kill.
More blood drips from Extremist Republicans’ hands.
Ed says
Forgot the key noun. Mentally ill.
Give it up on blaming republicans….
anon says
And what have the Republicans done to address the mentally ill? You can’t send people to the ER just to deal with mental illness.
Concerned Citizen says
What have the Dems done please?
Enough finger pointing. Lot’s of inaction on both sides.
Sherry says
@ cc. .. Not to Confuse anyone with facts. . . but Democrats are much more supportive of mental health care than Republicans:
Sept. 29, 2022: The House of Representatives- The bill, titled the Mental Health Matters Act, passed in a largely party-line 220-205 vote. Only ONE Republican, Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (Pa.), joined ALL Democrats present in supporting it.
RONALD REAGAN- In 1981 President Ronald Reagan, who had made major efforts during his Governorship to reduce funding and enlistment for California mental institutions, pushed a political effort through the U.S. Congress to repeal most of MHSA. The MHSA was considered landmark legislation in mental health care policy.
JIMMY CARTER- Shortly after assuming office in early 1977, Jimmy Carter created a presidential commission on mental health.
anon says
Every time there’s a mass shooting, the Republicans says it’s a mental health issue. What have they done about that? Nothing. When I tried to get my child to see a psychiatrist, I was told it was a two year wait. And I have insurance. What about those who don’t have insurance? Oh, the Republicans will tell you they can go to the ER when they are sick.
Skibum says
Oh really? DeSatan and the current republican legislature makes it easy for any nitwit with two legs to get a hold of an assault rifle and a concealable semi-automatic handgun (remember the legal restrictions on assault rifles they put into law right after the Parkland school massacre, which they since have rescinded?), they make all of these onerous, ridiculous and false claims about the black population here in FL being responsible for all of this state’s violence, they enact racist policies and laws targeting blacks and other minorities, penalize schools for teaching about black history, and in the process the extremist white supremist idiots who are out in society reading racist crap on far right websites feel that more emboldened by what the republicans are saying and doing… and you somehow have the gall to spout out of your mouth that the republicans have zero blame for the probability that some radical right wing mental idiot would take these things to heart and start shooting black people indiscriminately like what just happened in Jacksonville? Do you not see any correlation at all? Because if you don’t, YOU are part of this ongoing problem that is resulting in people losing their lives!!!
Ed says
Wrong, we all share the blame. And I was not spouting off,
Just making a fair and factual observation. Read everyone’s post.
Denali says
Correct – Mentally ill but still allowed/ encouraged to purchase and use an AR-15. Background Checks? We don’t need no stinkin’ background checks; everyone, no matter what their mental state or past crimes needs a military style weapon. And which party has stymied background checks for decades?
Please do not give us any crap about this being a “hunting rifle”. A real hunting rifle is a bolt-action Remington Model 700 BDL. One shot is all it takes. If you need to throw a bunch of lead in the general direction of your prey you have no skills. That AR is just to cover up your other short comings. And if you say it is for self-defense, you best be filing the front sights off so when it gets taken away from you and stuck where the sun don’t shine the pain will be more bearable.
Slowly backing down off the soapbox – some people’s kids just bring out the worst in me.
Ed says
All legal gun purchases require a federal background check and if you do not have a permit, you wait 3 days to pick up your purchase. Yes, even in Florida.
Denali says
Bull poop. I can go to any gun show, legally buy any gun of my choice and never have a background check. Never heard of the ‘gun show loophole’? I can legally buy a gun from my neighbor without a background check.
Ed says
You are correct, private sale of guns are not regulated primarily because they can not be since the seller is not a licensed retail dealer-are they.
However, even though Florida does not explicitly regulate gun shows, retail sales of handguns are still subject to a mandatory 3 day waiting period. So those retailers are breaking the law. In addition, the Florida Constitution permits counties to enact laws that would require background checks for sales occurring in or on property to which the public has right of access within the county.
With all this said, do you think these rules would affect anyone besides a law abiding citizen?
So what is your point? What do you suggest?
All laws only affect law abiding citizens. Pretty basic.
Ban the GOP says
waiting period only applies for handguns ; rifles that can shoot more rounds and alot further with more accuracy but no waiting needed.
Typical repub answer lets continue to do nothing cause the NRA gave us money. Hey we only average 2 mass shootings a day now but no action seems to be working great…not..
Theres no silver bullett to stop mass shootings but making guns easier to access certainly isnt going to help. Mental illnesses wont decline if people cant get healthcare. Guess who votes against anything to help that situation? We can always do as our fore fathers inteded and let everyone own a musket.
Ed says
Ban the gop….a firearm is a firearm and a rifle, shot gun or any firearm requires a 3 day waiting period.
You are incorrect.
Not a Republican/NRA talking point, just the law.
Tired of Hate says
He was not mentally ill, he knew exactly what he was doing. He ran when approached by security at the college near by, knew to cover his face and protect his body from bullets and knew to run when deputies closed in on him. He was just evil.
Ed says
You are not sane if you kill people outside of self defense.
War is not even rational.
Deborah Coffey says
“Mentally ill” is an adjective and I’d like to use a few here for Republicans who will do nothing about America’s gun problem and, who have been promoting racism and violence on a daily basis…but those adjectives wouldn’t get published.
The dude says
“Mentally ill”
Yet still able to purchase an AR-15.
More blood drips from extremist republicans hands.
J says
Thank you for your support in free health care to help stop these “mentally ill” people.
You need to understand all throughout the rights (no longer Republican) party is indoctrination and racist fear mongering to have these situations happen more and more.
Earnest T Bass says
So true with our current governor and that thing who lives in his castle in West Palm no wonder we have a race problem in this state.
Samuel says
Welcome to Florida where the Governor and Ex President are the biggest racists in the State.
tulip says
Our absent and non working governor made the use of weapons even easier.
Local says
We have a right as Americans to keep and bear arms. Some people are idiots. Noone raises this much fuss when there is a drive by in these communities that kill kids….Kids! It’s not a policy problem, it’s a parental problem.
You can never get rid of guns. There are too many out there. I can find a gun in 30 minutes if I wanted to commit a crime. Do you really believe that criminals get permits to carry? They get their guns on the street where they will always be available.. and they get them the same day without a background check.
Some FYI to everyone, these white supremacist are roamng all over Florida, just came
across one in Publixs who was ranting slurs about liberals, NY’ers, they also hate Jews.
DeSantis should put his power where his mouth is knowing that there are alot of
crazies out there and alot of hateful people roaming around thinking that the world
owes them a living. He shold have never signed that bill, he did it for the money
and support from the NRA.
Walt P Rubel says
What the shooter did was absolutely wrong and needs to stop as there is no place for hate crimes in our country. However don’t blame anyone but the shooter! it was not a Democrat, not a Republican, not an independent but a deranged individual.
Laurel says
Oh, I hate it when innocent people get hurt or killed for no reason.
Yes, the man had mental issues, as he was previously Baker Acted, but Trump, the Party of Trump and DeSantis have thrown fuel on a fire that was once embers. They have supported the gun lobby and promoted liberal gun laws. They have blown their dog whistles repeatedly. Trump once took out full page ads, in various New York newspapers, on the “Central Park Five” condemning them, only for us to find out many years later that the young, black men were innocent. “Stay woke” is an African American term for them to stay aware of danger, like this one in Jacksonville. DeSantis states “Florida is where woke goes to die.” That about sums it up. How do you figure that sounds to black and brown people?
This Party of Trump has advanced scum to slide out from under their rocks and do damage to our society. They don’t care as long as they get their power.
Anonymous says
So if it were a black guy who shot white people, what would the title of this article be? Racism doesn’t end because of writers like you.
wow says
A “disgusting ideology of hate” shared by most of the Republican candidates for president. We choose the society we want. Right now we want white supremacist crazies with assault rifles I guess.
Atwp says
Every year my people are targets for the white man. Sad but true. Buffalo last year Jacksonville this year. Lynchings decades ago, police murdering us all most everyday. Don’t forget the church murders during the Obama days. The common denominator whites do the killing blacks get killed. It will continue. It is time for my people to gun up and start protecting ourselves. The silver lining to my story is that the killer killed himself. No being on death row for ever. No crazy lawyers saying he can’t stand trial.
Atbp says
I missed your comment on the 5 year old white child that was gunned down in his yard by a black guy named Darius Sessoms who initially indicated he murdered the child because of the color of his skin. The child’s family out of fear said the killing wasnt racially motivated. What else could cause this guy to shoot a five year old? You say your people need to “gun up”? They already do, check out the major cities where they kill each other in droves. You say you are glad the Jax shooter did himself in. Well so am I. That scumbag saved us millions of dollars on a trial, endless appeals and incarceration costs.
Zoolander says
“White men killed… 55M Native Americans 60M Africans and their descendants via transatlantic slave trade/slavery/lynching 2M in the Civil War 37M in World War I 85M in World War II 1M in Iraq and Afghanistan …but have the audacity to talk about Black on Black violence.”
Valid Points says
Thank you for your response Atbp. I was about to write a similar response but you hit every key point regarding Sessoms. Swept under the rug by main stream media.
Pierre Tristam says
While it validates cherry-picking harvesters of stupid conspiracies about the “mainstream media” (the new dog whistle of the right), the claim about Darius Sessoms is flatly wrong. The murder was extensively covered in 2020, as was Sessoms’ plea and sentence last December to life in prison. The only reason these two nit (if not wit) pickers even know about any of this is because the case was recently revived by–what else–some of the mainstream media (well, some of the more reactionary propaganda outlets that wear the mask of mainstream media) in a desperate hunt for a bit of revanchist whataboutism. All the while the commenters miss entirely the irony of having to join the hunt for one exception to what remains the rule they prefer to deflect from with every blow of their dog whistle. (Six seconds after this comment will post, one of them will start wailing about Black on Black crime. Six, five, four…)
Sherry says
Priceless Pierre!
Bob says
The guy was once arrested for domestic violence. He was also institutionalized in a mental hospital. U all can’t help blaming someone other than the shooter himself or herself.
The dude says
Can we blame those who allowed this previously instituted mental patient to purchase an AR-15 and a Glock?
Zoolander says
But you wanna blame every black person for “Chicago” and Al Sharpton???
palmcoaster says
No mental illness on this killer just all hate! This racism has been ignited in the last few years by supporters of the past POTUS himself and some current Reps on government! This is no coincidence is been sadly fueled and adding wood to reignite the hate fire.
Can we all live in peace? Don’t we have enough threats from around the world ? What about taking away all these weapons of mass destruction as they fall in the wrong hands?
Ray W. says
Volusia County’s Joe Biggs, a Proud Boys leading figure, is scheduled to be sentenced on Tuesday in D.C. after having been convicted at trial on a number of serious offenses. Recently, in a News-Journal article, the reporter listed the content of a pod-style interview Biggs created after January 6th and posted on “CivilWar.mp4”, in which Biggs stated that “… standing up for what you believe sometimes means killing people.”
A new study finds that, since the issuance of the indictments against former president Trump, 7% of Americans now consider it acceptable to use force to restore Donald Trump to the presidency, an increase from 4.5%.
On August 5th, on an Alabama riverfront dock, a group of boaters who had docked a pontoon boat in a designated space for a commercial ferry, attacked a riverboat co-captain when he and a co-worker attempted to move the pontoon boat a few feet so that the ferry could dock. The riverboat captain had asked the boaters “five or six” times to move the pontoon boat, only to receive the finger. The co-captain and the co-worker took a small vessel to shore to move the boat. When the boaters realized what was happening, they attacked. The c0-captain gave a statement in which he said he heard threats of death during the beating.
In the Jacksonville case, after posting several manifestos, the gunman left his Clay County home to drive to Jacksonville. Arriving at Edward Waters College, he was seen donning a vest and mask, after which he drove directly to the area of the Dollar General site, where he opened fire.
The list goes on and on.
People are giving themselves permission to kill other people. The permission doesn’t have to be rational. It doesn’t have to be based on reason. It only has to be believed. The disaffected among us, and there are many in Flagler County, believe killing others is acceptable under the right circumstances. A local politician openly advocated on the radio for the beheading of Democrats. There might be better ways to describe this, and I invite anyone to add to or otherwise better explain how people reach the point where it becomes permissible, which is different from acceptable, to kill other people.
It is time once again to break out Ryszard Kapuscinski, the Polish reporter who over his lifetime covered nearly 30 insurrections against domestic governments throughout the world, including the dissolution of the Soviet Union, which he documented in his “Imperium”:
“Starovoytova had opponents in Baku, because Azerbaijanis, like Armenians, divide mankind into two opposing camps.
“For Armenians, an ally is one who believes that Nagorno-Karabakh is a problem. The rest are enemies.
“For Azerbaijanis, an ally is one who believes that Nagorno-Karabakh is not a problem. The rest are enemies.
“The extremism of these positions is remarkable. It isn’t merely that among Armenians one cannot say, ‘I believe that the Azerbaijanis are right,’ or that among Azerbaijanis one cannot maintain, ‘I believe that the Armenians are right.’ No such stance even enters the realm of possibility — either group would instantly hate you and then kill you. In the wrong place or among the wrong people even to say, ‘There is a problem’ (or, ‘There is no problem’) is enough to put oneself at risk of being strangled, hanged, stoned, burned.
“It is also unimaginable to make the following speech in either Baku or Yerevan. Decades ago (who living among us can even remember those time?), some Turkish pasha and the savage Stalin threw into our Caucasian nest this terrible cuckoo’s egg, and from that time on, for the entire century, we have been tormenting and killing one another, while they, in their musty graves, are cackling so loudly one can hear them. And we are living in such poverty, after all, there is so much backwardness and dirt all around, that we should really reconcile our differences and finally set about doing some work!
“This person would never make it to the end of his speech, for the moment either side realized what he was driving at, the unfortunate moralist and negotiator would be deprived of his life.
“Three plagues, three contagions, threaten the world.
“The first is the plague of nationalism.
“The second is the plague of racism.
The third is the plague of religious fundamentalism.
“All three share one trait, a common denominator — an aggressive, all powerful, total irrationality. Anyone stricken with one of these plagues is beyond reason. In his head burns a sacred pyre that awaits only its sacrificial victims. Every attempt at calm conversation will fail. He doesn’t want a conversation, but a declaration that you agree with him, admit that he is right, join the cause. Otherwise, you have no significance in his eyes, you do not exist, for you count only if you are a tool, an instrument, a weapon. There are no people. There is only the cause.
“A mind touched by such a contagion is a closed mind, one-dimensional, monothematic, spinning around one subject only — its enemy. Thinking about our enemy sustains us, allows us to exist. That is why the enemy is always present, is always with us. When near Yerevan a local guide shows me one of the old Armenian basilicas, he finishes his commentary with a contemptuous rhetorical question: ‘Could those Azerbaijanis build such a basilica?’ When later, in Baku, a local guide draws my attention to a row of ornamental, art nouveau houses, he concludes his explanations with this scornful remark: ‘Could Armenians construct such apartment buildings?’
“On the other hand, there is something one can envy both the Armenians and the Azerbaijanis. They are not beset by worries about the complexity of the world or about the fact that human destiny is uncertain and fragile. The anxiety that usually accompanies such questions as: What is truth? What is the good? What is justice? is alien to them. They do not know the burden that weighs on those who ask themselves, But am I right?
“Their world is small — several valleys and mountains. Their world is simple — on one side we, the good people, on the other side they, our enemies. Their world is governed by an unambiguous law of exclusivity — us or them.
“And if another world exists nonetheless, what might they want of it? Only that it leave them in peace. They need to be left in peace so as to thrash each other all the more thoroughly.”
After considering a recent series of posts by ASF to an article about the death of a young Palestinian Arab, I have to think that one could easily substitute Palestinian Jews and Palestinian Arabs for Armenians and Azerbaijanis and nothing that Kapuscinski wrote would be incorrect. If anyone were ever to disagree with ASF’s extremely narrow-minded and deadly view of the Arab Israeli conflict, that person would immediately be branded an enemy and then be strangled, hanged, stoned, burned. There is no reason. There is only the enemy. The article about the dead indigenous Palestinian youth immediately brought forth the claim that Jews are indigenous to the region, complete with a listing of Old Testament Jewish kings, as if that proved that only Jews are the indigenous people of Palestine. I looked up the definition of indigenous and found that it means anyone who is native to a region. That means the ancient Christian community is indigenous to Palestine. The Arabs are indigenous to Palestine. The Turks are indigenous to Palestine. The Assyrians are indigenous to Palestine. The Bedouins are indigenous to Palestine. And the Jews are indigenous to Palestine. But no amount of reason can appeal to people like ASF. There is only hatred and the desire to contemptuously condemn anyone who sees the death of a young Palestinian Arab as a loss to us all. Do not send to ask for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee.
The dude says
DeSantis voter enters a Dollar General store and kills three with an AR festooned with swastikas.
Texas is begging people not to use air conditioning during some of the hottest days ever recorded due to it’s third world electrical grid.
This what you get for voting Republican.
JasonB says
Make no mistake … Conservatives put the hate in his head, and Republicans put the gun in his hand.
John says
Why is the State of Florida allowing any person that has been baker acted which is mental health issues be allowed to purchase a AR15???????????????????
Hey DeSantis you want to be a real hero put a stop to allowing anyone especially the mental i to purchase a ASSAULT WEAPON.
Jackson says
Far-right FL Gov. Ron DeSanctimonious’ reactionary public policy initiatives are now being reasonably construed as hostile towards those who are from ‘historically marginalized demographic groups,’ and the recent hate-driven shooting at a Dollar General store in Jacksonville, FL is ‘proof-positive’ of this extremely unfortunate political situation in ‘The Sunshine State.’
He supports the statement that slavery had some sort of skill benefit. He banned books like Rosa Parks and other books dealing with history of the African American experience. He banned diversity and inclusion programs. Why wouldn’t they boo?
Meatball Ron has been telling them that Woke dies in Florida.
Every racist in Florida hears the dog whistle loud and clear.
Ed says
As Rahm Emanuel once said”you never let a serious crisis go to waste”
So you each post criticism of the republicans, where are the democrat politicians at? Crickets, I hear crickets! If you ban all guns, only the bad guys will have one. That’s reality.
Chicago 73 people shot, 11 fatally over 4 th of July weekend. Chicago sun times
At least 7 dead, 23 injured in weekend across Chicago 8/28/2023 nbc news.
Where is your outrage on Chicagoland?? Democratic run city forever, Democratic governor.
No blame game or out rage here…nothing to see in a city with some of the toughest gun laws on the planet. Right?
And it’s nearly impossible to stop a whacko regardless of the motive or skin color.
Have some intellectual honesty when you point fingers.
How can you connect this event( Jacksonville) to any political party? But you each did!
And not too much sympathy for the victims and their families in your posts either.
Hmmm, what’s that saying?
Ban the GOP says
Republicans are PRO-HATE so as they target groups with their racist rhetoric and policies and hate increases violence typically follows. The r’s have sabatoged any sort of gun control since columbine. There are no perfect solutions but for the r’s the answer is always more guns and thoughts and prayers. Ive never heard one democrat say they wanted to take away all guns thats just more made up nonsense from fox. Mass shootings are going up like the global temperature better deny and deflect some more.
Win with Love says
rememeber when trump blamed corona virus on asians and called it kung flu then there were multiple killings of asian people in atlanta. Funny how they spew hate and refuse to acknowlegde that their public hate creates more violence and racism.
Been There says
A Risk Protection Order (RPO), the court document ordering an individual to not possess guns due to mental issues, is only good for a year. Thirty days prior to the termination of the order a petitioner can seek to have the RPO extended but bears the burden of proof that the person with the RPO still presents a threat. Here is the conundrum. If the person with the RPO is not mandated by the court to have therapy, there is no way of determining the mental status of the individual. If there have been no other incidents, the RPO times out. Nothing has changed. The individual still carries the same issues. This is frightening because during that time, the individual can just be refining their attack. People like this, don’t recover without lots of therapy and in some cases medication. We know that mental health care is not very accessible and stigmas around it still exist. Besides, you can’t tell these people that their anger and fear isn’t justified. They are certain of it. So why would they seek treatment on their own?
We all have simple answers, but the truth is, nothing around this issue is simple.
The second amendment was written at a time when people NEEDED guns to protect themselves. They lived in rustic conditions with wild animals and wild humans. We still have both. Only the humans are far more dangerous, disenfranchised, self-righteous, and psychologically fragmented.
People still want to buy guns. First, stronger access laws. Then tax the heck out of them and use that tax money for rehabilitation of offending emotionally damaged individuals and slap an RPO on every one of them. Mandate therapy for all offenders that threaten harm or have caused harm. Keep the RPOs in place until the offender can prove they are no longer a threat, not the other way around.
Once we start making it uncomfortable, inconvenient, and costly for people to be aggressive and threatening, maybe we will see some relief in the number of these events. It’s not a solution, it’s a start an at least some action.
Ed says
Then you can outlaw knives, maybe forks too. Or how about a car to mow down crowds. Bats? Rocks?
I know the next post, mass killings would be reduced or eliminated.
Ever hear of IEDs?
I don’t have the answer, I don’t think anyone has the solution.
Be careful what you wish for. You can’t have freedom on your terms.
Do you really believe a law abiding citizen should be in your words…“uncomfortable,inconvenienced, and taxed beyond benefits?
So guns today, what’s tomorrow?
And then who do you trust to slap the RPO on someone? Yikes
Been There says
Its an excise tax and we already pay those if we want to drive a car, smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol etc. Why not guns?
You answered the question yourself, mass killings would be reduced (not eliminated). It makes the option of killing a large number of innocent people a little more difficult.
Who assigns the RPO? The courts. That is who does it now. Why would that change?
Sherry says
@ed. . . LOL! LOL! LOL! Brainwashing= Wash! Rinse! Repeat! Repeat! Repeat! Repeat! LOL!
Concerned Citizen says
The Second Amendment has become nothing more than a political platform.
It was written during a time when America was a new country. And was breaking away from what was deemed a tyrannical King. Now keep in mind a good bit of the Revolution was fought before the Declaration Of Independence was ratified. So technically it was really a Civil War.
The original purpose of the Second Amendment was to keep government in check. And to allow the average house hold use of fire arms. One of the main reasons being to maintain a “well regulated” Militia. And to also make fire arm ownership legal for hunting. Since England had had very strict gun laws.
The Second Amendment was written during the time of single shot muzzle loading black powder muskets. The average range might be a couple of hundred yards. And a good “Infantry Man” could get 3 shots off in a minute. It was never intended for “Joe Citizen” to have a closet full of AR type rifles. That he/she barely train with. Much less become proficient with. Unless you are like myself and many others. And have served over seas in combat.
I laugh when I go to the range for work and qualify for Pistol. All these folks out there blasting away and talking about “Red Dawn” type scenarios. The chances of the average citizen rushing out to quell an invasion is laughable at best. And I cringe when I talk to some and they only go to the range once every few months.
Sadly what has happened is Joe Citizen can go by an AR type rifle. Then use it against soft targets. You’ll notice that police stations and the like aren’t targeted. When you’re a hateful individual cowardice takes over and you chose the less likely to fight back. Right? And then there’s the ever present “mental health card” When in truth most are just hateful assholes.
Yes gun reform is needed. We don’t need assault rifles. And high capacity mags. But where to start? As long as they are around they will be had by some. And then another group feels they must have them also. And that is the quandary we face trying to make things a little safer.
Laurel says
CC: Well said.