Palm Coast and Flagler Beach are out of bottled water: An inventory between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. today of almost all of the region’s larger grocery stores revealed nothing but bare shelves and no promises as to when more shipments are expected.
Aldi on State Road 100 is out and not expecting any more shipments before the storm–the only large store in the area where no more water is expected.
Target has been out but is expecting a shipment of at least one or two brands of water Friday and another shipment on Saturday.
Winn-Dixie on State Road 100 has been out, and expecting a shipment sometime today. But a store employee said there was no way to tell when that shipment would be coming in.
Publix’s stores at Town Center, in the Hammock and in Flagler Beach were out. Store managers at Publix have been instructed not to make promises to customers. While they do expect water shipments, they’re not certain when those shipments will come in, and they don’t want to make promises they can’t keep.
“We’ve been told not to make promises,” one manager said, noting that deliveries are “at the mercy of the roads.”
The Hammock Beach Publix got its scheduled water shipment this morning, but it was wiped out very quickly after the shelves were stocked.
Several stores still had a few bottles of higher end mineral water such as Evian, Perrier and San Pellegrino.
County Emergency Management usually brings in large shipments of water and sets up dispensaries in various places–but only after major weather events. County Administrator Craig Coffey said this afternoon there are no plans to do so before the storm for now.
Gas stations are following the same trend, with the region’s larger gas stations, such as the Race Trac on State Road 100, simply wrapping every pump aisle in yellow tape. Most gas stations have run out.
“The gas stations are refilling as fast as they can and I know the stores are restocking as fast as they can too,” Sheriff Rick Staly said during a briefing with his top command staff this afternoon, with patrols monitoring gas stations to “minimize any disturbances or traffic problems that may occur. And at some point they’re going to shut down for the storm.”
Here’s quick look at the scenes at various stores at midday today:
Palm coast Aldi out of water, will not be getting more before storm. #irma pic.twitter.com/iEQVUC065E
— Pierre Tristam (@PierreTristam) September 7, 2017
Palm Coast Target out of water. Store officials tell us Zephyrhills & Market Pantry gallons &12-packs tomorrow, Pure Life water Saturday pic.twitter.com/S5S2XrRpJQ
— Pierre Tristam (@PierreTristam) September 7, 2017
No water at Town Center Publix, Palm Coast (except Perrier, San Pelkegrino) shipments expected, time uncertain, no guarantees. pic.twitter.com/XjnV6gWCUb
— Pierre Tristam (@PierreTristam) September 7, 2017
No water at Flagler Plaza Winn Dixie, store expecting shipment today but no idea when. #irma pic.twitter.com/xzufhsb5a3
— Pierre Tristam (@PierreTristam) September 7, 2017
Race Trac on SR 100 in Palm Coast is out, few gas stations still pumping. pic.twitter.com/aAxMj6K7m5
— Pierre Tristam (@PierreTristam) September 7, 2017
Just the truth says
It is unfortunate that the State of Florida pron to hurricanes that the Governor and County Officials are living its residents without fresh water or gasoline if there is a mandatory evacuation. Thanks officials for leaving us hanging for ourselves when our tax dollars pay your salaries.
There is plenty of fresh water in your toilet, in your bathtub, in $ .89 “store brand soda” (just empty and replace with tap water) I have solved your “fresh water concerns” without the help of FEDERAL, STATE or LOCAL government.
Does your vehicle have a full tank of gas? If YES you now have a means of “evacuating yourself”
If NO…..why did you not “fuel up” 2-3 days ago???
You are correct in the statement “Florida is prone to Hurricanes” If you were aware of this before today why are you not prepared??
I am continually amazed that the population of this country have no “ability to help themselves ” and ALWAYS look to GOVERNMENT
JROCK says
I didn’t realize how many people didn’t have clean running water in their houses.
snapperhead says
I found plenty of bottled water with barley and hops added for extra nutrition Git-r-dun
Percy's mother says
At this time, there is plenty of fresh water available from the water taps in your homes.
If you are very concerned about lack of fresh water post hurricane, start now to do something about it. Be proactive. Stop complaining. Get every available pot, pan, storage receptacle in your home and fill all these things with tap water.
Also, fill your tub (if you have a tub) with water from your tap . . . the rationale for having a bathtub full of water is simply should it be necessary to flush the toilets should that need arise (those with septic tanks mainly).
I’ve been through 2 direct hit CAT 4 storms before there was bottled water and generators. We all survived with a bit of discomfort from lack of electricity and heat and humidity but that’s it.
Why people are knocking themselves and others out over bottled water is beyond me. Stop and think about what you REALLY need. Why do you NEED bottled water when you are paying for clean water from the taps in your homes?
Again people, learn to stop, think and be self-sufficient instead of continually blaming government entities for your issues.
Common Sense says
Most people have the nicer water bottles or tall coffee mugs with lids in your dish cupboards. Fill them up with water. Fill the tea kettle. Dump out mostly empty juice containers and soda containers and fill with water. Fill the bathtub and keep a bucket handy for flushing the toilet. Make sure pet’s water dishes filled. Make sure you run your clothes washer and dish washer on SATURDAY before the storm comes in. A few minutes of planning and less time in panic mode are in order. Gas? Again..that was just common sense..unless you live under a rock you knew a hurricane was coming.
Jay Monte says
Thank god the city of palm coast in all its wisdom had crews out mowing the medians and spraying fertilizer as opposed to clearing the many over grown drainage ditches in the time we have left before this hurricane……
New Yorker 13 says
Winn Dixie on Cypress has water and has a limit of 4 cases per household.
Mark says
Buy beer!
Veteran says
The entire world has been brainwashed into using bottled water. Palm Coast has great tap water. It’s all I drink. My dog and cats like it too.
H 2 Ohhh Nooo says
I’ve been buying water in mass since hurricane season started. I’ve been stocked up before Irma was a TDepression or even a 60% low pressure system.. not that I’ve been watching.. If you didn’t stock up, you are negligent and naive and to blame for your own situation. If everyone did what you should do, water would still be on the shelf today for the lazy, and essentially dumb, few.
JasonB says
Time for the Darwin awards, survival of the fittest.
palmcoaster says
Yes I know no water in stores for the past 3 days. Once the existing water on the shelves sold that was it!
Now we can see the Irma update map here by pressing reload for current status: http://www.cnn.com/interactive/storm-tracker/
New Yorker 13 says
Like I wrote yesterday if anyone needed water Winn Dixie on Cypress received a shipment yesterday …9/7/.
To all be safe.
Linda says
Can fill zip lock bags all sizes and stack them and freeze some to help keep food