By Merrill Shapiro
The answer is “D) All of the Above!”
Flagler County’s voice in the halls of the United States House of Representatives recently signed on to a letter saying, in essence, that the time is right to reconsider the legal underpinnings of Roe v. Wade, the seminal 1973 Supreme Court case that established a constitutional right to an abortion. By signing this document, Waltz, shows himself to be squarely in the camp calling for bigger government, calling for taking away the rights of women to control their own bodies and calling for a more intrusive government.
Waltz’s signature on a Friend of the Court Brief in the matter of Louisiana’s Dr. Rebekah Gee, in her Official Capacity as Secretary of the Louisiana Department of Health (June Medical Services LLC v. Gee) to be heard by the U.S. Supreme Court on March 4, tells us a great deal about the real nature of the Republican Representative speaking for Flagler County citizens in Washington, D.C.
Rather than reducing government regulations, Waltz tells us that he wants to see more government regulation to exercise ultimate control over abortions in our community. Waltz is, in effect, calling on law enforcement to enforce a ban on all abortions. The Roe v. Wade decision of January 22, 1973 has served our country well where government involvement has been limited. Waltz seems to want the government to expand to carry the water buckets of the Religious Right. (Note that Genesis 2:7 and Exodus 21:22 make it clear that abortion is not murder.)
As if government is not sufficiently intrusive, Waltz wants to see the government looking up under the skirts of all women of child-bearing age in our community. The government will, under the Representative’s scheme, be present—in one form or another—at every doctor’s appointment, in every delivery room, in every procedure involving women of child-bearing age.
Please let Representative Waltz’ office know how disappointed you are. Email him here or call and leave a message at (386) 302-0442. Want to do more? His office is at 31 Lupi Court, Suite 130, Palm Coast.
Rabbi Merrill Shapiro, is the immediate Past President of the National Board of Trustees of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, has served as President of the Richmond, Virginia AU chapter, and chairs the FlaglerLive Board of Directors.
mark stevens says
I have emailed to say I disagree with his position and he will not receive my vote again.
Brandon Cross says
This is a major consideration of a representative on the “Right”.
What did you expect?
Why did you vote him over Democratic candidate?
Pogo says
@Crooked dick cheney’s sled dog
follows crooked trump’s (and the crooked Republican party’s) yellow snow trail – no matter what. No others need apply. Ever.
Brandon Cross says
“Crooked dick Cheney”???
Hey early 2000’ s are calling!!!! Move on?
Brandon Cross says
I find it fascinating how quickly liberals can put a spin on facts.
This article indicates that if Roe v Wade were overturned the result would be an increase in government.
Give me a break….
Since the Roe v Wade decision in the early 70s have much money has the government fed to organizations such as Planned Parenthood and others?
Perhaps women’s rights to abortion should be an individual decision, yet government funding of such activity seems to me to be a greater abuse of expanded government influence.
Just the facts says
Except for the fact that federal funds have never been used to fund abortions. The funding for PP was separate and closely accounted for. Do some research.
Rick G says
Like other Rs Waltz is being hypocritical here. He is a former Green Beret special forces guy in the military… And yet he claims to be pro life.. How many of his compatriots have launched missiles, grenades, bullets or other armaments killed pregnant women in any of the horrendous wars we have fought. Don’t take away the right of every woman to make the choice she and only she desires to make.
Andy Montgomery says
(Note that Genesis 2:7 and Exodus 21:22 make it clear that abortion is not murder.) When I read Genesis 2:7 I do not understand how it makes abortion not murder. Please clarify or expand on your interpretation. Also, Exodus 21:22 seems to refer to a baby who lives. Exodus 21:23 seems to say if the child dies whoever killed it must die. Eye for and eye concept.
Please offer an explanation.
I agree with your prohibition example and question if you can legislate morality. Just can’t fathom abortion pleasing God.
tulip says
I think this guy needs to Waltz out of Flagler County. NO vote for him from me. He is now Trump Republican, which is revulsive.
Brandon cross says
Hey … Just a statement…
If you did vote for him you would understand?
Brandon Cross says
And from what you said.., you didn’t vote for him or like him from the beginning…
Hmmm. “Never Trump”
Yet I am glad for you that your Investments have done so well
Merrill Shapiro says
Genesis 2:7, KJV: “And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”
Note that humans were but “dust of the ground” until God breathed into the nostrils the breath (n’shama—a word meaning both “breath” and “soul.”) of life. Thus, until human beings begin to breathe, until there is respiration, there is no soul and thus the fetus is not a human being. Human beings have souls. Without them, they do not meet the criteria to be classified as “humans.”
Yes, fetuses contain “life” just as cows, pigs and chickens contain “life.” But until that fetus begins to breathe Genesis tells us it is not human. Thus, abortion is akin to the killing of an animal, something non-vegetarians do, or pay others to do all the time. We may agree—or not—that killing an animal or taking a life is wrong, but I argue that it is not murder.
Before I continue, Mr. Montgomery, I am curious as to what makes you feel as though Exodus 21:22 refers to a fetus that survives, breathes and becomes what we would call a “baby?”
Jane Gentile-Youd says
Waltz has just gone from Hero to Zero. Don’t you dare tell any woman what she can or cannot do with her body God gave her not you!
Percy's mother says
I think we dodged a bullet by electing Joe Mullins. The more positive, progressive, and intelligent person won.
Kiki says
Percy – you’re not paying attention. Go to Joe F Mullin’s FB page and you’ll see he’s a Trump wannabe that prefers divisive politics over substance. He doesn’t have a progressive bone in his body, unless you don’t understand the word. He also is going against most of his constituents by trying to build and develop Flagler County instead of preserving the Old Florida lifestyle that so many enjoy. Leave it to a guy like Joe and youll have high rise buildings all along Flagler’s coast line. He recently went to NY to rub elbows with developers to bring new development and “create” jobs. What kind of jobs? Minimum wage ones where the workers won’t be able to afford the housing in the county.
Brandon Cross says
So I you think he was a Hero… Good thing?
Did you vote for him?
Thinking not and if you did?
Brandon Cross says
You think you have the right to your body and I agree.
Yet there should be consequences to your act of inception.?
Per more funding should go to consequences of pregnancy than make abortion the choice of consequence?
Iva Hadit says
Doesn’t matter what the bible says! We are not a theocracy! What matters is the Constitution. Keep religion out of government!!!
Dennis says
First off, he is not taking away women’s rights. They gave up that right when they agreed to have sex. Just a poor decision made by the woman. That’s what happens when you have sex. He is protecting the rights of an unborn human being. Not something to be torn torn out and thrown away with the trash. The democrats claim to be Christians. Christians do not kill babies.
Note that Genesis 2:7 and Exodus 21:22 make it clear that abortion is not murder.)
That claim is false. Read the Bible
Flatsflyer says
The Bible has been turned into a Comic Book by Trump and the Right Winged Christians. Not a Commandment Trump does break on a daily basis and the Right still adores and prays to him. How many abortions do you think Trump has paid for in his life time? Just wish Roe verses Wade had been the law of the land when his mother got knocked up by his racist, bigoted, draft dodging, criminal father.
Agkistrodon says
So if roughly half of babies are female, what of Those females rights? Is a female only a female when someone else decides it for them? I am for equal rights, for all humans, not just the ones you decide.
Agkistrodon says
I find irony in the fact that it is illegal for a pregnant woman to drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes or do drugs as it is harmful to the infant, but, they can terminate that same child’s life and many applaud that as some “right”. But go on a find some assenine to claim it is some “victory” for women’s rights. And those same people abhore the thought of executing violent criminals. Sad.
Kary says
Please site the law where it is illegal for a pregnant woman to drink or smoke. That isn’t true. She might be investigated because of her poor choices, but it isn’t illegal.
palmcoaster says
Hopefully next election will bring some changes!
Otherwise the current situation will get worst with more abuse of power…
Pogo says
@It is what it is
waltz is the epitome of a Republican party soldier opportunist who has lived in the revolving doors between the Pentagon, defense spending, and the Republican party’s true core – American fascism. The Republican party, in reality, is an oil company. The fact that the Republican party also serves all other corporate criminals doesn’t change that. waltz is an all in brown-noser of trump. There really is nothing more to add to that.
Linda says
This is an outrage. Waltz needs to stick to military issues as he has no respect for women and the decisions they make. If your religion says no to abortion, don’t have one, but you have no right to tell another woman what to do.
If we made birth control more readily available, we could continue to reduce the rate of abortions, a win/win for all sides.
Waltz needs to go in 2020 if this is what he thinks of women!