A 21-year-old Palm Coast woman driving alone was killed in a single-vehicle crash on Old Kings Road shortly before midnight Sunday.
The crash was reported to 911 less than two minutes before midnight when the caller reported a vehicle on fire in the woods, about a mile and a half north of Town Center Boulevard. The vehicle was fully engulfed in flames past the east shoulder of the road, and starting to burn adjoining trees.
The Florida Highway Patrol reported that the woman had been driving south when her car, a sedan, veered off into the northbound lanes then into the woods, striking a tree and igniting the fire. The cause of her losing control of the car is unknown for now. But for occasional light poles at intersections, Old Kings Road is unlit from just south of Palm coast Parkway to Town center Boulevard.
The Palm Coast Fire Department and Flagler County Fire Rescue responded, extinguishing the flames. (Units of the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office had initially responded.) The woman was pronounced deceased at the scene at 16 minutes after midnight. Old Kings Road was shut down in both directions as FHP conducted the investigation.
The fatal crash, the sixth since Sept. 1, is the 17th fatality on Flagler County roads this year, according to FHP. County roads have been the site of 1,065 crashes so far this year, 513 of them resulting in injuries to 796 people. There wee 28 road fatalities and 973 injuries from crashes in the county last year.
There is no indication that lighting was a factor in the crash. Nevertheless, Old Kings Road remains one of the darker, major arteries in the city. A 2018 analysis of street lighting for Palm Coast government placed the stretch of Old Kings Road from Oak Trails to Town center Boulevard low on the priority list. The analysis found a higher concentration of crashes on the stretch between Palm Coast Parkway and Utility Drive, on Old Kings–and that stretch was subsequently lit. (The analysis found 100 crashes in the stretch from Utility Drive to Palm Coast Parkway, compared to 37 crashes from oak Trails to Town center Boulevard, in the period under study.)
The analysis recommended that the stretch to Town center Boulevard would be lit in Years 6 and 7, from the time of the study–in other words, in 2024 and 2025.
When the city requests that a street be lit, Florida Power and Light installs the poles and lights at its own expense, then bills the city. The analysis at the time found that lighting that portion of Old Kings Road would cost the city between $2,837 and $4,164 a month, or between $34,164 and $50,000, depending on the pole spacing. If 200 lights were installed, the cost would be $3,838 a month, or $46,000 a year.
The federal Department of Transportation annually calculates what it calls the Valuation of a Statistical Life–literally, what the government values a human life in dollars. The figure in 2022 was $12.5 million.
Ray says
Sounds suspicious
Mary says
Heck, Courtney Pl in the C section on the golf course has one light at one end and another at other end. We’ve lived here for 24 years. Palm Coast is the darkest city I have ever lived in. Their priorities now are not for the people, but how many raises they can give themselves for all of the destruction they have caused. Nothing left here of the old PC. Only thing left now is the “historic firehouse” soon to be torn down too. Despicable.
No Political Affiliation says
I used to drive home Old Kings every night for years. There’s TONS of animal activity, lots of deer, raccoons and wild boar. I’ve personally seen monstrous boar there at night, several hundred pounds. Especially this time of year. It’s very plausible she swerved to avoid something like that.
Ken says
Correct but nobody will do a follow up.
Puzzled says
It is truly sad that another life has been lost due to “low priority” decisions by the city.
In this day of new lighting equipment technology, it does seem like there are these things called “solar street lights”.
I realize that may be a new term for the planning staff, who just love spending money frivolously, (Holland Water Park fiasco),but what a concept!
ban the GOP says
The line must go up think of the shareholders. Profits are way more important than public safety you must be “woke “for thinking otherwise. Now get back to work.
Bryce Merritt says
What does the crash have to do with street lighting? There is no indication that lighting was an issue in the crash report, and it was mentioned within the article that the unlit section of road had few traffic incidents than the lit portion. Knowing that most people only read the first few sentences it is implied that lighting is a factor and more lights are needed, but there is no indication of that. The driver may have been intoxicated, have had a medical incident or vehicle failure. Turning a traffic fatality report into a rally for more street lighting in this case is unethical reporting.
Joe D says
We’ll have to wait and see if there was a MEDICAL emergency which contributed to the accident, and possibly nothing to do with lighting.
However, I THINK the article said lights were installed in the other length of the road BECAUSE there were more accidents there BEFORE the decision to light the road was made, and this accident occurred where less accidents occurred, so light installation was delayed (planned for 2024-2025?).
And yes, since the taxpayers raise a fit with every tax increase, the County DOES consider essentially the “risk/benefit” (sorry how cold that sounds) of some ongoing large expenses ( like not having MEDIVAC helicopter service available from 12 midnight- 6 am), due to the number of critical injury accidents and the additional expenses needed to pay for round the clock evacuation services.
The thing that I would like to see discussed in public COUNTY budget meeting is the expenditures for RECREATIONAL or so called “VANITY” projects vs. “boring” lighting, roadway maintenance , water management, medical, and other safety services, that are costly to taxpayers. The problem exists, when the council needs VOTES to remain in power, and they always keep in the back of their minds, that budget items (popular or boring), they approve will determine the likelihood of them getting re-elected.
I DO appreciate the Flagler Beach Commission spending a long ( and sometimes EXCRUCIATINGLY so for ONLY ONE DAY) department by department budget expenditures, plans for future spending and rationale for the increased expenses. Then they opened it up to PUBLIC comments. Some proposals were approved, others were turned down or delayed. The result ( if I remember correctly) was NO increase in property taxes for the Flagler Beach portion of my taxes, but only an increase in the COUNTY portion of my property taxes for next year.
That seems like a more OPEN approach to budgeting.
TR says
Finally someone with common sense. Thanks Bryce. I agree 100%. Cars do have high beams and if the road is not lite by street lamps, then all you have to do is use them. The newer headlights are so bright that with the high beams you could light up a run way. This accident wasn’t the fault that the street didn’t have street lights, I’ll bet it was the drivers fault. Or even the car had a mechanical problem like you stated.
S. Peters says
I agree with you Bryce. Very possible that intoxication or a medical incident could have caused this horrific fatality. Prayers for her family.
Sparks says
Where are the pole lights to see when we are driving. Mayor Alfin? How many more people will be killed
before you do something.
endless dark money says
Sorry Sparks Mayor Alfiin is out to lunch with FPL ensuring the project is profitable for them.
Mark says
Luckily, my vehicle comes equipped with headlights.
TR says
I believe that OKR is slated for widening from Palm Coast Parkway to Town Center Blvd. Not really sure when that project will start but why put in street lights to light up the road that is there now and then have to move them after the widening? If they put the lights in now allowing for the widening, then those lights will be lighting up the tree line and be useless for the road that’s there now. But then someone will be complaining that it was stupid to put the street lights so far away that they don’t light up the two lanes that are there now. Everyone has to realize to drive a little bit cautiously when the streets are dark. Plain and simple.
Flatsflyer says
The roadway itself is a disaster, the city has been collecting special zoning taxes on OKR since 2008. Where is this money, there is no accountability and no improvement since t&e fund was initiated. Barrels of money for special projects but non for one of the heaviest traveled roads in the entire city. Parks and recreation but nothing for those things that claim lives.
Endangered species says
yeah but you should check out racist rons new golf simulator its state of the art. Its like the fund for afforadable housing the last democtratic govenor made. raised 2 billion but republicans took over and fund disappeared and not into housing.
I said the same thing about homeless, our taxes raise over 1 million annually for homeless in flagler yet no one can seem to share where even some of that money goes. Certainly not to homeless as we kicked them from public property and solved the issue….
Samuel says
Explains why most of the streets are so poorly lite up at night, the City of PC doesn’t want to pay for FPL street lights, they would rather people have accidents and die because they cannot see at night.
Another reason it is time to clean house in the City of PC.
Mary says says
I traveled that road for 10 years back and forth to work. From Palm Coast Parkway to south of 100. I drove in the dark and in daylight. I never had nor saw an accident . Perhaps I was just lucky. Safety should be the number one concern. Praying for this young woman and her family.
a family member says
thank you for your prayers
Another Concerned Taxpayer !!! says
Yes, that stretch of Old King’s Road is dark at night, but it is fairly straight with only a few slight bends. I suspect there are other more relevant factors than not enough street lights. Late at night, the driver could have been tired, they could have been exceeding speed limit, there may have been a medical emergency, a tire malfunction, they may have been under the influence, they could have been otherwise occupied, radio/cellphone/conversation or possibly a deer had run onto the road, none of those potential factors would have been different if there was more street lights. No matter the cause, it is still the tragic loss of a young life.
Land of no turn signals says says
Yep can’t blame the driver,possibly texting,animal running out,falling a sleep,speed not even a possibly.Condolences to the family.
Most FL and County roads are DANGEROUS to drive at Night! Also, many cars have plastic light lens that have fogged-up after a few years!! With NO FL vehicle inspections; many more accidents will happen at night! Everyone should check their vehicle’s headlights for fogging and have them cleaned or replaced!
Dark Side says
A young woman has left us. Killed in a violent firey crash. A mother and father and many others are grieving today. And FL wants to talk about the lights. Not exactly your shining moment.
The Death of a young woman is TERRIBLE!! I am only trying WARN everyone about the DANGER of driving at night with defective/fogged vehicle headlights!
a family member says
JimboXYZ says
Would like to know more about what the specifics of the crash were than to knee jerk reaction & say light poles are the solution. That’s heavily wooded area, who knows what animal may have darted out across the road. Deer maybe ? Was the motorist impaired, speeding , drowsy, texting while driving as distracted ? Eventually that area will get developed by the Alfin Regime & street lighting might be part of what displaces wildlife ? A mile and 1/2 North of the Town Center Parkway ? That’s about where the West side of Graham Swamp Trails is located parallel to where the Truck Weigh Station would be located on I-95, he road makes a longer drawn out turn before becoming a straight-away.
Tony says
Why is this and any other area without conventual street lights not lit with solar?
JOE D says
That would be a great eventual goal ( although probably NOT a popular one for FPL)…the current limits in solar technology are: the limited lighting power supplied by solar lights, and the initial COST of installation at the moment. However, the technology is improving by leaps and bounds, and as the technology advances, the prices keep dropping. So HOPEFULLY your suggestion won’t be just a DREAM in the near future.
Bill says
Roads on whieview are I need of paving and pine lakes they are we ore out and a mess I pray for this family Jesus christ is lord
I learned to drive on Old Kings Rd 36 years ago in 1987 when I was 15. My mother and I would go out every evening and I would drive us to Flagler and back practicing I love that road, and you think it’s dark now? It was really dark back then, in fact, most of these roads were back then. I disagree this accident is a lighting ER! I am not professing to know what happened but I am leaning towards, not paying attention, reckless driving, under the influence, checking the old cell phone (I see people all the time with the phone in their hand as they are driving!), medical maybe but not a lighting issue. Now at my age of 51, I still drive on Old Kings but do not enjoy it as much because of the many drivers speeding and tail gaiting. There are some twists on the road that you need to drive defensively with. The article mentions the number of fatalities in this area this year alone, well, that is pretty low in my opinion compared to the way I see so many people driving recklessly around here. The residents on my little side street of Bennett Ln drive like there is a fire at their home – they fly down the road only to pull into their driveway. I am certain 90% of the accidents would never happen if people would pay attention and stop being so aggressive with their driving and looking at their phones religiously. Thankfully it was not another car she ran into. Sad she lost her life so early.
Concerned says
May God rest this young lady’s soul and bring His peace tans strength to her family.🙏🏾
Mitzi says
Has the name of this young woman even released? My kids are this age, and I keep wondering if this is someone they knew or went to school with. Prayers for the family, I cannot imagine the pain of the loss.