Florida lawmakers are looking to use at least $400 million in federal stimulus money to help broadband providers expand services to mostly rural, underserved areas.
But don’t expect to see the money reduce rates for customers.
The Senate Commerce and Tourism Committee on Monday unanimously supported measures (SB 1800 and SB 1802) by Sen. Jim Boyd, R-Bradenton, that would fund a broadband program that lawmakers created last year within the Department of Economic Opportunity. [Flagler County, using federal stimulus dollars already appropriated, is enacting a plan that would extend broadband service to underserved parts of western Flagler County. But the plan still needs additional funding to meet completion. The state plan would potentially make that possible. See: “Between Jorge Salinas and Generous Federal Subsidies, Broadband May Finally Connect West Flagler By End of 2023.”]
While voting for the proposal, Sen. Bobby Powell, D-West Palm Beach, and Sen. Jason Pizzo, D-North Miami Beach, noted that not everyone can afford broadband service where it is available.
“I can even pinpoint an area in my district, a block area where people are surrounded by broadband, but it’s not accessible to them,” Powell said.
When asked by Sen. Victor Torres, D-Kissimmee, if customers could see savings from the program, Charter Communications lobbyist Albert Kaminsky said private providers are bearing the cost as they have to seek reimbursement from the state.
“Ultimately, again, (customers) would be taking advantage of this service, so we wouldn’t be passing on additional costs to them by any means,” Kaminsky said. “They’re (companies are) just offering a service.”
Sen. Joe Gruters, R-Sarasota, said the goal is to provide service as Florida ranks second in the number of residents without reliable internet access.
“I’ll say that this bill was all about winners, because when you think about it, 10 percent of Floridians don’t have any service,” Gruters said. “I’d rather not have any discount, but I’d rather have internet access. Because that’s a great equalizer when it comes to employment. I mean, that’s got to be the number one hindrance of growth in some of our rural areas. And I think (an existing) discount program that’s offered by the providers is, when (customers) could prove that they need the assistance, is more than adequate.”
The importance of internet access for work and education became even more clear as businesses and schools went remote during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The 2021 law required municipal electric utilities to offer to broadband providers through mid-2024 a discounted rate of $1 per attachment per year for any new pole attachment necessary to reach an unserved area or consumer. The law prohibits municipal utilities from raising current pole attachment rates for broadband providers before July 31.
A Senate staff analysis of Boyd’s bill said broadband access is available to 98 percent of the state’s urban areas and just 78.6 percent of rural areas.
The disparity is attributed to the cost of building broadband infrastructure “across larger swaths of rural geographic areas.”
“Often, broadband providers who seek to expand their infrastructure are met with denied or delayed utility pole access, or are asked to pay an excessive fee for the attachment, or even replacement of the entire pole,” the Senate report said.
Kaminsky said while the state’s funding proposal is “sizable,” North Carolina has half the number of residents without service and recently advanced a $1 billion broadband package. Still, he said the funding would “supercharge” the industry in Florida.
Before the meeting, Florida TaxWatch released a report that estimated a half-million Floridians, predominantly in rural areas, don’t have access to high-quality internet.
“Though Florida is currently fifth-best in a national ranking of broadband access, there’s clearly still significant room for improvement,” TaxWatch President and CEO Dominic M. Calabro said in a statewide.
The Tallahassee-based group estimated that just under half of the state’s 67 counties are more than 95 percent covered with broadband, ranging from 100 percent in Pinellas County to 1 percent in rural Dixie County. Five other rural counties — Gilchrist, Holmes, Jefferson, Levy, and Washington — are under 50 percent covered.
Under the proposal, pandemic stimulus money would be available to broadband providers at $5,000 or 50 percent of the cost — whichever is less — of the replacement cost for existing utility poles in unserved areas.
The money would be gathered in a new trust fund, with the idea of first using $400 million in federal money for the state to apply for another $100 million from the federal Coronavirus Capital Projects Fund.
The fund was part of a $10 billion allocation in the American Rescue Plan Act to carry out critical capital projects, with an emphasis on broadband infrastructure. Each state was eligible for at least $100 million, with additional money available based on the proportion of the population in rural areas and household incomes below 150 percent of the poverty line.
However, state lawmakers are unsure if the state will be able to get the additional money. as the deadline to apply was Dec. 27.
Rep. Josie Tomkow, R-Polk City, has filed a similar proposal (HB 1543 and HB 1545) in the House.
–Jim Turner, News Service of Florida
Stretchem says
Not a single Florida republican voted in favor of the federal Infrastructure Plan, but they sure are lined up to take the credit (and accompanying checks in the mail) for it.
As Uncle Brandon said… “What are republicans even for?”
LetsBeReal says
Biden’s rhetorical effort to blame Republicans for his lack of progress in addressing the country’s problems. “What are Republicans for? What are they for?” Biden asked. “Name me one thing they’re for.”
Well, for starters, 19 Republican senators, including Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, voted for the $1 trillion infrastructure spending that Biden then signed into law.
Eighteen Senate Republicans also voted with all 50 Democrats for legislation to combat China’s growing dominance in certain technology sectors by investing more than $200 billion in research. This legislation has since been blocked not by the GOP but by leftist Democrats in the House. Perhaps Biden should go ask members of the Progressive Caucus what they are for.
Biden rhetorically asked what Republicans are for on immigration. Answering that is even easier. They are for enforcing the nation’s immigration laws and securing the border. Biden should try that.
Republicans are for law and order, which is why they highlight atrocious prosecutorial decisions made by far-left district attorneys in big cities. Minority communities are suffering historic rises in murder rates, and Biden does nothing to protect them. He could at least shame prosecutors into doing their jobs or, more forcefully, threaten to cut off Justice Department grants if they continue releasing violent criminals back onto the streets.
Biden said during his press conference that he doesn’t believe in polls. So presumably he doesn’t care that the latest polling shows a vast majority of voters trust Republicans over Democrats on “national security,” “border security,” “crime,” “economy,” and “immigration.”
Biden asks what Republicans stand for, but the truth is that he doesn’t really want to know.
Stretchem says
Again, not a single Florida republican, representative nor senator, voted in favor of the Infrastructure Bill. Toss in Build Back Better and Civil Rights for good measure.
Jimbo99 says
This is nothing more than broadband for the planned residential growth. What an environmental eyesore. Underserved ? That term is used for the poorest of society. Think “underserved” as in Community Health Centers (CHC’s). Let’s not confuse & muddy the realities that underserved is really expansion & yet to be developed rural areas. Like FPL’s solar farms out in the middle of the woods rural areas.
Eugene Hartke says
Capitalism failed the Reddish areas of the county so they turn to Socialism, as usual.
The dude says
Just what the state and the country needs. More rural folks dependent on the state to give them broadband access to the interwebs so they have the ability to “do their own research”.
With great power comes great responsibility. They haven’t got that second part figured out yet.