Tyler Harrison, an 18-year-old resident of 2239 South Daytona Avenue in Flagler Beach, was arrested Friday on three counts of lewd and lascivious battery, or statutory rape, after allegedly enticing two 15-year-old girls and one 14-year-old girl with drugs to meet him for sex.
In one case, Harrison is accused of using his phone to solicit two 15-year-old girls together, offering them “drugs and money,” according to his arrest report. Harrison, the arrest report states, then traveled to meet the girls “with both victims inw the back seat of his vehicle in an alleyway behind one of the victim’s residences,” the report states. Harrison “engaged in kissing with both victims and then [Harrison] did then pull down his pants,” with both victims allegedly performing oral sex on him. That incident is alleged to have happened on July 19 on South Flagler Avenue.
On Aug. 13, Harrison is accused of luring a 14-year-old girl, again with drugs and money to his house, “where they both then got into the backseat of his parked vehicle and engaged in sexual activity,” with the juvenile performing oral sex on Harrison, the report states.
Harrison was arrested by the Flagler Beach Police Department. The three charges are second-degree felonies, exposing Harrison to up to 15 years in prison on each, if convicted. He posted bail on $22,500 bond and was released from the Flagler County jail.
Criminal Minded says
I’m telling you if Flagler county is a reflection of the rest of the country as far as young white males accused of horrific sex acts, watch laws change just to give them a way out. “it’s a disorder” “they were bullied” “they couldn’t get a date to the prom” “they’re mental”. Yeah, whatever.
Anonymous says
His family must be SO proud (and I’ll bet they’re just itching to defend their lil’ darlin’…not get him help for his behavioral/impulse control issues…just defend him.)
Anonymous says
Pssst..Hey, law enforcement..Get a load of this kid’s twitter page and bring it with you when he goes for his bail hearing and subsequent (hopefully) court appearances. It seems to show him hitting proudly on a bong while pretending to talk tough with “ghetto-jive” language. Yep, a real indication that Palm Coast/Flagler County can count on its youthful population to move our fair town in a positive direction.
Anonymous says
Oh, sorry..I see he’s already made bail. Must have really bright parents, an equally intelligent girlfriend and/or a bank account that is supported by questionable sources of income.
Just me says
Good glad they got this slime ball BUT is it not odd how the media sees things?? when this slime ball is in the news he is a MAN but when another slime ball like Michael Brown attacks a police officer he is a TEEN?
southsidereckless says
i know this guy very personally. good kid. although, these girls were underage, was he aware? probably not. they offered these sexual activities and were WILLING to do so obviously. This kid should not be named a sexual predator. They smoked a little weed, and obviously theses girls could have left the scene during this so called “crime”. tyler is innocent until proven guilty.
Anonymous says
@Southside reckless says–I would suggest to you that enabling your friend/loved one and making excuses for his stupid and criminal behavior is not the way to help him, provide a positive role model or any kind of constructive support. And I’m willing to bet that, if this young man’s skin color was a least a little darker, there would be a lot more of a negative outcry than we’ve heard up to this point (which is ironic, considering how his Twitter page has him inclining to communicate in “ghetto jive” language.) The young people in this town who think they’re so tough and indestructible wouldn’t last five minutes on the streets of New York or Baltimore.
anonymous says
What’s ruining this town,area,county,state is all yall Yankees moving down here from up north! Yall come down here and tear down forests and destroy wetlands for y’all’s houses and business’! Real southerners who’s entire family heritage is from the south like me dont want yall here!!!! Yall have destroyed enough and the streets are clogged up all the time with ridiculous traffic! Yall are really helpin this place out. GO HOME!!!
. Sincerely,
. The Real South
New Yorker says
that’s what happens when you sell the family property instead of working it like the REAL southerners used to. Maybe if you weren’t so lazy the family would still have their property and you wouldn’t need other peoples money to live. Not to mention you real southerners that spent tons of cash advertising the area to us Northeners. Just like the girls that said yes instead of no,stop blaming other people for your own bad choices. Yes I believe the boy is wrong for offering also but all of them should have been brought up better. Goes back to the parents