A group of four Jacksonville motorcyclists who had been at a bike meet in Palm Coast crashed on I-95 near the Old Kings Road overpass as they were riding home Tuesday evening.
They were each on his or her own motorcycle. All four were ejected. Two of the four riders were killed, including a 22-year-old woman–a competitive bike racer–and a 29-year-old man. A 36-year-old man and a 25-year-old man sustained minor injuries.
The riders had been attending the weekly “Bike Nite” at Woody’s BBQ on Flagler Plaza, off State Road 100. According to the Florida Highway Patrol, the group was approaching mile marker 296 at the north end of the county nearing 10 p.m., all in the left-most of the three northbound lanes. An SUV was in the center lane. “For an unknown reason,” FHP reports, the four motorcyclists “collided into one another. The collision caused all 4 riders to be ejected into the roadway.”
Subsequently, the SUV struck the 29-year-old rider. The man and the woman were pronounced dec eased at the scene. The two other riders were taken to AdventHealth Palm Coast with non-life threatening injuries. The occupants of the SUV, a 48-year-old woman who was at the wheel and a 16-year-old girl, both of Jacksonville, were not injured.
The northbound lanes of I-95 were closed for approximately six hours as the investigation proceeded.
Witnesses who spoke with authorities at the time of the crash spoke of seeing the bikers race in and out of their lane before the crash. Two emergency helicopters were placed on standby but never took off, and several rescue vehicles initially requested were cancelled.
The Flagler County Sheriff’s Office initially responded, as did the Palm Coast Fire Department and Flagler County Fire Rescue, before the scene was turned over to FHP.
The 22-year-old victim had reportedly been showing a new bike at the meet, and days ago had been racing on a track and posting video of her feats. “I don’t know what to say other than ‘wow’! I thought horses gave me an adrenaline rush,” she wrote (she also rode horses), “this is another level.” Another of the riders in the group days ago had posted an image of his motorcycle stuck in traffic at sunset on a Jacksonville bridge and written: “Moments like this make you look at life and wonder where will I be in a year!”
The crash resulted in the 12th and 13th fatalities on Flagler County roads this year, three of them involving motorcyclist.

Jimbo99 says
“Witnesses who spoke with authorities at the time of the crash spoke of seeing the bikers race in and out of their lane before the crash.”
Too fast, too furious.
nobackpacks says
your time will come too but this is how u want to be cool have a good life
Skibum says
There are more irresponsible drivers, more just plain horrible drivers, and many times more aggressive drivers here in FL than in either of the two west coast states where I spent a career working in law enforcement. Since the time I retired and moved here more than 10 years ago, I have actually been shocked by the increasing number of out of control racing, speeding and reckless driving I observe on a routine basis while driving on I-95 here in Flagler County. It is dangerous enough to be encapsulated and seat belted inside a car, but those who decide to ride motorcycles on our roads and especially the interstate are really putting their lives at risk. Even wearing a helmet will not protect a M/C rider from the type of collision in this article. It is unfortunate that many young people never think something like this will happen to them, until they are either in the hospital or in the morgue. Condolences to these two twenty somethings who never made it to 30 years old, primarily because they took too big of a risk, and lost big time.
Duncan says
Unfortunately, for the two deceased, we are not twenty something and invincible. We are just twenty something.
Riding on the highway is dangerous enough for bikers without exponentially adding risk by racing in and out of lanes.
Mark says
“Competitive Racer” not so sure about that statement.
Lucky Man says
Todays Superbikes are nuts. I just survived a crash where I bought a new rear tire and the motorcycle shop neglected to tighten down the wheel nuts with locktite, Was on an open stretch of RT.207 driving into Palm Coast to work at 8:15 am and the rear wheel of my BMW K1200RS parted my company… Did a superman dive at 75 MPH and got off real lucky, dislocated left shoulder and slid for 50 yards on a $500 leather jacket, barely scuffed (Was rated for 200MPH spills). I literally stopped sliding and was like “Thats It”? Woulda thought much worse. I think I’ll get up and walk off the road now and go find whats left of my motorcycle.
As a former Biker, I see too many Bikers playing with DEATH! May they RIP and other Bikers LEARN from their MISTAKE!
Rick says
If the bikes were traveling at an excessive amount of speed how fast was the suv going that was seen approaching the group in the center lane when they collided. Did the suv do a road rage swerve because the bikes were speeding causing one of the riders to panic swerve into the other riders to avoid being hit by the suv. I ride and I’ve seen people in cars do crazy things to stop riders from doing things they feel inappropriate. It’s a thought. The fact all collided with each outer on an open road something spooked one of them causing this.
Steve says
I see alot of them too confident in their ability and others driving around them RIP
Dawn M says
Sad indeed
Be careful out there enjoy riding but less Speed
Your Love ones do suffer greatly when you don’t return home
with Love to all who rides ♥️♥️
Shark says
I have no sympathy for these idiots who weave in and out of traffic at 100 plus mph.
Deborah Coffey says
A good reason for a law requiring bikers to ride single file…just like cars!
Anon says
She was not a competitive racer.
Steve says
My Brother who IMO was an excellent M/C enthusiast was killed in Jupiter Florida and not so lucky. The Point is one can never be too careful. I have since sold mine but miss those long Saturday rides. Be Safe
Denali says
Fortunate you did not become an organ donor that day . . . So please inform us where on SR 207 the speed limit is 75 mph. Highest posted speed I have seen on that road is 65 mph.
Denali says
Or there was a mechanical failure which took out the bunched together bikes like bowling pins. Or, one of the bikers made a mistake. Or a biker was fumbling with a radio headset, or, or, or . . . Your theory on the SUV causing the accident is purely speculation. Please advise where you obtained the idea that the SUV was “seen approaching the group in the center lane when they collided”? All the article said was that the SUV was in the center lane, nothing more.
Land of no turn signals says says
Sure the bikers speed and actions could have caused this but is the SUV changing lanes without looking and no turn signal like the other 75% of Florida drivers the cause?
Denali says
Where did this come from? Do you have additional information saying the SUV changed lanes? Nothing in this article to support that . . . Not saying it could not have been a cause but we need facts, not speculation.
BTW, I agreed with your thoughts on the lack of proper signaling on both the city streets and the interstates. Then again, I have been cut off by the counties finest more tan once who failed to use their turn signals or their red/blue lights. Followed one into my neighborhood as he went home for lunch.
Joey says
Rick what your saying sounds about right to me. RIP
MarkIsADick says
Hey Mark, glad you chose to be an d!ck about an article where someone has died.
Chris says
Denali probably cut off a group of motorcycles and got at least one mirror smashed the way he’s talking in this thread. Really classless. Find something better to do that play devils advocate on an article about somebody’s dead friend