Last Updated: 6 p.m.
With some 12,100 votes already turned in by mail so far, early voting in Flagler County began its 13-day run today with record-breaking turnout despite slow lines as a ballot with two dozen races and a half dozen constitutional and charter amendments took voters time to read and fill out.
Nearing day’s end, more than 3,200 voters had cast a ballot, breaking the single-day record for early voting set in 2016, when 3,001 voters cast a ballot in the second day of that general election. In 2020, the first year of the Covid pandemic, not a single day of early voting went above 2,436 ballots.
An important caveat: there were 79,349 registered voters in Flagler County in 2016. There are 96,836 voters today, a 22 percent increase. There would have to be 3,662 ballots cast today merely to match the proportion of voters who voted on that day in 2016. So while today’s turnout is a record in actual ballots cast, it is not a proportionate record.
In mid-morning, scores of voters formed a long line out the main entrance of the Flagler County Public Library and down a sidewalk toward the main parking lot’s main entrance, ending at the 150-foot marker within which electioneering is not allowed. The line was still growing when it was observed around 10 o’clock. By noon, almost 1,000 early votes had been cast at the county’s five early-voting locations.
The library and the Palm Coast Community Center are the busiest of the five early-voting locations, with 842 ballots cast at the library on the approach of 6 p.m., when polls were closing, and 868 at the Community Center, where a long line had also formed outside the building. The location at the Supervisor of Elections’ office at the Government Services Building in Bunnell, always a busy place in early voting, had tallied 800 votes. The Southern Recreation Center off Belle Terre Parkway, the newest of the early voting locations, was drawing a smaller number of voters, with none spilling out of the building: its 389 ballots cast by day’s end less than the 420 cast at the only early voting site on the barrier island, the United Methodist Church on South Daytona Avenue.
To speed things up, poll workers have been distributing brochures explaining th six constitutional amendment proposals on the ballot, so voters can read up on them while in line rather than in the voting booth. (See the guide here: you can read it while in line.)
The line at the library was so quiet, even somber–despite a bright sun and mild temperatures–that it resembled the slow procession of mourners about to pay their respects to someone, or something, lying in state, though that was likely to change as early voting wears on. A Republican booth at the tail end of the line was attempting to pep things up with the playlist cribbed from Donald Trump[s rallies (“YMCA,” “Only in America,” and so on) while one of the volunteers busying up the booth whooped and yelled out lines from the party liturgy (“too big to rig,” that sort of thing.)
The Democrats’ booth two steps down was more reserved, if not more dignified, perhaps unaware that dignity no longer wins certain elections.
The line at the Palm Coast Community Center, always bereft of the slightest bit of shade, was even more quiet: no boom box, no whooping, and barely any candidates’ or volunteers’ booths yet.

But it’s too early to draw conclusions from today’s turnout or the mail-in turnout so far. In 2020, an election influenced by the Covid pandemic–mail ballot totals broke records–4.86 million Floridians voted by mail and 4.3 million voted early. In Flagler, 31,756 voted by mail and 28,539 voted early, or almost 2,200 per day voting early. Overall, 77 percent of registered Floridians voted in 2020, and 78.6 percent did so in Flagler. By 6 p.m. today, turnout in Flagler had reached 16 percent. There are some 4,000 net new voters in the county since 2020.
In 2020, the first day of early voting tallied 2,003 ballots cast at four locations. The busiest of the 13 days of early voting drew 2,436 voters, the slowest 1,953.
Though Democrats are outpolling Republicans in mail ballots statewide, in Flagler County, where Republicans hold a decisive advantage in registrations, lead in total ballots cast, 4,891 to 4,576 for Democrats (as of noon), with independents and smaller parties tallying 2,350 ballots.
The early voting locations are open every day from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. are as follows:
- Flagler County Elections Supervisor’s Office, Government Services Building, 1769 East Moody Boulevard, Bunnell.
- Flagler County Public Library, 2500 Palm Coast Pkwy NW, Palm Coast.
- Palm Coast Community Center, 305 Palm Coast Parkway NE.
- Palm Coast’s Southern Recreation Center, 1290 Belle Terre Parkway.
- Flagler Beach United Methodist Church, 1520 South Daytona Avenue, Flagler Beach.
Compared to the primary, which drew a very low turnout of 29.2 percent (compared to 30.5 percent in 2020 and 27.1 percent in 2016), the Flagler County election ballot is more sparse, especially for voters outside Palm Coast. Palm Coast voters get to cast votes in three City Council races, including for mayor. But All the county commission races have been decided (Kim Carney and Pam Richardson, who won, appear on the ballot against unnamed–and unserious–write-ins). There are two significant races for East Mosquito Control District, several judicial races, and, at the top of the ballot of course, the presidential race and federal and state legislative contests.
The sample ballot is below. Keep up with the Flagler County Supervisor of Elections’ live turnout numbers here.
Samuel says
Vote Blue for woman’s freedom and rights. Vote Blue for our democracy and our US Constitution. Vote Blue not to live in a communistic country.
Jim BOB says
I will vote with a black pen, on RED
CRB says
I’m a woman and I’m voting red!!!
This woman’s right bs is yes absolute bs but I’ll be damned if I’m gonna keep struggling to survive!! And have to worry about my kids more than we as parent’s already do!!!!
I stand for TRUMP!!!!!
James says
Stop watching Fox and listen to actual news stations.
Like CNBC? says
Like NBC? I listen to both right and left as well as some international news and its unfortunate that we can’t have an old school non biased news platform. Fox and CNN are about equal on either side of center but CNBC are a bunch of left wing nut lunatics, dear lord…
Bobo says
I did now I watch newsmax.
Laurel says
Bobo watches Newsmax. ‘Nuff said.
Lisa says
CRB, Well said, I can’t agree with you more.
Ben Hogarth says
1. Lives in a Republican (super) majority State.
2. Lives in a Republican majority County.
3. Lives in a country where the GOP has dominated Congress and legislation for 30+ years.
Blames Democrats for their lot in life. Gotta love the logic of the average MAGA voter. Exactly the kind of people that Republicans count on year in and year out.
GraceReina says
Nailed it …
Robjr says
How people can hold a rapist up as their role model is beyond comprehension.
John says
They believe his lies because they only listen to Fox tell them lies on a daily basis without ever checking out the real facts. What does that make all of them, it’s called idiots. He isn’t going to improve their pocket books with his tariff but will cost them $4,000.00 more a year and the cost of things from overseas will all be increased.
He lies to them every day and they smile as they were their red hats the color of hate.
If he gets elected lets hear what these supporting fools say after he is in office for six months and has stripped them of all their benefits.
Dianne says
He already proved what he can do for our Free country…he had tariffs in place and you were better off than than now…vote for her and you will think differently when you suffer more cuz she has no idea how to run the country..if she did she would have done it already
Nephew Of Uncle Sam says
Like Mike Pence did as VP?
Laurel says
No, actually I’m doing better now. AND hubby and I didn’t take horse wormer pills your bare eyed solar eclipse watcher suggested.
Palm Coast Vet says
Just look at Palm Coast.
Ran by rebluicans for the last 8 years.
Enjoy more years of disaster.
Judith G. Michaud says
If you think Trump will change the economy for the better, you better research how we got here ! He lied about COVID and did not address the spread. He even gave OUR COVID testing kits to Putin while thousands were dying here ! Businesses were forced to close and we couldn’t even buy toilet paper ! Did you forget ! I am voting Blue all the way ! Trump is a convicted felon and is only running to stay out of jail. He could care less about America ! he is a shameful representative for the Republican party ! Even Liz Cheney has said so ! Your choice CRB !
Go Liz! says
Well if Liz Cheney said so… Than I guess it must be so. She got kicked out of Wyoming so fast when she crossed Trump because he destroyed Jeb Bushes political future, Thank God. Harris supporters in Michigan and Minnesota hate her for her fathers actions (No, not that time when he shot his friend in the face that other news worthy thing he did, the second gulf war to rid Iraqi weapons of mass destruction that did not exist. Neither Kamala Harris nor Liz will ever be elected as dog catcher in any state.
Atwp says
CRB you might stand for Trump, he doesn’t and will not stand for you. Look at some the people that were in his circle, jailed or prisoned. Keep standing for him and watch him let you and others fall.
GraceReina says
Yes let’s allow women to be apart of the decision making process with their own bodies .
Bobo says
Democrats will now try to.ruin fl.
Middle Aged White Guy for Harris says
Vote for Freedom, Vote Blue.
Vote for the hardworking, armed capitalist, not the wealthy elite felon.
Vote for more economic opportunities for working people, not more tax breaks for the wealthy.
Vote to keep government control out of our lives. Vote Blue!
DaleL says
My wife and I voted early today (Monday) in the early afternoon. The wait was not too bad, about 1/2 hour.
I voted for:
Science over fiction.
Truth over lies.
Country over party.
Democracy over authoritarianism.
JustBeNice says
How does the Election office make sure the mail in ballots are legit registered votes and US citizens?
FlaglerLive says
This FAQ will answer your questions.
Happy dog owner says
Thanks for the FAQ link. It is very helpful.
Deport republicans says
Non citizens don’t vote. To vote you have to register and prove citizenship. Quit watching fox propaganda. Can’t wait to see trump gracefully loose lol.
jackson says
I find it hard to believe that Trump has expanded his base enough to win by a Landslide, especially given that: 1) a large number of Republicans have deserted him. 2) The gender gap is real, and it is huge.3) There are more female voters than male voters. 4) Since 2022 those who support Roe V Wade have won in every election. I repeat, every election. Those folks don’t care for Trump. 5) New voter registration numbers.
Skibum says
Wow, long lines of voters waiting patiently for their turn to cast their votes. I love seeing so many people wanting to get out and join in one of our most important constitutional responsibilities! But for you private organizations… DON’T you dare be so jaded and involved in so-called “election interference” or trying to sway someone’s vote by handing out bottles of water to those standing in line, because the Republicans will go absolutely ape-shit over such forms of “intimidation” that they have already gone to court to prohibit. Never mind that Elon Musk is standing on stages in battleground states with the orange-faced felon ex-president, telling Trump’s supporters that he will gift one million dollars each day to a voter who pledges to sign a Republican pledge. Nothing to see here, folks, not a peep from Republicans who seem to be foaming-at-the-mouth opposed to organizations handing out water that they fantasize is Democrats trying to sway votes, but completely fine with ACTUAL unethical and probably illegal paying for votes on the Republican side. You can’t make this stuff up… Republicans show once again that they have devolved into the unconstitutional electioneering that Nixon was known for, only way worse and something that this Trump cult sees as any means to justify their end game. America must not only denounce their abhorrent conduct and practices, we must prevail to save this country’s democratic election integrity from the Trump cult that wants to destroy our constitution and form of government, in the name of a disgraced, twice impeached convicted felon sexual predator who should NEVER, EVER be allowed anywhere near our country’s White House for the remainder of his miserable life!
Laurel says
Skibum: Again, this is telling all women and girls that a convicted felon, rapist, con man, compulsive liar, bigot is better than they are.
Again, any woman who votes for this clown is a major disappointment to me.
Speaking of clowns, Elon Musk is joining the circus, and clearly, Trumplicans have zero issues with corruption.
Kim Gridley says
And yet, Trump and Harris are basically neck and neck. I guess half the country must be part of the “cult”
Or maybe half the country just believes that they really were better off…
Hmmm, just something to think about.
Sherry says
@kim 40% of our fellow citizens are absolutely brainwashed by 20+ years Fox extreme right winged “propaganda”. They were ripe for the picking by trump the complete “convicted criminal” con artist. Yes, some of them have joined the Fox/trump cult. They are all victims of Rupert Murdoch’s scheme to build the most politically influential media empire our world has ever seen. Rupert has been extremely successful in doing just that.
Why else would any “thinking” American vote for a “Convicted Felon”, who has also been found guilty of “Sexual Assault” and “Fraud”. . . and who has been “Indicted” for inciting an insurrection against our government in an attempted coup?