The tin-tented, recently rust-painted and frequently derided pedestrian bridge over State Road 100 will get its public grand opening celebration the afternoon of September 19, the county announced this week. No shades necessary anymore.
The bridge has been open to foot and cycle traffic since the end of spring when England-Thims & Miller (ETM) completed work on the $12.3 million project (ETM’s portion was $9.9 million). Construction began two years ago. A coat of darkening chemicals was applied to the tipi-like stainless steel tent over the bridge to diminish its reflection’s almost blinding effect at sunup and sundown, depending on which direction one was traveling.
The chemical application has not exactly enhanced the cover, making it look more soiled or confining than breezy. But It was a result of public concerns, and not a small amount of ridicule on social media, about the psychedelic steel’s effects on drivers below. But the attention has also served the bridge at least in giving it some public awareness. (See: “Ugly as Tin, the Glaring, $12 Million Bridge Over SR100 Is Radiating Concerns–and Publicity.”)
If it remains significantly underused, that may not last, considering the massive developments planned on its flanks: Coquina Shores will be a 750-home development rising alongside its two miles of northern trail, and over 1,300 housing units have been approved along Colbert lane, just east of the bridge, with still more units on John Anderson Highway and many more on South Old Kings Road. The county is also planning to build an elaborate tourism and visitor center near the foot of the bridge, at the south end, with ample parking. So these may be the short-lived quieter days for the bridge.
“We are very excited that the pedestrian bridge is open, and we want to celebrate it with the community,” County Administrator Heidi Petito was quoted as saying in a release the county issued. “I’ve been out there and have had the pleasure of meeting people on the trail enjoying the new addition. Some expressed their gratitude the bridge was built because they use the amenity a few times a week.”
The grand opening, taking place on the south side of the bridge, will include a few speeches by government and construction officials. It’ll give the public a chance to walk the bridge or even walk the almost two miles of the trail north of the bridge that goes through Graham Swamp, crossing marshy locations with three boardwalks, and linking up with the Lehigh Tral that goes from Old Kings Road to Colbert Lane. The Flagler Palm Coast High School track team will be first to run over the bridge as part of the ceremony.
The bridge was conceived by Flagler County’s engineering department, with Chief Engineer Faith al-Khatib securing its funding through Department of Transportation grants. When it was presented to the County Commission in 2018, it was to be a $7.5 million project.
For now, it’s still a bridge to nowhere at the south end of the bridge. The county has secured funding to design what will be the remainder of the trail into Bulow State Park, at which time the full trail could become the crown jewel in the county’s network of trails. But construction funding for that segment has not been secured. So for now the bridge leads to a short loop at its south end, back to State Road 100’s sidewalk. That sidewalk connects to Old Kings Road’s sidewalk, enabling cyclists or pedestrians to continue their journey in either direction.
The 650-foot concrete and steel bridge was built with twelve 114–foot-long steel beams to span State Road 100, on top of piers with spread footers. The A-frame-like steel tent, designed by Kissinger Campo and Associates, is intended as an echo of the AS-frame on the Flagler Beach Pier, though for drivers going east or west below, the steel tent looks more like a darkish grill blocking rather than enhancing the surrounding woods.
The county broke down the cost of the project as follows:
- Design/Permitting – $1,478,161.30
- Post Design/ Engineer of Record – $51,381.66
- CEI (Construction, Engineering, and Inspection) – $980,878.12
- Construction – $9,858,121.65
The county is welcoming public participation at the 3:30 p.m. grand opening on Sept. 19, but there is no parking at the foot of the bridge (which is contributing to its limited use). The county is giving prospective participants two options:
- There will be limited parking on county-owned property located just west of the bridge on the south side of State Road 100 – the righthand side of the roadway for those approaching from Interstate 95.
- There will also be parking at the Badcock Shopping Center east of the State Road 100 Pedestrian Bridge with a shuttle bus provided at 3:15 p.m. to ensure the event begins on time.
Justbob says
A butt ugly boondoggle.
Katie Berry says
I think this is pretty cool and I’m so happy to see a pedestrian bridge. People will use it all the time.
Now, I’m concerned about the 1300 more homes plus being built. Now what about 95? It can’t handle this 1300 plus the next exits 450 plus the next exits 250 and so on and so forth. The building should slowly stop so the rest of the communities/ roads can catch up and be a safe place to live and enjoyable.
95? What about SR100/Old Kings?
Who me ? says
Ribbon cutting at 3 p.m.. Shuttle provided at 3:15 p.m. to ensure event starts on time. What am I missing…. I’M CONFUSED 🤔.
FlaglerLive says
3:30. The error, now corrected, was ours.
Gotta love it. says
Why would they not provide any parking so people could actually access the bridge and trails? There are no homes or public parking to access it for miles in either direction. $13mil and they couldn’t spend another $50k for an asphalt parking lot at the base of the bridge?
Richard Smith says
What a WASTE of money!
Bartholomew says
It’s kinda ugly. That sounds like a lot of $$$, but the bridge over 100 is a good way to cross that street
Laurel says
Reminds me of a solar oven used for camping. Where does the word “design” come in? Where does it fit the concept “budget?”
Bob J says
Design/Permitting – $1,478,161.30
Heck of a budget.
Jim says
$12.3M spent for this bridge.
$12.3 MILLION.
The priorities of this county are beyond my comprehension. I’m sure there will be some payback to the community for this expenditure. Surely we didn’t spend that much money just to have a bridge built.
Land of no turn signals says says
Big woop.Wait until Palm Coast starts putting advertisements on there to pay for all of the wasted spending.
FlaglerLive says
The bridge is in the county’s jurisdiction. Public bridges may not carry advertising.
TR says
I have to agree with the others. It’s the ugliest thing I have ever seen in this county. The thought of it to mimic the pear restaurant design failed. Anyone traveling on 100 doesn’t see the match in design by any means, they just see a tall panel and no A frame design. It’s stupid. The other stupid thing is there’s no parking? Does any engineer and developer in this world have any brains to design things the right way?
On another note, Can we make September 6th a county holiday? I think it should be because I think it’s the first time I have read where FL admitted to making a mistake. :)
Skibum says
Now that the bridge is finished, the county would be wise to recognize how bland and ugly it looks and enlist the services of a local artist to design some type of art work to place on each side of the structure to make it an attractive, eye-catching thing of beauty instead of the eye-sore it is now. How about something depicting some of our area’s wildlife? Anything would be better than looking at that horrendous metal monstrosity as you drive down Rd. 100.
BD says
I agree. The tin on it already looks like it is starting to rust.
C’mon man says
It’s ugly but it prevents someone accidentally falling off onto a busy highway. Don’t forget That troubled girl who halted traffic for hours a few times when she threatened to jump.
TR says
That was on the palm coast Pkwy bridge over I95. But there are other ways to prevent people from climbing over the railings if they want to jump.
Fed up with Flagler says
Is it me or does that new “anti glare” coating the county spent an addition few million on because of another planning design screw up look like the bridge was burned in a fire ?
The county acts as if this bridge will elevate massive pedestrian traffic allowing tourists to visit a swamp.
Not going to happen.
This is nothing more than a monument to government taxpayer waste and fantasyland stupidity.
BD says
So that’s what it is. I looked like it was already starting to rust out.
David Schaefer says
Waste of money, they could have used all those millions and widen Old Kings Road to four lanes…..
Al says
Do they want people to use this trail and bridge ? If so, where are they supposed to park ???
Larry says
I use the new bike trail connecting to Lehigh Trail. It’s a beautiful, peaceful ride (or walk). Park your cars? Get off you ass and take a walk or bike ride. Admittedly the design of the A frame structure is not aesthetically pleasing. Were they aiming to match the design of the A frame at the Flagler Beach pier? I’d like to see a sign FLAGLER BEACH, heading east and a sign PALM COAST heading west on the sides of the structure, similar to the pedestrian bridge in Daytona Beach.
JimBob says
Has anyone got a pool up for the date of the first mugging/sexual assault or other violent crime to occur?
Randy says
Flagler Beach will never be the same. All of the northerners who have moved here think they know more than us southerners. Now that they have infiltrated local politics, and are bringing all this development once pretty Flagler Beach is already seeing and feeling the repercussions of development. It is already progressing into a crowded, crime filled town. Won’t be long before it has turned into a crime ridden nightmare like Daytona, Cocoa, and Pensacola beaches. It’s sad.
Shark says
They are all republicans !!!!
TR says
Sorry but you’re incorrect. They are people who want to live cheaper than up North were they don’t have to pay a state income tax, cheaper property taxes and basically an easier lifestyle. Has nothing to do with part affiliation because I know of some of them from both sides. But nice try blaming your opposite party.
Bill DiLuisi says
T says
Who paid for this
Oswald Jackson says
Sure hope no deranged killer doesn’t decide to use it as a sniper tower
Mike Kelley says
How nice. A pedestrian bridge accessing Graham Swamp. Any developing in that area could be considered an unneeded Ecological Disaster of a once great Florida wetland. Don’t forget your rubber boots.