On the fourth day of the new schoolyear, a 13-year-old Bunnell girl became the first student to be arrested on a felony charge that has sent dozens of students through the judicial system since 2018: making written threats to kill. The girl told police she’d been upset when other talked about her deceased mother.
The 13-year-old was charged Friday with the second-degree felony after screed shots of messages and recorded voice messages indicated she had allegedly threatened to kill another girl–a friend–by shooting her in the face. In one voice clip, the girl threatened her friend to watch what she says before “I put a bullet between your eyes,” according to her arrest report. One video purported to show the alleged aggressor with a gun, and she’d authored several text messages asking her victim to meet up so they could fight. The girl had apparently created a fake phone number to disseminate the threats.
Deputies met with the girl and her father, a 43-year-old resident of Daytona North. The girl initially said she had not made threats, but was confronted with law enforcement’s evidence, in pictures and voice mails. Her father identified the voice as that of his daughter–and the gun she was holding, a .32-caliber Jennings firearm, was his. He told deputies that it had been in his safe, locked up. He told them he didn’t know how she might have gotten the gun out.
The girl was arrested, transported to the Flagler County jail and processed there, but not held there. Juveniles are routinely either turned over to the Department of Juvenile Justice in Daytona Beach or, more often, returned to their parents at DJJ’s request, pending court proceedings. The juveniles typically are sentenced to probation, but also face other disciplinary consequences from the school district.
“Many of our kids and students are now learning online and actively using social media so I ask that parents be the Sheriff of their homes and monitor their kid’s online activity,” Sheriff Rick Staly was quoted as saying in a release. “It’s important to know who your child is communicating with online and what they are saying. I also hope this teenager gets the help she needs on how to handle disagreements before she progresses to more serious criminal activity.”
Mark says
Perfect time for a social worker. Not the police. 13 year old dealing with the death of her mother and the bullies at School and she goes to jail? There is something amiss with our society.
Concerned Citizen says
She still committed criminal acts.
Hold her accountable and then get her help if she needs it. Why should she have the right to around threatening others with weapons?
Jimbo99 says
Uggghhhh, this again as a story. When is the real problem going to be addressed, the trash talking & bullying needs to end. What kind of individual as a friend betrays another over the death of a family member ?
A.j says
Never good to talk about a child’s 😕 parents, especially their mother. How did she get the gun? We might never know. She dies need some counciling, hope her father will show her love like she never had before. Just wonder how the father is feeling right now.
Mythoughts says
This child needs professional help with dealing with losing her Mom at a young age. And her father needs to take some of this responsibility for not getting her that help or teaching her how to deal with bullies in school. He should have reported it to the school authorities.
concerned citizen says
everyone is getting the wrong idea here bc they have no clue who this girl is.. she’s dated a few of my friends before and let me say this.. she basically raped my friend, sends non consensual nudes, she’s sent threats to me and my friends multiple times. she’s told me to kms and some of her friends has sent threats as well.
Concerned Citizen says
I’m sorry she is going thru tough times but she certainly knew what she was doing.
Maybe this prevented something bad from happening. And maybe the consequences of what might have been will scare her enough to think things thru.
Angelina says
I also have screen shots of threatening to kill my family and make me watch , and it was all over my friends little cousin that is 9!! Liking the guy she was dating , she said she would beat her a$$ that’s when I stepped in and said something
Jordan says
I never said that yall capping on my name AND yall fucked up my age I’m not 13 no more I’m fucking 15 soo get yalls shit str8 fr fr
hailey says
This happened yrs ago looking back i cant believe my report made “flaglerlive” like frfr but to be real though i remember who all i “threaten” i do apologies its been 3 years and i grown up ive been on probation for 3 yrs along with 2 programs one which a girl couldnt go home to see her loving family because she couldnt handle the abuse of the program no more and sadly died i turned my way to God and i started to handle my anger towords bullys better. Girls dont understand how hurtful there words were and the pain that they caused but i no longer point fingers i know what i did wrong and i know i may never be able to fix my wrongs but i can say is i grown from it. So im very sorry to the girl i “scared” and the girls that havent spoke out to my wrongs im very sorry.