Cara Plummer, a first-grade teacher at Belle Terre Elementary School, was found impaired from alcohol at the end of the school day on Monday, and refused district personnel’s request for a drug/alcohol test at an urgent care clinic.
The last class ended at 3:40 p.m. At 3:55 p.m., Jessica DeFord, the principal at Belle Terre, requested the assistance of a Flagler County Sheriff’s school resource deputy after getting a report that Plummer was under the influence of an unknown substance, and walked with the deputy to the classroom where two employees were speaking with Plummer.
“It was clear that Mrs. Plummer was not feeling nor looking well based on my observation,” deputy Samuel Cooper reported. He “could smell an odor of alcohol emitting from Mrs. Plummer. That was also confirmed by Mrs. DeFord as she signaled with a hand gesture to her nose, whispering to this deputy that she smells alcohol. I shook my head in agreement with Mrs. DeFord’s depiction.”
Board policy forbids the use or possession of alcoholic beverages on any school property, as well as forbidding being “under the influence of, an intoxicating beverage or an illegal mood or behavior-modifying substance while on school property.” Principals are required to order anyone found violating the policy off school premises immediately, or be “deemed a trespasser.”
When DeFord asked her, a distraught Plummer denied that she’d been drinking, but that she’d taken some prescription medication “due to depression over her mother’s passing.” But when Mike Rinaldi, who was also in the classroom by then, asked her whether she would submit to a drug and alcohol test at Medi Quick, she declined, admitting, according to the sheriff’s incident report, that “if she went to Medi Quick they probably would find alcohol and her prescription drugs in her system.” Rinaldi is the district administrator who handles all internal investigations.
Rinaldi and DeFord offered various proposals to either drive Plummer home or have one of her family members come pick her up, none of which proved either feasible or agreeable to her. The deputy reported that she “continued to use foul language to describe her reason for her present condition,” became more aggravated as the encounter or the way for a ride continued, and at one point said, using an expletive, she was resigning and would not return, because she did not need this job.
In the end, after the deputy had secured an Uber driver then cancelled it once Plummer’s son arrived at the school, Plummer was escorted to her son;s vehicle. “Based on my training and experience it was determined that Mrs. Plummer was under the influence and unable to drive while impaired,” the deputy reported. As of now, no criminal charges are being filed, a sheriff’s spokesperson said on Thursday.
Plummer, a 50-year-old employee in Flagler schools since August 2015, has been on paid administrative leave since Monday, the usual status when an employee is under internal investigation. School is in session until Friday, after which the winter break begins, running through Jan. 4 for teachers, who report back to school on Jan. 5. Students report back on Jan. 9.
Birds of a Feather says
No worries….employment opportunities abound….she will be a perfect fit at the Montessori School run by Kerri Huckabee!
Lance Carroll says
Evidently, you have zero experience with the Montessori school run by Kerri Huckabee. Otherwise, you’d not post such a goofy remark in the public forum. What is your personal experience with Kerri Huckabee and her school?
Concerned Citizen says
Don’t let her get off just because she’s resigning.
She had a position of responsibility. And could have endangered students. As a teacher she is held to higher standards than others. As she is looked up to as a roll model. She should be charged and held responsible.
Before you come at me. I lost my mom two years ago. And have a brother who is dying of cancer. Grieving DOES NOT give you a free pass. To act like an ass towards others. get help. There’s a lot of it out there.
Land of no turn signals says says
Have you or someone close to you ever been a teacher in the last 5 years?Lucky she wasn’t shooting heroin.
Concerned Citizen says
I have plenty of friends who are teachers and don’t abuse.
If you need a substance to make it find a different job. Not acceptable around our kids.
dave says
Maybe this is one reason a lot of Flagler County Schools are scoring B, the choice of some teachers and the administration of our schools. Don’t people think anymore, being drunk as a teacher, cops being stopped by other cops drunk in their personal car ( 2 days ago off-duty Seminole County sheriff’s deputy).
Come on people , think.
c says
@Dave ;
“Come on people , think.” –
If people could/would think, we wouldn’t have most of the messes we are in now, would we?
A Father says
She has been a fantastic teacher and a real blessing for our daughter; setting aside extra time to help her with her dyslexia. I fully understand this has been a hard time for her since her mom’s death. And I for one truly believe in forgiveness and second chances should she want it, especially during the holiday season.
Compassion says
I agree with you. She was our child’s teacher too and she was amazing, caring, put so much effort in all she did. This is a true loss for our children right now.
Disgusted in Flagler County says
The Department of Children and Family Services should definitely be notified. She endangered children. Her teaching certificate should be revoked and charges for child neglect/ endangerment should be filed.
jake says
What a loving heart you have. Yet, you probably approve of the teacher caught stealing returning to the classroom.
Concerned Citizen says
I don’t agree with both. So how about that?
Teachers are certified professionals. Who are in positions of great responsibility. They are roll models and have a great deal of influence on our Children. Both her and the other teacher should be disciplined accordingly.
I understand that life gets tough. I understand grieving is hard. I am dealing with several losses myself recently. But if it takes you to the point of substance abuse to cope, Leave it out of the class room.
According to her statement. “I don’t need this job anyway” She had the option of not bringing that situation to work. But made a poor choice (not a mistake) in doing so. I have nieces and nephews who are in school. And they deal with enough drama as it is.
There are plenty of grief programs and counseling out there. I am in one myself. And there is no shame in it. I hope at some point she is able to reconcile her grief and come to terms with it. But don’t endanger our children with poor choices.
Disgusted in Flagler County says
No! I think it’s outrageous and totally unacceptable that he’ll be able to teach the kids again. I think his teaching certification should also be revoked.
Mary Fusco says
@ Jake. My daughter is an RN. She does home health care. If she showed up at your home drunk, and you reported it, she would lose her license, If she did not report anything regarding a patient’s safety or ability to take care of himself or herself, she would lose her license because she would be endangering patients. What gives a teacher in charge of 6 year olds a free pass to endanger them? If she had been allowed to get in her car and drive home and caused an accident that took out either you or one of your loved ones, would you still have a loving heart?
Chris says
Biden and dems utopia.
Atwp says
Chris if this is Biden and Dems utopia, I guess you are in the wrong place. Why don’t you go where liar crazy Trump is, don’t do that he might through you under the bus and you might go to prison like a lot in his circle. O well welcome to Biden and Dems utopia, where no one ever try to overthrow the government. Just saying.
Barry McDonald says
I don’t understand your post. Are you saying that Biden was involved? Also, the schools in Florida are controlled by Republicans, but I don’t think they had anything to do with this either.
Lance Carroll says
Ed says
We all know substance abuse is an illness. It cuts across all professions, even teachers.
She will be given a chance to get help and if she successfully does, will probably return to her position next school year.