Mar Figueroa-Rohena, a 17-year-old resident of Lema Lane in Palm Coast and a student at Matanzas High School, was arrested on felony charges after allegedly repeatedly attacking another 17 year old with a taser during a brawl at Ralph Carter Park Wednesday afternoon that drew upward of 30 people, many of them participants who plied the victim with violence.
Some of the incident was captured in a video taken by an individual at the park on a phone. The footage, disturbing for the matter-of-factness and prolonged viciousness of mob-like violence concentrated on a single individual, goes on over four minutes of screams, blows, slurs and racial epithets, and the tell-tale sound of a taser that keeps discharging again and again and again. The camera angle isn’t always pointed on the brawl, which breaks up and reignites, and at one point shows a shirtless teenage boy apparently vomiting by the side of an SUV before being aided into it and, presumably, away from the mob.
The victim of the tasing was in fact taken to AdventHealth Palm Coast because he was “vomiting uncontrollably,” according to a sheriff’s report.
Every few moments a Snapchat banner flashes at the top of the video from a series of users with the line: “Erybody in Dis Piece Dead.”
A taser or tazer is an electroshock weapon that results in something similar to temporary paralysis and that’s used by law enforcement as a “non-lethal” method to control non-compliant and potentially violent individuals. “A nonlethal stun gun or dart-firing stun gun or other nonlethal electric weapon or device that is designed solely for defensive purposes” is legal for adults to carry in Florida and does not require a permit. But the law does not preclude prosecution for the use of a stun gun during the commission of a crime.
Deputies spoke with the individual who filmed the brawl–and who told deputies he could identify the person who used the weapon–and did so as Figueroa-Rohena appeared in the front seat of a car as the individual was speaking with deputies.
According to Figueroa-Rohena arrest report, deputies responded to the park off Rymfire Drive in palm Coast, near Rymfire Elementary, in mid-afternoon Wednesday. A woman told deputies that several people had come to her door and threatened to fight her son and “shoot up the place.” Her son, L., gathered his friends and made a plan to meet the alleged assailants at the park and fight them to “correct their issues,” as the sheriff’s report puts it. Once there, they saw from 30 to 40 people there.
L.’s mother told deputies that when the fight started, she saw a girl or a woman grab a baseball bat and strike a vehicle, which caused the teens to disperse in the way of some vehicles, some of them supposedly getting struck by the cars. Neither baseball bat nor damaged car were located by deputies. The woman told deputies she attempted to calm the situation but was unable to. L. sought to protect his mother over disrespectful comments directed at her.
The victim of the repeated tasing told deputies he was beaten by numerous people. Deputies recognized tasing or burn marks on his abdomen, left arm and on his back. Figueroa-Rohena told deputies she had been kicked herself. Her arrest report states that she acted “without having any remorse for her actions.” But the taser used in the brawl was not located at the scene.
Figueroa-Rohena was charged with aggravated battery with a deadly weapon and using a weapon while committing a felony, itself a felony. (FlaglerLive does not ordinarily name juveniles charged in crimes. Among the exceptions are when a juvenile commits a crime with a weapon.)
The incident appears to have dismayed Sheriff Rick Staly particularly, both for the breakdown at the park and what had led to it. “There is no doubt that without the intervention of family members and law enforcement, this feud between these two groups will continue and will escalate until someone is seriously injured or killed,” the sheriff said in a statement. “We have 30 to 40 people all participating in a brawl at a park. This is completely unacceptable and is not the way to solve a disagreement. One juvenile is already in custody and the investigation is on ongoing. Anyone participating in this kind of behavior in our community is going to be arrested. I promise you, no argument is worth losing your life over or being arrested for a serious crime. Parents, know where your kids and young adults are, know what they’re doing on social media, and know who they are hanging around with. It is my job to be the head law enforcement officer of the county, but it is your responsibility to be the main law enforcement officer of your household.”
Caution: Video contains profanity, racial slurs, and violence.
Harold Sankey says
After all the years that this park has been open the crime and illegal activities still continue. We as neighbors have complained to the city since day one and the typical politicians at city hall just seem to turn a blind eye to it and brush it under the table. Maybe it will take someone to get seriously injured or God forbid lose their life before Holland and her crew wake up and realize that there are MAJOR issues and illegal activities going on here. Wake up CITY HALL before it’s to late. You always gave us the excuse that you can’t do anything because the city might get sued. Well wait till someone gets really hurt and see what that lawsuit will cost you. Wake Up !
Steve says
A little excessive ya think. Her Parents must be so proud. Thats a cold heartless 17 year old.. Unfortunately She will probably be a Mother one day. Oh Joy Lucky the Victim didnt go into Cardiac Arrest.
Duncan says
Great job Sheriff Staly, I’m thankful you take this type of ridiculous behavior seriously.
I think in other counties this type of behavior would have been ignored as “kids will be kids”.
Smh says
“Without any remorse for her actions”. Hmmmmmm. This is the same young lady that threatened to “shoot up the boys basketball team, no cap”. However it was swept under the rug. Sounds like an entitled sociopath. The chickens have come home to roost. Wake up parents. Stop saving your children from everything because they eventually get into something you can’t get them out of, like jail.
Disgusted and Reviled says
I’ll just take a wild guess and say no wonder these kids are acting like animals. Just look at the fine demonstration some so-called adults in this country showed on Jan 6 when they attacked the capital and anyone who got in their way. Right. Someone moved a nasty rock aside and all kinds of nasties are crawling out.
Charlie Ericksen Jr says
Looks like the “R” section of Palm Coast is continuing it’s history being the armpit of the City. Brawls like this do not occur/happen over night, and someone ( many ) knew in advance . A few years ago, FCSO used to have a deputy on duty , in a car in the parking , because of ” students ” coming/walking through owners home lots to get to school and having fights over the use of basketball courts. . Many of which climbed over the higher fences, put in by the city , to stop such activities.
I’m sure the Sheriff will give this area , a lot of thoughts as it’ seems like it’s more deep trouble than what’s written in this article.
Agkistrodon says
This is what your bs has taught them. That it is okay to resolve issues by mob rules actions. CONGRATULATIONS adults.
Mythoughts says
Where does a 17 year get a taser? Why are these parks not patrolled more? She should be expelled from school for good and her parents need to be taught to teach their child right from wrong because so far not doing too good of a job.
Alin says
This is what you get when you put children in quarantine and then in schools where they aren’t allowed to speak much or see each other’s face, and when adults let them stay online all day, and when violence against men is justified, and kids are told things like antifa are righteous. Clearly the educational system is failing these kids, their grammar also is atrocious. Parents, you’re pathetic. You reap what you sow.
Mary Fusco says
I would have to say that this kid was an animal before 12 weeks ago. The problem is that kids today are left to raise themselves and this is the result. You get idiots. I will agree with you though that the adults today refuse to grow up and think they are still in a school yard fighting. Witness the number of incidents in fast food dumps when their order is not correct. I guess it is easier to blame someone else rather than do the grunt work of raising your children yourself. This is a disgusting display no matter how you look at it. Thank goodness my children and grandchildren are grown and I, as a parent or grandparent, ever witnessed this level of idiocy.
David B. says
Obviously these teens don’t have anything productive like a part time job, or sports activity or volunteer at there Church, Library, or community service. What a waste of a use precious life,
Concerned Citizen says
A lot of this boils down to parenting at home.
If children aren’t taught their place and how to respect others then they go around acting like assholes. And think that it’s OK to disrespect others. Case in point I work in the security industry and was recently called to remove juveniles who were in a pool complex unauthorized. And had already been asked to leave. When confronting the ring leader of the little want to be gang members a 16 year old boy who was trying to impress the girls informed me he had a pocket knife and would beat my ass. And that it would take cops to get him out. Well I backed off called SO and granted him his wish. I also trespassed every single one of them. Well guess who was made to be the bad guy? Dear mom and dad who don’t want their kids home all day complained to the board. And had the trespass lifted. And I was asked to be a little more lienient because they were kids. BS. If a 16 year old informs you he has a weapon and intends to do you bodily harm then he just became an adult. And better be careful. Because some folks won’t be talked to that way. I understand that parents are busy. But start parenting your kids before they end up making irreversable decisions that will haunt them for the rest of their lives. Let’s stop giving passes because parents are busy. Or a kid might have mental health issues. And start teaching respect and manners.
No saving them says
I would arrest every last one of them for aiding and abetting the attack and not stopping it. Those who filmed it should also have additional charges. These “kids” have a depraved lack of empathy and they are raising sociopaths. It’s disgusting. This should really frighten people. 30 people did nothing while 1 person was nearly beat to death? I couldn’t even watch or read on.
Don’t get me started on the parents. We know who they are. Upstanding citizens of Palm Coast. Don’t whine as your child prepares for big people jail.
Let The Work I Do Speak For Me says
It’s amazing how everyone has something to say about this one young lady. There were 30 plus kids and adults at the park. Everyone is passing judgment because she was the one who tased someone. You ever think maybe she was defending herself. Then y’all want to come for her parents. If you don’t know them. Pray for them. Don’t judge them. They are good parents and are very much involved in their children’s lives. I don’t care how on top of your kids you may be. How much you stay connected to them. Teach them respect, manners, and values. You can discipline them, love them and give them everything they need and some of what they want. But that doesn’t mean they will not make bad decisions or choices. That doesn’t mean their parents are bad parents. Their kids & teenagers who are growing up in a much different time and culture then the majority of us did. Television today, Technology and Social Media don’t make it any better. Instead of pointing fingers , judging and speaking negatively about children who get in trouble and their parents or guardians. Let’s try and come up with a solution to help. Let’s stand in the gap with parents and guardians. Let’s use our minds and resources to build a Organization here for all our youth to participate and be a part of. Not just the youth in your churches, your clubs or your part of town but all youths of Flagler County. We are all responsible for this little girl and all the other kids of Flagler County. I know everyone has heard that slogan “It Takes A Village “. Let’s be an example other City’s , County’s, and States will want to emulate. I’m Humbly asking ALL Faith Leaders, Educators, Government Officials, Law Enforcement, Sorority, Fraternity, Club Leaders, Physicians, Therapist and Parents let’s Unite and Save our Children.
compaqrat2020 says
Nothing to do with quarantine. All about upbringing.
Jeffrey Dameir Jr. says
3 years is prison and 12 years probation. By that time she either learns her lesson or becomes another Aileen Carol “Lee” Wuornos .
Vincent Neri says
Think of a persons mindset as their operating system. If the operating system is flawed regardless of what applications are loaded onto that operating system via school curriculum the mindset is still messed up. Schools are concerned with applications but more important than applications is proper preparation of the mind for the purpose of achieving a high performance champion mindset. Mindset is more important than skillset because with the right mindset anything desired can be learned. Life is a mirror reflecting back at us exactly what our mindset is and no individual will ever long term exceed their mindset. We continue to do the same thing over and over while expecting a different result and all history does is continue to repeat itself over and over again. The saying “people do not change” is mostly true because change is not easy and their is no prescription that transforms an individual from darkness to enlightenment. When people cannot take proper control of their mind and direct it towards positive ends they will be introduced to the criminal justice system which is our answer for people that serve their mind rather than their mind best serving them.
Mark says
They learn this behaviour from our local city leaders. Those in power localy have been stoking this type of behaviour for years now and it is finaly coming to fruition.
Mary Fusco says
My husband and I raised 4 kids. We were not responsible for the neighbors’ kids. that is THEIR responsibility. This young lady (and I use the term loosely) is 17. She must be a senior in high school. When my girls were 17, they were working after school and on the weekends and preparing to apply to colleges, not fighting like animals in a park. Stop making excuses for assinine behavior. BTW, my granddaughter, who is of this generation is 22 and had saved $20,000 from babysitting by 20. She is now in Grad school to be a speech therapist. 17 is not a child, it is a young adult. Sad.
Insider says
Funny how this is what our deputies are worried about not the people overdosing or who have mental illnesses little petty stuff like this where Rick Stalely makes a comment oh they belong in the green roof dude is a complete joke and we need to get him out of there as sheriff I’m done wasting my tax dollars even the inmates you don’t even get rehabilitation or proper medical treatment… WHAT HAPPEN WITH ANTONY FENNICK????? Case closed no justice for the ones who have drugs problems and mental illnesses and also suicidal thoughts THIS COUNTY BLOWS WHERES MY TAX $$$ going too????
FlaglerBear says
This situation is similar to another in which a recent brawl where someone has his sneakers stolen led to a drive-by shooting. In this video, I distinctly heard someone say “I’m gonna get my gun.” Not one responsible person in this scenario. Even the mom could’ve stopped this in it’s tracks by calling the Sheriffs Department beforehand. She absolutely knew what was going to occur, but she closed her eyes. Idiots! All of them. We’re in big trouble. Not only as a community, but as a society.
Let The Work I Do Speak for Me says
Mary, I’m glad you had a perfect family. But saddened to know you careless about your neighbor and their kids. This is what’s wrong with the world in my opinion. Maybe what you and your husband did to raise perfect children could be taught to the rest of the world. The reality is No One is perfect. All of us have fallen short at sometime in our lives. Unfortunately it is people like you with the mentality that we are better than others so judge instead of saying what can we do to help. All I’m saying is you apparently have a value for good. Why not use that to help and encourage someone who may need it instead of judging them. You never know you just might be a Blessing to them.
The Geode says
She’ll get more punishment than those two “teen” girls who will be tried as “children” for killing a man…
JOY Mullins says
I agree it is all about upbringing. Live and act like a thug , kids do what they see. C’mon parents step up or take the punishment right along with your children for their behavior!!!!
Mark says
Trust me, Mary raised no perfect family. I know one if her children and lets just say Mary would be shocked at the things they are into. Dont throw stones Mary, your perfect house is made of glass.