A recent immigration surge brought newcomers to every state this year, helping to offset a continued drop in U.S. births while contributing to a national upswing of about 3.3 million new residents, according to new U.S. Census Bureau estimates.
Texas and Florida continued to dominate state population growth, together adding more than 1 million people from mid-2023 to mid-2024 and making up almost a third of the nation’s population increase. The state numbers include births, deaths, immigrants, and residents moving from other states.
Nationally, this year’s population growth was up from the 2.8 million increase in 2023 and the 1.9 million boost in 2022, according to state population estimates released Thursday.
The population jump — the largest single-year increase since 2001 — was buoyed by a 21% increase in net immigration.
Immigration has become a more significant factor in population changes, making up all or almost all the growth for 18 states in every part of the country this year, according to an analysis of the data by William Frey, a demographer for the Brookings Institution, a left-leaning think tank.
“This points up the importance of immigration, not just to a couple of big states but to a broad swath of our country,” Frey said. “It’s going to be very welcome in a lot of places that would not be gaining many people or [would be] losing people because of lower fertility and higher deaths.”
Immigration grew in every state, ranging from an increase of about 69,000 people in Florida and California and 57,000 in Texas, down to a few hundred in Montana and Wyoming. The growth in the immigrant population ranged from 19% in Alaska to 36% in Montana.
California and Illinois were among states that had lost residents earlier in the decade, and their growth over the past year could help both stem expected losses in congressional representation after the next nationwide census in 2030.
If the growth continues, it would trim California’s loss to three seats in the U.S. House of Representatives instead of four, and Illinois could lose one seat instead of two, said Kimball Brace, a Virginia-based redistricting expert.
Florida, where growth has slowed slightly, could gain one fewer congressional seat than predicted — three instead of four, he said.
“Clearly immigration is coming into play — a couple years ago you had people talking about California going off the deep end [with population loss] and now it doesn’t look so deep,” said Brace, president of political consulting firm Election Data Services Inc.
California ranked third in the number of new residents from July 1, 2023, to July 1, 2024, according to census estimates, with a gain of about 233,000, thanks to both immigration and people moving in from other states. The Golden State was followed by North Carolina (165,000) and New York (130,000). Illinois grew by about 68,000 and Louisiana by about 9,700.
Florida and Texas also were the leaders in percentage change, growing about 2% in that year, followed by Utah (1.8%), South Carolina, and Nevada (both up 1.7%), and Idaho and North Carolina (both up 1.5%).
Only three states had population losses for the year, of a few hundred people each: West Virginia, Vermont, and Mississippi.
In Texas, the cities of Houston, Austin, and Dallas added the most new housing last year — almost 40,000 new units among them — and are likely to be the centers of new population growth, according to a state report in November. Collin County, a Dallas suburb, is one of the state’s fastest growing areas, with more than 16,000 new housing units added last year and almost 64,000 since 2020, according to the report.
Florida’s recent growth was concentrated in Jacksonville, Port St. Lucie, Miami, Tampa, and Orlando, according to a state report this year.
A surplus of births over deaths helped most in New York, California, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Michigan.
New York City has built more housing, which helped stem net losses from people moving away, said Jan Vink, a senior extension associate at Cornell University’s Program on Applied Demographics.
That’s encouraging news for the state’s future, Vink said. In November, the university estimated that New York’s population could shrink by as much as 2 million people over the next 25 years because of low fertility rates and aging, unless those losses are offset by new arrivals in the form of immigration or people moving from other states.
Texas, the Carolinas, Florida, and Tennessee had the largest numbers of new residents moving in from other states, although the numbers were down in all those states from the previous year as high interest rates and housing prices led more people to postpone moves.
A Concerned Observer says
Sorry sports fans. “A recent immigration surge brought newcomers to every state this year” is NOT positive indicator (how many of those were illegal?). I would much rather do with less people overall and no illegal immigrants. Back in the 1800’s and early 1900’s the US was far less populated and any new people were a good thing. However, that was when immigrants processed through Ellis Island, had to exist on their own, learn to speak, read and write English and assimilate into their new land. They did not expect their new land to change to accommodate them. If their language and customers mean that much to them, stay where they are. Be a contributing member of our society, not a dreg on our economy. Fix their own countries problems, don’t bring them here.
Billy says
20 million illegals with cause that , pretty easy to figure that out.
Atwp says
And Trump said he will get millions of immigrants out of this country. I hope he is successful. Who will work the food fields, roofing, and other jobs the special privileged group of people will not do. I this country fail under Trumps leadership, the Republican Leadership stinks. I would like for this anti African American state of Florida fail under Trumps puppet Desantis. Time will tell.
Ed P says
How did the roofs and fields get worked before the border was thrown open?
Maybe wages will adjust upward to entice people to do those jobs that all the liberals think we need illegals to work for sub par wages?
Sounds a bit demeaning, doesn’t it? We need to exploit illegals? When you look at it this way, it doesn’t sound so good.
Laurel says
How did the roofs and fields get worked before the border was thrown open? The roofs and fields got worked by immigrants, and I can tell you, they worked (and work) a lot harder than their American counterparts.
Who, just who, pray tell, will replace them? We have talked to many small business owners, and small business workers, and across the board, they complain that they have a really hard time getting, and keeping, help. For more than a decade now, people, for the most part, do not want to do labor. They don’t even want to do high paying labor jobs. They don’t show up for days, then just pop in like nothing happened. They blatantly play with their phones. They call in and tell their bosses they are not coming in because “it’s too cold,” here in Florida. Now days, they all want to be “influencers” and podcasters, or have a *show* on YouTube. That’s fine, but it’s not for everyone who pursues it.
The immigrants show up. The immigrants work and get it done. The immigrants do not waste our time or our money. The immigrants complete work in a day that Americans have a hard time completing in a week, should they come to work. I’ve seen it over and over. Go to a labor intense job, and watch for yourself. Who is there?
You call their willingness to work exploitation? Maybe Governor Sarah Sanders’ new looser child labor laws will help.
Change the channel, Ed, you’re smarter than this.
Ed P says
I understand your opinion. However, there isn’t any verifiable information in your post. It’s called anecdotal.
I’m not suggesting that we suspend immigration, just wide open illegal immigration. We can’t sustain the influx we’ve experienced in the last 4 years.
Even the bluest of blue major cities are feeling the crush. New York City’s cost over the last 2 years is 5 billion and estimated to double if changes are not made. Tax payers can not afford the costs. Our country is broke, look at the debt.
Finally, it’s not about changing channels, it’s about seeking facts and truth while remaining realistic.
Laurel says
Ed P: Like I mentioned previously, go to a labor intense job site, and see who is “verifiable.” Go talk to small business owners, such as lawn care, dry wall, plasterers, roofers, plumbers and some larger business companies such as slaughter houses and farms, and see how “anecdotal” it is to find and keep help. Somehow, do you figure these companies are going to pay more to get Americans to stay on the job and work? If so, which I doubt, how do you imagine it will effect your costs?
I agree that immigrants should be legal. Totally. But when your President-elect gets in office, and starts sending people away who HE determines to be “illegal,” threatening internment, and sending family members along with them, sending Dreamers to places they don’t know, just so he can keep his followers riled up with fear and anger, then you lost me.
By the way, these people, half of America seems to hate, in just the last four years, do go to work, buy shoes, buy clothes, pay the rent, buy food, buy gas and put money back into the economy.
To fix the problem properly, it should be done bipartisan, not by authoritarianism.
Ed P says
Just to clarify, criminals and bad actors go first.
None of which want to participate in our society like law abiding citizens.
The magnitude of the issue, ie the sheer number, could require at least a full decade or longer to remove most of these undesirables. The government wheels turn slowly and inefficiently.
Just because “cost” for labor is the basis for your acceptance of illegal immigrants is not enough.
You are also endorsing exploitation. You openly boast that the illegals work harder and cheaper than American Citizens. They do the “shit” jobs.
Finally, I doubt that half of America hates the group. I agree a portion of their income recycles into the economy, along with billions of dollars of welfare. Yes taxes and social security are paid on a major portion of their earnings. But not all. They also send home a modest percent of their wages to support family.
The current costs for housing, food, medical, transportation, education, and law enforcement is currently exceeding their contributions. It may or may not balance out and as uncomfortable as the reality that only a small percentage of asylum seekers actually qualify. It’s fact.
The issue of 95%, 90%, or 85% of those that don’t, what is your solution?
Hope and prayer, or to do nothing won’t work.
Do a little research to understand why a sweeping amnesty would bankrupt multiple future generations before you suggest.
Atwp says
Ed please go to the fields, roofs, and other backbreaking jobs, and please carry Trump and Desantis with you. Report to somebody as to how it was. You all would not last ten minutes.
feddy says
Who will work the food fields, roofing and other jobs? Actual immigrants, not illegals.
Laurel says
Okay, feddy, I’m with you! I agree! But now that Trump has demonized immigrants, has separated children from their parents, threatens to remove all HE deems as illegals, and their families, change the Constitution, threatens interment camps, and in general, has blatantly lied about them, he has done exactly what Hitler has done, for one reason, and one reason only, his vote. Not for you, not for me, not for immigrants, but for his own aggrandizement.
He stifled a bipartisan agreement for his own, personal ass saving to stay out of prison. Don’t buy into it anymore, find people who are willing to actually fix the problem.
Matthew says
a: a person who is not of a particular group or place is an alien
b: a foreign-born resident who has not been naturalized and is still a subject or citizen of a foreign country
uk /ˈɪm.ɪ.ɡrənt/ us /ˈɪm.ə.ɡrənt/
a person who has come to a different country in order to live there permanently:
Immigrants go through the naturalization process & swear an oath of allegiance to America.
Illegal aliens do not THAT IS THE DIFFERENCE, and likely never will as they typically have no desire to do so, otherwise they would come into our nation at one of the legal points of entry and begin the process.
“Immigrant” is not a term used universally to refer to those living in a country other than their birth country. Other often-used terms include “migrant,” the “foreign born,” and “international migrant.”
“Immigrant” is a term used by the left in an effort to legitimize entering our nation illegally.
Thankfully very soon there will be a mass exodus of illegal aliens from our nation.
Laurel says
Matthew: I am not a part of your “left,” but I disagree with your summation. I do agree with the term “illegal aliens” over the term “undocumented workers” but I disagree with your across the board “mass exodus.” This is all Trump inspired fear and hatred of another. If the parties would stop being influenced by an authoritarian bully, and white supremacist, and work across the isle, this problem could be solved. Trump does not see this as an advantage to his own, personal promotion, and apparently, he is correct. Y’all fell for it. It worked, even though it has not effected you personally.
Matthew says
Hello Laurel: I don’t have a particular “left” nor am I accusing you of being such. Though I am certain that you will agree with me there are plenty of psycho left-wing Nut Job Communists out there who have hijacked the Democratic Party and moved it so far to the left that anybody who used to be in the center is now on the right. Without attempting to sound like I am trying to find fault with you, which I am not, you appear to have Trump derangement syndrome pretty badly. I would implore you to listen to what president Trump actually has to say rather than listening to what someone tells you that he is saying, Yes you get to make up your own mind on this point. It is highly presumptuous of you to project what you claim president Trump is thinking. You may consider reframing your statements in the future, to indicate that it is your opinion of what he is thinking, rather than claiming to actually know what he is thinking. President Trump is not inspiring fear and hatred; he is merely attempting to enforce laws that are already on the books and have been there for quite some time. No group of people have the right to break into our nation illegally no matter what the circumstance is in their home country. All migrants are able to come legally and that is all anybody is saying that they should do. Because this problem of illegal entry into our nation has been allowed to go on unchecked for so long it has become a larger problem than it used to be. Big problems require big Solutions and this will be no easy change for our nation, But the only way forward that is right correct and just for all parties involved, Is yes, Mass deportation of all illegal aliens in our nation, Get in line with the other Millions who are already in it and become a naturalized citizen taking the oath to our nation like they should. I’m confident to say that if you try hard enough you can find people in your grocery store or whatever Social Club you belong to who are naturalized citizens and have gone through the trouble of becoming legal members of our nation, Ask them how they would feel if Mass clemency was granted to all illegal aliens.
The only reasonable path forward is to remove all of them and make them get in line, not because of hatred but because those are the laws that we have set up governing our nation.
Laurel says
Oh my gosh Matthew! First, let me tell you how I independently think:
Republicans want to take everything away from the middle class.
Democrats want to give everything away from the middle class.
Nobody told me that.
You are very wrong on how I think and who influences me. I have listened to Trump, and he is a full blown shyster. I have watched his body language, I have listened to his verbal “weave,” many, many times. That’s how I can quote him.
Now, you tell me, that when Springfield Ohio business owners stated that the LEGAL Haitian immigrants were welcome and doing great work, why did Trump say about Haitians “They are eating the dogs. They are eating the cats. They are eating the pets of the people that [sic] live there”? Go ahead, you tell me what he was thinking.
Then, tell you genius Vice President-elect that Haitians are from Haiti, not “Haitia.”
Matt says
Good evening Laurel, I hope that this note finds you well.
I must start off by repeating myself a little, “Without attempting to sound like I am trying to find fault with you, which I am not” your last response sounded as if I am finding fault with you which I am NOT. however,
Your 2nd & 3rd sentences in your answer do not indicate your “independent thought” that the 1st sentence promises to explain.
I am not trying to nor have I told you “how you think” or “who influences you” & you don’t explain HOW Trump is guilty of what you claim that he is.
It is FOR SURE that he has seems like an unusual & bombastic way of communicating verbally. I have met and spoken with people who were from the same area where Trump is from and they have similar traits.
The following is an excerpt From Webster’s Dictionary.
white supremacist ; noun
: a person who believes that the white race is inherently superior to other races and that white people should have control over people of other races.
now that this point is established, would you kindly explain what behavior Trump has engaged in to lead you to the conclusion that in fact he is a “white supremist” I am NOT attempting to defend Trump, simply understand WHY you claim what you claim about him.
FWIW I too consider myself to be primarily a free thinking “centrist” & am not defending “Republicans” & observe lots of crazy behavior from Democrats.
I didn’t hear any Springfield Ohio Residents espousing and benefits of having all those Haitians thrust upon them, nor did I go to Springfield to speak to them, The Biden admin. doing a mass importation of them smacks of impropriety, similar to many other actions from that administration.
I did hear numerous people interviewed complaining about the situation, and reasonably so. AND certainly I am not able to tell you or anyone else “what Trump is thinking” I am not a mind reader, nor do I claim to be.
That is enough for now. I hope that you are in the middle of a lovely holiday season. Stay safe.
Derrick redder says
Stop trying to justify the invaders.
The numbers for our future workforce are here. Just have to kick em off welfare and off of moms couch.
Billy says
Thanks to Biden‘s open border policies our country will become a Third World country like central america an Mexico‘s. In 5 to 10 years after they repopulate, won’t recognize the United States. It’ll look just like Mexico and all the rest. Biden and the democrats destroyed our country!
Atwp says
Billy did the Democrats destroy our country? I think you are wrong. If the country is destroyed by the Democrats, why are you still here? Go and try to live in another country, or better still try to live with Donald Trump. That would be something to see, you and your family living with Donald Trump, what a laugh.
Joe D says
Repeatedly, I am astounded at the HATE spewing from many of these comments about immigration. And I’m sure MANY of you consider yourselves CHRISTIANS! I remember the hymn in Church, that has the lyrics: “And they KNOW we are CHRISTIANS…by our LOVE…by our LOVE….” No much LOVE for others I’m seeing, going around recently.
My German/French Great Grandfather and Great Grandmother immigrated from Germany to Baltimore ( and 2 years later to the factories of southern Pennsylvania) over 100 years ago. They did so to escape RELIGIOUS persecution in Germany AND for new opportunities for their family in the US. He was a skilled machinist. They stayed with local relatives, got jobs, were assisted by their local Catholic Church community. My Grandfather (and his younger siblings ) were born in the United States (his older siblings were born in Germany), my Grandmother spoke NO ENGLISH, only German.
One thing I never asked my relatives was were my Great Grandparents “US citizens” at the time of my US BORN grandfather, great Aunts and Uncles were born (birthright citizenship was not an issue until recently)? There was no “quota” of allowed immigration (to the best of my knowledge) back then, like there is now, but you did have to have a place to live, and (hopefully) a job waiting when you arrived.
Back then however, there was no public assistance, no food stamps, no Medicaid. You came, you took care of yourself, with SPONSORS (friends or relatives who took you in), and religious community associations. You got a job, you bettered your life position.
Again I stress ( as I have in prior posts) the only non-immigrant US residents now are the descendants of American Native born Indigenous people…EVERYONE ELSE is an immigrant, or a descendant of an immigrant…think about it! Kind of nice, once YOU have the PRIVILEGE of US citizenship, you want to slam the door shut for people arriving after you.
You want to talk about deportation? Who do you think picks your apples, peaches, green beans, tomatoes? Who works as food service and hotel workers , roofers, and highway workers, food processing plants? Lots of US citizens won’t TOUCH those jobs, because of the hard work and low pay…but subtract them from the working population, and what do you get? $5 apples? $15 Big MACs? That’s what it’s going to cost to get enough US citizens to do the jobs, if st all ! Believe me, very few “illegal immigrants” are taking WELL PAYING jobs away from US citizens. And the joke of “them” taking so called “BLACK JOBS?”…REALLY?…my oldest son’s black partner is a Masters Prepared Clinical Social Worker, my daughter’s black husband is an Aerospace Engineer pursuing his Masters degree, my younger son’s wife is a black/ Hispanic ATTORNEY! What immigrants are going to take their jobs, but TRUMP will say (and do) ANYTHING, to get votes ( and it worked)!?!
My German MATERNAL Grandmother and my Irish Maternal Grandfather owned a farm in southern Pennsylvania. They could not have survived with the help of migrant farm workers to plant in the spring and then rotate back through the states in the fall for the harvesting.
People talk about “legal” immigration. Well, depending on the country you are coming from, your country’s arbitrary immigration “quota” could be FILLED for the next 10 years! That really needs to be looked at.
Now we just ALL ( both the 49.9% who voted for Trump and the 48.3% who voted for Harris…1.6% difference…some “landslide” they are lying about too), are going to have to live with the consequences…GOD ( and I mean that in the most RESPECTFUL terms) HELP US.
You can now let the HATE SPEECH continue….as I know it will. At least (for now anyway), I have the right to SPEAK it without legal consequences… not sure THAT will survive the next 4 years!…How VERY SAD!
PS: if you REALLY want to have people RESPECT your opinions, you need to either learn how to spell, learn basic 4th grade grammar or at LEAST run your comments through SPELL CHECK, before you hit the SUBMIT button (just saying).
Joe D says
Sorry, just realized (after I did a spell check sweep) I added 2 sentences, and forgot to “re-spell check” it…missing 2 misspelled words when I hit “SUBMIT” ….my apologies! 🙃
Ed P says
Joe D ,
There are several solid points in your post.
The conundrum still remains that a sovereign nation needs secure borders and a rational/organized immigration system. Even the United States can not solve all the problems of the world or take in every individual who yearns for the American Dream.
The border crisis has created challenges for the next decade and will cost trillions of dollars that we simply do not have. You can’t just provide amnesty. Mass amnesty will bankrupt future generations. The uncomfortable fact is that possibly fewer than 5 % of these asylum seekers will actually qualify for citizenship. So what are we to do with the fallout of open borders?
Maybe it’s not hate being spewed but rather frustrations and the reality and scope of the situation. Sometimes it’s not what is said, but how it’s said.
Joe D says
For Ed P:
I agree that we can’t just open the borders, and announce “Come on in!” I agree that the majority of the “asylum” requests are not going to pass muster when going through the legal process.
I would however like to see the “legal immigration” QUOTAS abolished. That said, I would like to qualify the requirements for “open border” immigration:
-you have to be sponsored or be financially self sufficient. (Most people don’t know that until recently….someone, …I’m sure, will correct me, I’m sure….for a PRICE …yes…you could BUY your US citizenship…now that was Set at SEVERAL MILLION per citizenship request…I think that has recently been discontinued after the negative publicity it generated).
-you have to have a VALID job confirmation that will support you and your dependents without public assistance for 5-10 years after arrival.
-you shouldn’t be using Food Stamps for 5-10 years after arrival.
-you shouldn’t be using Medicaid for 5-10 years after arrival.
I’m open to immigration, but I agree, we just can’t become the free social support country for the ENTIRE WORLD.
But the idea that such a system will make the US a third world country is RACIST!
No one had any issues when those immigrants were from (white) Eastern Europe. But when immigrants started coming from China, Africa, South America, Southeast Asia, the acceptance attitude suddenly changed!
How SAD!
Matthew says
Racism has nothing to do with it, from my PoV. All are welcome but must come legally. No matter what country they’re from, What part of that can’t you understand?
People complain about the current crop of invaders because there are so many of them & they are entering illegally. Not because of their race. If Sweden, Ireland, Norway or any other primarily Caucasian country had millions & millions & millions of invading illegals, people here would complain as well, & justifiably so. As citizens of this nation we have the right to secure sovereign borders.
Without going through the naturalization process and taking the oath, any illegal alien remains a member of a foreign nation. That leads to a multitude of problems.
All are welcome but they must come legally.
Become a U.S. citizen through naturalization.
Naturalization is the process of voluntarily becoming a United States citizen. Learn about the steps that lead to U.S. citizenship, including the naturalization test.
What are the requirements for U.S. citizenship?
To be eligible for U.S. citizenship, you must meet certain eligibility requirements. These include being:
#1) At least 18 years old when you apply
#2) Able to read, write, and speak basic English. (depending on age)
#3 Of good moral character
You must also be in one of these categories:
A) Lawful permanent resident (Green Card Holder) of five years
B) Married to a U.S. citizen and lawful
permanent resident for three years
C) U.S. military service member (active duty or
D) Child of a U.S. citizen
The following is the last paragraph in the dedication/unveiling speech of the Statue of Liberty.
” There is room in America and brotherhood for all who support our institutions and aid in our development. But those who come to disturb our peace and dethrone our laws are aliens and enemies forever” Senator William M. Evarts 10/28/1886
Racism plays no part in it.
Laurel says
Joe D: I agree with you on most points…but two:
1.) There were plenty of issues against Italians and the Irish. Europeans were not excluded from bigotry.
2.) This land was stolen from immigrants. Native Americans migrated here from China.
Everyone is descended from immigrants.
Matthew says
1.) Thank you for making my point for me, as I was saying earlier.
Your preaching to the choir, & this isn’t a contest, but, I tell the following so that YOU understand that I know personally of the bias, migration & bigotry.
Both sides of my family immigrated to America in the early 1850’s actually escaping British oppressions & famine from Ireland, entering LEGALLY like numerous other Irish born. Even though they came legally & had legitimate claims to seek asylum & were Caucasian, they were whole heartedly rejected, often with violence, by the people already living here at the time, many of whom were 1’st gen immigrants themselves. At that time Irish were considered to be LOWER on the social scale than blacks who at the time were still legally allowed to be purchased, traded & owned like property, (like horses or similar to your car) slaves. Within a generation those former Irish, now Americans because they went through the naturalization process & took the oath of allegiance, became land owners, elected to public office and respected, trusted members of American society. apparently we agree white ppl ARE able be biased against other white ppl.
The point here is that it’s not the nationality of the current crop of invaders, it’s the overwhelming numbers of them. even when there is only a couple hundred of the annually , that is still not okay. MUST COME LEGALLY.
2.) You will get NO dispute from me that this land was taken by force from ppl who were here already when the Europeans arrived. Those ppl took it by force from others before them, throughout history as long as man has been walking on the earth that has been happening. WE, you and I, just happen to be here now in this short timespan in history, in this nation, I am proud to say that I am part of.
YES everyone is descended from immigrants even “native Americans.”
These points STLL do NOT give any illegal alien the right to break into our nation, THEY MUST COME LEGALLY.
Matthew says
Have you heard this recent news of the State of Oklahoma being cut in half?
the Supreme Court is upholding a treaty with Indians from 196ish years ago.
This will be interesting to see how this plays out.
Foresee says
Overweight out of shape lazy self entitled gringoes should try farm field work, or work on a hot roof in blazing sun, or dig ditches for a day and see how it feels. The immigrants you despise so much would outwork you and get more done in an hour than what would take you all day, if you lasted more than an hour. “You don’t know what you’ve got til it’s gone.”
Matthew says
[Please comply with our comment policy. Thank you.–FL]
Let’s have a look at what the Mexican govt. Does to people who enter Mexico illegally.
You’ve got it ass backwards there Poncho. It’s not a contest to see who can dig the most ditch. Typically illegal aliens aren’t “despised” it’s just that you’re here illegally, aside from all of the problems that generates.
I grew up on a dairy farm, like so many of us, & I continued doing so through my 20’s many of us know exactly what it’s like to do some hard work. It sounds like you are ungrateful to be here in the land of milk & honey. Either get naturalized & take the oath of allegiance or go back to where you came from.
Foresee says
Your parent’s farm? Apparently you were able to leave after your 20’s for better opportunities. Was the hard work too much for you? Greener pastures elsewhere? So self entitled.
Matthew says
There’s nothing self entitled about being dirt.Poor and working your ass off Your entire childhood into young adulthood.
The orphanage I lived on owned the farm, yeah, it was a sort ov indentured servitude but for adolescent children, how’s that for entitled,JACK WAGON.
Point was, Which apparently totally escaped you, was
not just me but plenty of people in our population know full well what it’s like to have sweat running down the crack of your ass. Clearly unlike you.
Personally, I long for country living , but after getting old enough I was sent away from the orphanage with a suitcase of some clothing & a one hundred dollar bill. If that’s your description of entitled, you are completely out of touch.
Foresee says
Why would you presume that my statement meant all Americans, or for that matter my heritage is Mexican? Forgive my presumption about your history. It is curious, though, that with your background you would not sympathize with people fleeing poverty, drug related gang violence and death threats, and other life threatening conditions. At least you had a hundred dollar bill. An acquaintance of mine (not Mexican) arrived in the US with 25 cents to make a phone call to a relative when she got here and she told me she was grasping the quarter so tightly during her journey that it left it’s imprint in the palm of her hand. No need for “Poncho” racial slurs or “Jack Wagon” hate speech.
Deborah Coffey says
Well, this article certainly brought out all the bigots and haters! They just voted for America to become a third world country but, they can’t see through their bigotry and hatred…yet…and the heavy, heavy price they are about to pay for it. The worst part is that they call themselves “Christians.”
Matthew says
Racism bigotry prejudice or hate do NOT play any roll in it.
Although saying so is a gaslighting false claim often used by lefties when they have no value in their point of view, you just hate people who disagree with your unhinged view point.
You must have missed the part that goes like this “all are welcome but must come legally”
I’ll give you another chance to
Explain how allowing millions of illegal aliens into our nation is right, good or okay.
Matthew says
I did not presume that you meant all Americans.
The jack wagon term was well earned, so you shouldn’t be surprised at receiving it & now that you have don’t whine about it.
Stop with the double standard, somehow for you it’s okay to refer to me as “gringo” but the instant I respond with poncho, you falsely accuse me of being hateful. All while avoiding the subject of conversation about falsely presuming “privilege” particularly since nobody knows anything or can see about how “privileged” anyone is on a chat board.
YES, it’s difficult to have meaningful conversation when you keep avoiding the subject & falsely accuse/claim “racism, prejudice, & hate, all bc you have no valid PoV or legitimate statement about the subject at hand.
Foresee says
You can dish it out but you sure can’t take it when prejudice is thrown back at you. You’re not fooling anyone (except yourself) when you claim your statements represent an unbiased view that “Racism bigotry prejudice or hate do NOT play any roll in it.”
Matthew says
Just following the law that’s been well established .
Leave your tender emotions out of it.
Foresee says
Laws like Dred Scott v Sanford or Plessy v Ferguson? Just nobly following the LAW! Nothing to do with prejudice….
Matt says
your comparison is absurd and or ludicrous
ab·surd əb-ˈsərd
: ridiculously unreasonable
ludicrous; ˈlü-də-krəs
1: amusing or laughable through obvious absurdity, incongruity, exaggeration
2: meriting derisive laughter or scorn as absurdly inept, false, or foolish
This is why. This current chat in what is soon to be 2025 is focused on the mass invasion of illegal aliens into our nation and the CURRENT immigration laws on the books, which, as you well know is what I was referring to, yes, we should follow those laws & these laws are not racist. You want to compare that with what was happening in our nation (Plessy v. Ferguson) 129 years ago and (Dred Scott v. Sanford) 168 years ago respectively. There are no similarities whatsoever. Although it is a common ploy to try to change the subject when you have no valid point to offer.
For your benefit I’m reposting the requirement for legal application of citizenship. If you’re still reading this scroll through it and explain what part is racially biased.
To be eligible for U.S. citizenship, you must meet certain eligibility requirements. These include being:
1- At least 18 years old when you apply
2- Able to read, write, and speak basic English (depending on age)
3- Of good moral character
You must also be in one of these categories:
1- Lawful permanent resident (Green Card holder) of five years
2- Married to a U.S. citizen and lawful permanent resident for three years
3- U.S. military service member (active duty or veteran)Child of a U.S. citizen
Now is your chance to explain.
Pogo says
@FlaglerLive moderators
As stated
Make of this what you will. Me? This thread is crawling the droppings of a trump kook/flame warrior; worse still, apparently is a local LEO.
David Schaefer says
Kick tRUMP and the rest of those right wing idiots out of the country first then deal with the immigrants next….
Matthew says
Yeah, who’s the Nazi/fascist now.
Do you realize that the Nazi party called themselves socialists.