For the first time, the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office will pair its annual National Night Out with its inaugural Halloween Trunk-or-Treat event on Oct. 6 at the Rymfire Elementary bus loop, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
The event will be drive-thru only, though children will receive batches of Halloween candy and vehicles will be allowed to slow down or stop to look at the law enforcement equipment on display and speak with deputies.
“We’re going to let the drug dealers pay for the candy,” Sheriff Rick Staly said, “with drug-seized assets. We’ve ordered Halloween bags with safety messages on [them], and we’re going to stuff them with different things from the Sheriff’s Office like we normally have to give out.”
Staly has wanted to have a sheriff’s hosted Halloween event since he took office, but lacking a building since June 2018–the agency had to evacuate its operations center in Bunnell when the building turned sick–he’s not been able to. With National Night out getting delayed because of Covid, he and agency officials determined that they could combine the event with trunk-and-treat at Rymfire to counter the isolation children have been enduring.
“I think the community and the kids need to have some normalcy back in their lives,” the sheriff said. “It’s been a long six, seven months, and I think this will help that a little bit.” Other organizations, among them the Florida Agricultural Museum and the Palm Coast Fire Department, have been cancelling their traditional Halloween events, namely because those events took place indoors, where the likelihood to catch the disease in groups is higher.
National Night Out is an annual community-building campaign that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make neighborhoods safer, more caring places to live. National Night Out enhances the relationship between neighbors and law enforcement while bringing back a true sense of community. https://natw.org.
Much like during a traditional National Night Out event, guests will be able to speak briefly with deputies and learn some quick facts about the vehicle and the specialized unit it supports. Additionally, upon entry, drivers will also receive an sheriff’s “Goodie Bag” containing valuable safety information and giveaways for adults.
“By combining both events it’s another great way for our deputies to interact with our local kids and ensure that our Flagler families are able to celebrate Halloween safely. We can’t wait to see you all soon,” STaly said.
Rymfire Elementary is at 1425 Rymfire Drive in Palm Coast. For more information, visit the sheriff’s web page.
ChChChChanges says
These two events should be seperate. “Staly has wanted to have a sheriff’s hosted Halloween evet since he took office.” Unfortunately this Halloween is being used as an another opportunity for the Sheriff’s department to once again create a spectacle and draw attention to itself… “Slow down or stop to look at the law enforcement equipment on display.”
“By combining both events it’s another great way for our deputies to interact with our local kids and ensure that our Flagler families are able to celebrate Halloween safely.” Since you’re concerned with celebrating safely, I’m assuming your deputies will be wearing masks when they interact with families right?
“I think the community and the kids need to have some normalcy back in their lives” Yes, I agree. Aside from Covid-19, there are protests taking place across our nation that have shed light on a growing need for some “adjustments” and self reflection within current police culture. MOST people expressing this concern are law abiding citizens capable of critical thinking and not criminals and anarchists some paint them to be. If building community relationships is truly important than perhaps officers who attend this event “dress it down” a little and refrain from all the flexing, flashing lights and showing off big toys. Let the kids enjoy their Halloween with Halloween related things and let the community know you are there for them if they need it. If parents or kids need your assistance to protect and serve while they enjoy Halloween, they will be in touch. You’ve got my support as a community organizer but please tone it down as a Sheriff.
Uncle Sammy says
Boy, you can tell its ELECTION TIME in Palm Coast !!!!
FlaglerLive says
We asked the sheriff about that. His answer: “The timing is the timing but I’m still the sheriff and we’re still going to provide for and support the community.”
Steve says
Yeah Trick or Treating is alive and well.
tulip says
I think that putting out a police display like Staly says they are going to do is going to take away the ambience of Halloween for the kids. And also they were going to stuff the trick or treat bags with police info? Halloween theme is pumpkins, ghosts and witches, not cop cars, equipment and advertising materials.
Are the schools of somebody else having Trunk or Treats this year, if so, I’d only go there. JMO
Jane Gentile-Youd says
Enough already Sheriff. Who is paying for all these shows?
eddie walsh says
great job as always by sheriff staly and his members.
Concerned Local says
What a nightmare that was. Not well thought out as it punished the people of the area neighborhood that could not get home after work due to traffic blockages. A little better planning would help people get home from work in less than two hours. FAIL