Flagler County Sheriff’s detectives are investigating a shooting that took place Tuesday evening at the intersection of Palm Coast Parkway and Harbor Center Way, the short, one-way street between the two directions of the Parkway, off of the Island Walk shopping center.
No one was injured. The alleged assailant is at large.
“The first call came in at 7:13 p.m. from a witness who saw someone get out of the suspect’s vehicle and fire a round at a white cargo-style van stopped at the intersection, a large white van,” a Flagler County Sheriff’s spokesperson said this morning. “The van’s rear door was struck three times by 9mm bullets, and then the light turned green and both the victim’s vehicle and suspect vehicle turned on to Old King’s Road. The victim pulled over and waited for law enforcement, and witnesses lost sight of the suspect’s vehicle around Farragut Drive.”
The spokesperson added: “It looks like it was a road rage incident, and through the investigation, speaking with the victim and witnesses there seems to be some conflicting information, which is why they’re now asking for the public’s assistance.” In other words, “something wasn’t adding up from what they were being told last night.”
The sheriff’s office has not yet released any of the details regarding 911 calls or an incident report, and detectives were meeting about the incident between 9:30 and 10 this morning, after being at the scene last night. Videos from nearby businesses are being examined, when available.
“I believe at first the call came in from a witness and not from the suspect or a victim,” the spokesperson said.
It is of course still an active investigation, and detectives are seeking the public’s help in providing information. The public may do so by calling the sheriff’s non emergency line at 386/313-4911, and mentioning case number 2020-11588, or by calling CrimeStoppers at 1-888-277-8477 (TIPS) and be eligible for a reward of up to $5,000.

Tom Davies says
What are we in the ‘ole wild west, since when is an argument settled with a gun, what does a criminal think is going to happen after the fact, the just go about their business without consequences??? Like nothing happened, very little value of life
really says
Exit stage right. Folks are quick to pull and shoot over TRAFFIC. Wow, whats POTUS say low IQ.
wow says
Happy about all the guns. I feel so much safer.
Definite Trouble says
Wild Wild West?!
Dennis says
Palm Coast is turning into the likes of Jacksonville, Orlando, or Daytona. Just wait for all the section 8 units to be filled up at Town Center. Then take cover, you’ll need to. We are already considering a move out of the area.
Phillip says
Because the guns did it right?
Geezer says
A bucket of sheetrock mud was wounded but is expected to survive.
Name (required) says
Lol. Good luck with that. There are enough cameras in that vicinity to give a full report of the shooters colon, let alone description. Good luck pal. Clock is ticking. May wanna get a lawyer. The Boys in blue are as good as at your doorstep. Pray.
Dave says
It seems like people these days think they can talk recklessly towards others without consequences. Just remember the next time you’re driving and you want to curse at someone or flick then the bird…they might just shoot you. This isnt the old days where people will tolerate others, the days of fist fights are over, people have easy access to guns and are too lazy and scared to get in a real fight.
Concerned Citizen says
I am glad no one got seriously injured.
Before we go blaming guns there are two factors at fault here.
1.) The perp who fired the shot is solely responsible for his actions. It was ignorant and there was no excuse for it.
2.) Aggresive driving which has been on the rise lately. I drive a lot for work and have seen many asshats trying to bully people. And zero enforcement from The Sherriff’s Office.
Case in point.
I drive US1 everyday and have to use the dreaded round about. Well before you approach the speed limit starts reducing gradually. It also drops to left lane. Time and time again I have folks tailgating. And several have flashed lights and honked horns with rude gestures.
News flash people. That’s a construction zone. Which means enhanced penalties for traffic offenses. My company has a zero tolerance policy for traffic tickets. I’m not catching one for you because you didn’t plan your day and commute accordingly So slow your roll and chill.
Finally all road rage is preventable. We just need to learn what respect is. And use it more often. Respect and kindness is free. Traffic violations and hospitals are not.
Fred says
Oh yea all Trumps fault . All types of weapons have been used in crimes I say we ban guns,knives,cars and anything else you can kill someone else with get rid of the police too. Life as you see it is your own fault. I imagine you have voted for all the perfect past presidents and see where you are today. Enjoy your chance to whine and cry about Trump. Got a feeling you’ll be able to do that for another 5 years
Richard says
So I guess you are more afraid of the amount of guns owned by law abiding citizens sitting at home locked up in safe places versus all of the really sicko people roaming this earth carrying untraceable stolen or illegally acquired guns, knives or any other type of lethal weapon like stolen vehicles? I know I feel safer since I am in control of my life.
Richard says
Some of the WORST drivers in this nation live right here in our neighborhoods. Their driving privileges should be revoked for life!
attila says
Maybe the army should bring back the draft so some of these punks can learn respect and discipline.
HayRide says
wonder what the statistics are for insurance about drivers in this area
Doug says
Yep, this area has turned into a huge disappointment and I only blame our elected officials for allowing it to happen.
Doug says
Not with our liberal and open border politicians.
Dave says
All these criminals love buying guns legally and using them in crimes. No need for back channel black market buys when you can jus legally purchase the weapon with no problem. The way the laws are written even a terrorist can legally purchase a fire arm. Let’s work towards a gun free state!
Not even the police should be armed with guns!
James says
GUN don’t kill the person holding the gun kills so if the gunman did some thing wrong and he know ‘s he did wrong have a hanging there is gun control it would take one time to have a hanging