The Flagler County Sheriff’s Office welcomed 11 new deputies Wednesday after Sheriff Jim Manfre administered the Oath of Office to them during an afternoon ceremony held at the Sheriff’s Operation Center.
The 10 men and one woman include a retired police chief, four veterans of the U.S. military, and several deputies with college degrees.
All but one of the new deputies will be road-patrol deputies. The exception is Cleo Howe, a part-timer who will be working at courthouse. All deputies are starting at a salary of $33,012. The new deputies do not represent net additions to the sheriff’s ranks, but replacements.
“Our law enforcement family continues to grow and I welcome this diverse group of individuals to our agency and our community,” said Sheriff Jim Manfre.
The new deputies, with a brief sketch of their background, are as follows:
- Cleo Howe, 54, is a retired Police Chief from Franklin Township, New Jersey with 25 years of law enforcement experience. Howe has a Master of Science degree in Criminal Justice.
- Carl Parker, 47, served with the United States Navy and was employed as a government contractor for Homeland Security. Parker has a Master of Science degree in Criminal Justice.
- Christopher Alecrim, 25, has a Bachelor of Science degree in Criminology and has worked in retail. Alecrim is a former Flagler Sheriff’s Explorer.
- David Berriozabal, 25, has a Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice and previously worked in the lawn care/landscaping industry.
- Emmanuel Cardenales, 27, served with the United States Air Force as a munitions handler. Cardenales has a Bachelor of Science degree in Air Traffic Management.
- Shayna Favorite, 23, has worked as a home health aide, providing in-home patient care and
worked in the food service industry. - John Collins, 27, is currently active military serving the Army National Guard as a Private First Class. Collins has worked in the food service industry.
- Andrew Cangialosi, 28, served with the United States Navy as Master at Arms.
- Aaron Beausoleil, 22, has worked as a security officer and in the food service industry.
- James Crosbee, 25, has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Criminology and has worked as a patient companion at Florida Hospital Flagler.
- Anthony Monreo-Warren, 28, is originally from Korea and has served with the United States Army/National Guard as a Sergeant.
KB63 says
This is a bad joke. How many people did he fire or help voluntarily resign, one even taking his own life? The ones who had been on the force for years, had experience and were making a decent wage. Now he can hire all these for low wages with no experience? Pathetic.
sorrysomeonehastosayit says
Well at least none of the new military recruits are coming in with PTSD, thank god, we dont need anymore innocent lives taken by people with SEVERE mental health issues.
ryan says
Sounds like a good group of recruits. for those who may think differently, veterans make great cops and have a lot of fire discipline.
The Real Bunnell Resident says
Wow! I am happy for this group of new hires except for their pay. A brand new private in the military would receive $37,988 a year using the housing allowance for zip code 32110, food allowance, and basic pay. (This calculation would be for a married Soldier. Not to mention free health care, housing and food allowances would be tax free, better educational benefits, etc. how about getting some well deserved pay raises for our law enforcement and other county employees!
gmath55 says
Sad the pay is so low for these people.
transplant says
Mostly all babies with little to no experience. Makes no sense to me why those with experience were let go to bring on board premies. These people dont know this county and possess no law enforcement experience. Makes me feel not confident in being protected. Nothing like bringing another friend down from New Jersey Manfre and giving him a job…is he the highest one paid of the 11? Keep watching, Staley has something in store for you Jim.
[Note: The article specifies that all deputies are starting at the same rate of pay.–FL]
John Smallberries says
They make up for it in overtime and benefits, something that teachers don’t get.
Rob says
Although the military pay quote is accurate, how many privates are married and collecting a housing and food allowance? A vast majority are single and living in the barracks, drawing a base pay of $18.5K yearly. I would presumably put your number closer to 20K for a private, if not lower. Everyone has to start somewhere, and then the cream rises to the top. Yes a far cry from what Manfre makes, but I personally know Osceola county deputies making over 70K less than 10 years in, with the same backgrounds as these candidates. Let their talents show, and then they will be rewarded accordingly.
John Smallberries says
How would you know? Unless they’re being accommodated for it under the ADA and they divulge it, you never will.
anonymous says
Not much overtime these days and the benefits are being chipped away. After you strip pension and health insurance costs out of that 33k, there’s not much left.
Ray Thorne says
Make up for it in overtime? Well I wonder how much overtime there is? Enough for everybody? I dont think so. You don’t make up for a poor salary by having to rely on overtime. I suppose the family and personal life should be non exixtent to make ends meet. And since you brought up teachers, the average salary of a full time tacher is more than $10,000 higher than the pay rate the deputies are receiving.
Srynotsry says
Lmao don’t spend that all in one place.
Anonymous says
some of these new deputies have lived in flagler county all their lives and know the area better
than most!!!! We should be happy that these young men and woman want to go into this field and
risk their lives for you and me!!!! May God bless them and watch over them!!!
Eileen says
Nice to see that the new guys moved up and are now gainfully employed. Especially the ones that grew up here and can now buy houses and start families. The guy from Jersey is probably already receiving a pension that is higher $$$$ than their starting salary! I’m sure that if all the tax payers all think the pay is too l
here, (especially one ones FROM up north with those nice pensions) we could all agree to raise our taxes and pay them more. I’m actually amazed at how much we do here for the pennies I pay in taxes.
LawAbidingCitizen says
not all deputies get overtime, it comes and goes and isn’t a sure thing to be there. Teachers don’t get overtime, but they do start out making more, and work 3 less months, no holiday, nights, weekends… should I go on, c’mon “John Smallberries”. They also work a more normal schedule.
Dantel says
You get what you pay for. A landscaper, cafeteria workers, home healthcare worker…..can’t blame the deputies – blame the wages.
Jon Dopp says
I have worked for FCSO for 10 years. I have an associate’s degree and I’m a detective. I make $39k. The cream doesn’t rise to the top in this agency. It stays stagnant.
Ray Thorne says
Nope. Apparently the deputies that serve our community and haven’t seen a raise in years are only worth a 1% wage increase according to the sheriff. So the deputy making $33,000 will get a whopping $330 a year.That’s a raise of less than a dollar a day. These eleven new hires still have to get through the in-house training and then training in road patrol. Hopefully they all get through it because we’ll need them patrolling our neighborhoods while the experienced deputies leave (yes they are leaving) for better pay, and working conditions.
PJ says
Wow, all those comments about low wages; now let’s vote for a tax increase next time around to support the obviously much needed pay increases! Anyone out there still in favor?
Michael says
@ PJ, I have said it for years, they need to raise taxes slightly 2-3% so that they can fix problems like this. Build new community centers, youth programs, indoor aquatic complex like a real YMCA. I do not mind paying a little more if I actually get a item in return, not just government blowing money on BS. I know all anti-tax on fixed income people will come out of the woodwork on this, but things going up are part of life. Before I hear any retired person say they are on a fixed income, so are most people in the working world, you make x amount per week and that is what you live on. Can you really expect a family of four to live on a gross amount of $635 per week, after taxes and health care you may take home $480.It will take nearly 2 and a half weeks of pay just to pay the mortgage or rent.
alp says
I’m retired and know many other retirees who support fixing problems like low wages for county and Palm Coast workers. They are also are not opposed to slight tax increases.. Don’t confuse us with the tea party white heads who make a lot of noise, but also vote. If young adults would go to the polls in the same numbers as the retirees, they might make a difference, I’m always amazed when speaking with young adults about upcoming elections that they are uninformed about the issues and candidates, don’t know that there is an election, and often aren’t even registered to vote.
Dantel says
Why raise taxes when you can cut spending like the extra lanes being put in in the city on Palm Coast Pkwy; Unneeded. Regardless where specifically the funding for that project is coming; it’s an example of waste. Funds could be redirected to public safety.
nomad says
To all those advocating increase taxes to pay them more – you do realize that the “more” will now go towards paying increase taxes since they too will have to pay the increase in taxes. Were taxes increased to give Coffey his big pay raise? To purchase the crappy hospital plus additional millions to renovate? To go ahead with building the new city hall? To pay for more chiefs (elected and non elected) than indians. Why is raising taxes the first and only solution? The more you advocate for raising taxes, the more politicians will finds ways to get you to support raising even more taxes. It’s free and easy money for them so why the heck not. But a real drain on poor families who see more and more of their income going towards higher taxes and less and less towards their economic survival.
One final observation. Why is a RETIRED police chief being given a job that should instead go to one of the 80% young college grads unable to find employment, or the MILLIONS of unemployed workers who have given up looking for work and are no longer counted in the unemployment figures, or the millions of underemployed workers willing to work fulltime. This RETIRED police chief is already collecting a handsome income from his retirement. I very much doubt he needs the income compared to the millions of others who genuinely do.
alp says
A prime example of citizens not understanding issues is city road construction funds and funding of the county’s sheriff office. County taxes and city taxes do not come out of the same pot and city taxes cannot be redirected to the county for public safety. Also note that the widening of Palm Coast Parkway’s sudden narrowing of three lanes to two is a safety issue and needed doing..
Ray Thorne says
So how many of these new hires made it through their training?
Concerned tax payer says
Great more senseless money sucking cops out on the street to get the city more money.