Last Updated: Tuesday, 12:16 p.m.
Two men were critically wounded in a shooting involving “a lot” of gunshots after midnight this morning outside 28 Seamanship Trail, Sheriff Rick Staly said from the scene.
The men involved in the shooting were identified in late morning as Tristan George, 18, who lives at the 28 Seamantrail house, and Michael McRoberts, 21, whose last known address, when he was booked at bthe county jail last July, was 72 Edwards Drive in Palm Coast.
Sheriff’s detectives are looking for a woman, a person of interest, who drove McRoberts to Florida Hospital Flagler in a dark-gray Honda Accord. McRoberts was later taken by ambulance to Halifax hospital in Daytona Beach. George was taken to Halifax directly from Seamanship Trail, by Flagler County Fire Rescue.
The case is still very murky, Staly said. Detectives have spoken to one of the two men. The other is still sedated after surgery.
McRoberts gave a false name to hospital authorities when he got to Florida Hospital: he already had a warrant out for his arrest, because of a probation violation over a grand theft conviction. (The name he gave was that of Nathaniel Blumenfeld, the brother of Trevor Blumenfeld, who was shot in November 2013 near his home in the LL Section.) He was correctly identified through Rapid ID technology. He has a long jail record and has previously faced charges as a habitual jail offender, stemming from charges of theft, burglary, illegal possession of prescription drugs, grand theft, and the like. But he does not appear to have charges or convictions for any violent-crime offenses.
“There is more to this story than we are being told by the victims,” Staly said, referring to the victims as “victims-slash-suspects.”

The shooting, he said, involved “a lot” of gunshots, according to evidence being recovered by the Crime Scene Investigation unit still at the scene. “CSI is still processing the scene but based on the evidence there was a lot.”
George was shot twice, a spokesperson later said, and McRoberts once. It’s not clear where the men were shot, though a 911 call released in early afternoon shed some light on the situation immediately after the shooting.
“My son just got shot, my son just got shot,” Michelle George, the 44-year-old mother of Tristan George, tells the 911 dispatcher in a call placed at three minutes after midnight today. She had been asleep at the time of the shooting and was woken up when her son walked into her room bleeding, and told her to call 911, according to an incident report released Tuesday.
The 911 Call From One of the Victims’ Mother
“We don’t know who it was, who was it?” she says, asking her son. She tells the dispatcher her son was shot in the back of the head but was able to talk to her. She begs for a hurried response. She doesn’t know where the shooter went, but she says “he left in a vehicle,” which she described as a two-door Mustang convertible–not a Honda Accord–driven by a girl. Further into the 9-minute call, George is heard in the background saying, “Yeah, I shot back,” and the woman tells the dispatcher that “the guns are right here,” referring to the guns in the plural.
But Michelle sounds more out of sorts than her son: someone in the background tells her to “come down” and to be quiet, as she is, he tells her, making matters worse. From the chatter in the background there are at least two men in the house, including the victim. The other is Christopher Rivera, 19, who rents a room at 28 Seamanship Trail. One of them twice tells the woman to hang up. She then appears to be having difficulties breathing, but relays the information that her son has been shot on the right side in back of the neck. The victim is heard saying that the incident happened “right in front of the house.”
“Oh my God,” the Michelle George moans, “why would they do this?” By then it’s five to six minutes into the call. Deputies have not reached the house, the 911 dispatcher tells the woman, because the woman is not telling him where the guns are. The dispatcher asks her to let him speak to her son, who seems “calmer.” But another man takes the phone and tells the dispatcher that “there is one” gun in the house but “it’s way far away from him,” meaning George. George himself, the man says, “is on the bed right now. I’ve got him upright.” The 911 dispatcher asks for the gun to be placed in a safe or a safer place.
George’s mother has been interviewed by detectives and was at Halifax hospital with her son in the middle of the afternoon.
The shooting took place outside the house but while there was the potential for neighboring houses to be struck by stray bullets, Staly said in this case the shots were concentrated on the property itself.
Neighbors said they were not familiar with the individuals in the house, saying only that they were recent arrivals to the neighborhood.
The sheriff’s office released surveillance-video captures of the car of the woman, and the woman herself, captured at Florida Hospital Flagler, in hopes of getting public help identifying the person.
By mid-afternoon, the vehicle the sheriff’s office was seeking was found–a Honda Accord–and towed to the Sheriff’s Office, and the woman was identified as Brooklynn Marino. But Marino herself is still being sought as a person of interest. She is now velieved to be driving a 2013 Nissan Altima with Florida tag IISS74.
A man walked freely outside the house, near a sheriff’s patrol car. Officials at the scene identified him as one of the renters in the house. He apparently had not been at the house at the time of the shooting. There was a kennel with a small animal inside, sitting at the edge of the property being searched. The animal was quiet. A sheriff’s spokesperson explained later this morning that it was the “family dog” at 28 Seamanship Trail, part dachshund, part chihuahua.
Staly stressed that there is no threat to the community. “I don’t think so,” he said, “so if I’m correct on what we believe the reason for this incident is, it’s very localized, it’s very specific, so I don’t think the community needs to be concerned.”
Officials were not disclosing the reason for the shooting, but based on recent patterns, the shooting appeared to have all the telltale signs of a drug matter gone wrong.
And that in fact is what they said officially as the day wore on, and as half-pound of marijuana, Adderall prescription pills, drug paraphernalia, scales, and packaging materials typically used for the sale of drugs were recovered from the house after a search.
“All indications point to criminal activity involving drugs and guns that went bad,” Sheriff Staly said. “If you deal poison in this community, this is a hazard of your occupation. I am thankful that no innocent persons were hurt. I am confident that our detectives will make arrests in the future.”
If you have any information on the location of Brooklynn Marino, please contact the Sheriff’s Office at 386-313-4911 or call Crimestoppers at 1-888-277-TIPS (8477) to remain anonymous. You could be eligible for a reward up to $1,000.00.

David S says
Here we go again….
2B Gon Shortly says
Another case of a property owned by an out of state absentee landlord.
LibLogic says
People want drugs. We can not control the manufacture and smuggling of drugs so make drugs legal.
People want guns. We will control the manufacture and import of guns so make guns illegal.
Chris A Pickett says
So this act was probably illegal in nature, so how exactly would making guns illegal have prevented this. Criminals by nature BREAK the LAW, so your reasoning is to outlaw the gun, makes as much sense as poking yourself in the eye because your foot itches. Criminals don’t care which laws they break. With guns, the “geinie” is already out of the bottle. Liberals always say,”how can you reasonably expect to round up 11 million PLUS illegal immigrants, how do you think they can “round up” over 300 million guns? Besides what is it about “shall not be infringed” do you NOT understand. That is like taking YOUR car away because your neighbor drives drunk!
Dave says
No one ever even said round up guns, plus these two are jus low level criminals , no one cares if criminals have guns, it’s the maniacs we want to keep them away from. Also this is what happens when u disturb the cycle, You lock up one low level dealer(Colon) and other wannabes will try n step in, arrest the doctors prescribing the drugs ,not the low level dealers
Sherry says
Two horrific epidemics created this = GUNS and DRUG ADDICTION. . . throw in no “responsible adult” home owner/parental supervision and you have a recipe for disaster and community degradation!
Mark101 says
Palm Coast such a peaceful little town. Not any more. Makes you wonder the damage drugs do to peoples minds, to carry out shootings not to mention theft, burglary, illegal possession of prescription drugs, grand theft,. You name it, drugs have to be a player to drive people towards these crimes.
Linzey chaffin says
Why is he not in jail?
palmcoaster says
Typical these absentee landlords get a rental contract with a couple or one person and once these tenants are in they sub let left an right to others….and often drug users and traffickers to be able to pay the rent whatever comes in handy, petty, large theft, shop lifting, as the landlord see or hear nothing being out of FL. Also some of these addicted women and young men prostitute themselves to some of the wealthy single seniors among us “calling them their care takers” while even bail them out when needed, as the courts public records show.
Steveo says
Flagler live we need to address the heroin epidemic here in palm coast !!! Just today a 23 year old female overdosed and died at Flagler Hospital! This is getting out of hand !
woody says
Welcome to the wild west.
Really says
Probably not going to work out well for them. Low level whatever lock them all up. Wanna dance with Mr. D this stuff may happen to you. Why be surprised. I expect it.smh
Anon says
God be with these boys and there families. Hopefully they learn from this miracle. May this be the reason these boys decide to work towards bettering the world and the people they share it with.
Bortsn and Raised Here says
Landlords should be required to do a criminal and credit background check on all tenants. If this was done these thugs would never have qualified to occupy the home.
Hmm says
Guns don’t shoot people. Stupid people shoot people
Anonymous says
Staly states there is no threat to the community. Quite the opposite. I have witnessed drug deals in a quiet cul-de-sac (car drives in, someone comes out, goes back in, then comes out and exchange is done through the car window). I have caught these same neighbors trespassing with breaking and entering. I have seen dozens of different people living in one rental home with no apparent means of income. When I have called the sheriffs about incidents I have been discouraged from pursuing the matter or told nothing can be done. Why not! Oh, yeh. Staly thinks there is no threat. They’re everywhere, people. We need to demand our sheriffs department DO something. Or maybe we should let the world know that Palm Coast harbors drug dealers, Federal Protection low life’s, and sex offenders (check the maps of your area). Time to clean house. Or get our own police department.