Gov. Rick Scott issued his harshest comments yet about the federal government’s guidance on how public schools should treat transgender students, but stopped short of saying whether his administration would enter the fray against the Obama administration’s controversial initiative.
Talking to reporters in Orlando during an event focused on higher education, Scott declined to directly answer whether he would push for Florida to join 11 other states that filed a lawsuit Wednesday against the guidance, which calls for students to be allowed to use restrooms and other facilities consistent with their gender identity rather than their sex at birth.
“To me, it looks like just blackmail,” Scott said, referring to the threat that schools not following the initiative could lose federal funding. “The federal government takes our tax dollars — because, remember, all their tax dollars are money that comes from our citizens all around this country — and then they give that back to us, and then they change the deal. And they say, ‘Oh, now we’re going to hold this money back from you.’ ”
A letter earlier this month from the U.S. Department of Education and the U.S. Department of Justice outlining the interpretation of federal laws barring sex discrimination in education does not itself have the force of law. But the interpretation could be used to find schools in violation of those anti-discrimination laws, commonly called Title IX. (See the letter below.)
Scott said some possible consequences of the guidance are “concerning,” but he said his administration is still reviewing the matter. Advocates on both sides of the transgender student debate argue that safety is an issue, with critics of the Obama administration saying the guidance could lead to a breakdown in school discipline or even attacks. But LGBT advocates say forcing students to use restrooms corresponding with their sex at birth could also cause problems.–News Service of Florida
Obama 2016 says
Blackmail.. LOL HAHAHA. What about the millions of dollars in rejected for high-speed rail and the Florida Medicaid program? This guy is a joke. If it was giving Christians a safe place to pray in Public Schools I am sure he wouldn’t have minded.
John says
Hopefully Florida will join the other states in suing the Obama regime. Thankfully our children go to Christian schools and do not have to be exposed to these morally corrupt policies. Call me a biggot and a racist but we have strong religious beliefs and we will not subject our children to these environments.
GY says
More of the same from a very confused Gov. His closed mind is costing our taxpayers and setting a bad example for our youth.
Donald Trump's Tiny Fingers says
Well, Florida *does* have a terrible reputation to uphold. I’m sure ucf, unf, uf, etc really don’t care about getting fafsa money.
yellowstone says
Sue’em Scott! Go get’em. Them dirty rotten folks that want tell you their version about equality, liberty and justice for all. Imagine!
Ah yes, another multi-million dollar lawsuit. We got lots of money for frivolous law suits.
I don’t suppose this guy is still running for the VP slot under THAT guy in the GOP.
Sherry says
Regarding the toilet issue. . . there is a very simple solution . . . either do away with urinals all together or have two rooms. . . one with urinals only and one with private booths (lockable doors ceiling to floor) only. Then have signs that say “Urinals” and “Booths”. . . NOT gender specific!
But, NO. . . why implement a reasonable, simple solution when there is a such convenient weapon available to use to discriminate and gin up hatred against those who are in any way “different”. We should NOT be ruled by anyone’s religion. . . we should continue to strive to be a nation of logical and reasonable LAWS!
Knightwatch says
Don’t do it Gov. How much of our taxpayer dollars have already been spent by you and Bondi fighting progress? Why not just err on the side of equal rights and let this one go.
Traveling Rep says
I am lost at how quickly the obumblfk regime is to blackmail Florida into accepting transgender (aka mentally unstable) persons claims of civil rights violations (bunk!). These tranny people have mental issues and need help. Don’t spend the money on bathrooms. Get professional help for these people instead.
Interestingly, when it comes to sanctuary cities that protect illegal immigrants that have murdered US citizens, these corrupt, waste of flesh lefties do nothing…not even threats to withhold fed funds? Civil rights? Obama etal are nothing but corrupt, morally bankrupt, flaming hypocrites.
Donald Trump's Tiny Fingers says
You don’t want to follow the federal guidelines, then maybe you shouldn’t take any federal monies.
AB says
It is interesting that folks who condemn others who are born the way they are, like to call our President names and call themselves “Christians.” They say “…call me a bigot…’ Tempting.